Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Volume One, Chapter 124: Dramatic Changes in the Underground Palace

When Elder Yin heard what Zhao Hai said, he could only sigh and said: "That's the only way it can be now. Even if it's just to alert the snake, we have to deal with those guys, but we can't deal with those guys. We will only deal with them in the future." It will be even more troublesome."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "The sect needs to send people to Ouyang's house as soon as possible. In that case, we may be able to catch a few ghost cultivators. If we arrive too late, we may not be able to catch anyone."

Elder Yin nodded and said: "You don't have to worry about this. The sect will take care of it. You and I will be more careful." Zhao Hai responded, and Elder Yin turned off the communicator.

Zhao Hai also put away the communicator, turned to look at Laura and the others and said: "It seems that our trial this time has not been in vain. At least our gains so far are not small."

Laura smiled and said: "Yes, our harvest now is small and medium. We have obtained so many undead creatures with strong combat power. Our safety will be more guaranteed in the future." At this moment, Zhao Hai felt that there was someone standing behind him. Qiu Tie, the energy fluctuations on his body were a little abnormal. Zhao Hai turned around and saw that Qiu Hai was standing there with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was in trance.

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said in a deep voice: "We are actually condensing at this time. This kid doesn't know how to go back to his room." Laura and the others also smiled bitterly impatiently, but they still stopped talking. They all looked at Qiu Tie intently.

More than an hour later, a Dharma form slowly appeared on Qiu Tie's body. At first, this Dharma form was just like smoke. But quickly. The appearance gradually became clear, but when they saw the appearance, Zhao Hai and Laura couldn't help but were stunned, because the appearance that Qiu Tiening came out really surprised them, because the appearance was not like his own. , but the appearance of Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai in the Dharma image is standing, holding a big knife, the Daguan Dao, in his hand.

Zhao Hai saw this situation. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this stage when the Dharma was taking shape, Zhao Hai could clearly feel the power of faith coming from him. Qiu Tie's body was injected into his body.

In fact, after arriving in the True Spirit World, although the space can still provide Zhao Hai with a lot of power of faith, these powers of faith seem to have been compressed, and they have no effect on Zhao Hai's body. It's not very useful anymore. On the contrary, now the power of faith seems to be giving more of Zhao Hai's spiritual power. Zhao Hai feels that there is more and more golden power of faith in his mind.

The power of faith that surged out of Qiu Tie was more mellow than the power of faith that the undead creatures in his space could provide him. This was something Zhao Hai never expected.

Wait until Zhao Hai's Dharma on Qiu Tie's body is completely solidified. Only then did Qiu Tie open his eyes. He was a little confused. Then he immediately noticed the Dharma form on his body. When he saw the appearance of his Dharma form, he couldn't help but smile happily. He turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Young Master , I succeeded, I successfully condensed the Dharma."

Seeing Qiu Tie's happy look, Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Silly boy, why did you condense the Dharma into my appearance? This will not be of any benefit to your future development."

Qiu Tie shook his head and said: "I don't care. In my heart, the young master is the strongest person in the world, so I doubt Fa Xiang as the young master."

Zhao Hai looked at the stubborn look and sighed: "You do this. I can only let you learn some other skills. Just using Xi Juli's magic method to subdue demons is no longer enough." Although Qiu Tie didn't understand Zhao Meaning of sea. But he didn't say anything.

When Laura and the others heard what Zhao Hai said, they immediately understood what Zhao Hai meant. Zhao Hai seemed to be preparing to let Qiu Tie learn the skills of the Heavenly Demon clan. To be honest, Qiu Tie’s current situation was only that of the Heavenly Demon. The Clan's Kung Fu is the most suitable for him. Of course, the Heavenly Demon Clan's Kung Fu here is an improved Heavenly Demon Clan's Kung Fu. It will not have any impact on Qiu Tie's future practice, and there is no need for him to defeat Zhao Hai. Progress, otherwise he might not be able to make progress in his lifetime.

However, Qiu Tie cannot be allowed to learn the techniques of the Demon Tribe yet. The most important thing for him now is to completely stabilize his realm.

After resting for a night, Zhao Hai and the others continued to move forward. Nothing happened along the way. However, when they were fighting in several small towns, they heard some casual cultivators discussing that the Ouyang family was attacked by ghost cultivators. , Ba Daomen sent monks to support them, and brought everyone in the Ouyang family to live in the main hall of Ba Daomen. The Ouyang family, which was very glorious and famous in this generation, just disappeared.

When he heard the news, Zhao Hai couldn't help but be slightly startled. He really didn't expect that the sect would react so quickly. It only took one day for the sect to take action, and the news could spread so quickly. I'm afraid there is a sect behind this, otherwise it would be impossible for the casual cultivators to know the news so quickly.

Zhao Hai and the others did not pay too much attention to the news. He believed that the sect would handle the matter well. After taking a rest in this small town, Zhao Hai and the others set off in one go. Now they are already far away from the town they are going to. It's not far away. I believe they can reach the abandoned town in about three or four days.

They walked very quietly in the past two days, and no one came to attack them. This was a bit beyond Zhao Hai's expectation. He thought that other sects would definitely come to trouble him, but he didn't expect it. did not come.

Zhao Hai was sitting in the living room drinking tea, holding a jade slip in his hand and looking at it. This jade slip was not a jade slip of martial arts, but a jade slip of travel notes, written by a monk from the Ba Dao Sect. When he traveled here in the True Spirit World, he wrote down some of the customs and habits of various places and turned them into this jade slip.

Laura and the others were looking at the computer. The computer showed a TV series shot on a planet in space. The protagonist of this TV series was also very interesting. The name of this TV series was God of Creation, and the name of this God of Creation was His name is Zhao Hai. In other words, this is a TV series with Zhao Hai as the protagonist.

Although the things in this TV series are basically made up by people, Laura and the others still watched it with gusto and laughed from time to time. At this time, Qiu Tie ran to the roof of the car to practice alone. At this moment , Zhao Hai suddenly felt that a small teleportation array moved in his own space. Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then with a thought in his mind, he immediately took out the teleportation array. When he took out the teleportation array and took a look, Zhao Hai Zhao Hai found a letter on the teleportation array. Zhao Hai picked up the letter and read it, and saw that the letter said: "Wang Hu is in danger, please come to the rescue quickly!"

As soon as he saw this letter, Zhao Hai immediately remembered who this teleportation array was contacting. Wang Hu, the casual cultivator he met in the underground maze. At that time, Wang Hu helped Zhao Hai with some help, and Zhao Hai He gave him a small teleportation array and told him that if anything happened in the future, he could find him through the small teleportation array. Zhao Hai had almost forgotten about this matter, but he did not expect that at this time, a letter suddenly came.

Zhao Hai immediately turned to Laura and the others and said, "Laura, keep going. When you get to the next city, stop and wait for me in the city. I want to go out."

Laura responded and said: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said, "I met a person when I went out for a trial last time. Something happened to him now. I want to go take a look." Laura nodded, and Zhao Hai disappeared into the living room in a flash.

The small teleportation array that Zhao Hai gave to Wang Hu had a positioning function that allowed Zhao Hai to easily find Wang Hu's location, so Zhao Hai immediately appeared at the teleportation location. Once he arrived at this location, Zhao Hai was stunned. , because this is still an underground maze and a hall, but the situation in this hall is not good now. Two groups of monks are killing each other in the hall.

When Zhao Hai saw this situation, he couldn't help but frown slightly, because he clearly remembered that Wang Hu and the others had said that killing was not allowed in this hall, and everyone gathered in this hall to rest, so Even if enemies meet in the hall, they won't fight. Why are they fighting now?

At this time, Zhao Hai also saw Wang Hu. Wang Hu was surrounded by several people, resisting the attacks of more than ten people. However, the position where Zhao Hai appeared was next to a corpse, and in the hands of this corpse, He is grabbing a teleportation array, the one that Zhao Hai gave to Wang Hu.

Zhao Hai put away the teleportation array, and with a move of his hand, a long knife appeared in his hand. Zhao Hai pounced on the people who were besieging Wang Hu, one by one, cutting down half of the people who were besieging Wang Hu. Son.

At this time, the people who were killing in the hall also noticed Zhao Hai, especially Wang Hu. As soon as Wang Hu saw Zhao Hai appearing, he immediately said happily: "Sir, you are here, it's great."

Zhao Hai came to Wang Hu's side and said to Wang Hu: "Brother Wang Hu, what's going on? Didn't it say that force is not allowed in this hall? How can we start a fight?"

Wang Hu smiled bitterly and said: "Not afraid of Mr. Joke, the group of people who attacked us were members of an alliance of casual cultivators. This alliance of casual cultivators is called the Ghost Shadow Gang. It was established less than a year ago, but it has developed very quickly. He almost became the largest force in this underground labyrinth, and he made all the casual cultivators surrender to them, but when we refused to agree, they took action against us."

When Zhao Hai heard what Wang Hu said, he couldn't help but frowned. He didn't know if it was because he had been too sensitive about ghost cultivators recently. When he heard the name of the Ghost Shadow Gang, he felt uncomfortable. At this time, those who attacked Wang Hu moved towards them and killed them.

Zhao Hai was stunned when he saw the casual cultivators coming towards them, because the strength of such monks was actually very strong. They were all at the advanced level of the clone stage, and some even had the strength of the combined soul stage. This was among the casual cultivators. Already considered a little master.

How could these casual cultivators be so powerful? Moreover, their strength is not very stable. It seems that they have just been improved recently or were forcibly improved. What's going on?

But now Zhao Hai has no time to think so much. Those people have already killed in front of him. He wants to know what is going on, and he has to deal with these people. Then he said, when he thought of this, Zhao Hai mentioned The knife killed him. rs! ~!

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