"Ryan, where should the ship stop?" Bailey, the helmsman on the ship, asked.

"Just go in!"

As the place with the largest flow of people in Rogue Town, there stands an execution platform in the square. The Pirate King Gol D. Roger was executed here. Today, there are still many people visiting here.

"Look!" A man was excitedly pulling his partner next to him and shouting at the sky.

"There is a ship in the sky... in the sky!"

"Look at the pirate flag, it's the Blood Sword Pirates!"

A pirate ship came from the sky and landed directly in the empty space in the middle of the square. A group of people on the ship walked down with confident and unrestrained steps.

The leader was a young man in white clothes, with an unknown ancient sword on his waist, and his hair on both temples added a bit of style in the breeze.

"Bloody Swordsman-Ryan!" Someone recognized the identity of this young man.

"Shouldn't such a man be on the Grand Line? How could he come to the East China Sea!" A pirate was looking at Ryan with a vigilant face. After all, pirates are the most particular group of people who pay attention to the law of the jungle.

"Lord Ryan!" A burly man was looking at Ryan with admiration.

This man was a newcomer who had just joined the Free Alliance not long ago. He was the owner of a fish shop in Rogge Town, Sharpe. Sharpe had half-fish blood, so when Tiger led a group to the East China Sea, Sharpe joined without hesitation.

He had heard the legend of Ryan, the leader of the Free Alliance, countless times from the old members. Now he actually saw him in person, how could he not be excited.

While the man was hesitating whether to step forward to reveal his identity and take the opportunity to talk to Ryan, Ryan was holding a bottle of wine in his hand and walking towards the execution platform step by step.

When he saw the execution platform, a man with shackles and smiling at death appeared in Ryan's mind.

Pirate King Roger is the first man to become Pirate King in 800 years, and this man has a close relationship with Ryan. He has his sword and his swordsmanship. Both of his masters are his crew members, and he is also related to him.

This makes Ryan have a different emotion towards Roger. It is not the Roger who opened the Great Pirate Era at the cost of his own death in front of the screen in the previous life.

But it is the Roger who is willful and reckless in the mouth of Jabba and Rayleigh, and who has to pay attention to everything. It is also the Roger who likes to take risks and hold banquets with his partners.

Ryan does not know whether the beginning of the Great Pirate Era is good or bad for the world, because pirates have brought pain to the world. There are not only dreamers on the sea, but also ambitious people, and even pirates like Blackbeard who have both. Because of the existence of these people, many countries are suffering from the wanton destruction of pirates.

But also because of the opening of the Great Pirate Era, the unshakable rule of the World Government for 800 years is slowly weakening, and the invisible shackles on people are quietly loosening without knowing it.

But one thing is undeniable, Ryan directly or indirectly owed Roger a favor, so Ryan felt that he should pay tribute to Roger.

Ryan teleported to the execution platform, and seeing the dense crowd below looking at him, Ryan couldn't help but laugh. Roger's last sight should be this scene.

"The scenery here is really good!" Ryan exclaimed.

Then he poured the wine in the bottle on the execution platform. Just as the people below were staring at Ryan blankly, dozens of navy officers with guns surrounded the execution platform.

"Bloody... Swordsman-Ryan, Rogue Town... is not a place for you to run wild!" The leading naval lieutenant stuttered but still bravely said what was in his heart.

The marines behind him were trembling, and with a "bang", some people couldn't hold their guns steadily and fell to the ground.

"I'm going to die!"

"What a pity for this brave Navy lieutenant."

Everyone around him thought that this Navy lieutenant was doomed. On one side was a lieutenant of the Navy branch, and on the other side was a pirate with a bounty of 1.413 billion berries. The strength of the two was really different.

Some people even couldn't help but close their eyes, unable to bear to watch the bloody scene that followed.

"Marine, you are very brave, but if you want to catch me, even if you ask Sengoku to come, you can't!" Ryan said slowly.

"Uh, you won't kill me?" The Navy lieutenant was surprised.

In fact, when he decided to say that, he was completely impulsive. In the eyes of the lieutenant, no matter who it was, if he let the pirates do whatever they wanted here, he would be sorry for the cloak of justice behind him.

But after he finished speaking, he became afraid, and then he rememberedCome on, the man in front of him is not a gentle person, but a man who once slaughtered all the navy of the South China Sea Branch.

So he was very surprised when he found out that he was not dead.

"Get lost!" Ryan used the domineering aura when he spoke, and there was also a hint of murderous intent in it.

The major suddenly felt as if he saw a sea of ​​blood and corpses in front of him.


Before he finished speaking, a marine behind him advised: "Major Devin, let's report the situation first!"

Devin, who had walked around the edge of death, also woke up at this time. After looking at Ryan, he took people away. When Devin left the square, he touched his back and found that his back was wet with sweat.

A green-haired boy and a red-haired girl with cockscombs were looking at Ryan on the stage with admiration. Ryan's courage just now made them admire him very much.

Even if you want to catch me, Zhan Guo, you can't do it. What kind of courage is this? He doesn't even take the current Navy Marshal seriously. He is worthy of being a ruthless person who dares to attack Mary Joa.

As for Kaido? Who will remember? Most people will only remember the first one, and few people will pay attention to the second one.

After paying tribute to Roger Ryan, he got off the execution platform. At this time, a burly man rushed to Ryan and said, "Lord Ryan!"

"Who are you?" Ryan looked at the man in front of him and found that he seemed to have some impression of him, but he couldn't remember it.

"Freedom Alliance!"

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