Ding Chunming and the others were also observing the battlefield. When he saw the performance of those disciples on the battlefield, Ding Chunming couldn't help but smile. Then he said: "Very good, these guys performed very well, very well. When they become familiar with the armor and magical weapons in the future, their combat effectiveness will be improved." Everyone nodded and agreed with Ding Chunming's words.

Ding Chunming then spoke: "Tell me, what means will the Shadow Clan use to deal with us next?"

Gongsun Yulong said at this time: "I think we can try to change it. We can try to attack. Our disciples cannot use the magic circle to attack now, but there is no problem using the battle formation to attack. Using the magic circle to attack, Those trees will suck our energy away, but attacking with the battle formation will not. We will use the battle formation to attack. I really want to see if the Shadow Tribe can beat us in the battle formation. , We didn’t use the battle formation to attack before because there was no need, but now I think it is necessary to let our disciples use the battle attack. I really want to see how the Shadow Clan people should respond."

When Ding Chunming heard what Gongsun Yulong said, he couldn't help but be startled, then nodded and said: "This is a good way and it is feasible."

Gongsun Yulong then said: "And there is another reason why I proposed to take the initiative to attack. I am worried about what back-ups the Shadow Tribe people will have. If they are allowed to remain in a stalemate with us, we don't know what back-ups they have. If If we attack and press them, we might be able to force them out from behind, so we can be well prepared."

Upon hearing what Gongsun Yulong said, Ding Chunming couldn't help but nodded, and then Ding Chunming said: "Let's discuss it with Lao Bai, Qinglong, get through to Lao Bai." Qinglong responded, and then directly contacted Bai Yan.

Bai Yan quickly connected to the communication, and his avatar appeared on the projection. Ding Chunming said directly: "Old Bai, I am going to use the battle formation for tomorrow's attack. Now we are in a stalemate with the Shadow Tribe people here. I think we have to make some changes, and Gongsun just said that the Shadow Clan people have been in a stalemate with us like this, and we are worried that they will have some back-ups. We use the battle formation to attack, repel them, and put them at a disadvantage. , so maybe we can force them out, what do you think?"

He rolled his eyes and thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, just in time. Now that our defensive formation has been upgraded, Lao Zhang said that he is planning to use the Five Elements Light Dividing Boundary instead of the Five Elements Light Dividing Boundary in the Eight Gate Array. The Five Elements Ultimate Array, the Five Elements Dividing Light Realm is a defensive array, while the Five Elements Ultimate Array is an offensive array, and the energy of the Five Elements Ultimate Array is inward, so if we use the Five Elements Ultimate Array, it may The effect will be better. Of course, you won’t know until you try it whether it works or not. When today’s battle is over, Lao Zhang will change the formation. You can’t change it before yesterday. Tomorrow you can directly use the battle formation to attack. Let’s see how the Shadow Tribe people react. Can’t those Shadow Tribe people also form battle formations? But if their battle formations are as proficient as ours, we’ll have to try them before we know.”

When Ding Chunming heard what Bai Yan said, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "Use the Five Elements to kill the formation? This formation is not so easy to control, and it is an offensive formation. If the roots of the Shadow Tribe people pick off our Five Elements Will the Ultimate Killing Formation directly absorb energy from the Five Elements Ultimate Killing Formation? Although our Five Elements Ultimate Killing Formation can crush their tree roots, before those roots are broken, It can absorb energy. Isn't this too risky?" Ding Chunming was still a little worried about using the Five Elements Killing Formation for defense, so Ding Chunming said this. Of course he had no objection to Zhang Hongliang. Just speak your mind.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "In terms of magic circles, we are far behind Lao Zhang. Let Lao Zhang decide on this matter."

When Ding Chunming heard what he said, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Yes, let Lao Zhang decide this kind of thing by himself. We still don't want to think about it anymore." He nodded with his eyes and then said: "Okay, then It's settled, you can just attack normally tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about the changes in the magic circle." Ding Chunming responded, and then the two of them cut off communication.

After cutting off the communication, Ding Chunming turned to Gongsun Yulong and said: "Let the alien cavalry and the alien cavalry be ready tomorrow. They will also attack if necessary. Also, the aliens will attack tomorrow." To participate, those aliens are now the disciples of the sect, and their fighting power is also very strong. Our disciples have formed a battle formation. Those aliens still focus on impact. They use the battle formation to cooperate with the alien army. I really want to see the impact. How the tribe should respond, this time must teach them a lesson."

Gongsun Yulong nodded, and then said: "The aliens' fighting power is indeed very strong. No matter how you let them attack, they are all using armor now. There is no need to worry about any casualties. Their impact is also very powerful. , By the way, do you want to let the undead cavalry also attack? The combat effectiveness of the undead clan cannot be underestimated, especially after they merge with the ghost fire, their combat effectiveness is even more powerful. Let them go out to fight and see what the effect is." Gongsun Yulong suddenly thought of the Necromancer Cavalry. The Necromancer Cavalry had not fought for a long time. It was time for the Necromancer Cavalry to go into battle. After all, the Necromancer Cavalry was very powerful in combat.

Ding Chunming thought for a while, then nodded and said: "It's really time to give it a try. Okay, let's do this. Let's mobilize a large group of undead cavalry to participate in tomorrow's battle. Qinglong, pass on the order." Qinglong agreed. With one sound, the order was immediately passed on.

The day's battle ended quickly. When the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect returned to the base, the defensive array here changed. It changed from the Five Elements Dividing Light Realm to the Five Elements Killing Formation. Of course, the Blood Killing Sect's disciples The disciples of the Killing Sect don't care about this. They were all preparing for tomorrow's battle, and the Shadow Clan people didn't think too much about it. Although they didn't have the upper hand today, the Blood Killing Sect didn't take advantage at all, so they weren't very worried.

Early the next morning, the Blood Killing Sect's attack began. When the Blood Killing Sect's disciples appeared, Zhang Wutong's expression changed immediately. He immediately saw that the Blood Killing Sect's disciples actually started to use battle formations. , and this time the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect used a Rubik's Cube array, not the spherical array or cone-shaped array he had seen before. The attack power of the Rubik's Cube array may be weaker than these magic arrays. But the various changes of the Rubik's Cube Formation are incomparable to these formations. Of course, Zhang Wutong doesn't know this yet, but as soon as he sees the people of the Blood Killing Sect starting to use the battle formation, he knows that today The battle is not easy to win.

At the same time, the aliens and the undead cavalry appeared. Although the undead cavalry also used armor, their armor was different. Their armor was always on fire. It was the ghost fire. Although they There was no Rubik's Cube formation, but they were moving forward in neat formations. The army of the alien clan was also moving forward in neat formations.

As soon as he saw this situation, Zhang Wutong immediately said loudly: "All disciples, please pay attention to the formation of large magic weapons and large statues of gods. They must block their attacks." Zhang Wutong knew very well that in this case, they wanted to use The original tactics simply didn't work. Only large statues and magic weapons could be used to block their attack.

The Shadow Tribe people immediately formed large magic weapons and statues in the shortest time, and then attacked. When he saw the actions of the Shadow Tribe people, Ding Chunming couldn't help but be startled, and then Ding Chunming's face couldn't help but change. After a change, he said in a deep voice: "Good guy, if we hadn't used the battle formation, they might not have shown this trick. Look, those statues can actually form a large statue. That means , Their idols are actually the same as those magic weapons. They are all fused with amoeba and can be separated or combined. Good guys, if we don't force them to use this trick this time, if we suddenly encounter them in the future, It’s really a disadvantage.”

Gongsun Yulong also nodded, and then he said in a deep voice: "It seems like the Shadow Clan people may have more back-ups, but they have been useless. It seems that our actions this time are right, just take a look How powerful is their great statue.”

Ding Chunming nodded, and then said: "You will know what is going on after this fight." Gongsun Yulong responded and did not speak. At this time, the Blood Killing Sect's Rubik's Cube Formation also faced After getting on the big statue of the Shadow Tribe, the magical weapon in the statue's hand was directed towards the Rubik's Cube Formation. At this time, the Rubik's Cube Formation also changed. The Magic Cube Formation suddenly stretched out. Two arm-like battle formations emerged. One arm-like battle formation was directed towards the magical weapon of the Shadow Clan's great statue, while the other arm was directed towards the Shadow Clan's great god statue.

Like the group of people who blocked the magic weapon of the great statue, their captain said in a deep voice: "Everyone, pay attention, everyone is connected together, everyone uses the law of detention, are you ready?" Everyone responded. , they are all ready, they are now connecting everyone with iron chains, and then all the people are using the law of imprisonment. As soon as they see that everyone is ready, the captain immediately said loudly : "This is the first time we have used this tactic. Everyone should be careful. Pay attention. It's coming. Welcome." Following his voice, their team directly faced the magic weapon of the great god statue. The magical weapon was also very huge, but this group of Blood Killing Sect disciples suddenly seemed to soften, as if they turned into a soft whip, which was directly wrapped around the magical weapon of the great god statue. At the same time, their When the Law of Detention was activated, the Great God Statue felt that the magic weapon in his hand seemed to have become heavier all of a sudden, and it seemed that he could not swing it. He couldn't help being shocked, and he wanted to pull it back, but he found that he seemed to be unable to pull it back. , which surprised him.

At this time, another team in the Rubik's Cube Formation had already come over to kill them. The captain of the team said solemnly: "Everyone, turn around." This time, their battle formation was actually a cone-shaped formation, except that this The cone-shaped array was now covered with thorns, and the thorns were still spinning. The next moment, the cone-shaped array had directly hit the Shadow Clan's great statue. ()

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