British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1221: Honest Arms Dealer

Business is business, and South Korea is not a British sphere of influence. This time, Richard is polite to meet him. Quan Xiaojian can't ask too much, and he is also very busy as a high commissioner.

As for the free world, it's even more nonsense. Richard doesn't quite understand what is the difference between Japan and South Korea in essence and colonies. It is a nominally independent country.

"South Korea is on the front line of the confrontation, just like the Federal Republic of Germany is in Europe." Quan is still in the final struggle.

But Richard's yawning response shows that this is not enough to impress him, "It is the United States that is protecting you, not South Korea on the front line of the so-called Cold War. South Korea has an illusion of its strategic position, which is very bad."

Not like any other statistic that can yield different results by different criteria. Looking at the problem in this way, it is natural that the standard is only a big country and a certain big country.

Other Asian countries are not worth mentioning, South Korea does not know where to go. Although it may be humiliating to say it directly, Richard has no choice, this is a fact.

A barren country with an area of ​​less than 100,000 people and a population of 20 million, if not for the presence of the US military stationed in South Korea, is it worth paying attention to a country that would have been wiped out at the touch of a button?

Richard, who has been taught by the supreme authority, is also very different from Alan Wilson in terms of Asian issues. One looks at the area and the other looks at the population. These two items cannot be deceived, and they are data that cannot be tampered with.

Alan Wilson didn't know that the Korean who met Richard was the famous Quan teenager. Knowing this is just a joke, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the attitude of my subordinates.

This world is very realistic. When talking about the free world, it is better to directly talk about how much money there is.

The UK sneezed, and South Korea, whose economy was extremely fragile in this era, was under undeserved pressure. Then bear with it, what else can I do?

Richard just took this meeting as an after-dinner chat with his immediate boss in a telegram.

This is also for the wife to get the entrance ticket to the grain merchant, to give some benefits to the other four major grain merchants, and to make a fortune together.

Alan Wilson thought of this, and immediately called Richard back, "It is important to pay close attention to the speculative behavior in Malaya. To put it bluntly, keep an eye on the Chinese. They will do anything for profit."

"A saint is capable of slashing one hair!" Alan Wilson muttered, how could the UK be considered a self-killing supreme right now, so what if they didn't take South Korea in their eyes?

If at the beginning, it was just to make a business with the Soviet Union in exchange for 220 tons of gold. Now with the development of the situation, Alan Wilson has become more and more inclined to raise the price of grain that can be seen everywhere in ordinary years.

"If you reach out and pull a company, the company can survive, but if you want to kill the company, it's not difficult."

In the past few days, the Secretary-General of the Cabinet has often rested here in Xia Meng, and naturally he could not hide what he did.

You can see what the comprador group will do when you look at the Republic of China under the Pao Party. For the vast majority of businessmen, seeing the demand rushing in, it is not impossible to wait for the price to be reduced.

The amount of profit is sometimes not important, and the mentality of wishing to be squeezed to death by peers often prevails. This is especially true of the comprador class, so Richard has to keep an eye on it.

This is not to show off some glorious history, just to explain that I am present at the famine in India.

"That's the life of many people." Xia Meng's face was sad, and the man's indifferent attitude made her even more emotional.

This ferocious imperialist face made Xia Meng deeply uneasy, "Many people will starve to death."

"I know." Alan Wilson's response was rather flat, without adding, "I saw the Bengal famine, and in 1947 I saw the famine break out from India."

"The value of being a chess piece doesn't stop there. You don't have to pity them. There are more places in the world that are worse than them. The joys and sorrows of life are not the same. , to look at the relationship between East Asian countries, in a sense, they are also enemies of your motherland."

Alan Wilson has been persuading, and he really thinks so. If the goal of his previous life efforts was to free Britain from being held hostage by the United States, then some of his original intentions have changed since the Cuban missile crisis. The next step is to hold someone hostage.

"My dear, the nations of this world are hierarchical. Some people are destined to face only such a fate."

Alan Wilson searched his stomach and felt that he should teach a lesson to women of equal status with his wife, "Countries are big or small, strong or weak. Everyone has a price. You don't think that Japan and South Korea are all yellow people, and pity them. As long as In a word from the Americans, from now until the end of your life, both countries are a staunchly anti-China country. If they don't want to do this, their US military is not a decoration."

If Zionism is only an issue between Israel and Palestine, after several Middle East wars, it would be better for Arab countries to abandon Palestine, instead of causing Egypt to lose its position as Arab leader.

Zionism doesn't just refer to Israel, and the annexation of Palestine is not what the Jews stand for.

This is not noble or despicable. The relationship between countries is like this. As for the Xia Meng that the Virgin Heart broke out, Alan Wilson only needs to spend some time and communicate in depth, and she will understand it.

If we want to talk about what the Ministry of Defense has done recently, it is to make persistent efforts on the basis of obtaining orders from India, to sell British weapons and equipment to the Middle East countries, and to deal with the threat of Zionism. This is also the most politically correct top priority in the Arab world.

The eastern boundary is between Horan, Damascus, Gilead, and the land of Israel, the Jordan River. You shall measure from the northern boundary to the East China Sea. This is the eastern boundary.

The southern boundary is from Tamar to the waters of Meribah Kadesh, to the small river of Egypt, to the great sea. This is the southern boundary.

In the Bible, the recorded passage about the size of the nation of Israel is that the four borders of the earth are so. The northern boundary goes from the sea to Hitheron to the mouth of West Dada. He went on to Hamath, Pilotha, Sibrim, and Hazahatigan, which is on the border of Haoran.

In this way the border goes from the sea to the border of Hazadan on the border of Damascus, and the border of the land of Hamath is on the north. This is the northern boundary.

This kind of claim is a ghost if the Arab countries agree to it. Maybe war will break out in the Middle East. For the security of Israel, the United States even dares to give nuclear weapons. What's wrong with the UK talking about arms sales?

Arming the pro-British countries in the Arab world is also normal. The current list of pro-British countries includes Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, especially Iraq, which is currently heavily lobbying by the Ministry of Defence.

The western boundary is the sea, from the southern boundary to the place opposite the mouth of Hamath. This is the western boundary.

According to this definition, even if Palestine is fully incorporated, it is not enough, and part of the Sinai Peninsula, Lebanon, and Jordan must be given up to meet Israel's appetite.

It just so happened that the two high-altitude and high-speed Air Man prototypes of the Mountbatten Group had already arrived in the mainland. Alan Wilson, who is also the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, invited a group of ambassadors from Arab countries to watch the test flight together.

"Ambassador Muhammad, as you can see, this is a masterpiece of the aviation industry of the British Empire." Facing the copied J-8II, Alan Wilson was not at all embarrassed. Alan Wilson, dressed in a light-colored Arab robe, tried his best to sell it. It is the last high-altitude high-speed fighter in the future.

In terms of the performance of aircraft in this era, the distance between the Kingdom of Iraq and Israel and other conditions, it is somewhat difficult for the Israeli Air Force to suddenly attack and kill the air force of the Arab countries.

The Israeli Air Force can handle the surprise attack of Jordan and Egypt, so if you want to arm the Arabs in the air force, Egypt and Jordan are not suitable, and the distant Iraqi kingdom is a good choice.

Let's just say that the UK's aviation industry, even now, is stronger than that of a major country twenty years from now. In Alan Wilson's view, the worst thing about British Airways is that it's really bad at making shells, but it's not bad in other areas.

But the secretary of the cabinet can't help in other aspects besides the shell, after all, he has never flown a plane.

"It can meet the double-two standard, the flight limit exceeds 20,000 meters, and the flight speed is Mach 2.2. Look at the line."

After all, it is the first fighter jet of the wife's industry, not to mention that the prototype J-8II itself appeared in the 1980s, which is 20 years later than the era of high-altitude and high-speed second-generation aircraft.

"With the current position of the United Kingdom, UU Reading should be more sincere when it comes to arms sales." Alan Wilson explained calmly, "The United Kingdom is not the United States, and it will not set rules and regulations when using it. , the ambassador will not forget? Britain even sold more than one aircraft carrier."

Alan Wilson's mind is full of risk-sharing. He is not a handsome man in the air, and the entire second-generation aircraft is embarrassing. Since it is necessary to accumulate the necessary technical reserves and exert force on the next-generation fighter, it is best to sell as many second-generation fighters as possible.

The biggest weakness of the UK is the aerodynamic layout, which fits him perfectly. The Arabs know what aircraft design is, and the handsome man in the air is not bad. It depends on what he says.

"Sir Alan, this doesn't seem to be in full service yet." The Iraqi ambassador asked his own question with suspicion.

Japan and South Korea are both privately owned by the United States. On the European side, second-generation aircraft are not third-generation aircraft. Many countries have the ability to develop second-generation aircraft. So what should we do? After much deliberation, only Arab countries are suitable.

Food and arms are important, and Alan Wilson now feels he is moving more and more into the role of cabinet secretary.

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