British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: sublime

One minute and thirty seconds later, Alan Wilson had arrived at No. 10 Downing Street, three and a half minutes faster than his normal walking speed. Norman Brook had entered the conference room, and under the help of supreme authority, Ai Len Wilson entered the cabinet meeting as an expert on India.

Holding the document formulated at the beginning of the forward policy, it stated the conclusion that the war would break out and that India might suffer losses, so as to establish a personality as an expert on India. After all, he will be in charge of Whitehall after a year. It is very important to have the trust of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers.

The assessment document in October was no different from the current situation, which made Aiden very sigh, "Alan, what do you think we should do. You have foreseen the current outcome."

"Immediately give India all-round support, including diplomacy and public opinion. Now India has been completely defeated. All the previous halo will be disillusioned. It is no longer a powerful country, nor is it the leader of the third world, and the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement."

Alan Wilson said without thinking, "Then publicly stated that military intervention was required. The Mediterranean Fleet is near Aden, mobilizing non-British troops to prepare for combat."

"Is it a little too violent?" Defense Minister Profumo swallowed and spit. This is about to carry out military intervention. Is it going to form an expeditionary force? Thinking of the consequences, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Dear Minister of Defense, we need to build a strong image of Britain through this friction. From the perspective of the United Kingdom, we must show a tough attitude when necessary. Otherwise, many countries really think that the era of Britain is over. In the subcontinent, the UK has both a reason and an obligation to intervene.”

"The main thing is that now Nehru is in the current situation, even if he doesn't want to, he has to accept it."

"The subcontinent has been in frequent wars since ancient times. It is difficult to comment on the right and wrong. It determines how many empires rise and fall. Not to mention anything else, there is a saying that the empire on which the sun never sets is essentially an Asian country, which is enough to reflect the importance of India to Britain."

Alan Wilson looked like he was immersed in the glory of the empire on which the sun never sets. He launched a grand narrative in front of the cabinet ministers. Although he certainly didn't believe it himself, maybe Aiden believed it. This Prime Minister is the last one Antiques of the era.

"In those days, the East India Company established a firm foothold in the Bengal region and used it as a stronghold to annex the entire subcontinent. Since then, the Mughal Emperor saw that the situation was over, and only the glory of the empire on which the sun never sets, and Queen Victoria became the Queen of India. During this period, we also faced the resistance of the Marathas and finally won the victory.”

"I don't understand why the government is now skeptical about intervention in the subcontinent, as if once it intervenes, the UK will be in trouble because of it, just twenty years ago. I arrived in British India from Hong Kong in disgrace, when the Pacific War was over. When the outbreak broke out, Hong Kong had also fallen, and British India became a place that the British tried to protect, and eventually became a base for the British Empire’s counter-offensive.”

"When Japan surrendered, the whole of India felt the joy of victory in the war. It was truly a time when the world was full of vigor and vitality, and the realm of all things competing was still in sight. After just 20 years, is the subcontinent actually Has it become our burial place?"

Norman Brooke was a little surprised. This was the first time he discovered that the cabinet secretary he had chosen could not only be a civil servant, but also have the potential to be a politician? These words were very good. He clearly saw Aiden's expression and was obviously immersed in it.

Rabo Butler also saw the change in the Prime Minister's expression and said directly, "It's always not good to be involved in a war."

"My minister, thinking about the Cuban missile crisis, why did the United States use the navy for demonstrations? Because the navy's mobilization is the slowest, and there is enough time for the Soviet Union to consider the cause and effect." Alan Wilson changed the subject, "Britain also We can do this, we dispatched the Royal Navy, saying that we are going to transfer troops from British Africa, and it will take at least a month to rush to the subcontinent, and the war will be over by then."

"It can be basically judged now that this is a disciplinary war, and apart from embarrassing India, it will not have much consequences. The consequences are mainly concentrated in the invisible places. In the future, what India will say internationally will not be the same. It turned out to be such a response.”

Aiden flipped through the October report on the forward policy, and his heart was already moved, and he said, "Alan, Norman is very optimistic about you being the cabinet secretary. Are you very serious, do you make suggestions to us?"

"Of course!" Alan Wilson answered categorically, "I think not only us, but also the United States and the Soviet Union will immediately express concern and support for India. If the Prime Minister has doubts about this, he can communicate with President Kennedy."

Now is the time to communicate with the United States. I believe that the US embassy in India can also see the chaos in the capital, New Delhi. The Indians are so panicked, why is the United States indifferent?

If the United Kingdom intends to give India some support, the United States will be happy to see it. The key is the attitude of the military.

Soon Marshal Mountbatten arrived at No. 10 Downing Street, bringing the attitude of the military. The full-time commander of the British three armies did not support the son-in-law's proposition, but completely considered the interests of the country and believed that the United Kingdom should take this opportunity. Show your love for the former colony.

"This opportunity is also very suitable for Australia. The Australian Navy's Radiance-class aircraft carrier HMS Victory has been docked in Perth for a long time." Marshal Mountbatten suggested, "We can communicate with Australia and act together. The advantage is that it can show that it is a joint operation, not a To make us stand out in the UK. And it can also bring closer friendship with Australia."

Combining the professional opinions of diplomacy and the military, Prime Minister Aiden also made his own judgment, "It is indeed necessary to prove the status of the United Kingdom through an action. Although France has been fighting in Algeria for so many years, it will eventually suppress the resistance forces. , we also need an action to have the same effect.”

"The Prime Minister is right!" Rabo Butler was the first to agree, as if in another time and space, he firmly supported Aiden in launching the Suez Canal War.

Saving India has suddenly become the mainstream of British public opinion, and has been brought to the hot spot of public opinion by major newspapers and magazines. In fact, the matter in India has always been the focus of the British media's long-term attention, but it was robbed by the Cuban missile crisis some time ago, and now it is just returning to the public eye.

While creating public opinion, Rabo Butler declared the attitude of the British government to the outside world. In short, I, Great Britain, will never ignore it, and will use all forces to help India in order to achieve the purpose of ending the war. Status cannot be erased...

At this time in India, after a lapse of more than ten years, I finally enjoyed my father's love again. Nehru has no capital to refuse. All he can say is that the international community is on India's side.

A day later, the Australian government responded by sending a Tejas-class aircraft carrier to operate with the Royal Navy, and the two countries will form a joint fleet to support India.

In the official announcement of the British Foreign Office, Alan Wilson explained the move as a move by the United Kingdom to stop the continuation of the war, not to take sides, "We hope that the war will end and peace will return to the world. Purpose."

While the British Foreign Office adopted neutral language to cool down, the military announced the deployment of two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, two Eagle-class aircraft carriers, two Centaur-class aircraft carriers, three cruisers, eight Brave-class destroyers, and four weapons Class destroyers, along with a large fleet of the nuclear submarine Intrepid and eight conventional submarines, headed to East Africa to board British troops stationed there.

"If Prime Minister Nehru does not object, the British marines will then land in Mumbai. Keep India safe."

The British Empire, like the U.S. Navy a month ago, used the assembly of the Royal Navy as the main force to aid India.

This navy with nearly 100 warships began to assemble, which made other countries feel so terrified, as if the sun never set, the empire was back, and the old imperialism was invincible.

"A lot of people are talking about it now." Princess Margaret leaned against her brother-in-law's arms with a comfortable face, and this warm embrace made her very nostalgic, "The military has made a lot of noise, do you really want to fight? "

"How is that possible! The navy will go to East Africa first, and it will take a month for the British troops stationed in Africa to assemble and board the ship. This is not counting the voyage from East Africa to the subcontinent. Don't you need time for the East African garrison to leave the camp? Don't you need time for sailing? It's normal to delay a little time due to some things on the road."

Alan Wilson, who was holding his sister-in-law's delicate body, explained, "Isn't this giving others time? By then, we will gain international prestige, and each other will have a bright future."

"It turned out to be just to support India, not really." Princess Margaret rolled her eyes at her brother-in-law, "Then why do you look like you are going to fight? It's better to do nothing."

"What do you know, the UK is of course suitable for viewing international affairs with a conservative attitude, but it can't always be unresponsive." Alan Wilson corrected his sister-in-law's opinion, "In ancient and modern wars, the tactics of pigs have been successfully used by people again and again. The **** is leaning against the wall, so that you can't grasp the tail, and finally it is helpless, if it can't get the sharp teeth to give you a bite, it won't let go if it bites."

"It's not a risky thing. After passing this level and gaining international prestige, it's better for the UK to continue dormant."

"See you at the executive vice-chancellor!" The sister-in-law complimented with a smile, and then whispered, "Pamela is not here, I have to take care of you for her, but I am a princess, you should talk to me first."

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