British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1205: UK-US summit

Compared with the same period in history, Alan Wilson feels that there are still some changes in Britain and history. The Nassau Agreement that was blackmailed by the United States should never appear. Of course, it does not rule out that the Americans will not change their original intentions and want to exert a wave of extreme pressure.

From Kennedy's personal point of view, he might really want to give it a try. The happy U.S. president, who is known as a weak president in the eyes of people, has seen a surge in approval ratings after the Cuban missile crisis and feels good about himself, said: There may be some unreasonable demands.

"Margaret, Margaret..." Alan Wilson, who was wronged by the Minister of Education, hugged Her Royal Highness's delicate body to regain face. At the critical moment, he was still half-hearted and understanding, not like another Margaret. Grete is so annoying.

Their eyes were facing each other, and the two stood still like a sculpture. After a long time, Princess Margaret lay weakly in the arms of the deputy secretary and whispered, "I seem to be working very hard today."

"Is Your Royal Highness satisfied?" He stretched out his hand to lift Princess Margaret's chin, and Alan Wilson told him, why should he prepare for the Anglo-American summit meeting, which caused his nervousness, not because he didn't understand the amorous feelings.

"It's okay to be rude once in a while, I'll forgive you this time." Princess Margaret gave Ellen Wilson a blank look, "If I wasn't in London, I don't know how many women you would harm."

In order to save the vast number of ignorant women in Britain, Her Royal Highness believes that she has paid too much. .

"How come, I'm loyal to Her Royal Highness." The deputy secretary who raised his trousers could not tolerate his innocence and slander, not even a royal princess.

"Hurry up and put it on, there's so much to talk about." Princess Margaret glanced at the duplicitous man and reminded yin and yang strangely.

After some battle of words, the scene has turned into the issue of the executive secretary being an important member of the royal family, planning the layout of the business. Everything is as it should be.

"I heard that Washington is going to hold a summit meeting with us?" Princess Margaret asked. This is not a secret, because the British people have already spread the word, and they can predict the conditions of the United States from the worst angle, such as letting the United Kingdom put nuclear weapons. hand over.

This survey has caused a huge public backlash. The vast majority of respondents, whether they are supporters of the Labour Party or supporters of the Conservative Party, believe that the United States is using NATO public tools for private use.

There is also news that France has firmly rejected the Americans' claims and ridiculed them.

"There is such a saying." Alan Wilson nodded. As for why the public would know, isn't this a government insider who did not wish to disclose his name? For example, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Cabinet, etc...

In terms of public opinion, don't worry about Alan Wilson, the richest woman in the UK far away in Perth is better at this.

At No. 10 Downing Street at this time, Prime Minister Eden was reading a copy drafted by the current Deputy Secretary-General of the Cabinet and the Permanent Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The UK should proceed from its position of strength, with the help of the Soviet Union outside Europe and France inside. The situation has made the United States adopt certain conditions for the Huiying policy.

The so-called special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Alan Wilson believes, is that the United Kingdom keeps creating new enemies for the United States, so as to divert the United States' attention and prevent the United States from attacking itself, while the United States forces the United Kingdom to continuously transfer sovereignty in exchange for short-term strategic interests. a pair of relationships.

Kennedy thinks the US is 800,000 to 600,000, and Alan Wilson still thinks the advantage is in me.

The United States wants to disarm the United Kingdom's nuclear weapons and set up a military base. Alan Wilson also wants the United States to quickly get a Huiying office and take good care of Dad. Otherwise, the so-called global situation does not know how it will develop.

Therefore, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Cabinet listed 26 Huiying policies, including cultural, military, economic, industrial support, etc., opening up the market, and monetary policy, and the British would say whatever the French pointed to the United States.

Even Prime Minister Aiden grinned, and every item seemed to be fine, but in the middle of a negotiation, Aiden simply suspected that the British Expeditionary Force had just set the White House on fire yesterday.

"Norman, let Alan come over." Prime Minister Aiden holding the microphone, let Norman Brooke call the deputy secretary of the cabinet who has the advantage in my cabinet.

Alan Wilson, who completed the life counseling of important members of the royal family, had to obey the words of the supreme authority and came to No. 10 Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister and explain why the United States had to sign an unequal treaty.

"We expected some very unreasonable policies in Washington, so we put forward the British demands **** for tat. This is not blackmail, but to lay the foundation for a good end result."

Alan Wilson explained solemnly, "On the issue of nuclear weapons, De Gaulle showed great disgust with the so-called unified management of the United States. If the United Kingdom expressed that it could talk to the United States. De Gaulle may be extremely dissatisfied and unite those who want to The forces of European solidarity question the reliability of Britain in the European Community. In fact, this doubt has always been there, especially in the French government.”

"We didn't, it's not going to happen at all." Prime Minister Eden refuted this fallacy with dissatisfaction.

"We all know no, Prime Minister. But among the continental countries, this suspicion has always existed, our delicate relationship with France for hundreds of years, and the history of the past offshore balance. It is indeed a little difficult to explain this problem. ."

Alan Wilson spread his hands, "I can't explain it all the time, can it? It's always going to be okay to explain everything."

"Since the end of the Algerian War, France's authority in the European continent has improved, and the French think they are the first army power in Europe. The Charles de Gaulle government was quite critical of the proportion of the French in NATO. Military power is stripped away. If President Kennedy wants to look at the bigger picture, he should adopt a strategy of helping Britain and controlling France, but from the way Kennedy does things, maybe there is no long-term vision.”

In other words, the effective land area of ​​Algeria is not large. On the book, it is also 2.4 million square kilometers of land. In addition to the French mainland, it is 3 million square kilometers. India does not control such a large land.

Even if it is invalid land, it makes people shy away from looking at it. Looking at the Soviet Union from the perspective of a major country is optimistic. According to the proportion, it should be the comparison between Belgium and France, which controls Algeria. It is roughly equivalent to the feeling of Mexico looking at the United States of America overhead.

"In the current environment, the United States should stand with the United Kingdom and stabilize the position of the free world. Many diplomats in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believe that it is very reasonable for us to take the opportunity to let the United States provide some support to the United Kingdom."

These diplomats with this idea were not invented by Alan Wilson out of thin air, and of course he did not deny it. Almost all of them were promoted by him, and they had very similar understandings to the Deputy Secretary.

"The existence of France is indeed worth taking advantage of." Aiden nodded, expressing his uniqueness in looking at problems from this angle. Regarding France's successful suppression of the Algerian revolt, it must be said that it was not someone's fault of judgment.

Whether it is London or Washington, this is how France was viewed after the war. After France lost to North Vietnam in the Vietnam War, the impression that France was just doing futile efforts and would inevitably accept reality in the end was not weakened, but strengthened.

It was under the circumstances that the United Kingdom and the United States had not been optimistic that France quelled the resistance of the Algerians.

This perception was not preached by Alan Wilson himself, who did notice the stereotype before.

But the root cause is not him. He can only affect London at most. Why does Washington see it this way?

The report prepared is not only the share of France, but also the German threat theory and the Japanese threat theory. In fact, some of the policies of the United States in the Cold War were not exhaustive. The long-term neglect of the exchange rate issues in Germany and Japan has eventually fostered the industries of these two countries.

By the time of the Plaza Accord, it was too late to deal with it, and Germany and Japan finally ran on Britain and France. But then it became a trouble for the United States. Considering the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, the United Kingdom reminds us to pay attention to this problem, is it not too much?

The matter of the summit meeting between the United Kingdom and the United States has been warmed up from now on. It also attracted the attention of the de Gaulle government. Prime Minister Eden gave positive responses to the concerns of the de Gaulle government.

Aiden also clearly realized that France is indeed closely watching Britain's every move. In other words, France's enemy is indeed something that Britain can take advantage of.

After a cabinet discussion, Aiden gave Kennedy a positive reply, confirming that the summit will be held in Downing Street has released optimistic news, saying that this is the summit that will determine the direction of the world.

As for some issues that some opposition parties and citizens are particularly concerned about recently, they have adopted an attitude of appeasement. For example, the establishment of US military bases by the United Kingdom and the storage of nuclear weapons are simply nonsense.

Nassau, the capital of the British Bahamas, is located on the north coast of New Providence Island, less than 300 kilometers from Miami in the United States.

Nassau was an English settlement in the 16th century and developed into a larger town in 1660 when it was called "Charlestown". It was named after the family of King William III of England, Orange-Nassau. Formally established the city, following the name of Nassau.

The pleasant climate of the British colonial capital, because it was determined to be the venue of the Anglo-American summit, suddenly attracted the attention of the whole world, especially because the peace of the world has undergone a huge test in the past two months, In Cuba not far away, it almost caused a war all over the world.

So, after Britain and the United States publicly held a summit meeting, the unknown colonial capital was noticed by the whole world, Washington and London had already set off, including Alan Wilson himself with a huge suitcase.

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