"Another group of people are going to be taken away!"

"Bah, another lackey of the nobles."


"These two people seem a little familiar......." A man said as he looked at Ryan and Bailey who were slowly approaching from a distance.

Seeing Ryan and Bailey approaching this side, a group of people began to weakly complain and insult the two.

Looking at this group of people locked in the steel cage, Ryan was also extremely shocked. At first glance, there were at least hundreds of people, and many of them still had whip marks on their bodies.

All the adult men were tied up with ropes, and Ryan even saw a group of people tied up with chains.

When Ryan and the other two approached, someone suddenly shouted in surprise.


"Are you here to save us?"

The one who spoke was the man who Ryan had just seen from a distance.

Ryan also recognized that the man was one of the people he had rescued before, and Ryan smiled.

"It's you, sorry! I didn't know this was their headquarters. I almost missed you."

The man waved his hand quickly: "It's not your fault, benefactor. We didn't expect it either. We thought we could go home soon. Who knew..."

"It's okay, it's all over. I've sent all the people outside on their way."

The group of people were shocked to hear Ryan's answer, and even those who were tied up with chains looked over.

The leader kept looking at Ryan and the other two, as if thinking about the credibility of Ryan's words just now.

"We'll come to rescue you now."

After saying that, Ryan drew out the sword at his waist and opened a huge hole in the iron cage in two or three strokes to allow several people to go together.

When Ryan walked into the cage, everyone smelled the strong smell of blood on Ryan.

At this time, people realized that this was not a red dress at all, but a blood-stained dress. Suddenly, several people couldn't stand the strong smell of blood and began to vomit.

Ryan saw others vomiting when they saw him and said speechlessly: "I can't understand why they would vomit when they see a handsome guy like me."

"It's because of the blood on your body." Someone reminded him.

Ryan felt much better after hearing this. He thought it was because he was not handsome enough...

Thinking that most of the people here are ordinary people, Ryan has nothing to say. After all, you can't ask others to meet your own standards.

Ryan has been killing for two years and now can't smell the blood on his body. In the words of the previous life on Earth, he is immune.

Everyone came out of the cage one after another.

Ryan is now worried about how to deal with these people. Now that the people have been rescued, there are so many women and children here.

Ryan has no problem fighting and killing, but you said that dealing with this kind of thing is beyond Ryan's ability.

Just when Ryan was at a loss, the man who was the leader of the group tied up by the chain seemed to see Ryan's embarrassment. He said to Ryan.

"Little brother, you should rescue us too. We are the navy, so you can leave the aftermath to us."

"Yes, they are all good people, and they were imprisoned here because they resisted Ron!" Someone who knew him echoed.

"Colonel Fili is a good man, and he is not in the same group with the navy outside."

"Okay then." After a few sword strikes, the iron chain was broken.

"Thank you, little brother, who are you?"

"Ryan Pirates." Ryan said lightly.


Someone exclaimed immediately, showing a look of horror. Most of these people have been persecuted by pirates.

However, there are exceptions. The two children in the corner showed excitement when they heard that Ryan was a pirate.

Seeing someone showing fear towards his benefactor, the person who was saved by Ryan once before shouted loudly.

"Ryan and his people are good people!!!"

"They saved us from the Pino Pirates before. Now they have saved us again."

Hearing Ryan's words that he was a good person, the people who had just shown a look of fear were immediately ashamed.

After all, Ryan is now their savior, and they are actually afraid of their savior.

This scene made Ryan sigh at how great the harm brought to ordinary people in the pirate era was. Now it has reached the point where people are afraid of pirates.

"Then I'll leave it to you. You have to settle you down. Otherwise, I can kill Ron and I can kill you." Ryan threatened.

Colonel Fili assured Ryan: "Don't worry, we are different from Ron. We are a righteous navy."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you and we'll leave." After saying that, Ryan pulled Bailey and prepared to go outside.

"Wait a minute! Can youHelp me open this." A teenager called Ryan who was about to go out.

Ryan looked back and saw two teenagers walking towards him. What caught his eye was a red-haired boy with handcuffs on his hands and glasses on his head. Similar to swimming goggles in his previous life.

The boy next to him, a yellow-haired boy with a delicate face, just kept his head down. He looked a little shy.

Seeing the handcuffs in the boy's hands, Ryan asked in confusion: "Seastone?"

"Yes, you should be able to fight. I think you seem to be very powerful!" The red-haired boy looked at Ryan expectantly.

"Not very powerful, very powerful!!!" Bailey scolded the red-haired boy when he saw him questioning Ryan's strength.

The red-haired boy immediately got angry when he saw Bailey, who was about the same age as him, scolding him.

"Why do you teach me a lesson? I'm asking him for help, not you"

Bailey: "Fuck, you dare to talk back. "He was about to raise his hand to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

Ryan on the side stopped the fist that was about to fall on the red-haired boy.

"It's okay, Bailey. By the way, why are you wearing seastone handcuffs? Are you a superpower?"

"Yes, I am a superpowered person who ate a devil fruit."

Seeing the arrogant look of the red-haired boy, Bailey raised his hand to hit him again. The red-haired boy was so scared that he took a step back.

Ryan couldn't help but feel funny. This boy seemed to be incompatible with Bailey, because Bailey usually didn't have such a big temper. Why was he so easily angry when he met this boy?

"Okay, I'll help you take off the handcuffs. But how did you become a devil fruit user! You don't look like someone who can afford a devil fruit. "

"Stole it! ”

Lion Bailey: “………”

Lion’s Armament Haki covered his arms and sword, and he cut off the handcuffs on the boy’s hands with two swords.

Colonel Philip was extremely shocked when he saw this scene. He recognized the Armament Haki attached to the boy’s sword.

And he cut off the handcuffs with a sword without hurting the other party at all. Not many people in the Navy Headquarters can do this kind of control!

Look at the young face of the boy, he is only 15 years old at most. He has talent, strength, and a sense of justice, but it’s a pity that he is a pirate. It would be great if he was in the Navy!

An idea came to Philip’s mind, to pull this boy into the Navy and use justice to inspire him to join the Navy.

Otherwise, with Ryan’s talent, another big pirate will appear on the sea in a few years.

Thinking of this, Philip shouted to Ryan: "Ryan, do you want to join the Navy! Otherwise, you will definitely be rewarded for what you did tonight! "

Ryan and Bailey couldn't help laughing when they heard this: "No, I have no interest in the navy. I don't want to work for the World Government."

Seeing that he was rejected, Fili hurriedly stepped forward and said: "You can think about it again!"

"Take another step forward and I'll kill you!"

Fili's footsteps suddenly stopped there and he didn't dare to take a step forward: It seems that I can't inspire him.

Ryan and Bailey walked out like this.

Seeing Ryan and the other two leave, the red-haired boy and the yellow-haired boy looked at each other and followed.

The moment they walked out, they were shocked by the scene of corpses everywhere outside.

The playground of the naval base was full of broken limbs and arms. It can be said that there were few healthy corpses. Even if the swordsman's killing was so bloody, it would not be considered the most lethal.

Seeing the two boys follow him out, Bailey winked at Ryan.

"That red-haired guy, I don't know why I get angry easily when I hear him talk. "

Seeing Ryan Bailey walking away, the two teenagers were shocked by the scene in front of them, but they still gritted their teeth and chased after him.

"Why are you two following us?" Ryan stopped and said.

The yellow-haired boy approached Ryan and said carefully: "I want to learn swordsmanship from you. I like swords very much, but I'm not good at it."


Looking at the boy's burning eyes, Ryan didn't know how to refuse for a while.

"I have never taught anyone! And we will definitely leave next, I can't teach you for a few days"

"It's okay, I can follow you, wherever you go, I will go."

"We are pirates!"

"What's wrong with pirates? Kidd has always wanted to be a pirate."

Looking at the two boys in front of him, Ryan was shocked. Kidd?

Isn't that the future supernova? Looking at the red-haired boy, he can indeed see the shadow of the future Kidd. What about the yellow-haired boy?

"What's your name?"

"Kira. "

Sure enough! Although he doesn't look like the future Kira at all, it may be because of the mask.The yellow hair is exactly the same.

But it's possible to meet him. Ryan began to really think about whether to let him on board.

As a future supernova, Kira's talent and potential are definitely useless to question, but he is afraid that his personality and temper will not be compatible, and it will be difficult to get along with him in the future.

But seeing Kira's fiery eyes, it was exactly the same as when he asked Rayleigh to teach him swordsmanship before. Ryan made a decision.

"Okay, then you come with me."

Kira jumped up happily, feeling that everyone's eyes turned back to the shy Kira at the beginning.

Kira really thanked: "Thank you!"

"What about you?" Ryan asked Kidd.

"I will go wherever Kira goes." Kidd replied.

Seeing Kidd also going on board, Bailey couldn't bear it: "No, I don't agree, you are too weak"

"Who do you think you are? I need your consent to board the ship?"

"I said no, no, I am the deputy captain!"

"Looking for a fight"

Seeing Bailey's emotions start to fluctuate again, Ryan was also happy. How could Bailey, who is usually honest, lose control of his emotions so easily when he met Kidd.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Ryan suddenly had an evil idea.

"Okay, I agree"

"Ryan, you?"

"It's more lively to have more people on the ship. Besides, don't you dislike this kid? If you want to beat him up on the ship, beat him up." Ryan laughed.

Bailey's eyes lit up.

Kidd's body trembled, as if he was stared at by something.

Then he met Bailey's honest smile.

Kidd: "Is this guy sick!"

There were two people when they came, and two more when they left. The four of them walked out of the naval base.

Looking at the hair of the three people in front of him, red-haired Kidd, green-haired Bailey, and yellow-haired Kira.

Ryan thought that maybe the hair color was the reason why Bailey and Kidd disliked each other. Red light means stop, green light means go, red and green are naturally opposite.

From now on, Kidd can be called red light, Bailey can be called green light, and Kira can be called yellow light. The three major traffic lights are complete.

The three people didn't know that their nicknames were determined by Ryan.

The traffic light combination that will be famous in the pirate world in the future was officially established tonight.

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