Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 639: The Ancients Are Not Stupid Songzhou News

Chapter 640 The Ancients Are Not Stupid Songzhou Newspaper (Fifth)

"What is a steam engine?" Li Chengqi asked along the way. He knew that Li Yi made something to make sure it was a good one.

"Steam engine, what is involved is actually a sealing problem. It doesn't have to be rubber. Steam is the gas that steams things, and the pressure is very high."

Li Yi didn't explain in detail, the physical things are quite difficult to talk about.

"Brother Yi, are you talking about driving the windmill like the wind blowing with air?" Li Chengqi understood instead.

Li Yi: "..."

He didn't know what to say, it turned out that ancient people weren't stupid, they could think of it all at once?

"Yes, blow with air, but this air..."

"Brother understand, when you blow the trumpet, the breath must be concentrated, and the flute and flute have a hole exposed, and a large amount of air rushes through, and the sound is loud."

Li Chengqi understood again and gave Li Yi an example.

"Yes." Li Yi found himself unable to say anything.

"Then you make it slowly, you can use that to replace manpower when you make it. Steam and fire are just fine, control the water and air, and blow."

Li Chengqi nodded seriously.

"Is it right? I have been boiling water all the time." Li Yi admitted.

Isn't the aircraft carrier great? His motivation is to boil water.

Even if it is a nuclear-powered submarine, it is powered by electricity or boiling water. Otherwise, where does the electricity come from?

When eating at noon, both of them stopped eating and drank.

Li Chengqi mumbled to make oily canned seafood and left. Li Yi went back to the study to copy the book.

In just a few days, the people with fields began to plant cotton and returned with cotton seedlings from Lijiazhuangzi.

Before the harvest, those who were not involved in tea picking ran to dig trenches and repair water nets.

The prisoners are also on the battlefield. They only need to provide food, not pay.

The entire Jingzhao Mansion became a large construction site, and people from other places also came to earn wages.

This is not the usual hiring of money, it is three times.

The Ministry of Households is rich and pursues speed.

Nothing happened to the court recently, Yao Chong breathed a sigh of relief.

Yao Chong came out to talk about the situation in the early morning meeting.

"In the area east of the Taihang Mountains, when young locust seedlings appeared, the local people drove chickens and ducks to eat them, and some merchants bought locusts at the price of rice, and more children went to catch them."

He talked about places where there was no locust plague on a large scale last year.

As soon as the little locust emerged, the people were anxious to take the chickens and ducks out to eat.

Merchants raise pigs and buy them at the price of grain. One catty of locusts is one catty of rice.

The children go to catch locusts, they can catch a lot of them a day, and when they come back, they will exchange rice of the same weight.

It is absolutely different for a piglet to eat a catty of locusts and a catty of rice.

The locusts are high in protein. If you raise pigs, it is cost-effective to feed the locusts with pig grass.

"The people are afraid of the locust god?" Li Longji asked again.

"The people give incense to the locust god, thank the locust **** for sending the locust." Yao Chong said dumbfoundedly.

The people know that it is most suitable to catch locusts now, and they don’t wait for the locusts to spread all over the world.

Then, while still pretending to worship the **** of locusts, the people...what are they thinking in their hearts?

"Paper, Songzhou Urgent News, Your Majesty, Songzhou Urgent News." When Yao Chong hadn't figured out the people's thoughts, a voice came from outside.

The court lady **** immediately went to look for water and oxygen bags. Now it is a habit. If there is an urgent report, this is the case, and there is sugar.

Because some people who reported urgently before ran over with one last breath, then fell to the ground, and didn't get up again.

Everything is now being supplied. Oxygen is given to the place first, and the cart is on the cart once it arrives in the imperial city.

On the way it was pushed, water was sprayed to cool down, and someone was preparing for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"I'm okay. I drank sugar water when I came back. I am Yulin Feiqi." The cart came, six carts, and obviously there were six people for this emergency report.

The person in the lead was explaining to others that he was watered all over.

"First take a few breaths of oxygen." Li Longji ordered.

So six people each held an oxygen bag and breathed depressed.

"Your Majesty, I'm all right." The leader took a few mouthfuls, and couldn't help it.

"What's the situation?" Li Longji asked with a smile.

"I, Yulin Feiqi, died of 67 brothers. I didn't bring them back. They were salted." The leader said the sad thing first.

"Yeah!" Li Longji closed his eyes.

"The Tubo attacked Songzhou City, we waited for the attack in time, killing more than 2,000 enemies, taking more than 10,000 prisoners, and another 2,000 Tubo cavalry to fight Ningyuan Town.

I flew two hot air balloons, Habayashi Feiqi, to detect the enemy's situation.

The main force directly entered Tubo, killed more than 4,000, captured more than 6,000, and rescued 3,111 people in Datang.

Currently negotiating with Tubo and exchanging prisoners, our army won a big victory. Tubo cooperated with the attack on Ningyuan Town and the army retreated urgently. "

The leader of the six who returned from Yulin Feiqi said the result of the battle.

They fought a siege to save Zhao, rescued a lot of their own people, and forced the enemy to return to defense.

"How many soldiers died in Songzhou?" Yao Chong, as a military official, thought of Songzhou rushing in front, and Yu Lin Fei riding behind.

In that way, Yulin Feiqi killed 67 people. What about Songzhou's casualties?

Yu Lin Feiqi was silent, and looked up at Li Longji.

"How much?" Li Longji asked.

"Two hundred and ninety people." Yu Lin Feiqi, the leader, gave the answer.

"How did you fight? Your Majesty." Yao Chong asked.

Li Longji nodded.

"Guo Changshi always stared at the Tubo generals, more than a thousand steps away, four shots at most, and the enemy generals are guaranteed to be killed."

Yu Lin Feiqi gave the answer, it was as simple as that.

"Yulin Feiqi died too much, right?" Yao Chong discovered the problem again.

When this person looked at Yao Chong, the contempt in his eyes showed: "Yulin Feiqi is called Yulin Feiqi, riding, attacking, and cavalry charging."

"Yulin Feiqi personally rushed into the battle?" Zhang said, muttering beside him.

"Hullin Feiqi can also line up when it dismounts. I have nothing to do with Yulin Feiqi. Is the strength of Yulin Feiqi because of the strength of the Feiqi, it is the fighting power and the soul of the army."

The man Yulin Feiqi said with his neck raised, his eyes full of pride.

"Okay, now I can exchange for many of the people of my Datang, and spread it to the world!" Li Longji was even more proud.

Your own private army is not a gorgeous soldier made with money. If you rush into the battle, you will also rush ahead.

After the Xiaochao meeting was over, the emergency report ran to various state capitals with news to spread the matter.

Everyone in the court hall, no matter who is behind it, is silent now.

The battle is won again, and the more important thing is to use money to raise soldiers, not the weak, they can go deep into the enemy's place and fight.

The most terrifying thing about an army is that it possesses the soul of the army, and Yulin Feiqi has done it.

From now on Yulin Feiqi is an invincible existence.

"Brother Yi has trained me a good soldier." Li Longji took the memorial to the Queen's palace. He was not in a hurry to revise the memorial, and said to the Queen first.

"I knew it, the training method of Habayashi's flying cavalry is different from that of other armies. Saburo, did Songzhou have news?"

Queen Wang suddenly thought that it must have been a victory, and a great victory.

"It's almost a one-to-one ratio of casualties. I believe that more people will die in Tubo in the future. They don't have the medical technology given by Yi brother."

Li Longji came over, put his arms around the shoulders of the Queen and said.

He knew that after the First World War in Songzhou, Tubo would be afraid when facing Yulin Feiqi.

Killed too hard, if it wasn't for Brother Yi to be soft-hearted, he wouldn't exchange personnel with the other party. If the people of Datang were arrested, it would not necessarily be death.

Let the Tubo captives go back, that's still fighting power.

(End of this chapter)

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