British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Dae-young returns like lightning

Norman Brooke nodded and reminded solemnly, "Ellen, you may be very confident in your own judgment, but now you have not been appointed as cabinet secretary. Getting the prediction right is of course a huge benefit, but if things don’t turn out that way, the risk is huge.”

"There's a lot going on this year, and it seems that the world is moving in an unstable direction, so be cautious."

"I see, Sir Norman." Alan Wilson also knew Norman Brook, and it was all good intentions.

But he felt that even if the history was different, two months of extra time would be enough to end the war.

He is still firm in his earlier judgment that the impact of the Cuban missile crisis on the international situation is not as great as the war in Ukraine decades later, especially for Europe.

Not to mention the war in a desolate land, apart from the hearts of both sides of the battle, who is really interested in a desolate land.

The Ukrainian war is completely different for Europe. If the purpose of the United States is only to create a return of US dollars, it would be better to sell it to Ukraine. Maybe it is not a big problem, and I am afraid that the United States has other purposes.

It's just how to harvest Europe and harvest liquidity, even if trillions of funds escape to the United States, can it really solve the United States' debt problem? long time?

If Alan Wilson were the President of the United States, he would definitely not only care about the money. The money will be spent, and in terms of the United States' debt, it is still spent quite quickly. But if it can destroy the industries of European countries, it will be a big gain.

Boeing in the US, Airbus in Europe, Tesla in the US, and Mercedes-Benz and BMW in Europe. .

In many industries, Europe can still compete with the United States. If Europe, an industrial region that cannot provide energy for itself, falls into an economic crisis because of explosive inflation, all these industries collapse, and important industries in the United States will have no competitors.

Anyway, the Soviet Union has disintegrated, Russia's strength is far inferior to the Soviet Union, even if Europe is moving towards Latin America, it is nothing.

At that time, the United States controls or destroys the high-end industries in Europe, and the United States will no longer have competitors in the high-end industries. Under the only seller's market, the problems of the United States will be solved, which is far more important than cutting a wave of leeks.

If this idea is true, Europe will naturally suffer bad luck. The living standards of most European countries will be close to that of Latin America, and a few countries like Germany and France will also experience economic recession.

In fact, Europe is not the same as the United States. The United States has left Europe behind economically, but the bottom of the United States is not as good as Europe. After all, the United States really does not value the bottom population.

Once Europe's high-end industries are destroyed, Europe cannot maintain a decent welfare system for the bottom. In the future, Europe will become a place that lags behind the United States in all aspects.

If this happens, the UK will only be fine for the time being. If Europe starts to Latin America, will the UK, which is only separated by a strait, not be affected? Even if it is fine for the time being, it will be doomed in the future.

Will the UK feel sorry for India's embarrassment in this war? No, so the United States will not have a psychological burden on messing up Europe. The reason is so simple, not only will there be no psychological burden, but Alan Wilson is also ready to step on India.

"Up to now, both the United States and the United Kingdom have expressed support for India, and as for the Soviet Union, they have expressed a neutral attitude." Alan Wilson said of this analysis, "The Soviet people's statement will have a consequence."

"What consequences?" Norman Brook had some doubts, and in his opinion this behavior was normal.

"The Soviet Union's allies will think that loyalty is not absolute is absolute disloyalty. The Soviet Union should fully support the countries of this camp." Alan Wilson said with a smile on his hands.

"The countries of the Soviet bloc dare to oppose the Soviet Union?" Norman Brooke was not convinced.

"Dare!" Alan Wilson nodded solemnly, "The second country of a camp is often more courageous. There is also a less obedient France in NATO. This is normal."

When it comes to France, Norman Brooke immediately recognized this judgment, "What do the French think? Let's defeat the Soviet Union together, and we can talk about it later if there are any conflicts."

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows. He did not agree with this statement. For the sake of Britain's international status, the Soviet Union was better off living a good life. Otherwise, sniping at the pound, messing up Europe, etc., the Soviet Union is not there, the United States will let itself go.

Geographically, the English Channel is not insurmountable. The United Kingdom should not think that having such a strait can isolate the negative effects of a chaotic Europe.

He thinks that the current situation in Europe is pretty good. France, the country that thinks itself is the leader in Europe, is making trouble, and the United Kingdom is better off talking to the United States. It really killed the Soviet Union, which is not good for everyone.

After the Cold War, didn't the French de Gaulleism also cool down? A certain big country is no longer baring its teeth at the United States. The United Kingdom is also relieved to be the little follower of the United States. In the final analysis, the Soviet Union is dead, and everyone has no use value.

If you say sniping at the pound, you will snipe at the pound, and if you say that France is a strategic competitor, you will become an adversary. Saying that it stopped the Galaxy was also stopped. In fact, no one had such a high status as imagined. It was just that the Soviet Union existed and the United States was willing to communicate calmly.

Alan Wilson, who is about to be promoted to supreme authority, doesn't want to do anything now, just waiting for the news of the ceasefire.

He felt that the time should not be far away. After all, he also had arrangements. Lin Lianyu was in Xiangjiang expounding the position of the United Kingdom calling for peace. So far, all goals have been achieved. It should not be a problem to give Britain a step.

Early morning of November 11th. New Delhi. A convoy of limousines filed towards New Delhi airport. The streets were deserted, and streetmen were cleaning up the fallen leaves and **** on the corners.

Interior Minister Shaster, wrapped in his long-collared coat, sat anxiously in the car. He will make an emergency inspection in Assam to reorganize the administration of Tispur and give the people hope and confidence in victory. He knew in his heart that this act was a disaster, not to mention him, even if the president came in person, it would be hard to recover.

The car stopped outside the New Delhi airport terminal. They were about to enter the waiting hall. At the entrance of the terminal, the newsstand was crowded with people. Many people were vying to buy newspapers. Some people were so excited that they shook hands and hugged each other.

The secretary to the minister, a curious young man, went to the newsstand. He saw a line of striking headlines: unilaterally announced a ceasefire on the spot, and will withdraw troops immediately.

He couldn't believe the news. I grabbed a newspaper and ran back.

"Mr. Minister, they declared a ceasefire in place!"

"Cease fire!" Shasta was taken aback and didn't respond for a long time.

"what should we do?"

Shaster thought for a moment and said, "Go back, let's go back first."

The convoy then headed for downtown New Delhi.

"Go to the Prime Minister's residence," Shaster told the driver. The car was parked on the street outside Nehru's private residence. Shasta hurried into the living room. Nehru came out as he adjusted his shirt.

"What happened?" Nehru asked.

"They unilaterally declared a ceasefire." Shasta handed the newspaper to Nehru.

Nehru took the newspaper and read it several times. It seemed that he had no idea about the ceasefire.

"Why didn't they fight!" Nehru muttered to himself.

In Kuwait, the Middle East, two Belfast strategic transport planes, full of British marines from a company, rushed directly to the sky and disappeared into the sky.

The ultimate sublimation is today, and Alan Wilson knows the news of the ceasefire a little earlier than the Indians. He has been sleeping in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs these days, and asked his private secretary to keep him informed of the news.

Just when Nehru and Shasta had just learned about the ceasefire and the New Delhi International Airport was still overcrowded, the two Belfast strategic transport planes that had departed ahead of schedule had already landed at the New Delhi International Airport in the name of sending aid.

The Indians who thought they were just giving aid to India were surprised when they saw the British soldiers walking out of the Belfast strategic transport plane. The British are back?

The British marines from the Middle East, who were fully armed and carried the rice flag, also brought along with reporters to record the whole process of their valiant and heroic landing in New Delhi at this time.

The British soldiers who landed walked out of the airport, took out the prepared candy, and gave some children from poor families a show of military-civilian fish and At the critical moment, the suzerain country still loves you more.

After many years, the familiar rice flag reappeared in India along with the British soldiers of this squad. That's one small step for them, but one giant leap for Britain.

What non-aligned leaders, third world alliance leaders, are all bullshit, and the suzerain country is not needed to save them at the critical moment? In such a short period of time after leaving the airport, the reporters accompanying the army have almost murdered the film they brought, and these photos will be sent back to the UK to cause a sensation.

A feat comparable to the raid on Prague. Listening to Wick's report, Alan Wilson was overjoyed, already comparing this operation to the deeds of the Soviet Union's 30-hour destruction of the Czechoslovak resistance during the Cold War.

Although it was a bit of a chicken thief to land under the guise of helping India, the effect was good, and he wanted to know how Nehru was feeling now.

"I think the newspapers these days will sell very well!" Alan Wilson took two steps back and forth, and decided to report the good news to No. 10 Downing Street first, and let Wick reveal the news to the uncrowned kings.

Far away in New Delhi, Nehru, who was in the Prime Minister's Office, also heard the news, his face was gloomy, obviously he did not think it was good news.

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