At this time, Mao Xuanying said: "Your Majesty, I have an idea, but I have to wait until the trees are imprisoned this time. Didn't the Lord God already say this before when he gave the seeds of the energy-devouring trees? These seeds can be integrated into our bodies. After this seed harvest, we will definitely have a lot left over. Then we can integrate the seeds into our bodies and see what the consequences will be. But if our people have the ability of this kind of tree, then when we fight against the people of the Blood Killing Sect, we can use the ability of this tree to directly absorb the power of the Blood Killing Sect disciples. What do you think? "

Upon hearing what Mao Xuanying said, the Shadow Emperor nodded, and then he glanced at the others, who all nodded, thinking that this method was feasible. The Shadow Emperor said: "Okay, this method is good, everyone still has Is there any other way?"

No one spoke this time, because they really had no good solution. After all, the Blood Killing Sect's ability was there. It was pretty good that they could come up with these two solutions.

The Shadow Emperor said solemnly: "Okay, then please step aside." Several people responded, and then they bowed to the Shadow Emperor, and then exited the study. After they exited, the Shadow Emperor directly took out Two jade slips, and then entered some content into the two jade slips, and then sent the two jade slips to Shangguan Feng and Zhang Wutong. After doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After Zhang Wutong and Shangguanfeng received the jade slip, their expressions changed when they saw the contents in the jade slip. Zhang Wutong gave the jade slip to Ma Yichuan. Ma Yichuan took the jade slip and took a look at it. After reading the contents, he then said: "The two methods His Majesty said are very good, what do you think?" Ma Yichuan felt that the two methods mentioned by the Shadow Emperor were very good.

Zhang Wutong said in a deep voice: "Yes, your Majesty's two methods are indeed good. Let's directly let our energy surge forward to get to the Blood Killing Sect's formation and see the Blood Killing Sect's meeting. What kind of reaction is it? At the same time, we have to see whether the roots of the energy-devouring tree will grow forward, and whether they will also grow all the way to the Blood Killing Sect's magic circle.

Ma Yichuan nodded, and then he immediately made arrangements. They can control the energy of the Shadow Clan to move forward. As long as they show their intention to attack, there will be no problem. This is the case now, they show their army As they pressed forward, the energy of the Shadow Clan surged upwards. In fact, when they fought with the Blood Killing Sect before, the energy of the Shadow Clan also surged forward, but the energy of the Shadow Clan was finally destroyed by the energy of the Blood Killing Sect. It was blocked, not because they didn't move, but this time there was no Blood Killing Sect's power blocking them in front of them, so their energy surged over easily. After a while, their power had already rushed to the Blood Killing Sect. They stopped in front of the big formation, and their actions were of course noticed by Ding Chunming and the others.

When Ding Chunming and the others saw what the Shadow Tribe did, they couldn't help but feel stunned. Then Ding Chunming reacted immediately. He said in a deep voice: "It seems that those Shadow Tribe people have already thought of a way to deal with us. They In this way, the next time we attack, we will directly enter their energy and fight with them. Then we will be completely at a disadvantage. I really didn't expect that they would come up with such an idea. One way, the most important thing is that we can't use our power to fight back. Once we fight back, they can take the opportunity to absorb our power. This move is really powerful."

Gongsun Yulong also nodded. At this time, Bai Yan's communication also came. Ding Chunming immediately connected. As soon as the connection was connected, Bai Yan's voice came: "Old Ding, you saw it, the Shadow Tribe people are taking action." , how is it? What are your thoughts?"

Ding Chunming said: "Let's first see if the roots of their trees have grown over. If the roots of those trees have grown over, then we must be careful when we act. If we don't know, we can only push the magic circle. Moving forward, if their roots don't grow over, then we can just attack directly. It's not a big deal. Isn't it just fighting in the energy of Shadow Clan? It's not like we haven't done that before."

Bai Yan said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's ask Mr. Zhen, Mr. Zhen, have their tree roots grown over?" Mr. Zhen was also connected to them, so Bai Yan asked directly. They are now in Have a video conference, so it’s naturally more convenient to connect.

The formation boss said in a deep voice: "They have grown over. They have grown over with their energy. Not only have they grown over, but they are also attacking our formation. It is just useless. We must be careful. Those The tree roots look harmless, but their attack power seems to be high. If they really seize the opportunity, then those tree roots will definitely enter our base and suck up energy. Fortunately, we changed it A defensive formation, otherwise it will be really dangerous, ordinary magic formations cannot stop the tree roots."

Upon hearing what Array Master said, Bai Yan and the others couldn't help but change their expressions, and then Bai Yan said in a deep voice: "Old Ding, what do you think? Just let those disciples advance against the magic circle? Although this can move forward, but The speed of advancement will be very slow, and it is not easy to advance these eight gates, so the speed of our progress every day may have to be reduced."

Ding Chunming thought for a while and then said: "Let's do it. Let's attack again tomorrow and see how it works. At the same time, we can also give it a try to know the attack power of those trees. What do you think?"

When everyone heard what he said, they were stunned at first, and then they all nodded. Ding Chunming said solemnly: "Okay, then it's decided, we will take action tomorrow." Several people agreed and then ended the communication and other aspects. , they also want to see how effective tomorrow's attack will be. After all, if they don't attack once and just push the magic circle forward, then they will have no way to get more information.

Early the next morning, everyone was ready early. Even Bai Yan and the others had adjusted the projection to Ding Chunming's field. Ding Chunming and the others were also ready. When the time came, Ding Chunming spoke immediately. Said: "Attack." Following his voice, the door of the Eight-Sect Absolute Formation in their place slowly opened, but inside this door, there was a colorful transparent mask. This is the Five Elements Light Splitter. Realm, and it is the purely defensive version. His defense is the strongest.

After Ding Chunming gave the order to attack, he immediately said: "Qinglong, monitor the situation of the magic circle, and also monitor the situation of all the disciples. Through these disciples, you can have a good understanding of the situation on the battlefield." Qinglong responded, In the past, Qinglong could monitor the situation outside, firstly through the radar array, and secondly through the external Babel vines, but now their outside is all the energy of the Shadow Clan, and there are eight absolute formations. Their radar energy is basically You can't go out. Qinglong couldn't see what's going on outside before the door of the Eight Doors Absolute Formation was opened. Now that the Eight Doors Absolute Formation is open, the radar still can't see very far because the people outside are all from the Shadow Clan. The energy and radar capabilities are limited, so he can't see very far, but Qinglong can still contact the Yantian Sphere of the Blood Killing Sect disciples, and can check the situation outside through the Yantian Sphere of those disciples. This is very important.

At this time, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect had already rushed out. As soon as those disciples rushed out, the roots of the energy-devouring trees immediately entangled them, because these tree roots were very thin. In the darkness, if If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to spot them at all, but fortunately there are too many of them, so when those tree roots entangled themselves with the Blood Killing Sect disciples, all the Blood Killing Sect disciples found them , they immediately began to attack those tree roots.

But when they attacked those tree roots, they found that those tree roots seemed to be unable to attack, because those tree roots were like illusory shadows, and it was impossible to attack him. This made the Blood Killing Sect The disciples were all stunned.

However, those Blood Killing Sect disciples reacted immediately. They immediately changed their tactics. On one side, they arranged a defensive array on the surface of their bodies, but on the other side, they directly added it to their magical weapons. The law of virtuality and reality. They had used this method to attack when they faced the Shadow Tribe people before, and the effect was very good.

Sure enough, after they used the Law of Virtual Reality this time, when their weapons attacked the roots of the energy-devouring tree, the roots of the energy-devouring tree were directly cut off. This discovery also made the Blood Killing Sect disciples' Feeling relieved, they then began to attack those tree roots, and the strength of those tree roots did not seem to be very strong. There was no way to kill Zongzi with close blood.

When Ding Chunming and the others saw this situation, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. At this moment, Qinglong's voice came: "Pay attention, pay attention, the energy loss rate in the base is twice as fast as before. All disciples The energy consumption rate is twice as fast as before, please pay attention." Qinglong's words surprised Ding Chunming and the others.

Ding Chunming immediately said: "What's going on? Is it because of those tree roots?" Ding Chunming really didn't expect that the energy loss rate here would increase all of a sudden, and the energy consumption rate of those disciples It has also increased. This is indeed surprising to the Master. However, they have done nothing during this period. There is only one possibility. It is because of those tree roots. The reason why he asked Qinglong was just to get through Qinglong. , just to confirm this matter.

Qinglong's voice came: "According to analysis, the speed of energy loss caused by those tree roots may be as high as 90%, and the other may account for 10%. Because of those tree roots, the disciple's energy consumption is too fast. The possibility is 90%, and the other possibilities are 10%." Qinglong's answer made everyone understand at once that it was because of those tree roots that their energy loss rate was faster. , and at the same time, the energy consumption of the disciples became faster, which also made everyone's faces even more ugly.

After a while, Ding Chunming finally said: "Qinglong, calculate what impact the energy loss will have on the base, and what impact the energy consumption will have on the disciples."

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