Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 827: Small differences in administration and people's livelihood

"Worked, worked, the river sand dug out last year was laid on the road and filled in."

When Bi Gou and others were eating, the light rain stopped.

The days for the Southwestern captives to rest and study writing are over. They push a wheelbarrow, take a pickaxe and a **** to soak in the sand by the river.

The river sand dug up before the arrival of last winter was cleaned up by the way. The silt was used to fatten the fields, and the river sand was put together.

In winter, it was freezing hard, after a rain, it was still hard with frost inside.

You need to plan with a pickaxe, big pieces after big pieces, put on a wheelbarrow, and pushed to the gravel road.

After the winter, the gravel pavement bulges in some places, and in some places it sinks as soon as the rain falls.

Sand and rollers must be used for leveling, otherwise it will accumulate water and continue to sink into depressions.

The people have done the work of weaving cotton and weaving sorghum stalks, and helped to build roads while there was nothing to do.

The court provided free soup, brown bread, and pickles.

The people can't get the wages, so they are conscious and will do it if they are willing to do it.

The people in Jingzhao Mansion had lost the mediocrity and harmony, and felt that they had taken advantage of it, so they hurried to return to the court.

Of course, the prisoners shouldn't be idle. Their health is better than when they were fighting with the Datang army.

To put it bluntly, when they served as soldiers, the food was not as good as when they were prisoners. The Lijiazhuangzi gave them plenty of food.

The Khitan captives were once again in charge of management. Their families were here, and they were now employed, and they didn't feel that they were captives anymore.

Leaving a group of people, they returned to Khitan to help with spring ploughing and trade arrangements. They were knowledgeable, experienced, and planned.

Sixteen guards sent a small number of people to take care of them, and for every one hundred prisoners, three people were basically watching.

The captive had no other ideas. He worked hard and learned knowledge, hoping to become an official when he returned.

Those who didn't want to go back told Lijiazhuangzi about the situation at home, and Lijiazhuangzi went to the southwest region to find someone to bring their family out.

The latest news shows that more than two thousand families have reached the boundaries of Datang, and soldiers from the southwest region will be in charge.

When it gets warmer, they will travel south along the Yangtze River, take the canal to the Yellow River, and arrive.

When I arrived at the family, I lived in a building, and couldn't live in the shack and tent I built.

Others were very angry, they were captured, their wives and children were with others.

These people suffocated their breath and worked hard, hoping to go back one day and take it back again.

Obviously let them betray them, they will not betray, there is nowhere to run.

Even if there is a chance to grab a horse, a three horses that can run through Habayashi Feiqi wheel and ride?

Sprint to the edge of the mountain and walk overland, over the mountains, Qinling, and more, how many people want to survive in Qinling?

Or go all the way west, take the plank road, and the people on the plank road won't stop you?

Therefore, they hold pickaxes and shovel, and have no other ideas.

I only hope that the person in charge of guarding them will give them a good evaluation in the notebook, accumulate more points, and exchange more resources.


"It's actually not the right time to build the road now, but it's too late to keep up."

Li Yi watched the people on Zhuangzi plow the soil on the side of the concrete road, and estimated the situation.

Just in the beginning of spring, the roads were leveled and repaired, waiting for the rain to increase and the temperature to rise.

If it is not repaired now, the amount of work in the future will be large, and the people will just be farming and have no time.

Now that I know I can't do my work to the fullest, I still have to do it.

After the repair is completed, wait for some repetitions, and then repair is simple.

There is no need to build roads in Zhuangzi, all are cement roads, and places are reserved on both sides of the road.

Turn in the manure and plant the seeds of the flowers in a few days. After summer, you can see the flowers but no shrubs.

Song De and the court ladies and eunuchs stood by to listen and study.

Learn the purpose of learning, clearly knowing that roads should not be built immediately, but roads should be built.

Administrative orders and the actual situation may not always be consistent. Many administrative orders that seem unreasonable have special considerations behind them.

Of course, this consideration does not include people's grains, and they just push it when they are harvested.

The bureaucracy is behind these considerations, not the people's livelihood.

The real consideration is to actively organize the people to replenish seedlings or change other crops as the floods rush through.

Knowing it’s late, knowing that other crops are not good enough, but it’s better than the land.

Do your best to get a quarter of the loss and compensation for the people, which is administrative flexibility.

The same is true now, knowing that you will have to fix it later, but if you don’t take the opportunity to fix it, it will cause the people to miss work.

Is it not clear to the people? They are like picking up the ground, it is better to do it than not to do it.

Li Yi told Song De and the court ladies and eunuchs these words. This is called administration and this is called people's livelihood.

"It's like fighting a war. It's just like fighting and winning by surprise. In terms of administration, it's difficult to win by surprise. It's better to do it right and try to give the people a little bit of help."

Li Yi said he went to the river to see how the river was turning.

Due to the weather, the upper reaches of the Yellow River have not yet opened the upper reaches of the river, but there is ice flowing in the lower reaches.

If the upper reaches of the river are fully opened, but a few fields are still not enough, frost floods will occur.

At the beginning, it was attacked with artillery, and then the blasting technique was good enough, so blasting was used.

If it really doesn't work, it's better to use cannonballs. The kinetic energy of the cannonballs is the greatest.

Li Yi didn't have any bombs, and fry ice noodles all the time, which was of no effect.

Therefore, if he thinks that Ling Xun can come to, he will try to drill his eyes and set gunpowder to blast.

Otherwise, Ling Xun will rush Anbei Duhu Mansion.

There was also a small ice in the Bashui, the irregular shapes collided back and forth, flowing down the water.

"What's the news from Lantian County?" Li Yi asked while looking at the river.

"No, the ice in the lower reaches was also washed away. The river there is better, and it was dredged in autumn."

Song De knows what the proprietor is asking. Lantian County is a county that Zhuangzi takes care of. It is connected to Bashui River and has many industries.

"Is there any news about Hukou Waterfall?" Li Yi asked another place.

"Yes, our people have completed the construction of the land boat there. Now the ice at the mouth of the waterfall has been washed down, and the big ice above has not been seen. It is said that we have to wait for ten days."

Song De answered immediately, it was not easy for him to be in charge.

"Just arrange things that should go on. Don't learn from Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's useless to exhaust yourself."

Li Yi looked back at Song De, satisfied, but not satisfied.

With so many deputies, take it with me, I ask you, if you let the deputies answer, how can I despise you?

Song De grinned: "It's someone else. I just took a look and remembered it."

‘Om~~’ There was a sudden movement in the sky, and a large group of pigeons flew with whistles and circled back and forth.

Some of them have fallen behind, throw them out when they are arcing, and quickly slap their wings twice to return to the team.

Others found that they couldn't catch up, so they took a shortcut and squeezed in again.

"It will look a little, a good carrier pigeon. When the enemy is near, it will take the initiative to fall into the grass to avoid it, fly a little bit to the ground, fly out more than ten feet, and then fall into the grass.

Until you feel completely safe, you will fly to the sky and rush to the nest. There will be eagles on the grassland to deal with it. "

Li Yi saw the pigeon and was satisfied, but he had his own opinions.

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