British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1229: Inta

If the time comes, can Jacqueline be pulled after Kennedy's assassination? With Monroe's words, wouldn't it be double happiness? Thinking of this, Alan Wilson couldn't help but wonder.

After walking out of Vivien Leigh's apartment, Alan Wilson opened the door of Ms. Monroe's room. This time the drama was very serious. If the female president was not in London at this time, the cabinet secretary would like to be here. stay.

"The secretary-general of Whitehall is really a good husband. He'll be home when the time comes." Monroe calmed down her rapid breathing, not forgetting to tease the secretary-general of the cabinet who was about to run away with his pants up.

"I don't want to hurt the trust between husband and wife. It has nothing to do with fear." Alan Wilson bluntly defended himself, "The main reason is that there are too many ladies who love me. I should also pay attention to it."

"That's really hard for you." Monroe rolled her eyes at the sneaky cabinet secretary and didn't dwell on this issue.

It's not that the cabinet secretary likes to work on diplomacy, but the prime minister was born as a foreign minister and has not done much for economic issues, so he directly does the job of the foreign minister.

And because at present, the UK is indeed still a world power, and diplomatic work is indeed extremely important.

Overseas interests aroused the concern of the Prime Minister, and Alan Wilson did what he liked and came up with an Indo-Pacific strategy, but it is not the same as the US strategy decades later, but how the UK treats the middle ground between the two camps strategy.

It is worth mentioning here that the cabinet secretary is a pro-American faction, firmly opposed to promoting any third-party forces with France, and is not interested in the independence of the de Gaulle government.

The Indo-Pacific strategy is not to win over neutral countries to start a new business. Nehru has already tried this way. Whether it is successful or not, the Indians of Kenya have finally paid the price of blood and have been re-shoved into the arms of India by the United Kingdom.

At this moment, the Indians of British Kenya have already packed up and started their journey back to India under the special care of the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom, which resolutely stopped racial vendettas, has been evaluated by a responsible power. Of course, the Soviet bloc may not agree. It must be said that this is an inevitable result of colonialism, but it does not matter.

After all, the wealth that can be taken away is a minority. As the backbone of the colonies of the British Empire, Indians also left behind immovable properties that cannot be taken away. These immovable properties will naturally fall into the hands of the British to buy off the black elites in Kenya, to be precise. , after the previous racial conflict, the more honest black elites were left.

After this battle, Alan Wilson is optimistic that he can stay in Kenya for at least five more years. As for sacrificing an Indian, what's the point of sacrificing the British Empire? Shouldn't the crown jewel of the former British Empire be sacrificed?

This is also normal. From what I eat to what the dog eats to what the dog eats, I eat what I eat. Now it is amazing, and I am ready to eat the dog.

For the current UK, India has become independent, and Indian descent is no longer important. Where to focus on business, where people are used, so the dog is killed if it should be killed.

Decades later, the United States did the same to the European Union. When it found that the target of harvest was covered in hedgehogs, it would naturally be easier for a weak organization like the European Union to deal with it. Could it be that if America can do this, Dad can't do it? It just doesn't make sense.

But even so, India's share of the Indo-Pacific strategy personally implemented by the cabinet secretary is still extremely important. There's no way this can be done. The size is there and ignored. It's Alan Wilson's dereliction of duty.

Sir Allen's version of the Indo-Pacific strategy has Indonesia and India's share, but no major power content. Why have it? A country of the Soviet Union is not suitable to appear in the Indo-Pacific strategic report.

The content of India mentioned that South Asia has formed a chain of checks and balances. Pakistan checks and balances India, and India checks and balances a major country, and it also believes that the United States' support for Pakistan may cause problems for the United Kingdom to treat India.

For the next diplomacy, if the United Kingdom thinks it can still win, it is best to talk to the United States and give India some breathing space.

Of course, Alan Wilson did not focus on writing and writing in this content. He just filled it in to express the loyalty of the cabinet secretary to the country, and he did not want the United States and the United Kingdom to stand on the side of India.

This has both economic interests and strategic value considerations. What if Pakistan and India were diametrically opposed to the historical choices he remembered? The direct consequence is that the Soviet Union can hang the United States up and hammer it.

Because Afghanistan is a pro-Soviet country, the distance between the Soviet Union and the Indian Ocean is one Pakistan. If Pakistan falls to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union can directly drink the Indian Ocean and cut off the Eurasian continent from the middle. The United States will not be able to bring this disadvantage back no matter what.

It is also because of this terrible consequence that the United States is firmly supporting Pakistan. It is terrible for India to fall to the Soviet Union, but it may happen in the future. If the roles of Pakistan and India are reversed, it will not be the future. Now the United States has to consider whether to surrender and lose half of it.

Routinely fill in the content of India, and the rest is the paragraph of Indonesia. Just yesterday, news came from the Dardanelles Strait that the fleet that the Soviet Union will give to Indonesia has been included in the Mediterranean Sea.

This example makes Alan Wilson even more exaggerating the Indonesian threat theory.

Indonesia has a population of less than 90 million, and Indonesia has a total of 3 million members. Even a major country at this time does not have such an exaggerated proportion. If we let it go, it will definitely hurt the regional stability of Southeast Asia.

"Jakarta, Pyongyang and XX have formed an axis, let it go. The consequences are unimaginable!" In the report of Alan Wilson, he tried his best to exaggerate the threat posed by Sukarno to regional security.

This is not an alarmist, except for the Suharto period, Indonesia's relationship with a major country is indeed not bad.

If you use Eastern civilization to summarize, Iran may think about whether it is the West or the East. But neither India nor Indonesia will have such hesitation, both countries consider themselves East.

Under normal circumstances, Indonesia, like India, hates the legacy of Western colonialism and clearly expresses its disgust.

The relationship between Indonesia and Australia has never been better. Even during Suharto's time, Australia was secretly guarding against Indonesia. Even if Suharto has proved his loyalty with hundreds of thousands of lives, it still cannot calm Australia's doubts.

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo has been clearly identified by Australia as a pro-China regime, and Indonesia is the vanguard of subverting the order of Western civilization. If it weren't for its lack of strength, Australia, who is also the deputy police chief in the Pacific region, is estimated to have learned from Israel to take a preemptive strike. .

"The importance of Malaya's industry to the United Kingdom cannot be overemphasized." Aiden agreed with the vigilance of the cabinet secretary. The Soviet Union sent such a fleet to Indonesia, which indeed caused great harm to the security of Malaya. threat.

Even for the second Ballista operation, Aiden did not show any obvious opposition. Obviously, the Prime Minister did not think that the plan of preventive war against Indonesia was impossible to accept.

"What do you think about the issue on the Iranian side." Aiden didn't have a clue yet, and asked his attitude on the Iranian issue.

The Iran issue, to put it simply, is that after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States tried to eliminate the influence of the Soviet Union in northern Iran.

Alan Wilson replied, "Iran is next to the Soviet Union after all. We are a little worried. After all, in terms of military power in the Middle East, we should be more cautious in the face of Soviet ground power. If it is at sea, there is no such problem. "If the U.S. is willing to take on the main support, and we help both diplomatically and economically, that's fine."

Iran and the Soviet Union are neighbors, and the possibility of Soviet interference cannot be ruled out. Even if Pahlavi is considered to be in the right hands, the free world must prepare a response plan for Soviet interference before it can act. Obviously, the preparations are not enough.

This conservative attitude also made Aiden nod. The relationship between Iran and the United Kingdom is not what it used to be. The United States occupies most of the interests. It is indeed the United States that should come forward to confront the Soviet Union.

"I will discuss these issues with the heads of several intelligence departments." Alan Wilson saw Aiden's attitude and expressed his willingness to make some preparations.

Facing the Prime Minister is indeed not so easy. This is a relatively rare thing for Aiden to focus on diplomatic work and not pay much attention to the domestic situation. If he were a Prime Minister who focused on domestic affairs, such trivial matters would definitely be more.

"Philby, what do you think I should do?" Alan Wilson drank whiskey to Prime Minister's enthusiasm in international affairs, I wonder if there was a similar template in the past. "

"Iran's problem is really difficult to deal with." Philby was also not very interested. "When will the plan to subvert Indonesia start?"

"Find a suitable opportunity, preferably when you are visiting abroad. Of course, if you still don't have this opportunity, you may have to take some risks."

Alan Wilson said this, and suddenly said, "You don't seem to be in high spirits."

"MacLean's condition is not optimistic." Philby hesitated for a moment. Donald MacLean had a serious alcoholism problem. He was better when he was abroad, but it was not the case after returning to China. It is also fortunate that MacLean graduated from Cambridge and has a reliable background. , just transferred to a leisure position.

"Oh, poor Maclean." A flash of sadness flashed in Alan Wilson's eyes, and he said with empathy, "Such a good man has encountered such a thing, I hope God will let him be safe."

I don't know if God and his old man can control atheists, maybe they can or not.

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