Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 897: Lose first and then earn the same model

"Xiao Yi, look, I have added some details later, you see what's wrong. There are also stamps, you count the labor costs in."

Li Longji, who had gone to the early dynasty with his full blood, brushed against him again and came to Zhuangzi's Bi Gou to ask Li Yi for advice.

He looked completely different from last night and took the initiative to help Li Yizhuangzi make money.

He handed over a stack of papers and organized the way.

Li Yi flipped through it casually and stared at the request for household registration and public inspection.

"Old Bi, the station needs a household registration, isn't it going to starve to death?

I will also send newspapers to various prefectures to recruit workers, so that they can come to work in Jingzhao Prefecture.

People can come, give them a place to live, and work.

The rent is not required for the first two months, and the rent will be paid when the work is earned.

The house is cheap, called low-rent housing, don’t you greedy the land I bought?

Hurry up and build a house around, the weather is warm, and the cost of building a house can always be recovered.

The toilets and drains must be perfect, and they must not become the same broken sheds as before. "

When Li Yi mentioned his original purchase of land, Bi Gou still felt that he had made a profit and was exempted from taxes for two years.

As a result, there are now warehouses and houses developed there, as well as shops, night markets, and food stalls.

Then Li Yi charges a fee. He finds someone to deal with sanitation, diesel light at night, and free soup.

After deducting these two expenses, you earn money every day, as well as warehouse leasing.

In the summer, the money for renting the land with Bi Gou came back, and it has been income from now on, and the household tax was not paid until two years later.

"Don't mention it again. When I go back to the old man, I will arrange for someone to build a house, and other places will follow you."

Bi Gou's whole person is not good, he suffers, how can he always suffer.

Li Yi nodded, saying that I am not angry with you: "Build a building, build a public toilet, increase patrol personnel, and there will be a few diesel lamps to illuminate at night."

"Anything else?" Bi Go looked at the court ladies and eunuchs, who were remembering.

Li Yi muttered something himself, or what the minister came to say, all must be remembered, including some of what Li Longji said.

However, these items will not be included in the daily record for the time being, and will be arranged later if you need to.

"Is there any land arrangements in the counties? My eldest brother has built a warehouse, and a building in the county seat will also be built to accommodate migrants.

The development of Jingzhao Mansion is comprehensive, and Chang'an cannot be developed alone. Chang'an has limited job opportunities.

With the increase of the migrant population, the household department can have more income. They will consume. There is a gap in daily necessities. The merchants send things and you collect taxes. "

Li Yi didn't say that shops pay taxes based on sales, which is uncontrollable.

Shops are subject to fixed taxes depending on their size, area, scale, and types of business.

"If this is the case, the post does not provide the people with free things? Or only provide free boiled water? Boiling water also requires money."

Bi Gou began to feel embarrassed. He wanted to let the people in other places get some help.

When on the road, I am most afraid that there is no water to drink, no place to rest, and the food will be carried.

What if there is nothing to eat, do you need to beg for food?

"Well, in fact, where each post is located, whether it is a traffic artery, the surrounding population, and how much things it consumes has a floating range.

Compare it with other places, and then make a chart, you will see.

For example, a post station has few letters, few things, and few people around.

Its consumption can catch up with other more prosperous stations, which is a problem in itself. "

In terms of probability, Li Yi has the data.

"In case the local people are poor, go to the post every day to get bread and water, and some even live in the post, naturally there will be more."

Bi Gou found another explanation, like Lijiazhuangzi's free soup.

Many people come to drink every day, drink a bowl before leaving, as an important daily activity, there is a sense of sacredness when drinking soup.

In poor places, the post is located in the county or village, and the people go to get it every day.

Even if it is one-third of brown bread, it is always enough for one person to take it once a day.

Tell them that it is good to drink boiled water, not to get sick, and they drink boiled water every day.

Naturally, people in the county are begging. Even if they enter the Beitianfang in the county, they can get extra bread. Why don't they get it?

"Doesn’t the locals in the village and county know? You can take it once, but you can’t remember what you take every day?

Those who take too much will not be given, unless it is to buy stamps, buy stamps for one dollar, and give one piece of bread, the bread itself costs more than one dollar. "

Li Yi didn't think that people at the post station couldn't see it, and once in a while, when the court subsidized it, it took advantage of it once a day and did not provide it.

Bi Gou nodded: "It's okay. Just buy a stamp for a dollar and give it to a bread with a lot of money. I still pay for it."

"They bought the stamps and kept them? Of course they need to use them. If you didn't want to write, you can write a letter this time.

For example, in two villages, there are people who marry each other, who are illiterate. After buying bread, you find that this stamp can also help deliver things.

They will say it, let the people at the station write it down, and then send the things back to their natal or in-laws.

Ask people at the station to help write letters, add extra money, and send parcels.

When there are more exchanges, one-third of the bread will only be given for another stamp.

Or buy a stamp worth ten dollars for a loaf of bread. At this moment..."

"At this time they got used to it, and found that they could send things to the place with a little money, which was more convenient than going by themselves without delaying their work."

Bi Gou took Li Yi's words and said along.

"Yes, it can also deepen the exchanges between the two sides. The family relationship sometimes needs to be maintained. Catch a few fish, make them into dried fish, and send them back to the family."

Li Yi gives an example, how convenient is mailing.

People in the two places are sixty miles apart, and they can't get there in one day.

It takes four days to send something, and the land is gone? Quit the work at home?

For the post station, sixty miles, stamps, two dollars, the post station received several things, strolled and gave it away.

By the way, bring back the goods sent to this village from the last station, so that everyone will gradually accept it.

When newspapers became popular, Pinyin became popular. When writing, I followed the calligraphy and painting on the newspaper and wrote a letter, and found that a penny could be delivered to the village over there.

Add paper and envelopes, it’s less than a dollar, send it, let you see that I am also knowledgeable.

The station waited, waited for dozens of letters to be collected, and sent them together, anyway, you didn't ask for an expedited.

Or bring the letter with you when you deliver the This thing is light weight.

"The old man understands, put money first, it looks like he has lost, and he will make money later.

Like your newspaper, you lose money every day at first. Until don't pay taxes. "

Bi Gou was talking about the fact that there are no taxes in newspapers. Now there are so many advertisements in newspapers, and everyone is still willing to read them.

See if there are any cheap things, and who has collected what.

The back of the newspaper can be used for writing, as well as writing letters.

Cut the envelopes of the newspapers with advertisements, write letters in newspapers, put them in and mail them away.

"The newspapers have been cultivating people's livelihood, and the imperial government's decree is also conveyed through the newspapers. I haven't cared about your subsidies yet.

Li Yi is determined not to pay taxes to newspapers. He researches new inks and papers and counts on newspaper profits.

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