Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 95: Buying and selling is not a bad word

     Li Chengqi left, did not live in Zhuangzi at night, and did not return to the city. He went to buy Zhuangzi, Liulizhuang, and arranged arrangements for it.

   He wants wholesale, so that many people can make money from the price difference of candied haws.

   The next morning, the steward continued to preside over the auction of soy sauce and spiced tea eggs.

   "No. 3, 21,500 yuan, is there any increase? 21,500 yuan. The first time, the second time, the transaction..."

   Song De is accustomed to the identity of the auctioneer, and the price of the people who participated in the purchase fluctuates between 20,000 and 22,000.

   Everyone has positioned the market for this money. Although they know that it is still expensive, they can accept it.

   Not long, twenty jars of soy sauce are sold.

   Song De took out the tea eggs: "Fifty eggs at a time, the base price is 20,000 yuan, and the price increase shall not be less than 500 yuan. The first batch, start."

After    called, he waited. The low price of a tea egg for four hundred words is usually around five hundred words.

   There is no sound in the compartments made of cloth one by one.

   After waiting for more than ten breaths, Song De shouted: "Twenty thousand yuan for the first time, 20,000 yuan for the second time, 20,000 yuan for the third time, pass the shot."

   called out the words Liupai, Song De was in a bad mood, and the palace maid and the **** who accompanied him became darkened.

   "The second batch, fifty eggs, the first price is 20,000 yuan... the first time, the second time... the unsuccessful auction."

   Song Deok called out the second pass.

   Then the third batch, the fourth batch...the twentieth batch, all failed.

   "Everyone, take delivery of the soy sauce, according to the price, as long as the grain is traded, it will be 10% off." Song De's voice changed, with anger.

   One by one people involved in the sale came out of the cubicle. At this time, they had smiles on their faces and looked very kind.

   They smiled and communicated with Song De.

   "Steward Song, the soy sauce is not enough, it should be increased, and the price...too high." The shopkeeper of Ke Shangju talked to Song De like an old friend.

   Song De squeezed out a silky smile: "The shopkeeper Liang may not know it. It's cold and the soy sauce is not easy to prepare. Maybe I have to reduce the amount tomorrow."

   "Guanshi Song is joking, this... soy sauce, I am waiting for it, but Guanshi Song knows why the boiled **** eggs are not sold today?"

   Another Baiweige shopkeeper graciously leaned forward, with a bag in his hand.

   "Also ask the treasurer Feng to teach someone." Song De arched his hands, he wondered, do these people want to die? Actually dared to let my stuff pass.

   Is this a matter of money? This is a problem of face.

   If you don’t buy today, if you want to buy or sell tomorrow, what should you do?

   "Song Guanshi, I have a few eggs called Qianzhuan Chaodan, you can taste it."

   Shopkeeper Feng opened the paper bag on his handle, revealing the five eggs inside.

The shopkeeper Liang next to    helped pick up one and handed it to Song De.

   Song De took it, and looked at the egg and looked at the color. It was almost the same as Zhuangzi's five-spice tea egg.

   He peeled it, took a small bite, and tasted it with a bit of a mouth. The slightly different taste had a touch of familiarity, which was very similar to the five-spice tea egg.

   "Song Guan Shi, maybe swallow?" Feng shopkeeper asked with a smile.

   Song De was silent, and another shopkeeper came over, holding a paper bag in his hand, and there was an egg inside. He peeled it and threw it in his mouth.

   Then he said to Song De in a vague voice: "A thousand boiled chaotic eggs, one only costs eighty dollars, as much as you want, and if there are more, it can be cheaper."

   Song De's complexion changed again, but he still didn't speak, but his brows wrinkled.

   "In charge of Song, someone else made eggs today. The price of eggs on the Zhuangzi is high and no one buys them. If you are willing to lower the boiled eggs to seventy dollars, we will."

   The shopkeeper Liang said the ultimate goal, his face was smiling, but his eyes were sharp, staring at Song De in an aggressive manner.

   Song De took a deep breath, let go of his clenched fists, and smiled: "Hehe, the price of the boiled eggs on my Zhuangzi will not be reduced."

   "Since this is the case, I can't help it. I can't keep the cheap ones, but the more expensive ones, which taste the same." The egg eater swallowed the egg and spread it out.

   "Guan Shi, you have other eggs today, but the eggs on your farm can't be sold. When you have soy sauce tomorrow, don't blame me for not being able to wait."

   "Song Guan Shi, people shouldn't be too greedy and earn some money, so why bother with no money to earn?"

   "Song is in charge, there is an abyss in front of him. When you retreat, you retreat. Don't miss the important events of Zhuangshang."

   "Song Guan, knowing that you can't be the master, if you ask Li Yi Li to come out, we will talk to him personally."

   "Song Guan Shi, you must know that there are countless capable people. Your proprietor has brought out the many tools for benefiting farmers. This soy sauce is also beneficial to the people."

   "Steward Song, I'm waiting for a price to buy a recipe for soy sauce, and now we sell it. We have a love for Li proprietor. In case someone makes soy sauce in the future, the love... will be gone."

   "Song Guanshi..."

   "Song Guanshi..."

   One by one, the people who came over to participate in the sale began to speak, and what they said was like a knife thrust into Song De's heart.

   Song De tried his best to maintain a smile and let himself hold on. Don't be weak at this time, because the proprietor's face is important.

   "You don't want to buy soy sauce tomorrow?" The palace lady Tao Hong couldn't stand it anymore and threatened.

   Sure enough, she threw it out, and everyone immediately shut up. Yes, I will buy it tomorrow. There are substitutes for eggs and soy sauce.

   They put on smiling faces, ordered people to pick up the goods, and then walked out together, talking loudly and laughing out loud, and they felt relaxed when they listened.

   Song De didn't go to send it for a while, obviously the other party didn't want him to send it.

   Song De turned and ran, and ran to Li Yi who was stretching outside the courtyard.

   "The proprietor, they didn't buy the five-spice tea instead they gave me some eggs." Song De took out the four eggs wrapped in paper.

   The court ladies and the eunuchs next to you, you are very annoyed when you talk about what happened before.

   "Oh, the steward who was besieging me? The business is not righteous, why should it be? Have I always acted too softly? It makes people feel deceived?"

   Li Yi smiled, and he picked up an egg and looked at it. The egg shell was also hammered into a fine texture, the color of which was brown and black.

   Smell it again, there is a smell of star anise, and a hint of sauce.

   Peel off the outer skin, the egg inside is also colored, take another bite and chew carefully.

   "Hmm! It tastes good. I use soybean paste instead of soy sauce and add aniseed in it. There is also sodium glutamate in the soybean paste, a good way."

   Li Yi praised others' craftsmanship and thoughts.

   Song De doesn’t think other people are smart. He is worried about Zhuangzi’s income: "Proprietor, what shall we do?"

   "If no one buys it, give it to the people in Zhuangzi to eat. The seven elements from the elder brothers... replace it with something else."

   Li Yi knew in his heart that it was not that the spiced tea eggs were bad, but that a group of people united to teach themselves a lesson.

   If Zhuangzi personally took out the tea eggs and sold them in other restaurants, he would fall behind.

   When the time comes, others will try to keep the price down, and Zhuangzi's auction status will be gone forever.

   "They also said to let the proprietor you sell the recipe for soy sauce." Song De said, his eyes were red, and he was aggrieved.

   "It makes you feel wronged. Originally, I just changed other money directly, but, this egg, I still have to sell it, and they have to buy it."

   Li Yi patted Song De on the shoulder and decided to vent his anger. Didn’t you unite and have alternatives to buy? I'll let you buy it, but it won't work.


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