British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1184: world peace i save

Isn't it? God knows how much energy Alan Wilson put in to persuade Grace to delay the ambitions of these Balkans until this critical moment. Thinking about it carefully, he feels that he is worthy of being an Englishman and has done everything for this dilapidated empire.

According to the current situation, the cut piece of land is less than 100,000 square kilometers. Of course, in terms of minerals, it is the most valuable piece in the Katanga area. Grace and the others are very restrained and suppressed. greedy.

If you don't suppress it, you can't do it. If you expand the occupied land, you can't do it by expelling hundreds of thousands of people.

Alan Wilson is already very satisfied with this result. Now that Northern Rhodesia has been cut into two short salients, according to the previous agreement, the schedule for the transformation of Northern Rhodesia into a royal domain can also be arranged.

Although the Cuban Missile Crisis and the United Kingdom can't really help, the war against the two populous countries will only stop at bluffing, and in the end, it can only show the majesty of the old rulers in Africa, which is the best bully.

But the result is good. The current situation in southern Africa is nothing more than the British and Portuguese newspapers to keep warm, and the Belgian colony of Rwanda, which has only a small piece of land left.

Rwanda, a country later known for its genocide, and later the rule of political strongman Paul Kagame.

The area is small but there are signs of rise, but Alan Wilson feels that it is necessary to wait and see whether it can rise in the end. It is not that there have been no political strongmen in Africa, and there are also a number of them who are quite good.

But most of them are overthrown inadvertently, and the few political strongmen who firmly control the power will die once they die.

Paul Kagame's level is quite high. He has managed Rwanda with a sound and color, and it does not look like an African country. He also swallowed up hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land in Katanga, Congo. But once he dies, will the successor still have such a level? You must know that Ethiopia had a similar appearance before.

The remaining Rwanda colony in Belgium is not large. After the independence of the Congo, it is estimated that the Belgians will not take Rwanda too seriously. The demise of Belgium's power in Africa can already enter the countdown.

Excluding Portugal's still relatively stable colonial power, there is Rhodesia in the southern part of North Rhodesia, and South Africa further south. Rhodesia and South Africa are two African white regimes that were horns and supported each other during the Cold War.

The Rhodesian War lasted until the 1980s, and the white regime in South Africa was overthrown in the 1990s. From now on, the Northern Rhodesian Territory may be the longest-lasting white regime.

Thanks to these remnants of World War II, who have never been wronged by repeated teachings and shooting, the black ethnic group in Northern Rhodesia has been cleaned up. As long as a few Slavic ethnic groups and Belgian immigrants have a civil war, the local area cannot be threatened from outside.

At this time, Alan Wilson didn't know that the Rhodesians would soon see the situation in North Rhodesia and were going to seek medical advice from him, the Permanent Undersecretary. He is still in Moscow, and he was violent with the Soviets. confrontation.

In general, regardless of the issue of political correctness, the interests of the United Kingdom should not be damaged in a short period of time.

During the period of Margaret Thatcher, the issue of political correctness was really not considered, and the relationship between Britain and South Africa heated up sharply. But the cost is also huge, the Commonwealth almost fell apart.

In the Kremlin, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko was complaining that a certain Brit who was hiding in the embassy, ​​"so cowardly, what the **** did he come to Moscow for."

"Probably to avoid being talked about about Lubumbashi." Furtseva said after listening, "but now it can't be seen that the UK took advantage of our time to entangle with the Americans to get a deal against the UK. trouble with words."

The most notable thing in the Soviet Union is the various generals left over from World War II. Holding the shape of the map of Northern Rhodesia, it can be seen at a glance that this is a salient problem that appeared again and again in the Soviet-German war.

The term salient has caused several **** battles between the Soviet and German armies, and even a Soviet general who had experience in the army, when he saw the map of Northern Rhodesia, suddenly remembered the central breakthrough, the flank and so on. series of vocabulary.

Take action to **** Lubumbashi and solve the problems left by the Northern Rhodesian territory in the post-colonial era. It can be seen that the Cuban missile crisis this time, the British have gained a lot.

"So what? England and America wear a pair of trousers." Gromyko said with a mushy head.

"It's different. British capital, which is dominated by the richest woman in the UK, is different from American capital. It is like British capital in the era of the empire on which the sun never sets. British capital at that time pursued globalization. The United States adopted high tariffs to resist, American capital now pursues globalization, while British capital relies on the British imperial preferential system to resist. Comrade Gromyko, you should read more of Comrade Suslov’s research.”

Fortseva explains the difference, that capital has different characteristics at different times.

Before the First World War, capital was firmly bound to the country. Except for the United Kingdom, many countries were the backbone of the country and drove the country to expand abroad. The United Kingdom did not do this because the United Kingdom itself was the biggest gain in the world at that time. However, British capital promotes globalization.

Now it's the other way around, when U.S. capital, which supported high tariffs to protect itself, became the main driver of globalization. British capital, on the other hand, relies on the national power of the United Kingdom and uses the imperial preferential system to resist the expansion of American capital.

The former are themselves disgusted by the existence of this model of the state, because it makes them feel speechless.

The latter must rely on the strength of the state to protect their own interests. Of course, the two are not completely incompatible. Once the country relying on the country cannot resist the international capital, the idea of ​​cooperation will arise.

If Alan Wilson was here, he would have said it well. However, in the 21st century, the British and American capitals in Furtseva's mouth have been reversed. The British capital has lost all industrial capital and has been transformed into financial capital. It can only go to the dark side.

The United States has changed again. After all, the United States is a country with a population of 300 million. Finance cannot solve the employment of such a large population, which has led to globalization to a certain stage. It has been seriously corroded by international capital, and the benefits have not been obtained much, but a large number of people have not lived as well as before.

There are only 50 million people in the UK, and the transformation will be transformed. More than 300 million people in the United States go to finance? Just kidding!

"So, comrades! Let's give Britain and France a step to explain the Cuban missile crisis on the grounds that Britain and France are worried about European security." Fortseva explained her point of view, which is more acceptable to people. .

In particular, if the forces within the Soviet Union held a tough attitude and bowed their heads to the United States, these tough figures would be dissatisfied.

In the face of the steps handed over by Britain and France, who offered to mediate, the Soviet Union could accept it. This was originally the purpose of Britain and France this time.

Just as Brezhnev was about to speak, he swallowed his words and turned to Kozlov, "Comrade Kozlov, you are the second secretary, and your opinion is very important."

Kennedy received two letters with different wording. The second letter, which was obviously more tough, was influenced by the Soviet hardliners, and the representative of this hardliner was Kozlov. Kozlov had a good relationship with the Ministry of Defense and the military industry. Relationship.

"Ilyich, this matter!" Kozlov opened his mouth, and in the end, in order to maintain Khrushchev's authority, he nodded with difficulty, "Well, in the diplomatic field, it emphasizes the mediation of Britain and France, and the European Security considerations, reply to the United States."

"It's okay to stir up the conflict between Europe and the United States because of the different interests this time. I don't believe that European countries have no idea about the strong reaction of the United States, especially the French."

Gromyko also changed his tone, "Then we will include the content of Britain, France and Europe in our public statement. The British Deputy Secretary can no longer hide in the embassy and must be with us."

Saturday. Radio Moscow broadcast Khrushchev's reply.

"I fully understand your and the American people's apprehension about what you call an offensive weapon, which is indeed a terrible weapon. You and I both understand what kind of weapon it is," the letter said. To eliminate this conflict that threatens the cause of peace as soon as possible, in order to assure the people of all countries who yearn for peace The Soviet government has issued a new order in addition to the previous order to stop construction at the construction site of weapons Dismantle what you call offensive weapons and pack them back to the USSR."

After this open letter, the Soviet radio and television introduced the British and French diplomats who were staying in Moscow about their concerns about European security issues and made a huge introduction.

Alan Wilson did not expect that he would be pulled out by the Soviet Union at this time and used as a shield.

At first, he was hesitant. After all, such a big thing is always accompanied by risks. Is it a little too big to attract wind?

But when you think about it, this is a major event where the world is facing the threat of nuclear war, in other words, it is saving the world. He absolutely can't avoid it, it's settled, I will save the Cuban missile crisis!

After returning to China, I took this credit as a glorious resume in my life, and now it is time to call for peace on behalf of the United Kingdom, showing the huge influence of the United Kingdom in protecting Europe.

There are not many chances for a British permanent secretary to be able to leave a signed article on the Soviet Pravda. But he did it this time. Europe, the birthplace of modern civilization, kept away from the threat of nuclear war in his articles.

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