Baiyan and the others are all masters. Of course they know what Zhang Hongliang means. The monks' training and fighting with the enemy are actually the use of energy. Their training is to let the energy circulate, constantly absorb the energy from the outside world, and let their own The energy becomes more, which is the operating energy, and when they fight with the enemy, they use their own energy to defeat the enemy and kill the enemy. This is the use of energy.

Once the energy leaves their body, it really becomes a dead thing. They can use their mental power to control their own magic, but in that case, their magic cannot be far away or leave. If their body is too far away, their mental power can reach the farthest point. The magic controlled by mental power can only reach that point. Beyond that position, the magic has no way to control it. So, Although they can use their mental power to control spells, after the spells are released, they are actually dead energy. The reason why the spells work is actually the explosion of energy. This is true for all kinds of spells. For example, if it is a fireball spell, after you release it, the spell will explode directly after it hits the target. This is equivalent to the spell doing its job. The same is true for water spells, and every spell , all have an internal structure, and their internal structure determines the form of the spell. Just like the fire dragon spell, waterspout and other spells, it is all because of the internal structure that they have such a form. Some The internal structure of the spell is relatively complex, and some mental power can even be stored in it, which makes these spells more flexible and can fly farther. These are the basic principles of the spell, but in the final analysis, these spells It is still dead energy. They cannot have their own thoughts. It is like a thrown stone. It will only fly forward and finally hit a target.

It is precisely because of this that when the spell explodes, it is impossible to completely explode. There will be a lot of residual energy, just like when you shoot a bullet with a gun, it is in the shell and on the pistol. There will be some gunpowder residue on your hands and even on your clothes. It may be very small, but it is definitely there. This is an inevitable result of the use of all energy.

But the energy of the Shadow Clan God is different. They seem to have their own thinking. When this energy is released, they seem to have received orders. They know what they should do, so after they reach the goal, they They will directly do their own thing, and all the energy will do their own thing, which means that they all exploded, and there will be no residue. This is the terrifying thing about the energy of the God of Shadow Clan. If The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, when the energy explodes, only about 50% of the energy they release can explode. The remaining 50% of the energy may be wasted, or It has caused a certain residue, so when the energy of the Shadow Clan God explodes, at least 80% of the energy must have exploded, and the remaining 20% ​​may have been wasted. There is almost no residue, which is actually scary.

You can only use 50% of the same energy, but your enemy can use 80% or even 90%. Isn't this scary? In other words, your strength is one hundred kilograms, but when you hit someone, your punch can only hit fifty kilograms, while your opponent's strength is also one hundred kilograms, but When he hits you, he can punch you with a force of eighty or even ninety kilograms. Such a comparison is very terrifying. This is the gap, not to mention the energy of the God of Shadow Clan. It is more solid and deeper than the energy of ordinary Blood Killing Sect disciples. How can this compare.

It is precisely because when the energy of the God of Shadow Clan explodes, there is almost no residue. Therefore, even if Zhang Hongliang and the others want to collect the energy of the God of Shadow Clan, they cannot collect it. Don’t forget, there is so much space between heaven and earth. There is energy running all the time, and the movement of this energy will also take away part of the energy. Even if there is a little bit of the energy of the God of Shadow Clan remaining, it will be taken away by the energy people of the world, and it is impossible for you to collect it. , that's why Zhang Hongliang said that they still haven't been able to collect the energy of the God of the Shadow Clan, and his statement also made Bai Yan and the others' faces even more ugly, because he knew very well that this meant that they There is simply no way to study the energy of the Shadow Clan God, which also means that they are far behind the Shadow Clan God.

When they thought of this, Bai Yan and the others couldn't help but sigh lightly, and then Bai Yan said: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's collect data honestly. After all, that level is simply beyond our reach. Arrived." Everyone nodded and stopped talking. They may be more than one level behind the God of Shadow Clan now, so this situation will happen. They can't collect the energy of the God of Shadow Clan, and they can't. Not surprisingly, there is really nothing they can do about this situation.

Ding Chunming said in a deep voice: "Okay, that's it. If nothing happens, we'll go back first. How about that?" After saying that, he looked at Bai Yan, wanting to see if there was anything else there. Son, Bai Yan also nodded and let everyone leave directly.

Ding Chunming and the others returned to the front. As soon as they returned to the front, Ding Chunming immediately arranged the offensive personnel for tomorrow. No one objected to such an attack, because such a battle was already very difficult for them. Normally, they are very happy to have such an opponent who has been accompanying them in training, so the emotions of all the disciples are very stable.

Although there seem to be a lot of battles in the Blood Killing Sect, because they have too many disciples, the number of battles that the Blood Killing Sect disciples actually participate in is actually not very many. Sometimes, they have to wait for a long time before they have a battle. Because they can't use so many people at one time, they can only rotate, and one rotation takes a long time, so they don't have a chance to fight for a lot of time.

In this battle with the Shadow Clan, the number of the Shadow Clan was no less than theirs. Precisely because the number of the Shadow Clan was no less than theirs, they participated in more battles, and this was important to them. For the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, this is actually a good thing, because the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect know very well that only by participating in the battle can they contribute points, and with contribution points, they can get better things. Although it is said that blood The Killing Sect provides them with many good things, but there are still many things that they need to redeem with contribution points. The most important of them are nothing more than two things, one is the technique, and the other is projection.

Although the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect each use the techniques that are most suitable for them, they only get the basic ones. On top of their techniques, there are more advanced techniques, and these high-level techniques Not only are their skills faster to practice, but they also have various abilities. Such skills require them to exchange their contribution points.

In addition to the exercises, there is projection. This projection is not an ordinary projection, but the projection of the sermons of the elders in the sect. If you have contribution points, you can even switch to the projection of Zhao Hai's personal sermons. Such projections are very important to the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. You must know that every elder in the Blood Killing Sect has requirements for preaching and projection. In other words, a year ago, they had to Several sermons need to be given, and these sermons will be made into projections for the disciples of the sect to exchange. These projections are very precious, and most disciples are reluctant to change the sermon projections.

And it’s not just these. If you want to learn magic formations and more advanced knowledge of magic formations, you can also exchange them with contribution points. It can be said that in the Blood Killing Sect, the most precious thing is nothing else, but all kinds of magic formations. This kind of knowledge requires contribution points, so the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect still attach great importance to contribution points. If they are not fighting, it is not easy to get contribution points, except every month. In addition to the contribution points fixed by the sect, you can only get additional contribution points by completing some sect tasks. However, if there is no battle, it is not easy to earn contribution points. , because there are not so many daily tasks for you to do in the Blood Killing Sect, so when they are not fighting, Weiwei can only rely on the contribution points given to them by the sect, and then save these contribution points until they have enough. Now, when I take it out and use it, it is very slow.

But when there is a battle and you participate in the battle, then you have more opportunities to earn contribution points. As long as you participate in the battle, there will be contribution points for you. There are a lot of these contribution points, so there are many blood kills. The disciples of the sect all like to participate in battles.

It is precisely because of this that although the energy of the Shadow Clan is outside their base now, if they want to fight the Shadow Clan, they must fight in the energy of the Shadow Clan. This will be more dangerous, but those sects The disciples are still very willing to participate in such a battle. They will not want to participate just because such a battle is more dangerous. After all, this is their opportunity.

The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect are also very clear that although they have armor and several lives, they are not invincible. It does not mean that they have armor and several lives. He won't die. In fact, it is still dangerous to fight against the Shadow Tribe people, especially the current Shadow Tribe people. Many of these Shadow Tribe people have the power of the Shadow Tribe gods. These Shadow Tribe gods The power of the sect is a threat to them. Although the sect has now changed the magic circle in the armor to minimize this danger, it cannot be said that it is completely absent. There were many sect disciples in the past. After being attacked by the armor, his mental strength was damaged and he had to wait for a long time to recover. This shows how dangerous such a battle is, but none of the disciples flinched.

For the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, participating in battles is not just for contribution points. Contribution points are only one aspect. They participate in battles to train themselves and for the sake of the sect. They know very well that everything they have is for the sect. If they don't participate in the battle and the sect is really defeated, then they will have nothing, so they have never objected to participating in the battle.

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