The magnetic field conversion array actually puts it plainly. It allows you to change your position through the constant conversion of the magnetic field, just like you are a magnet and the enemy is a magnet. You can change your magnetic poles to bring you closer or closer. Extending the distance between the two sides, this magnetic field conversion array will change the magnetic field in meters and become more diverse. It can surround you near or far, east or west, in front or behind, or up or down. The enemy attacks, so this magnetic field conversion array will indeed make people more flexible and faster, but there is also a lot of knowledge involved in converting it into a suitable magnetic field at the right time.

Fortunately, You Wenzheng and the others have all gone through body refining and have integrated the Yantian Sphere with their bodies. Now they are one with the Yantian Sphere, and the Yantian Sphere can help them control the magnetic field. They only need to think about it. The Yantian Sphere can help them control the magnetic field, so they will learn faster, but they need more practice.

After You Wenzheng practiced for a while, he tried the defense-breaking rune again. This defense-breaking rune was very simple to use. He could just add it to the magic weapon. But what You Wenzheng wanted was not to add it to the magic weapon, but to add it to the magic weapon. Adding it to the spirit thread, and also making the spirit thread have a very strong attack power, is a bit difficult, and it requires good practice. He has not yet controlled the spirit thread to a very proficient level, let alone Speaking of adding the defense-breaking rune, this requires practice, but for monks, training like this is normal, so You Wenzheng has been practicing hard, and the Shadow Clan will attack them at night When it happened, he ignored it and continued to practice.

Early the next morning, You Wenzheng went directly to the real illusion to practice. In addition to practicing his own skills, he was also practicing how to use magnetic fields to convert runes, and he also practiced how to control spiritual threads. .

The day's practice passed quickly. When he came out of the real illusion, rested for a while, and then started practicing again. You Wenzheng knew very well that the sect had truly been relatively fair, and the materials given to them were, in the end, They are almost all the same at the beginning. It depends on you how far you will develop in the future. If you study seriously and practice hard enough, your progress will be faster. When the time comes, Of course you will get more good things. If you don't practice hard enough and your strength will not be as good as others, then you should not blame others for surpassing you, let alone others for getting good things.

You Wenzheng is very busy every day now. The training time he arranged for himself is only more than two hours. The rest of the time he practices various techniques. When he has nothing to do, he practices how to control the spiritual threads. He is now I have discovered that when the spiritual thread is controlled to a certain degree, it will indeed exert great power. For example, your spiritual thread looks as soft as silk thread, but when it floats to the enemy, the top of the spiritual thread will Position, it can become stronger than an ordinary long sword and pierce the enemy directly. If it really reaches that point, the power that this spiritual thread can exert will be even greater. Now he can only It is possible to do this without force, but the spiritual thread cannot be too long, about three feet, he can reach this point, if it exceeds three feet, then he will not be able to reach this point, but he You know, this is just because his control of the spiritual thread is not mature enough. As long as his control of the spiritual thread can reach a proficient level, the power of the spiritual thread will definitely become greater.

In the following days, You Wenzheng practiced the spiritual threads while fighting with the Shadow Tribe people. He became more proficient in controlling the spiritual threads. Five days passed like this, but today You Wenzheng frowned. Sitting there, he found that his control of the spirit threads had encountered a bottleneck. Now that he could not control the spirit threads at a distance of fifty meters, he could not achieve those proficiency. No matter how much he practiced, the spirit threads were not as good as The method was to achieve flexibility within fifty meters, which made You Wenzheng frown involuntarily.

He began to slowly deduct why this happened. As he deduced bit by bit, You Wenzheng really discovered the problem. He found that it was because of his mental power. Although his mental power could Controlling the spiritual thread can also be attached to the spiritual thread, but the spiritual thread is too thin. Even if the mental power is attached to the spiritual thread, it is only a very small part. Once such mental power is stretched too far, the control will be lost. The power will become weaker, so his spiritual thread is the most flexible to control only within a distance of fifty meters, but it cannot be controlled far away.

This discovery made You Wenzheng frown. The distance of fifty meters may seem to ordinary people to be not short, but in the eyes of monks, this distance is nothing at all, so the distance of fifty meters It's still too short. We need to strengthen the control. But how to strengthen the control is a question. You Wen was sitting there thinking hard, but after thinking for a long time, he was already restless, but he still couldn't think of anything. , which made him have an even worse headache. He finally took a deep breath and decided to go out for a walk and relax his mood. These days, all his thoughts were focused on practicing and controlling the spiritual threads. Obviously it wasn't possible, and he should relax. As soon as he thought of this, You Wenzheng left his room and walked out. As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw an Ouroboros not far away interacting with the shadow. The big statues of the tribe were fighting, and then he remembered that it was already night, and it was time for the Shadow Tribe to attack again. He looked at the big statues of the Shadow Tribe, and also saw the spiritual thread behind the big statue of the Shadow Tribe. , the spiritual thread behind the great statue of the Shadow Tribe was of course much thicker, stretching all the way back. He thought of the Shadow Tribe people who fought against them during the day. The statues of those Shadow Tribe people were similar in stature to ordinary people. It is much smaller than this big statue. Behind those small statues, there is also a spiritual thread. The spiritual thread also stretches to the rear. It must be connected to other big statues. When he thinks of this, his mind Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and he immediately thought of a method. He immediately turned around and walked back. He had to test it immediately to see if the method he thought of was feasible.

Just now, You Wenzheng saw the spiritual threads on the statues of the Shadow Tribe gods, and he suddenly thought that if all the Shadow Tribe people were connected by spiritual threads, that meant that the Shadow Tribe people could also use the spiritual threads to communicate with each other. , but ordinary Shadow Tribe people may not be able to contact the Shadow Emperor directly. They must report to their captain, and then report level by level, and finally contact the Shadow Emperor. So, can he also command the spiritual thread? How about giving orders level by level like this? You must know that there are control runes in their sect. If he puts a control rune in the spiritual thread at intervals, will he be able to control the spiritual thread better?

It was precisely because of this idea that You Wenzheng returned to his room, and then he began to experiment. He had experimented before. It was difficult for him to control the spiritual thread if it was more than fifty meters long. , he started to test from fifty meters. He first released the spiritual thread fifty meters, and then started to test whether the spiritual thread could be controlled freely.

But after trying it, You Wenzheng found that it didn't work. Although the control rune allowed him to strengthen his control over the spiritual thread, it still didn't reach the point where he could use his fingers like an arm. At a distance of fifty meters, although he could do it very well Control the spirit thread, but the spirit thread is no longer as flexible as fingers. After trying it this time, he found that after adding the control runes, the spirit thread was still not as flexible as he imagined. Then he immediately made it He conducted experiments and shortened the distance of the control runes, directly to forty meters, but the result still did not achieve the effect he wanted. Then it was thirty meters, but it still didn't work, and then it was twenty meters. At this time When he was at a distance, he felt that the spiritual thread was really as flexible as his fingers. He could control the spiritual thread with great ease, which he could not do before. In other words, he was now releasing the spiritual thread. He walked forty meters, and placed a control rune in the middle of the forty meters, that is, a distance of twenty meters. Then the forty meters of spiritual thread can be as flexible as his fingers. It could be done before. No, in the past, his spiritual thread stretched out forty meters. Although it was still very flexible, it was not as flexible as he imagined. It could only be regarded as proficient. It was like holding a tool in your hand. This tool Very skilled and smooth, but if you want to say that this tool is as flexible as your hands, it is impossible. But now the feeling of holding a tool is gone. Lingsi has become It was so rare to be as flexible as a finger. You Wenzheng experimented for a while, and then he let out a sigh of relief. Then You Wenzheng started to experiment again. He stretched out the spiritual silk for sixty meters, and then every Putting a control rune twenty meters apart, he wanted to see if this could connect all the control runes so that the sixty-meter-long spiritual line could still be so flexible.

The test was very successful, and the spiritual silk was still very flexible. You Wenzheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. He immediately started testing again, until he tested a two hundred meter long spiritual silk. It was still so flexible, but when the length of the spiritual silk reached When he reached two hundred and twenty meters, the spirit silk was no longer so flexible. You Wenzheng tried many times, but it still didn't work. He tried to add a control rune at two hundred and ten meters, but the result was still the same. No, in the end, after many experiments, You Wenzheng discovered that it was not the length of the spiritual thread, but the problem of controlling the runes, or in other words, it was still a problem of his mental power. It can be said that controlling the runes is like one by one. After entering this post battle, his mental power was not weakened at all and he could keep moving forward. Without these post battles, his mental power would not have been able to reach that far. Now his His mental power can reach a distance of two hundred meters because of the control runes. However, his mental power is inevitably weakened after ten control runes. That's why this happens. Although the situation is only two hundred meters away, You Wenzheng is already very happy. After all, within a range of two hundred meters, he can control the spirit threads just like he controls his own fingers. This is very rare. Then You Wenzheng Wen Zheng started a new experiment, wanting to see what would happen if the top of the spiritual thread was a magic weapon. ()

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