Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 918: How can the Tubo Turks be reached?

"Big tank?"

"I'll talk about it after eating."

"Oh! That, eat."

"Look, it won't take a few days to guarantee someone will buy a bicycle to ride."

"Chang'an has a lot of rich people after all. I waited for a lifetime to earn not enough money to buy a car, and others just bought it and rode it."

"Why can't I buy it for the rest of my life, Li Dongzhu has been thinking of ways to make money for us, maybe one day, I will also have money."

"If you eat a bowl of wontons, you have to scoop a spoonful of noodle sauce. Can you still have money? Don't you think it is salty?"

"The mouth is heavy, it's a pity that it's vegetable sauce, egg sauce and meat sauce are forbidden for me to scoop."

"You don't need money now, why don't you eat so hard?"

The people are not idle while eating, boasting and bragging.

Now in Jingzhaofu, I really don’t need money. As long as the stalls are set up, others are allowed to eat whatever they want. The salt is cheaper.

Last year, the salt merchants in Shu land sent a large amount of salt, plus Li Longji's salt.

Nowadays, a catty of salt is five dollars, and it is not rice. The people buy a lot of pickles to make.

Now the family has a lot of salt, and when the large amount of vegetables on the autumn is collected, they start to make pickles and sauerkraut.

There are also fresh fish that I bought, quickly packed up, smeared them with salt, and hung them to dry.

The flies sting, and they will be processed when they are eaten.

If you eat too much pickled vegetables, you still eat salt. Unlike pickled vegetables, none of them are said to be salty.

In the past, there were few people who made sauerkraut, and they lacked utensils.

As life gets better, buy a big tank to make it.

The big tank we talked about during the meal was not, it was a tank bought by the court.

It was used as a toilet receiver, and successive workshops have already taken out the original manure pits and installed large tanks.

To avoid soil pollution in this way, some people jumped down to help scrape the soil in the old manure pit, scrape it down and lift it away, and fill it with new soil for free.

After these people collect the soil that has been soaked in dirt, and ferment it a little bit, it is good soil.

After soaking the saline-alkali land with water, cover it with half a foot of soil, and the lower-grade fields will directly become the upper-grade fields.

It's better than the dredged field, and the crops grow wildly.

A group of people strolling in the East City.

When Li Longji came out, Queen Wang pushed the stroller. The little guy had to come out and walk by himself several times, but was pressed back by the Queen.

Other children like to hug, do not sit in a car, and must be hugged by adults.

The little guy is not, he runs by himself whenever he has a chance.

Li Longji came to see his daughter's shop, the current name is Wen Tianlan Xiangge, Princess Yongmu changed the name, and brought Xiaolan.

Xiaolan was her maid who played with her since she was a child, and several of them played with each other, but she was gradually sent away because of her unhealthy heart.

The so-called heart means that she will instinctively react and block her in front of her when she is in danger, Xiao Lan did.

Guo Ziyi followed. He was wearing a windbreaker. The windbreaker was open, revealing the gun hanging on his chest.

He changed a gun. Li Yi gave him an assault rifle, not a sniper rifle. He also carried the sniper rifle on one shoulder.

The difference between the two guns is that one fires long range and the other fires bursts.

The pistol is no longer needed. He has a flying knife around his waist, a three-sided flying knife, which is faster than a pistol within 20 meters.

He put his hands on the assault rifle, one hand on the safety, and the other hand with his index finger stretched out and leaned against the trigger.

The sniper rifle on his shoulder was loaded, the insurance was closed, and when needed, he shrugged his shoulders, pulled the trigger while opening the insurance, and played instant sniper.

"I don't know if there are Tubo and Turks like this kind of prosperity?" Li Longji looked at the lively scene, a little proud.

"If you want to come to them, the people can't just go out and buy things to eat." The King and Queen were also willing to belittle the foreign nations.

The Turks are messy, and Tubo is slavery.

There were also slaves in Datang. The slaves were a minority, and most of them were ordinary people.

By last year, there were no more people who went to Chang'an to sell themselves as slaves.

People who couldn't survive from elsewhere escaped the checkpoint and entered Jingzhao Mansion, wanting to sell themselves, but suddenly found out that they didn't need it and had work to do.

Those who are going to sell children and girls can first go to Beitianfang to find food, and then work and wait for people. There is no shortage of people and no work.

If you want to sell your daughter in this way, Ping Kang Fang will first look at his looks, listen to his voice, and look at his parents' looks and figure.

If it is good, a certain organization in Pingkangfang will buy it.

If Pingkangfang doesn't buy it, it's the turn of others to see it.

Under normal circumstances, as long as there is a way to survive, no one is willing to sell themselves and their children.

As for selling wives, I’m sorry, you can’t sell your wives unless they are bought concubines or maids, which can be transferred.

Li Longji and Queen Wang did not have the concept of equality among the people, but they wanted to see the lively scenes of the people in Datang.

Passing a section of the road for food and drink stalls, in front is the Dongshi shop area.

Compared to other places where the sound is noisy and the smell is too messy, it is much more organized here.

General stores are on the second floor, with the most single storey.

The front four floors were the most conspicuous, and the team walked over.

At the side of the four-story building, the house has been demolished, and the foundation is being laid and needs to be rebuilt.

The people next to me thought, you built four floors and no one cares, and the yamen didn't make any noise, I followed to build the third floor.

Some of them have reported to the Yamen in Wannian County. There are four floors, and each floor is still so high. The first floor is about to catch up with the others.

The answer given by the Yamen of Wannian County is: After investigation, this shop belongs to a new type of commodity sales location, which is a manifestation of iconic business projects and architectural beauty.

It means it’s okay. When others see it, it’s okay, right? I also sign once.

The key is that the person who repaired the new building told everyone that it could be repaired. If so, why not repair it?

When the decoration was almost the same, everyone finally realized that the background...

There are glass windows on every floor, and the big glass on the first floor is thick, big and bright.

Who is behind? Don't know, don't ask, ask just don't know.

Guys, they said let guys go.

"It's all big glasses, uncle didn't spend much time."

The Queen and the Queen are a little jealous, there is such a big glass in their palace.

"Let's go back and leave it alone." Li Longji liked floor-to-ceiling windows and revolving glass doors.

He could guess that this glass is not the same as the normal glass, because it is filled with materials.

It shows that Li Yi still has better technology and has not released it.

Queen Wang nodded: "The Ordinary With this first floor, it can be worthy of the identity of a princess."

"Dreaming, I want to marry a princess in a broken house? A thousand is not enough. This thing is worthless. Didn't he make float glass?"

Li Longji admitted that the building was beautiful, but Li Yi didn't pay much.

Thousands of equally beautiful buildings can be exchanged for Li Yi’s hospital?

People who have never been to that hospital will never know that something in this world cannot be measured by money.

"The house is raised, it is condescending, you can see farther, and it is dangerous to walk around."

Guo Ziyi was looking around with an assault rifle, using a scope.

He doesn't like walking near tall buildings, or even beside buildings.

"Allow doors and windows to be opened from the street." Li Longji was a little nervous, and then said his decision.

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