British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: princess wedding

Before the princess' wedding, the cabinet secretary stared at the stream of decent information about the royal family, especially to see if there was any report on Turing's private life. For the reputation of one of the few benchmark scientists in modern Britain, he can be described as broken. If you think about it, you must promote the counterattack of the myth for the civilian class.

If you study hard, the princess will be favored. Although this is an illusion, people always have to think about it, right? If most people believe this myth, there may be immeasurable benefits to the UK learning climate.

After in-depth exchanges, Her Royal Highness also agreed with this point of view, and everyone has a bright future.

Princess Margaret arranged her wedding dress with a peach-like face, so as not to be seen, "You are not so brave."

"How about you say it's supreme authority?" Alan Wilson looked smug and proud. What would he say? A husband should be like this, maybe it's this feeling, "I'm still at a loss, but I want to watch you marry someone else."

Princess Margaret's almond eyes glanced at the so-called supreme authority, expressing contempt for this kind of behavior that is cheap and good, and replied coldly, "Yes, yes, you lost, Turing made a lot of money."

"Of course, do you think I'm joking?" Alan Wilson is righteous. Without his own help, the most famous British scholar after the war would have been dead long ago. What if it was printed on sterling decades later? Can Turing be saved?

Speaking of this, the cabinet secretary abruptly sighed that he was really a good person, who rescued Turing and found a place for the princess. Is there anyone in the UK who thinks so much about the royal family?

Right in front of Ellen Wilson, the princess finished trying on the wedding dress and turned into a fashionable beauty. There is nothing wrong with it, everything seems to be the way it should be.

The princess has already been obtained by the cabinet secretary. If you don't tell me about this, who knows the truth?

Until the wedding date, the only job left at the moment is the independence of South Sudan and Uganda.

The two countries are neighboring countries, and together they are nearly one million square kilometers of land separated from British rule. Alan Wilson can't help but feel sad when he thinks of this. As the colony dwindled, the options became more and more inward.

Mutesa II, who has been designated as the king of Uganda, and the rulers of the four kingdoms will also attend the wedding of Princess Margaret. The situation in South Sudan is clearer. The pipeline has been built, and the historic mission of South Sudan is over.

South Sudanese oil exported through British Kenya will inevitably become a major source of wealth for South Sudan. Kenya is still under the control of the United Kingdom, and there will be no major changes in the short term.

The independence of Uganda will also become a benchmark for the UK to implement co-monarchy politics. If successful, the UK’s plan to establish the UAE will be more justified, combining several chiefs of the Persian Gulf into one, retaining the traditional British influence in the Persian Gulf force.

The royal wedding, Alan Wilson widely published hero posts, summoned the heads of state of the sterling area to come to London, what is the kingdom of heaven? The secretary of the cabinet must make the wedding beautiful for the princess.

After receiving Mutessa II, he expressed his hope that several kings could wait for the princess' wedding. Dixon came to Whitehall to report the progress of the Stockholm meeting. In short, there were great differences and no progress.

"The conditions of the Soviet Union and the United States are very different, and it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached in the short term." Dixon expressed a pessimistic attitude.

"It's normal. The Soviet Union is a tough country to deal with. We all know that." Alan Wilson was not surprised at all.

Not to mention the Soviet Union, even if it is Russia in a few decades, it can also bring down Europe. However, with the development of time, there have been some changes in the fans.

In this era, the left wing was on the Soviet side, and decades later, the right wing was influenced by Russia.

Of course, whether it is now or in the future, pro-Soviet and pro-Russian ideas are suppressed, but to say that such ideas do not exist, the free world is really monolithic, and it is not a fact that it is invulnerable.

Knowing Wang is only a representative of the pro-Russian part of the United States. It does not mean that there are no pro-Russian politicians in other countries.

On the contrary, in the eyes of such politicians who dislike political correctness, including but not limited to environmental protection, feminism, and identity division, the Great Emperor is almost about to be canonized.

False pro-Russian, netizens of a major country who swept away Russian goods, the real pro-Russian, but also Europe that pays to supplement Russia's military spending, what is European unity? This is European solidarity!

grain storage

Dixon sighed, and Alan Wilson comforted the hard-working diplomat, which was all to be expected.

If Corbyn is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mélenchon is the Prime Minister of France, and Sanchez is the President of the United States, it is definitely not the three countries that are embarrassing, but no supreme authority dares to say which country it is, which shows how terrible it is.

The Stockholm Conference is clearly not among those that Alan Wilson believes needs to be pushed forward at all costs. International conference talks have been normal for the past few years, and one day sooner or later will not change the overall situation.

The so-called deep state means that we do not represent opinions, but everyone should know our opinions.

That's what Alan Wilson told the executive undersecretaries of each department to attend the princess' wedding. The glory of the royal family is our glory, the royal family is everything, everything is for the royal family, and the victory belongs to the glorious Great Britain.

The cabinet secretary felt that October was a good month. If it was later, the Atlantic Current would not be able to show its power.

As the most favored daughter of King George VI, Her Royal Highness's wedding has also attracted widespread attention, and will be broadcast live. When the princess is married, Her Majesty also attaches great importance to it, and the treatment is almost like her own marriage.

Because of her father's untimely death, Princess Margaret was escorted into the church by her brother-in-law, Prince Philip, and then walked into the aisle of the church with the support of her flower girls and bridesmaids.

Princess Anne, daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, served as one of the aunt's wedding bridesmaids, nine-year-old Princess Anne led Angela Neville, Rose Neville, Catherine Weir, Sarah Loser, Virginia Fitz Law, Annabel Lord and Marilyn Wells, together to deliver Princess Margaret to the groom.

The Queen of ****** wore an exquisite dress, a flower mesh hat, and a pearl necklace around her neck that was a wedding gift from her father. She came to Westminster Abbey with her mother and son Charles, Prince Philip was escorting the bride, her daughter Princess Anne was a flower girl for her aunt, and the whole family was dispatched to make Princess Margaret's wedding perfect.

This grand wedding is no less than the scale of Queen Elizabeth's wedding. When Princess Margaret's hand and her husband Turing were held together, Queen Elizabeth showed a knowing smile, believing that King George VI looked at her daughter Finding your own happiness is equally gratifying.

As a sister, Queen Elizabeth is happier than anyone else. She lived up to her father's expectations and married King George VI's most beloved youngest daughter beautifully.

During this wedding process, Pamela Mountbatten paid attention to the corner where her husband was. There were as many as 40 people who were executive undersecretaries of various departments. They followed their supreme authority to the princess' wedding.

Alan Wilson really wanted to react, but he had long noticed that his wife was paying attention to him secretly, so he could only pull his long face, as if he was presiding over a meeting in the Cabinet Office, and did not dare to slack off.

After the wedding ceremony, Princess Margaret was ready to walk out of the wedding chapel to receive the blessings of the people. When she came to the Queen's ****, Princess Margaret made a deep curtsey, which was not only the bride's etiquette to the monarch, but also her sister's gratitude to her sister. It was meaningful and touching.

Clap! Alan Wilson clapped his hands, and in an instant, thunderous applause erupted from the positions of the executive undersecretaries, and everyone present was genuinely happy for this scene.

"Her Royal Highness is really beautiful." Frank said to Alan Wilson while Yes! Alan Wilson cherished his words like gold, expressing the prudence of the cabinet secretary. "This can't help but feel. At the scene of Her Majesty's wedding, people were eagerly looking forward to the Queen's ability to lead Britain out of the quagmire of war. , I think, after many years, the thoughts of citizens have not changed, and they are looking forward to a bright future. "

"This is the original intention of our work." Frank replied with a meaningful smile.

"Of course!" Alan Wilson also showed a knowing smile, "Is there a country that protects the interests of business groups more than our country? Not at all!"

"The assessment of British capital in Uganda and South Sudan should be completed as soon as possible."

"Leave it to me, it's not a problem." Frank nodded and said, "South Sudan's assessment is easier. It mainly focuses on oil pipelines. There is no other valuable place except oil in South Sudan. The situation in Uganda is a little more complicated. The resources of the Great Lakes region will take some time, and the Great Lakes region is not just a colony, but the ideas around it.”

"The prime minister has yet to assess the appropriate level," hinted Alan Wilson. "The emphasis on the balance between heavy debt and profitability cannot make it seem like we're getting a little benefit, but that's not true. "

"Of course it's not true," Frank assured immediately, "emphasize the hard work that benefits society, not the false, so-called robbery in the colonies."

"This is reassuring. Civil servants are a whole, and we also safeguard the interests of our overseas colleagues." Alan Wilson nodded and watched the princess and his wife walk out of the church.

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