British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1255: Anglo-Australian Security Agreement

It was a miracle in Indonesia that the United Kingdom was not without losses. According to the information of Richard White, the head of MI6, at least nine intelligence officers of MI6 are missing, and it is likely that they fell to the Sukarno government. In the hands of the Sukarno government, it is just a judgment. In fact, he does not know whose hands it is in.

Alan Wilson felt a little guilty. He thought it would not be so fast, but he didn't expect the Soviet Union to come forward without talking about martial arts. Now there may be nine British pillars in his hands.

Richard White was still looking at Alan Wilson, obviously wanting to let the supreme authority wipe his buttocks. Alan Wilson cleared his throat and said, "If we can ensure safety, then we must be saved. We do not consider lawful citizens to be detained for no reason."

Just as Richard White breathed a sigh of relief, Alan Wilson changed the subject, "But this matter is very troublesome. First of all, we don't know if they are still alive, or they are unfortunately captured. If they are captured, The current public information has not been used to make a fuss. If we take the initiative to rescue, maybe Moscow is waiting for us. If it is killed in the chaos, we take the initiative to ask, it will give Moscow an excuse. Moscow has always said that the United Kingdom is trying to attack Indonesia. A coup d'état."

Alan Wilson means to wait, the free world has not suffered a loss, think about the u2 reconnaissance plane incident three years ago, isn't it very similar to this one? Taking the initiative to admit is to give a handle. If you don't admit it, it is not easy to build an information cocoon in this era, and the United States did not recognize the u2 reconnaissance plane incident at the beginning.

Until the Soviets showed the captured pilots, the United States experienced the feeling of yellow mud rotting in the crotch.

"Secretary-General, they are all working for the interests of Britain." Richard White said this, not from the perspective of caring for his subordinates. It is not true. It is accurate to say that subordinates can be sacrificed, but his secretary Senior subordinates cannot be sacrificed.

"Richard, strategic determination." Alan Wilson vaguely promised, "As long as the opportunity is right, Whitehall will definitely find a way. The pillars of the country will not be sacrificed in vain."

Now Alan Wilson can only pray that these pillars of the country have really died for the country, and it would be difficult to do if they were alive. Looking for an opportunity to let Furtseva kill someone is cheaper than rescuing her.

The dust of the times, falling on individuals, is a mountain. Alan Wilson, who already knew that an intelligence officer fell into the hands of the enemy, still followed the original plan and planned the joint military exercise with Egypt, Iraq and Australia. To the Prime Minister, exercise the Shield of Freedom.

He believed that even if the captured intelligence officers were alive, they would know the general situation, and would definitely be able to understand the difficulties of the United Kingdom. As for the rescue, he could talk to the Soviets through the Moscow embassy.

After all, the United Kingdom has just helped the Soviet Union to solve the plight of food shortages. Can't even you beat you and I beat me?

"To unite Egypt and Iraq, this is a rather bold response considering the factors of belief." Prime Minister Aiden asked Alan Wilson's action plan to the Ministry of Defense, "When will the exercise be carried out to clarify the British subversion of Indonesia. What's your position?"

"Dear Prime Minister, let's look at Australia's clear attitude first." Alan Wilson said, "I believe Marshal Mountbatten can bring us clear news."

Public opinion, if not the most important thing, is very important for electoral countries, but most of the time politicians tend to make public opinion irrelevant. It's not impossible to do the same thing. If you do the same thing, you will betray national interests. If I do it, it is historic and far-sighted.

Years of vision have come true since he became chief of the British Defence Staff, and Mountbatten felt that his decades-long military career had reached the pinnacle. At this time, his position in the British armed forces was second only to the civilian Secretary of Defense, but in the eyes of the public, he was much more important than the Secretary of Defense and was the real master of the entire British army.

After Indonesia's discoloration, the British commander-in-chief visited Australia, which naturally attracted great attention from Australia, which was in the midst of public opinion. For the arrival of Marshal Mountbatten, Australian Prime Minister Menzies expressed a very high-profile welcome, which also proved the unbreakable relationship between Britain and Australia. The Australian flag and the British flag complement each other, and Australians waving both flags are so heartfelt.

"Father, I didn't expect you to come in person." Pamela Mountbatten thoughtfully gave the orange juice to Marshal Mountbatten, "Mother will be here soon, the environment here is very good in Australia. The temperature and rainfall are good, and my mother lives here. Also very comfortable.”

"Edwina is satisfied." Marshal Mountbatten sighed and couldn't help but complain, "It wasn't your husband who forced me to come to Australia, saying that I have this connection."

"It's persuasion, to convince you to accept it." Pamela Mountbatten modified the words of persecution in her father's mouth, "actually who else is there besides you? Indonesia's population is close to 100 million, and the pressure on Australia is too great, Australia's population is only one Be sure to start."

"I seem to have heard Allen say that most places in Indonesia have a small population." Marshal Mountbatten said, and he seemed to have heard his son-in-law say this.

"Yes, the core of Indonesia is Java Island, and 60% of the population is on the island of over 100,000 square kilometers." Pamela Mountbatten nodded and replied, "The whole of Australia is in good weather in a year, the whole country The food production is also less than half that of Java."

According to the agricultural conditions of Java Island, Australia, which is more than 7 million square kilometers, is not enough for half of Java Island. Australia's land is really barren.

"With so many people crowded on such a small island, it's no wonder that the CPI is developing so fast." Marshal Mountbatten shook his head. When British India was a part of the British India, the CPI developed very quickly. Mountbatten knew about the existence of the CPI, but at that time He is also helpless, the population density of Java is much higher than that of India.

Not long after, Edvina, the wife of Marshal Mountbatten, arrived. Pamela Mountbatten left space for her parents. After the little daughter's ability to make money, Edvina's health was much better than in previous years. Acute illness, far from running out of fuel, lived in Perth for a long time with the kids, no problem now.

Hearing Edvina's praises for Perth, Marshal Mountbatten couldn't help but said, "My dear, I will live here to accompany you after I retire."

Alan Wilson did his best for the country, but he didn't know that at this moment, he suddenly became a naked official, he was on the front line of the Cold War, and his family was in the rear.

This is also underestimating the role of his wife. Pamela Mountbatten has greatly aroused Australia's interest in the affirmative action in the United States. Year after year, Australians are extremely concerned about the chaos caused by black Americans. Many Australians think America is on the brink of degeneration.

The criticism of the issue of the White Australia Policy is not under discussion. This trend of thought broke out again at the juncture of Indonesia's discoloration this time. Black Americans are indeed black, but Indonesians are not white.

At the same time, of course, among the diaosi groups in Australia, limited films are also circulating, and films about blacks and whites have made this trend of thinking even more rampant. In all fairness, Woodpecker Pictures itself does this, and without the care of the cabinet secretary, there would be no chance at all.

Australia is a member of the UK-led five-nation defense and a member of the US-Australia New Zealand Security Treaty. Two big countries serve Australia alone, is this a small blessing?

This time, after a day in Perth, Marshal Mountbatten arrived in Canberra, the capital of Australia, and talked about the need for a new treaty to appease the British after Indonesia turned hostile. Australia in anxiety.

The main contents are: the two countries maintain and develop the ability to "resist armed attacks" by means of "self-help and mutual assistance". When any one of the contracting states is "threatened", they should consult together. When any of the contracting states is under "armed attack"~ ~ should be dealt with together.

The treaty is in force indefinitely. According to the treaty, a direct communication platform composed of the chiefs of staff of the two countries, a council assistant meeting composed of the assistants of the foreign ministers of the two countries, and a military representative conference composed of military representatives were established.

The so-called Assistant Foreign Minister was actually mentioned deliberately by Marshal Mountbatten. He has not forgotten the fact that his son-in-law kicked him to Australia. Alan Wilson is also permanent secretary of the British Foreign Office.

The agreement clarifies that the UK has a special security obligation to Australia to avoid any extraterritorial country from threatening Australia, and the two countries jointly protect the safety of freedom of navigation.

Then a heavy news came that Australia paid a lot of money to the United Kingdom to build a modern fleet for the Australian Navy and an order for high-altitude interceptors. The Navy and Air Force used British weapons to cooperate with the British garrison in Malaya. Combined, the Navy and Air Force orders amount to £400 million.

When questioned in the House of Commons, Defense Minister Prof. Profumo said, "The Ministry of Defense will strengthen the deployment of troops in the Royal Pacific Fleet and mobilize three large aircraft carriers into the Pacific Fleet. In the future, the Queen Elizabeth class will replace the Eagle-class aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Suez. To the west of the canal, all Queen Victoria-class aircraft carriers will be in charge, supported by Cyprus and Malta, to ensure the safety of the Mediterranean."

In terms of arms sales, Prof. Profumo sang his praises, believing that this would create a large number of local employment opportunities for the United Kingdom, which is of course a good thing for economic development, of course, his role will end there. Where economic development is explained, it is more appropriate for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to answer.

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