The reason why You Wenzheng practiced swordsmanship at the same time was because he put a lot of effort into this set of swordsmanship, and he also liked this set of swordsmanship very much. When he used this set of swordsmanship, he would enter a kind of He wants to bring himself into this state of forgetting both things and myself, so that he can make the spiritual thread become a part of his body. As long as he can really do this, then It will be easier for him to control the spiritual thread, so You Wenzheng has to start practicing swordsmanship.

When he first started practicing the sword, he was very slow because Lingsi was awkward with the sword. However, he did not rush, but calmed down and practiced the sword slowly, twice, three times, and kept practicing. Then, he finally entered the state of forgetting both things and me. He forgot about the spirit thread. He only felt that it was a part of his body. All his thoughts were focused on the sword technique, forgetting about the spirit thread. , and this time he forgot, Lingsi used the sword more smoothly. Unknowingly, he had been practicing the sword for several hours, and then he woke up and remembered that he Why practice swordsmanship?

Then he glanced at the knife used by Lingsi with some surprise, and found that the feeling of estrangement had returned. He frowned, and he didn't understand why he had to enter the world of things and me. How can one achieve the state of forgetfulness and be able to use a knife smoothly? He tried it again, only to find that the raw feeling came back, which made him frown. He was not practicing the sword, but sat down cross-legged, wondering why.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure it out. It made his head hurt, so he reached out and pressed his head, but at this moment, his hand suddenly stopped, and then he He stretched out his hand in front of his eyes. He looked at his hand. He had just been thinking about pressing his head. He had not thought about using that hand to press his head, nor had he thought about using it. He pressed his head with great strength, but his hand just moved. In other words, he did not deliberately direct his hand, but his hand moved. He looked at his hand and suddenly He laughed loudly, he understood, he finally figured it out.

He understood why he had a jerky feeling when using the spirit silk. It was because he was thinking too much, just like your hands. When your hands are doing some movements, sometimes you don't You need to think deliberately, for example, if you want to pick up a cup, you will not deliberately think about how much strength I need to use to pick up this cup. You will not think about this, you will only think, I'm going to pick up this cup, and then your hands will pick up the cup naturally.

But when he uses the spirit thread, he will think, how much force should I use to get this cup with the spirit thread, and how to use the spirit thread to get the cup. Of course, after giving so many instructions, he will There is a jerky feeling. If you use this method to control your hands, you will find that there is also a jerky feeling between you and your hands.

In other words, holding things with your hands is considered an instinct. You simply need to deliberately think and direct. If he can make the spirit silk reach this level, then I believe he will truly Think of the spirit thread as part of your body.

But if he wanted to do this, he had to practice more. After having this idea, You Wenzheng did not do any more practice, but started a normal life, but this time he didn't care Whatever he does, he will control the spiritual thread to do it. To make the spiritual thread become one of his hands, he also has to make both of his hands have things to do. This kind of practice is not easy. He has been After practicing for a few days, he finally got a little feeling. He now feels that this spiritual thread has indeed become a part of him. For example, if he wants to pick up an object, if the object is very close to him, then His hand went directly to get it. If this thing was far away from him, he didn't have to walk there at all. Lingsi just helped him get it. This made his life a lot more convenient, and he also slowed down. Slowly he got used to the existence of Lingsi, and then he started practicing his sword again.

This time he practiced the sword using spiritual thread, but the spiritual thread did not extend from his hand, but from his shoulder. This spiritual thread controlled the long sword, and he continued to practice there. Eight moves of bloody battle, and this spiritual thread is two hundred meters long. You Wenzheng wants to use this method to turn sword training with spiritual thread into an instinct, so he practices the sword over and over again.

Slowly, he entered the realm of forgetfulness of things and myself, and as he entered the realm of forgetfulness of things and myself, rivers of blood also fell from the sky. For the first time, he entered the realm of Dharma while using the spiritual thread to control the long sword. , This made You Wenzheng feel happy, and the blood river disappeared the next moment. He knew that this was because when he was practicing swordsmanship, he did not think about those things, so he entered the Dharma Realm, and when he thought about those things Something, the mind fluctuates, and naturally there is no way to enter the Dharma Realm, and he retreats from the Dharma Realm, so the blood river disappears. He knows that this is because he has practiced too little, and he can only All this became instinctive, and he could truly do it, treating the spiritual thread as a part of his body, so he started to practice swordsmanship again, and once again entered the state of forgetting both things and myself, and at the same time, the blood river also appeared, but this time he did not stop and was still practicing.

I don't know how much time passed before You Wenzheng stopped. He let out a long breath. At the same time, the blood river disappeared, and the long knife also disappeared. At the same time, the spiritual thread was also taken back. You Wenzheng He didn't continue practicing, but went directly to rest. His nerves had been broken these days, and now he could finally take a good rest.

Early the next morning, You Wenzheng got up refreshed, washed up, and then ate something. This was also the habit of Blood Killing Sect disciples. They had long been accustomed to eating, and then You Wenzheng started again. Practice, this time he just thought about it, and the spirit thread had already gone out. Then the long knife appeared at the top of the spirit thread. The next moment, the blood river appeared. You Wenzheng continued to practice. After practicing for a while, he entered again. He went to practice in the real illusion, and then came out of the real illusion and started practicing again. Now when he is practicing the eight bloody battle postures, the speed at which the blood river appears is still a bit slow, and there is no way to make it the same as holding it with his hands. , much slower than when holding the knife with his hands. Now he just wants to make them reach the same level through constant practice. Whether it is using the spiritual thread or using his hands, it is the same when holding the knife. Speed, this is considered qualified.

And on this day, in addition to practicing the eight bloody battle postures, he also did another exercise, that is, the practice of the divine machine finger. The divine machine finger and the eight bloody combat postures can be said to be two things that all disciples of the Blood Killing Sect must practice. These are two martial arts techniques. In fact, the Eight Forms of Blood War are famous for their simplicity, while the Divine Machine Finger is famous for their complexity. These are two completely different techniques. One is to reduce the moves as much as possible, and each move has a powerful The lethality, and one is to complicate the moves. Each move has countless changes. Even You Wenzheng feels that Lingsi may be more suitable for the Divine Machine Finger, so he now starts to practice the Divine Machine Finger with the Lingsi. , he hopes to better control the spiritual thread.

When You Wen was practicing the Divine Machine Finger with the Lingsi, he found that his previous guess was indeed right. The Lingsi was really suitable for the Divine Machine Finger. The moves of the Divine Machine Finger had so many changes, and the flexibility of the Lingsi Sex can completely make the attack power of the Divine Machine Finger stronger.

Think about it, if you use two hands to perform a set of extremely complex moves, what effect will it have? If you use hundreds of hands to perform it, what effect will it have? The effect will be completely different. You Wenzheng kept practicing, but unfortunately, he did not understand any laws through the Divine Machine Finger, but his laws themselves are blessing laws, so it is not impossible to use them on the Divine Machine Finger. It's just that the effect of blessing is not as obvious as the eight bloody battle moves, but it is enough.

After another five days of practice, You Wenzheng was able to achieve this. There is no difference between using the long knife with his spiritual silk and using the long knife with his hands. He is now practicing eight bloody battles with the long knife using his spiritual silk. When using the technique, you can also enter the Dharma Realm immediately. This is exactly what You Wenzheng wants to achieve. What makes You Wenzheng even more happy is that when he uses the divine machine finger with the spiritual thread, the power also increases. A lot, much more powerful than when he used the Divine Machine Finger to fight.

But he also knew that it was time for him to come out. He had been in seclusion these days and did not participate in the battle between the sect and the Shadow Clan. Of course, the sect would not blame him for such a trivial matter, but he But he felt a little sorry, so he felt that the time was almost up, so he came out of seclusion directly. Then he reported directly to Ding Chunming and told Ding Chunming that he was out of seclusion and could participate in the battle. Ding Chunming was not polite. , and directly arranged a battle mission for him tomorrow. Tomorrow he would join the army to attack the Shadow Tribe. Of course, You Wenzheng would not object, and he immediately agreed. At night, he took another look at his title. The battle between the tailed snake and the great statues of the Shadow Tribe people did not have any area before his retreat, but the fighting power of the Ouroboros seemed to have become stronger. Of course, the combat power of those big god statues also became stronger, You Wenzheng Looking at this situation, he couldn't help but sigh. He knew that the two sides were just trying to see who could beat the other to death first. The strength of both sides could not be infinitely improved, whether it was the Blood Killing Sect or the Shadow Sect. Regardless of clan members, they are all the same. As the strength of both sides increases, there will definitely be a bottleneck. Now it depends on whose bottleneck reaches it first. The one who reaches the bottleneck first will definitely suffer a lot. Now it depends on who can't stand it first. .

After resting for a night, You Wenzheng got ready early the next morning. He lined up outside and prepared to attack the Shadow Tribe with everyone else. Everyone else was also ready, and everyone watched. They were looking in the direction of the Shadow Tribe people, but there was no look of nervousness on their faces. They had experienced battles like this so many times that they knew what nervousness meant, but everyone was a little serious. They know that when facing the Shadow Man, they cannot be too relaxed, otherwise they will suffer a loss. ()

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