British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: the world is real

"Hey, I'm so happy, it's as if I successfully deceived the little girl's body." As soon as he entered the door, the complacent Deputy Secretary faced Heidi Lamar's ridicule.

"Heidi, what are you talking about. I'm loyal to you, how can any little girl compare to you?" Alan Wilson's face was straight, and he said that Heidi Lamar was the only sun in his heart at this time.

The corners of Heidi Lamar's mouth were slightly raised, and she said noncommittally to the man's words, "Oh, well, I am an ordinary woman who is not in style, but I don't dare to have such extravagant expectations. It seems that Hepburn is taking a break for a year, right? How is she recently? ?"

It's not normal for a female star to take a break at a popular age, but it's just weird for other people.

But Heidi Lamar not only felt strange, but she also took a break when she gave birth, and she understood this process very well.

She guessed that when the red Hepburn disappeared, he was busy with the big thing, that is, looking for a place to have a baby. Although she didn't know what method Ellen Wilson used to make Hepburn make such a big sacrifice, she felt that it was like this in every possible way.

Alan Wilson's face was red and white, and it was rare to feel embarrassed. He leaned forward and whispered, "Heidi, look at me running for my career."

"Maybe I should forgive you." Heidi Rama followed Alan Wilson's words and borrowed the donkey and let the man hold his body, "You are just like most men, you like beautiful women No? Then do you think I'm pretty? Don't you want to do something to me?"

Of course I thought about it. Not only did I think about it, but Alan Wilson also took action and apologized to Heidi Lamar.

Alan Wilson has always been heroic and good at fighting, and he has a good balance between public and private. In particular, he has been blessed with two major contracts. The significance of the tank order is of course needless to say.

The fighter order is also a huge gain. Alan Wilson does not despise the high-altitude and high-speed second-generation aircraft. He felt that the second-generation machine, which was generally not highly evaluated in later generations, was indeed a very embarrassing excessive existence.

But if everyone wants to have it, what if you don't have one? There has to be a reason, and that reason Alan Wilson couldn't find. This is not something he can fool with the words of a civil servant.

To this end, he deliberately recommended the technology of the TSR.2 attack aircraft to Sweden, and borrowed the offshore balancer, which is second only to the United Kingdom in Europe, to carry out technical verification for the United Kingdom and accumulate experience for the next generation of fighter jets.

Now that there is demand in India again, that's great, it's just a pillow for drowsiness. Although Hindustan Airlines is known for killing aviation manufacturers all over the world.

But Alan Wilson doesn't think this is a problem. The second-generation machine itself is an excessive generation in his eyes. Britain had better control the size of the equipment, the Indians want to perform plane crashing, that's India's freedom.

Besides, India has its own national conditions, and it is definitely impossible to drop only British aircraft, and fighter jets from other countries will also be dropped. Everyone has been thrown, which can only mean that it is India's own problem.

Of course, the real weapon, Alan Wilson will never agree to it. For example, he copied the Apache shell and made the British Tiger gunship. According to the reaction of Northern Rhodesia, it is really useful. , plagiarized out a boutique.

The United Kingdom itself is not enough to use it. You must know that Europe faces the huge armored cluster of the Soviet Union. How can it be free for India? The Germans also need it, and the Italians also feel good.

And India really didn't mention it. This is how India's arms purchases are, and the first-line stars are full of armaments. If it doesn't seem to be important, just deal with it and mess with it.

Heidi Lamarr was quite satisfied with the performance of the Permanent Undersecretary of the Empire to the utmost sublimation, so he didn't mention why Hepburn retired.

Reassuring logistical support is the top priority. Rabo Butler asked Alan Wilson to discuss it again. He did not object to the military purchase, but asked whether the Hong Kong side would strengthen its alert.

"Respected Minister, the Royal Navy cannot fight on land. Whether we are prepared or not will not change the outcome."

Alan Wilson said that he changed the situation, "It's time to think about Pakistan's problem. Instead of a threat without reason, we can know from the Kenyan incident that India's defeat has formed a broken window effect, just like the escalation of the Russo-Japanese War. the status of the yellow race, just as the Korean War established a new power.”

"India's biggest takeaway from this war is that in the wider world, India as a country has been ignored. The world is very realistic, and I can conclude that the non-violent non-cooperation movement will go from The colonies faded, so the Royal Navy did not come to East Africa, and under the pretext of the heavy casualties of Kenyan Indians this time, they carried out indiscriminate bombings against tribes in Kenya that were dissatisfied with the British."

"We can take advantage of the unfair treatment of Indians to purge the radical anti-colonial clan. This is a good excuse because black people really killed a lot of Indians this time. But since we can do this Come on, Pakistan will inevitably not think of other issues from this India defeat."

"You mean, Pakistan will improve relations with its neighbors. Face India together?" Rabo Butler said with a frown.

"It's almost inevitable." Alan Wilson answered decisively, "and we can't stop it, even if we use all our diplomatic means, we can't stop Pakistan and its natural allies from getting closer. Because Pakistan has realized this time, with Pakistan An irresistible India, only this neighbor can clean up."

Although Alan Wilson did not want to draw such a pessimistic conclusion, it is better to be realistic about this kind of thing.

"But the relationship between Pakistan and the United States is very good." Rabo Butler was a little surprised.

The relationship between the US and Pakistan reached a very close level, mainly because the US wanted to use Pakistan to contain other countries led by the Soviet Union.

As an important strategic base of the United States in South Asia, the United States attaches great importance to Pakistan and is eager to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Pakistan. Pakistan leased the Peshawar Air Base to the US military, joined the anti-Soviet military alliance initiated by the US, and became the US's closest ally in Asia.

"My Minister!" Alan Wilson, as the spokesperson of the special relationship between the United States and the United States, is reluctant to say something too clear, but the Deputy Secretary must fulfill his duties, "The United States has not won the Korean War, and cannot help Pakistan on land. what."

After India's defeat this time, the pattern formed is an opportunity for other powerful countries to reshuffle the cards and become a series of offshore balancing stages, and it is the most suitable stage for offshore balancing in the world.

Why do you say this? First of all, offshore balancing, the UK is the most familiar, helping the third child fight against the second child, this is called offshore balancing. The third child can't beat the second child, but he must have the ability to protect himself.

Using Lithuania to check and balance Russia is not called offshore balance. Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference is very suitable for Lithuania.

Pakistan's national strength is weaker than India's, but India can't destroy Pakistan. Pakistan is very suitable for introducing foreign powers to balance. And the impressive India is not the opponent of a big country, it can be used to balance a big country.

Pakistan and a major country are working together to deal with the impressive India, while India is thinking about how to break through this disadvantage. India will definitely approach the Soviet Union in the future. This forms a logical closed loop that checks and balances each other.

Alan Wilson did not name the role of the Soviet Union, but explained to the Foreign Secretary the likely future evolution of the situation.

Without talking about the Soviet Union, Rabo Butler accepted this rhetoric, "We support India, and the United States supports Pakistan. It's really a complicated geographic relationship."

"Indeed, Minister." Alan Wilson nodded. After India approached the Soviet Union, will Britain's position change and support Pakistan with the United States?

That's impossible. I, Great Britain, don't stick to my position. It mainly depends on who gives more money. India is richer than Pakistan and is willing to add money. Britain will definitely stand on India's side, even if India has a good relationship with the Soviet Union.

Rabo Butler is no longer entangled in the geographical situation. The harvest of this visit is huge. It is reported that India will increase its military expenditure to 45% of its budget, which is a lot of expenses.

Rabo Butler doesn't care about whether India is using military force. He only cares about the implementation of India's two major orders, which will definitely satisfy domestic military enterprises.

After re-promoting the invitation to the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Meeting, the two of them set off on their return journey. Direct access to Brussels for the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

Alan Wilson took the opportunity to inform the Portuguese side of the fact that India was going to strengthen its armament. As Portugal's non-staff colonial, he is well-deserved to shoulder the responsibility, and he talked about the experience of Northern Rhodesia, such as setting up minefields around Goa.

The meeting in Brussels was tense and hectic. Not only was the French de Gaulle government advocating for European solidarity because of the Cuban missile crisis, but that was Rabe Butler's concern. Alan Wilson and the Dragoon sisters were also very difficult to deal with.

"It seems to have lost weight in the end." Anna's eyes flashed while holding the handle, "It seems that I should take good care of it..."

"Okay, Anna." Pokina stopped, telling the younger sister not to be unaware, "Our selling of silver has recovered the previous operating costs, and the rest is profit. The stock has also returned to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Before, darling, when did you think it was a good time to sell."

"The first half of the year is more appropriate." Alan Wilson hesitated and replied, "It is safe until the US elections."

Pokina nodded, then went straight to the point, "The two of us will be with you in Brussels these few days. I intend to open a branch in London, and Anna and I will take turns to sit, so that you will not be alone."

"A united Europe is also what Britain would love to see." Alan Wilson expressed his approval in the voice of France at the EC meeting.

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