British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1196: broken window effect

"Maybe the Indians are not as relaxed as you at this time." Rabo Butler laughed dumbly.

"Minister, it's not necessarily true. From the perspective of India, isn't it the most autonomous time in thousands of years? Is it really like what Nehru said, India has been a political entity since ancient times?"

Alan Wilson smiled and said, "Although Indians may not believe it, but now is India's most glorious time, it may be a little imprecise. Before this war, India was at its most glorious time."

As long as it is summed up in a grand narrative, being in a different country will treat other countries completely differently.

In the eyes of others, Britain is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, an empire that never sets. World hegemon for two hundred years.

In Alan Wilson's eyes, Britain, the independence of British India, the independence of British Sudan, and the independence of British Nigeria, are properly a rapidly declining future.

Decades later, in the eyes of a certain big country, he was defeated in the Opium War, humiliated for a hundred years, ceded land and paid indemnity, defeated in the Sino-Japanese War, and had a civil war for decades.

A big country in the eyes of others, the last dynasty expanded all the way to swallow Junggar, with a population of 400 million and an expansion of 13 million. . The victors of World War I, the victors of World War II, the war with the United States, the war with India, the war with the Soviet Union, the second largest economy in the world, and then muttering that this century of shame will soon be humiliated.

Both of these situations are real, it just depends on how you look at it. What Britain did in the colonial era was no more extreme than that of the countries of the agricultural era, but this era recorded all the bad things Britain did.

But now, at least here in India, Britain can finally take a break from the list of the number one enemy in the eyes of India through this war. Even if Nehru was still wary of Britain, he couldn't change the simple thinking of the Indian people. How could he forget it as soon as he was beaten?

The news of the arrival of the British delegation in New Delhi spread quickly in this already independent country, and Rabo Butler received a huge welcome. India, which fell from the top to the bottom, remembered the good of Britain.

On the way to the Windsor Castle Hotel in New Delhi, countless Indians, men and women, young and old, all saluted the motorcade of the British delegation. At this time, they could only pin their hopes on the United Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away.

Entering the hotel, Alan Wilson directly entered the door of the reserved room and knocked on the door. The door was opened, and Heidi Lamar opened the door and dragged the man in directly.

"Why don't you wear a classic robe?" Alan Wilson smiled and said, "This is New Delhi, the place where our fate began, but it is very memorable."

"You're the only one who talks a lot." Heidi Lamar glanced at Ellen Wilson and muttered softly, "That is, I am obedient to you, no matter where you go, I will accompany you without complaint."

"Yes, you have worked hard." Alan Wilson had already admitted Heidi Lamar in his arms while speaking, "I was wrong, any complaint in front of you is a blasphemy for your hard work."

"It's almost the same!" Heidi Rama seemed to be relieved, feeling that her hard work was not in vain.

The two decided to take a bath to relax, and then threw themselves into the intense work.

"It's really surprising to come to New Delhi this time. Didn't you say that you won't come again in the future?" Heidi Rama was lying weakly in the man's arms, the flush on her face had not subsided, and she had obviously not recovered.

"It's different now. I didn't come here because I was a little grumpy here. It's different now. Other countries have taken the place of Britain." Alan Wilson lit a cigarette and said with an intoxicated look on his face. "Then there is a change now, and I don't have to avoid the opportunity to come to India."

Today, Alan Wilson can restore his old friend to the Indian people, stand on the side of India confidently, and seek benefits for the United Kingdom.

"But what about your large fleet assembled in the UK?" Heidi Lamar asked suddenly as if remembering something.

"They have something to do." Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows, the broken window effect was about to appear. It's no wonder that the British are the Indians themselves, which will naturally affect the Indians in other places.

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is the core of British Africa once planned by the United Kingdom. Like other British colonies, it has a huge Indian community. The entire Kenyan Indian population is 400,000.

The news of India's defeat came across the ocean and immediately shook the Indian community here. Countless Indians took to the streets of Nairobi to show solidarity with their home country. These people were so excited that they could not wait to leave the country to join the war.

As a result, the British troops stationed in Kenya were on guard and did not dare to board the ship as planned. Instead, they adopted a vigilant attitude to protect the white community. What would happen if a foreign group was in a strange place and did not consider themselves locals?

The riot happened like this. The whole Nairobi was thick with smoke. The black people regarded the Indians as the accomplices of the white colonists. In the presence of the British army, they dared not treat the white people. But not so polite to Indians.

In Nairobi, Kenyans, who have long been resentful, launched a zero-dollar purchase of these foreign Indians, and riots broke out in various neighborhoods. No one knows the reason or how it started.

The British Army in Kenya felt that the situation was serious, and it even shrank to defend the white community. At the same time, it contacted the British Royal Navy fleet in the open sea and demanded to suppress the riots in Kenya.

At this time, the Indian community was in the midst of a raging fire, and the Kenyans who had successfully purchased zero yuan tasted the sweetness and were completely immersed in the joy of zero yuan purchase. The army shot and killed directly, and quickly concentrated on looking for trouble for the Indians.

There must always be a reason for the Royal Navy to be unable to arrive on time, otherwise would the Hindu nationalists think that Britain was not doing enough work? Alan Wilson of course knew that it was a fact of not working hard, but Britain could not admit it.

What can be done to cover the mouths of Hindu nationalists so that they can't think about picking peaches in the UK? Then we can only suffer the Indian people for a while.

As a British gentleman, Alan Wilson was very unwilling to do this, so he told the Malayan side to keep an eye on it. As for Kennedy, because of the complicated social environment, the United Kingdom was going to help India recently, so he relaxed his vigilance and appeared A little glitch is normal.

The riots in Kenya immediately aroused the response of the Royal Navy, and the plan of thousands of miles to help India had to be temporarily terminated.

The priority now is to restore calm in Kenya, while London officially informed Kenya of the cause and effect of the unrest, and said it may be a broken window effect.

The Broken Window Effect believes that bad phenomena in the environment, if left unchecked, will induce people to follow suit, or even worsen. Take a building with a few broken windows. If those windows are not repaired, vandals may break more windows. Eventually they will even break into buildings and if found unoccupied, perhaps settle there or set fire to it.

If there is some graffiti on a wall that has not been cleaned, the wall will soon be covered with messy and unsightly things.

This effect, of course, was summed up by Sir Wilson, a well-known British scholar and the current Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its fundamental purpose is to establish a scholar. Sir Wilson is currently in New Delhi.

After receiving the news, Alan Wilson informed Foreign Secretary Rabo Butler of the fact of the riots in Nairobi, and pushed the root cause of the riots to India's defeat, which led to the indignation of the Indians, which in turn led to the dissatisfaction of the local blacks in Kenya. this riot happened.

"Is there any problem with the white community?" Rabo Butler asked nervously.

"For now, there's no problem!" Alan Wilson gave Rabo Butler a reassurance, "but I'm afraid that other colonies will follow suit. It seems that from the moment India is defeated, this will not affect many things in the world. It's the same. We have to pay special attention to the movements of Aden, Mauritius and other colonies."

Alan Wilson said with a responsible attitude that this matter was handed over to him, and Rabo Butler was still preparing for a diplomatic trip with Nehru. He said it lightly, but he knew very well that the biggest broken window effect had not yet begun. Woolen cloth.

For example, Pakistan, another protagonist of the partition of India and Pakistan, saw with his own eyes that India was beaten to the Haven't there been any thoughts in my heart? After the partition of India and Pakistan, the two countries became a pair of brothers in distress.

India will think after this war that it should find a powerful army country for foreign aid. Although the United Kingdom and the United States are strong, they are not good at land warfare, and the mainland is indeed too far from India.

Is this a coincidence? Pakistan thinks so too, and it doesn't have to weigh who to find like India. Pakistan shares a border with a major country, so there is no need to think about it at all. An all-weather ally is readily available.

Even if the United States exerts pressure, it is useless. The United States is far away, how can it be more practical to have strong aid in sight?

Pakistan is emboldened, that is the real broken window effect, not the current riot in Nairobi, Kenya, where I don't know how many people died.

When Rabo Butler met Nehru for the first time, with a heavy heart, he informed Nehru, the former prime minister of a powerful country, about the tragic incident in British Kenya, and said that the United Kingdom would definitely handle it well and ensure that The safety of these Indians.

"It's really unpredictable!" Alan Wilson sighed, wondering if he was copying it in Mauritius? It can't be too cruel. The second largest ethnic group in Mauritius is of French descent. It's really annoying.

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