British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1256: personnel transfer

Many cabinet ministers spoke one after another, expounding on several major issues such as the current government's domestic and foreign affairs.

Alan Wilson's role was a lot simpler, figuring out what military sales could do in Whitehall. Australia has sold mines for so many years, and it is really generous, and it is not under the Saudis of later generations.

Converting 400 million pounds into US dollars, that is more than one billion pounds, and 400 million pounds is also one-fifth of the current British military spending. Even if it can't be improved, at least it has consolidated the support rate of the Conservative Party. It is reasonable for the Conservative Party to focus on propaganda in the House of Commons.

In fact, the most important thing is that the United Kingdom is really willing to sell it. It is not like the United States does not dare to sell the latest weapon system. This weapon system does not refer to small things, but large ones.

At the same time as the next House of Commons inquiry is over, the three aircraft carrier battle groups that have been deployed as planned have also begun to set off and will be placed in the battle sequence of the Royal Pacific Fleet. As a central force in curbing Indonesia's unrealistic thinking about Australia, this is certainly not true, but Australia will feel valued.

Markins came to an apartment. He didn't know what Alan Wilson had come to do with him. What could it be? It is nothing more than the transfer of personnel work.

"When did you buy a property here?" Markins looked around, as if he had discovered a new world, and commented on the furnishings of the room, but he didn't find that the property didn't look like a resident.

"Don't make trouble, a social public tool like me has no money to buy real estate, don't you know how poor I am? How many orphans and disabled people have I funded? A little allowance was also donated to the Palaeontological Association and the Semiconductor Research Institute. ." Alan Wilson spread his hands, and he received letters of thanks that could cover the walls.

"Haha." Markins expressed his true thoughts with this kind of laughter, "I really don't understand that the husband of the richest man in the UK lives a poor life. What do you call me?"

"Sir Coster, Permanent Under Secretary of Defense, is about to complete a glorious civil service career, and is looking for a place to use his residual heat." Alan Wilson sat down, poured a glass of whisky for Markins, and persuaded him, "Sir Coster's Whitehall A career is great, it's amazing, you know what that means?"

"It means that an honorary professor, a life member of the club, a director of an old shipyard, an honorary consultant of an arms company." Markins said in a bored tone, "This is a routine operation."

"You don't want to take over as Deputy Secretary of Defense?" After taking a sip of whiskey, Alan Wilson looked at Lord Sheffield eagerly, as if I was very optimistic about you.

This is beyond Makins' expectations. "Of course I hope to be the permanent secretary, but I am not familiar with the Department of Defense."

"Nothing has to start, Sir Hanson, Permanent Secretary of the Home Office, is still very early to retire. The Home Office, like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, is in a less active position. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can say something, Don't you know that the Treasury and Home Office, for Whitehall, are often the source of rebellion against authority?"

Since taking over as cabinet secretary, Alan Wilson has not made drastic adjustments to the civil service. He is not yet forty years old anyway, and there is still time for a career of supreme authority.

However, since he has caught up with the Deputy Minister of Defense and is about to walk through the revolving door, he would be remiss if he turned a blind eye. The traditional three ministries are the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Because of Prime Minister Eden’s personal preference, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefly welcomed The glory days have come, but if Prime Minister Eden had not been in office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would have been inferior to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

If there are other departments outside of the three major departments that are considered high-weight, it is the Ministry of Defense.

Defense Secretary Profumo, after the Soviet espionage case, he was already his own, but Marshal Mountbatten was about to retire. Alan Wilson naturally believed that his father-in-law had made arrangements, but he also had his own Arrangement, the position of the minister is more dependent on the election. Each of these elections has been so close, and Profumo is not reliable. If the election fails, he will be replaced.

Then the executive deputy minister in the eyes of some foreigners and the executive deputy minister in the eyes of Whitehall are extremely important. Now that Coster wants to retire himself, Alan Wilson hopes that Markins can be on top.

"Wow, if the cabinet secretary trusts me, I should do my best. But on Trende?" Markins made a look, the meaning was self-evident.

"I respect Leonard very much. As the Deputy Secretary General of the Cabinet, he has a wide range of contacts. I will discuss it with him, although I don't have to do it at all." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "The key is you, mine Sir, if you can open up the situation in the Department of Defense, you will naturally convince others."

Now that Markins is ready, the rest is naturally left to Alan Wilson. He wants to invite Sir Coster, who is about to move towards the revolving door, for a relaxed and pleasant meeting.

Sir Coster was delighted when Alan Wilson invited him to dinner at his house in the evening. Alan Wilson has made up his mind that as long as he's in London, he's going to win this power game.

Sir Coster knew very well that this meant getting closer to Alan Wilson.

And he found that the loyalty of the cabinet secretary's other aides was more impressive than their analytical skills, and he felt that as the conversation progressed, he gradually gained Alan Wilson's trust. Sir Coster could also see Alan Wilson's growing role in Whitehall.

At this time, Alan Wilson was completely different from when Norman Brook helped him up. In his gestures, he seemed to be supreme authority, and he still had plenty of time for this supreme authority.

Alan Wilson asked Sir Coster some brief questions, not only about the Middle East but also South East Asia.

"If you don't mind, in addition to proposing Markins to take over as Deputy Secretary of Defense, I have another request for Sir." Alan Wilson said in a low voice, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"Secretary-General can say bluntly, I'm retiring soon, and I don't know where else I can help." Sir Coster agreed immediately. He thought it was a favor owed to him by the Secretary-General of the Cabinet, which would definitely be rewarded in the future. of.

The payoff is certain, and Alan Wilson is drafting an analysis of who's behind Indonesia's discoloration, to be handed over to the United States through the Five Eyes alliance as a touchstone for an ally. It takes a professional and widely recognized person to increase his authority, and no one is more authoritative than the Permanent Secretary of Defense.

"Could the Secretary-General give me a framework?" Sir Coster knew right away, that this was contributing to his retirement before he retired.

This is indeed the case. In fact, according to Alan Wilson's earlier plan, after the intervention of the Indonesian affairs, the Malayan High Commissioner Richard was finally taken as the scapegoat for Indonesia's discoloration.

However, a miracle by the Soviet Union disrupted this idea. The United Kingdom was not ready at all, and Indonesia changed its color. Although the life and death of the pillars of the nine countries are unknown, in fact, there is no loss.

After several days of deliberation, Alan Wilson felt that it was extremely important to reshape the root causes of discoloration in Indonesia. Since Sir Coster asked, he had nothing to hide, "It is important to emphasize that on the matter of Indonesia, China and the Soviet Union have important role, remember, at least for the two countries to have equal status."

Alan Wilson knew that this matter had nothing to do with a certain power, but from the perspective of the UK, it was okay to be okay.

The public opinion in Europe and the United States after the Korean War is that the image of a certain power is similar to that of Russia after the Ukrainian War, and it is necessary to call an international pariah. After the population explosion, the military use of force, and the beating of India, this impression has deepened.

The second child of a camp is often more impulsive, and now a certain big country meets this standard very well, so how can it be okay? It must be at least one of the masterminds behind the scenes.

The survey report will be analyzed together with the United States. Alan Wilson actually knows that, in fact, he doesn't need to do anything at all, and the Americans themselves will find trouble. He is only in the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and he will bring some evidence to the United States to make the Americans more dare to think and act.

"Understood, Secretary-General." Sir Coster already understood the meaning of supreme authority. He didn't think it was wrong. Does Britain need evidence to frame a country? No need at all! What's more, it's just an analysis report. After he left, he began to play the last remaining heat as the permanent secretary of the Ministry of National Defense.

He sent a draft of the discussion to Alan Wilson, let the supreme authority evaluate it, and sent another copy after revision. At the meeting of the Ministry of Defense, he attached great importance to referring to the framework provided by Alan Wilson, and discussed with this as the core, but it was not all smooth sailing, and there were still many voices of doubt.

The officials tried unsuccessfully to put an end to the **** discussion by excluding the Whitehall permanent secretary from several important meetings.

In Sir Coster's view, these are good signs. If this game is to be real in the officialdom, then he is willing to accompany him. Anyway, he doesn't have much time to be a social public tool.

Sir Coster wasn't some humming hillbilly. He has suffered for his opponents on the battlefield, and he will also suffer for his opponents in the Ministry of Defense. And it wasn't just competition or the thirst for power that drove his thoughts. He was already retiring and was just using the last time to complete the arrangement of supreme authority.

This is a matter of principle. The Prime Minister is more concerned with social security than national security, and Alan Wilson is fighting a righteous battle here, a battle worth fighting for with all his heart.

Sir Coster eventually brought back a logical investigation report that the discoloration of Indonesia was the result of cooperation between the two great powers of the Soviet bloc, a conclusion that moved Alan Wilson.

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