Bringing the MC system to Middle-earth

Chapter 72 A compact chapter

The Orc army from Moria set out in advance. Gandalf, who escaped from Sauron, anxiously waited for the support of the White Council, and the dwarves went to Lonely Mountain in advance to start their actions.

The rhythm of the music suddenly accelerated.

Just like Levi's footsteps.

"Something is wrong. At this speed, the army will rush over before the dragon is killed."

The timeline is messed up.


As of now, the only change should be that I brought Gandalf out in advance, so that he was not imprisoned and tortured by Sauron.

This also exposed Sauron's plan in advance-perhaps, the dark lord sensed some kind of crisis, and he directly gave up his dormancy and preparation, and chose to march to Erebor immediately.

On the plain at the border of the woodland, Levi stood on a high hill, looking at the dark mass of Orcs in front of him. To be honest, the number is really a bit too much. I am afraid that not only the army from Moria, but also the scattered Orcs in the nearby wilderness have been gathered here.


Levi squinted his eyes and saw a small team merge into the Orc army. An Orc who was tall among humans ran to Azog, stayed for a short while, and then joined the army.

If I'm not mistaken, that should be Azog's son: Bolg.

Now this army has two generals, one master and one deputy.

Stroking the sword in his hand, Levi felt itchy, and he suddenly remembered an old rumor.

According to some legends, the holder of Orcrest was the Lord of the Well of Gondolin: Ecthelion. In the battle where Gondolin fell, he used Orcrest to cut the throats of thousands of orcs, and killed two Orc leaders and three Balrogs in succession, and finally died together with the leader of the Balrog, Gothmog.

From then on, the Orcs would be terrified whenever they saw the sword, and would feel fear when they heard the name of the Lord of the Well, even until now, two eras have passed, and the remaining power is still there.

It has to be said that this Elf Lord of the First Age was really powerful. According to this rumor, he was even better at fighting than Levi now.

Levi felt that he might not be unable to do what he did.

"It's a pity that it's not possible now."

Looking at the huge army, Levi shook his head.

If there were only a few hundred or a thousand, he could still give it a try, but tens of thousands of Orcs... that number would definitely be able to surround him to death, and there would be no place to dig a hole.

There is still a way to behead him, but whether it is worth it is another matter. Now is not the time.

Compared with these, the more important thing is the Lonely Mountain.

If we arrive earlier, we can make some preparations earlier.

Thorin, who was far away in Long Lake Town, thought the same.

At night, a group of dwarves sneaked out without telling Bard, and went around to the back window of the armory under the cover of darkness.

"Thorin, isn't it a bad idea for us to do this?" Bilbo whispered.

"This is someone else's arsenal after all..."

"There's no time to think about that, Mr. Baggins."

Thorin took a sword from the arsenal, pulled it out, looked at it, and nodded.

"We are just borrowing some weapons temporarily. Besides, I have inquired about it. The reputation of the mayor and the guards of this town is really not very good. Taking these things can be regarded as a contribution to the townspeople."

With a few words, the dwarves have completed their actions and each got a handy weapon. At this time, the night patrol team was about to arrive nearby, and Thorin hurriedly asked everyone to leave.

In this way, a group of dwarves successfully got what they wanted, and left without saying goodbye before dawn and went to Lonely Mountain.

Only the next day, someone was unlucky because of their actions.

"Bard." A figure who looked a little smug stood in front of the archer and called him with his head raised.

Bard looked at him coldly: "Alfred, do you have something to do?"

"Yes, of course!"

Alfred clapped his hands, and a team of guards appeared behind him.

"A batch of weapons in the town was stolen. I suspect it was you or your accomplices who protected you. Now please come with me to the prison and tell me in detail, Master Bard."

"Catch him." Alfred ordered leisurely.

"What? I didn't do these things!"

At this time, Bard had no idea what the dwarves had done. In his opinion, all this was just a reason made up by the mayor to get rid of him.

Sooner or later, there will be such a day.

"Alfred!" Bard clenched his fists and suddenly called out his full name, which scared the deputy of Changhu Town.

"Bain, take care of the family."

After telling his son, Bard followed the guards without resistance and left.

This is an unavoidable man-made disaster. There is no point in escaping for a while.

"Let me see what tricks you have..."


Levi took out a pickaxe, knocked on the gate of Lonely Mountain, and slipped in directly from the main gate.

It is hard to imagine that this several-meter-thick stone wall could not stop Smaug. He just rushed forward and knocked down the heavy door easily without any hindrance.

If you want to stop him, you must build a stone wall that is at least more than ten meters thick - no, at least several dozen meters thick.

If everything goes well, Smaug should still be napping in the deepest cellar. This is an opportunity. If he wants to get out, he must go through a very long tunnel, break into the conference hall, and reach the main entrance.

In other words, in theory, as long as this section of the road can be blocked, Smaug can be trapped. Even if he can't be trapped to death, he can at least be trapped for a long time.

Thinking of various ways in his mind, Levi walked forward quietly.

As soon as he entered the door, his attention was deeply attracted by a huge golden dwarf statue. So much gold, if melted into liquid, can form a small river. If all of them were knocked down and turned into gold nuggets, they might be able to fill several large boxes.

No wonder Smaug was stunned when he saw this statue for the first time.

The wealth collected by the dwarves is indeed incomparable in this world.

Shaking his head, Levi did not move the golden statue. You must know that in this world, it is very likely to cause trouble if you rashly move something that has an owner. Maybe no one can see what Levi did, but the world will silently record it all.

There is a truth in everything.

Beyond the conference hall with the huge golden statue, there is the corridor leading to Smaug's entrenched place. Levi stood at the end of the corridor, looking at the dark and spacious interior, and stopped.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a product of the dwarves. Just such a passage is at least several thousand meters long.

After sighing for a few seconds, Levi took out a bucket of magma and a bucket of water, tiptoed to the highest point, and poured it down.

The magma with red light extended infinitely downward unscientifically until it landed and extended a few meters outward before stopping. Then Levi poured another bucket of water on the side of the magma. With bursts of "Zila" sounds, the magma extending downward all turned into stone.

In this way, the exit leading to the conference hall at the end of the passage was soon blocked, and a thick stone wall was built, as if a mountain wall fell out of thin air.

"Not enough."

Digging up the floor, Levi buried all the TNT on his body and hid it with stones.

This is all his inventory.

"I'll help you fix the terrain afterwards..."

After burying the TNT, Levi looked at the corridor again and fell into deep thought.

The bow and arrow trap couldn't be made. Even if it could be made, it would be useless. The lava trap was even more useless. This thing was just a bath for the fire dragon. It was a little hot at most, and it probably wouldn't even cause blood loss.

What other traps can be made?

"Have you finished your little trick, human?"

"It should be finished." Levi answered subconsciously.


A huge feeling of heat came from behind.

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