What Ding Chunming said before, the virtual and real sealing formation, is a kind of formation that they developed after they became famous. The main function of this kind of formation is to seal, because when they faced the Shadow Tribe before, they discovered that The resurrection gems of the Shadow Tribe people are between reality and reality. It was the Tongtian Vine that used the Law of Virtual Reality to attack the resurrection gems of the Shadow Tribe people. Therefore, they later added the Reality and Virtuality Law Array to some of the magic formations. Talisman, this gradually turned into various virtual and real magic arrays, and the virtual and real sealing magic circle was one.

The main function of this kind of magic circle is to capture something, whether it is a person or a statue of a god, you can use this kind of magic circle to catch something. As long as it is sealed by this kind of magic circle, no matter you Whether your body is virtual, solid, or between reality and reality, you cannot escape. This is the terrifying thing about the virtual and real sealing array.

This time they wanted to grab that kind of tree, and that kind of tree seemed to be between the virtual and the real. To be safe, Ding Chunming specially asked the alien cavalry to use the virtual and real sealing formation. This kind of formation made those alien cavalry People may not be familiar with it, but their Yantian Sphere must have stored this kind of magic circle. When the time comes, just let the Yantian Sphere release the magic circle.

The beast cavalry are also very powerful now. They were originally centaurs. It can be said that they are the most familiar with the cavalry's methods. It is precisely because of this that Ding Chunming incorporated them into the army. Among the alien cavalry, Cheng Ye became the reserve team of the alien cavalry. Although their combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the alien cavalry, they were very powerful compared to ordinary disciples. The most powerful thing was that their The combat ability of the cavalry is much better than that of Pu Neng's disciples, so they are incorporated into the alien cavalry, which is the best choice. It can be said that their combat effectiveness has now surpassed many well-known teams of the Blood Killing Sect. , such as the Warcraft Cavalry Team, the Puppet Cavalry Team, the Necromancer Cavalry Team, and the Armor Series. The combat effectiveness of these teams can no longer keep up, especially the Warcraft Cavalry Team. Their current combat effectiveness is only They are only a little stronger than some ordinary disciples, and their mounts have all been replaced by aliens. However, this only improves their combat effectiveness a little, not a lot, so now there are several Warcraft Cavalry Among the team, the one with the lowest combat effectiveness.

As for the puppet cavalry, their mounts have not been changed. They have always been puppets. However, their puppets have now all turned into alien shapes. Their combat effectiveness has been somewhat improved compared to before, because now they are killing with blood. Zong Xin's battle armor has improved their combat effectiveness. They used to use puppet cavalry. Now that the armor has been transformed into a puppet cavalry, it is easier to use, so their combat effectiveness has been improved. As for the undead cavalry, their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. The situation of the undead cavalry is actually a bit complicated. In the past, they mainly won by quantity. Their numbers were large, so they were based on They can win by strength, but now their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved, and their combat effectiveness improvement comes from two points, one is the battle armor, and the other is the change of their skills. After all their auras are converted into horse ghosts and ghosts, His flash combat ability has been greatly improved. As for the armor system, he has taken a different path.

The armor system used to focus on armor combat. They used the best combination of various armors. This time the Blood Killing Sect's armor improvements have both advantages and disadvantages for them. The advantage is, Their battle armors are even more powerful, and the downside is that all the battle armors of the Blood Killing Sect disciples are very powerful. If they can't come up with something new, their battle armor series will probably be eliminated. , so this time the Blood Killing Sect's armor upgrade was a crisis for them, and danger was also an opportunity, and they really seized this opportunity this time, and they embarked on another track.

The track that people in the armor series follow is alien armors. The so-called alien armors are different armors. The armors used by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect now are all life-size and have the same combat power as them. Like real people, of course, they can deform their armor and make it larger or smaller, but these are not their regular fighting methods and are not commonly used.

This is what the War Armor Department has grasped. What they are mainly training now is alien war armor. In other words, the war armor they are training now is either very huge, or very small, or it becomes They have all kinds of shapes, animal shapes, or weapon shapes, and their fighting method is their regular fighting method, so their current combat effectiveness has also been improved. It can be said that they did the best in this regard, and they seized this opportunity.

If we rank the various teams of the Blood Killing Sect, then the number one now is still the Alien Cavalry Team, and the second place is the Alien Beast Cavalry Team. Their combat effectiveness is indeed very powerful, second only to the Alien Cavalry Team. Among the alien cavalry teams, the third one is the undead cavalry team, the fourth one is the armor cavalry team, the fifth one is the puppet cavalry team, and the Warcraft cavalry team is sixth, that is, They are the last one, but even so, their combat power cannot be underestimated. Compared with several other teams, they are ranked last. If compared with the team composed of ordinary disciples, they are still very powerful.

This is the first time that the alien cavalry and the alien cavalry have fought together. Pingjin and the others have trained together, but they have never fought together. This time they will fight together. Now the Blood Killing Sect The disciples were fighting with the Shadow Clan, so the atmosphere on the battlefield was very chaotic. The target of the Alien Cavalry and the Alien Beast Cavalry was those trees, so when they set off, they all used phantom formations to directly attack the Shadow Clan. The army rushed over. In order to ensure the success of this operation, Sun Buyu personally led the troops this time. They moved straight towards the army of the Shadow Tribe. Their target was those trees, and those trees were now being destroyed by the Shadow Tribe. The tribesmen pulled them back. They had to rush over, grab those trees, and then fight back directly from behind the Shadow Tribe army. So they had to be careful, and it was best to grab the trees before they could. , don’t engage in too fierce a battle with the Shadow Tribe. A battle like this will only scare the enemy. If the Shadow Tribe would rather destroy the tree than let them take it, wouldn’t it be troublesome? So before grabbing the tree, they had better try not to let the Shadow Clan find out.

Fortunately, the battle between the two sides was very fierce now. They used the phantom formation again. It should not be easy for the Shadow Tribe to discover them, so the alien cavalry directly touched the top of the Shadow Tribe army. From the Shadow Tribe army Above him, he slowly moved toward the rear of the Shadow Clan army. Sun Buyu had been walking at the front of the team. He looked at the Shadow Clan army and the trees, and then he said in a deep voice: "This time we Our goal is ten trees. We don’t need too many, just ten trees. Let’s take the tree directly in front of me as the criterion. Five trees on the left and four on the right. These ten trees are all our goals. , are now divided into ten teams, each with one thousand alien cavalry and one hundred thousand alien beast cavalry, targeting a tree. Everyone immediately selects the target, and then acts together. As long as the tree is grabbed, the tree is sealed. , Immediately send the tree back to the Xuanwu space, and then we will immediately retreat and rush back with all our strength, do you understand?" Everyone responded. During normal training, they conduct team training like this There were a lot of times, so they quickly divided into teams, and each team also selected their targets. After they all selected their targets, Sun Buyu gave the order to speed up again and again, and just when they were about to reach those When they were approaching the energy-devouring tree, they were also discovered by the Shadow Tribe people who were dragging the trees away. Although they did not see anyone, they felt abnormal energy fluctuations, so they immediately surrounded the energy-devouring tree. At the same time, they all looked around. Some of the Shadow Clan members who were escorting the tree directly gave orders to launch magical attacks in all directions. The statues were all in front to block the attack of the Blood Killing Sect. They were all ordinary people. Among the Shadow Tribe people, some of them have integrated long-range attack weapons, so they can directly use spells to attack all around.

As soon as Sun Buyu saw this situation, he knew that they could not approach without being discovered. He immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, attack with all your strength and resolve the battle in the shortest time. Attack!" Then! Following his order, everyone responded, and then rushed directly towards the Shadow Tribe people. However, they did not dismantle the illusion formation so that the enemy could not see them. Then they were attacked, and seeing them head-on Fighting, these are two concepts. The former will make the Shadow Tribe people more frightened. After all, fighting an invisible enemy and fighting a visible enemy are completely different things.

Sure enough, when Sun Buyu and the others started to attack with all their strength, the Shadow Clan people panicked and saw their clan members dying one by one, but they could not see the enemy. They could feel the enemy's energy fluctuations, but the energy fluctuations could not It's just a general feeling, but it's impossible to completely locate the people of the Blood Killing Sect. In this case, of course they will feel scared.

The situation here quickly attracted Zhang Wutong's attention. As soon as he heard that the energy-devouring tree was under attack, Zhang Wutong's expression changed. He immediately turned around and saw those escorting the energy-devouring tree. People were killed one by one. When he saw this situation, his expression couldn't help but change. He immediately turned to look at Ma Yichuan and said, "Old Ma, I'll leave it to you." Ma Yichuan didn't say anything more. , nodded, and then said loudly: "Guards, follow me." He will take action personally this time. They must keep the energy-devouring tree. After all, the people of the Blood Killing Sect attach so much importance to the energy-devouring tree, then It represents the importance of energy-devouring trees and they must be protected.

At this time, Sun Buyu and the others had already rushed to the energy-devouring tree. Looking at the roots of the energy-devouring tree that were still connected to the Blood Slaughter Sect, Sun Buyu's eyes flashed. He immediately waved his hand, and the next moment a person The magic circle directly covered the energy-devouring tree, and then the light flashed on the magic circle, and the energy-devouring tree was covered by a layer of translucent white light. Then Sun Buyu waved his hand, and the energy-devouring tree disappeared. .

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