Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 953: Stay ahead to live

"When the domestic production technology cannot form an absolute advantage over other countries, the amount of consumption in advance will depreciate the domestic currency."

After dawn again, Li Longji came to Lijiazhuangzi.

He wants to discuss with Li Yi about the trade and currency issues of the Japanese country.

As a result, Li Yi talked about monetary theory, which was not purely financial, but included production technology and productivity.

And what he said is the reason why the country on the other side of the earth desperately suppressed his country's electronic products and tertiary industry.

Electronic products belong to the field of science and technology. Once they are operated and the cost is lower than the actual value of the purchase of materials, it will have an impact on the country.

The tertiary industry is services, and electronic services are apps. Once the scale becomes large, capital outflows will occur.

So what is the most direct consequence? The domestic currency has depreciated.

That's why in the countries on the other side of the earth, that crazy president is desperately trying to clean up these industries in Li Yi's country.

If it is not cleaned up, the currency stability of hundreds of years will be broken, and then the currency will depreciate, thus losing its international status.

As a consequence of currency devaluation, for international currencies, there will be a serious problem of currency backflow.

For example, m yuan is an international currency, and one trillion is issued.

Buy a lot of products from other countries, and these products are consumed in the country.

Then after a five-percent or twenty-time cycle of tariffs, this trillion is not over-issued, and there is no need to depreciate, and the money is made back.

The products that other countries used to sell to him were all in kind, such as minerals, metals, leather, and small commodities...

The real thing itself has value, even if it will break.

But one day, a country's app was thrown away, and the app was not a real thing, and then crazy money.

The money earned can be used to buy the actual things of the country. If you buy it at one meal, domestic materials will flow out.

If you want to buy food, so much money, domestic food prices will increase, which will produce m yuan of inflation.

More similar things appear, the m yuan will continue to depreciate, and in terms of high-tech, it will lose the dominance. What consequences will it have?

The depreciation is too great, the credit is reduced, and then more countries holding m yuan will frantically use the m yuan to buy things in their homes.

M yuan itself is not a standard currency, it is a credit currency. Over-issued needs to be balanced.

Once everyone uses the money to buy things in this country, the prices of things in this country increase.

Inflation occurs, and the people need to bear this loss.

The people’s hard-earned money is worthless, purchasing power declines, and the economic crisis erupts.

This is the result of losing its technological leadership and the tertiary industry of other countries grabbing the value of its own currency.

So people have to sanction and force you to sell the app.

Otherwise, the monetary system of others will collapse, the currency will flow back, resource expenditures, and inflation.

That is to say, how many super-issued credit currencies have been released by their country with technological advantages. When technology cannot rule, those credit currencies will do much harm to itself.

Li Yi didn't talk about what happened at that time, but just told Li Longji about the concept in an easy-to-understand way.

Li Longji understood, he now wants to confess all the people who died in Lijiazhuang.

You are so great, you died many people, and finally got Li Yi over to take over Zhuangzi.

Because of this, I know Brother Yi, oh, and the eldest brother. It was the eldest brother who discovered the situation after he went to Huangzhuang first, and he was indeed his own brother.

"Brother Yi, in other words, our technical advantage lies in the fact that we can use technology to make up for it if we over-issue foreign currency?"

Li Longji at this moment wished that he could not immediately set up a specialized technology research and development organization.

"Yes, including the technical price difference and tariffs. What the other party sells to us has no technical content. We charge their tariffs and they have to stand up.

We sell the technical stuff in the past, and they dare not charge our tariffs.

Even if we don't sell them high-tech items, they won't be able to pay much.

For example, lathes. The lathes in Zhuangzi have been improving, and the things made with lathes also contain high technology.

Lathes are absolutely not for sale. Tools produced by lathes are subject to restrictions if others want to buy them. "

Li Yi admitted, that's it.

His country at that time was subject to various technical restrictions, not to mention mother bed technology, and derivative products were not good.

However, his countrymen at that time were very strong, and I will fight in which way you restrict me.

If you don't let me enter the space station to cooperate, I will launch the space station myself.

If you don't give me a 100,000-ton hydraulic press, I will build it myself and sell the 200,000-ton hydraulic press.

Thank you, thank you for the adversity you gave us. We are kites and rise in the air in adversity.

You don't sell the five-axis linkage to us. Now we also have three-d printing technology.

Technology has an upper limit for development. Ten years of development is a leap, and every step will be difficult after ten years.

Our country will chase these ten years, and then stand with you every step of the way.

Even overtaking in corners, faster than you, because our foundation was stronger in those ten years.

You can stop it for a while, can you stop it for a lifetime?

Li Yi thought, showing a proud look.

My Datang technology restricts you, and you will not be able to catch up for a hundred years, and neither will the Japanese country.

Waguo is good at learning, it depends on who the opponent is. I, Zhonghua, is better at learning.

The Japanese country can bear hardships and stand hard work, bragging with other countries, and you still can't fight enough in front of the Chinese nation.

Li Longji didn't know what his brother Yi was thinking, but suddenly realized that brother Yi was in a different state.

On the surface, it looks more peaceful, but the look in his eyes gives people a feeling of flying.

"Brother Yi?" Li Longji said carefully.

"What are you doing?" Li Yi also lowered the movement.

"Does your mother bed need to strengthen defense?" Li Longji worried.

"I made three sets, two of them were underground, and then once they could be improved and upgraded, I put them underground first.

In fact, it doesn't need to be this way, I'm just cautious.

Others can't fight in, even if a few come in desperately, just take a look, it's no use, that thing is not just looking at it. "

Li Yi never worried about the problem of his own machine Now the mother bed in Zhuangzi is always being updated, and the degree of precision will be stronger from generation to generation.

In addition, he has sufficient theoretical support, and in a while, he can produce semiconductors.

"Wait for up to two years, maybe one year. There is no need for the information transmission of ten miles and one station. The logistics must be maintained. I will bring something out and we will send a telegram."

Li Yi revealed something in advance. The telegram has enough technology now, and it's hardware.

He doesn't need to make detours, he has technical information, and he is in place directly.

"What is a telegraph?" Li Longji has seen a lathe, not as good as the equipment in Li Yi's hospital, but it is a good thing that can be built by himself.

"Thousands of miles away, I am writing to you here. Yes, even if you are writing a letter, after a few breaths, you receive a letter on the other side. This is a telegram."

Li Yi considered his vocabulary and tried to explain it to Li Longji as simply as possible.

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