British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1203: Rhodesian Crown Domain

Although a little embarrassed, it is compared to the Lightning fighter, which has been disliked by the British Air Force as soon as it came out. The J-8II, a beautiful man in the air, is still worth copying.

Although this fighter is a second and a half generation at best, it is still a success compared to the Lightning fighter. When the J-8II came out, a certain big country was not considered an air power, and it was also a fighter jet that had fallen behind as soon as it came out.

But that is compared with the third-generation aircraft of the United States and the Soviet Union. Apart from the idea of ​​having to comfort oneself in difficult times like the J-8II war with the F22, only relying on the era when the J-8II came out, it completely hangs the same high-altitude and high-speed Lightning fighter. .

Alan Wilson just happens to have a deep memory of the beautiful man in the air of a certain country, even more than the later J-10.

The showdown is over. Among the keyboard warriors who proved that the J-8II can fight against the F22, there is also a place for the current deputy secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the United Kingdom cannot avoid having to serve the second-generation aircraft as a technical reserve, it is not as good as the beautiful man in the sky.

Alan Wilson is probably aware of the development of fighter jets. Simply put, first- and second-generation aircraft are not a problem for most industrial countries. If you want, Brazil in Latin America and India in South Asia can try it. For example, Tejas fighter jets .

It is the third-generation aircraft that really blocks the general country and forms a large filter. For Britain and France, it is already quite difficult for typhoons and gusts to serve. . When it came to the fourth-generation aircraft, even Russia could not stand it.

In the era of second-generation aircraft, European countries can give it a try. If the Lightning fighter is not too general, it is destined to change to another environment, such as working in India. Alan Wilson will not think about taking the J-8II out. is not good.

"Is this the result of Pamela's design?" Marshal Mountbatten glanced suspiciously at the design sketch, then changed the subject, "But to be honest, it does look beautiful."

Marshal Mountbatten was also impressed by the beauty of the beautiful man in the air. This has to say that the traditional British aesthetic is ugly. Obviously, the technical reserves are sufficient and the performance indicators are not bad, but the weapons that come out are awkward.

"I'm also very shocked. Pamela's industry can already contribute to the country." Alan Wilson is decisive, completely disregarding his richest wife, and he has only just received the design drawings for half a month, and he has just finished the demonstration. , in theory it is a very good layout.

When bureaucracy and capital are combined, this situation will occur. Alan Wilson dares to come to the full-time commander of the British armed forces with a picture. This is not incomprehensible. Alan Wilson represents the bureaucracy and Pamela Mountbatten represents The arms dealer and Marshal Mountbatten represent the military, and the family can form a perfect logical closed loop.

"It adopts an all-metal semi-monocoque fuselage, with air intake on both sides, and a flat tail and double pelvic fin aerodynamic layout under the delta wing. It is far more than the layout of the previous Lightning fighter. In fact, this fighter, if not all, can also be considered to be part of the lower part. The first generation of fighter jets, this has been demonstrated, and most of the experts in the combined JAC think so."

"Sounds good. The Air Force doesn't really appreciate the Lightning fighter." As Mountbatten spoke, his eyes fell on the sketch of the handsome man in the sky again, which was pleasing to the eye.

One of the places where the Lightning fighter is very famous is that it is famous for its traditional British weird design. If there is a specific problem, no one can tell, but as long as you take a look, you think this fighter is very weird.

The Lightning fighter does not satisfy the Air Force. Another way is to purchase it from abroad. However, this is not a good thing for the current British aviation industry. Everyone knows that external procurement will hurt the domestic aviation industry. It is not that the United Kingdom does not have an aviation industry. The aviation industry is still quite strong.

Strategic bombers and strategic transport aircraft have already shown their value. After the past few months, it has also proved that these aircraft types are what the UK needs. Not to mention anything else, after a major country announced a ceasefire, the Vulcan strategic bomber will come to the rescue. The news of India has already spread, and the scope of transmission is strictly controlled within India, which is another problem.

"Looking at a fighter that is pleasing to the eye, it itself proves that the aerodynamics and layout are excellent. It looks weird, and it doesn't feel comfortable to fly." Alan Wilson said good things about the beautiful man in the air, "The most important thing is that the production company Very reliable."

"Reliable? Yes, it is indeed very reliable." Marshal Mountbatten was stunned, but he had to admit that his daughter would be unreliable? If he denies it, doesn't that mean that he, the active British marshal, is also unreliable? "But you have to come up with a prototype, otherwise, the design drawings will not be convincing to the public."

At the critical moment, Marshal Mountbatten still believed that the interests of his family coincided with the national interests, and decided to give his younger daughter a chance to benefit the society.

Pamela Mountbatten, who had almost swallowed half of the British airline in a previous acquisition, finally had a chance at this time. Prove that the Lockheed Way is feasible. It's just that helicopters and composite armor are small things. The road to copying F15 is not smooth. In many aspects, it is indeed facing huge difficulties to manufacture F15.

Pamela Mountbatten has spoken to Alan Wilson before that the F15 project has gone too far.

Alan Wilson took second place for his wife, and copied the beautiful man in the air, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had to be realistic.

The British commander-in-chief is optimistic, and with Profumo, the Minister of Defense, who has already been controlled because of the relationship between underage men and women, as long as Pamela Mountbatten can get the prototype out, Alan Wilson believes that the beautiful man in the air will appear. over the UK.

To say that the biggest gain of the United Kingdom in the Cuban missile crisis is not the fact that India has finalized a large arms sales order, nor is it taking the opportunity to blow up the uncooperative tribes in Kenya. The former is nothing but an arms sale, and the latter has only a delayed effect.

Although Kenya was the base camp of the previous British Africa plan, and there was a white community, it was still unable to achieve long-term stability compared with the local black population.

The biggest gain is to **** Northern Rhodesia from Lubumbashi. Now that the Cuban Missile Crisis has been settled and the battle for the Roof of the World has ended, it is time to count the results.

This colony, which is rich in mineral resources and covers an area of ​​nearly 900,000 square kilometers, is all white and has a small population. It should establish a special relationship with the British mainland in the new era.

This was said a long time ago, and now is the time to surface. Alan Wilson and Grace belong to a relationship that grabs each other's handle.

On this day, Grace went to many sites and arrived in London with George Will, the High Commissioner of Northern Rhodesia. Alan Wilson looked at each other and knew each other.

Alan Wilson knew Grace's purpose, and Grace knew Alan Wilson knew his own purpose. Africa's only predominantly white colony is about to complete a major transformation.

"There can only be one parliament and military organizations like Ustasha and Chetnik." Alan Wilson nodded at George Will, and then made a condition to Grace, "Always reassure London. Yes, what do you think?"

Grace frowned, this was really a difficult question for him to choose, and said, "Why didn't Sir Allen say it before? I'm not prepared at all."

"I am also afraid that you are not easy to control. How can you make London feel at ease? If the parliament is retained, the British garrison will be in charge of the military, and if the military organization is retained, the air power will also be handed over. Otherwise, if you go back on your word, there will be unpleasant things in the future. Things are not good for each other."

Alan Wilson sighed, "I know it's a tough decision, but I can't help it."

"Retain Ustasha and Chetnik! The air force is handed over to the British garrison." Grace did not think much, and said decisively, "We can not have the parliament, but our own organization must be retained."

"Okay!" Alan Wilson nodded and picked up the phone, "Dixon, is the Chancellor here? There is some very good news, and it will be a big part of the Chancellor's glorious resume. True, well, I'm waiting for good news. ."

Most of the conditions were negotiated before and did not cause obstacles for both parties. For these Slavs of Northern Rhodesia, there is no peace of mind that Ustasha and Chetnik will not be disturbed by something like a parliament.

The population of Northern Rhodesia is so small is the role of parliament? Rather than being realistic.

This time, the ultimate sublimation, and it is time to reap the rewards. This even alarmed Aiden who was preparing for the Anglo-American summit. Will an inland colony like Northern Rhodesia officially become an inalienable part of the United Kingdom? ?

"It's really good news, I'm sure the citizens will be very happy." Aiden muttered happily to himself. Although he couldn't compare to the post-war Labour Prime Minister Attlee on an economic level, on another level, he re-awakened After the UK-US summit is over, the general election can be opened.

On 3 December, the Conservative Cabinet formally accepted Northern Rhodesia's application to become a royal domain. After discussions at a cabinet meeting, the fact that Northern Rhodesia and Newfoundland were equal in status was recognized, and a treaty was signed.

In the process, whether it was from Washington or Moscow, Ayden blocked all the doubts and confirmed the fact that Northern Rhodesia would not secede from the UK on a legal level.

From this moment on, the possibility of independence of the Northern Rhodesian royal domain no longer exists. Officially renamed the Rhodesian Crown Territory to distinguish it from the Southern Rhodesian Colony.

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