British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: To love the king is to love Iran

Now there are two powerful maritime forces in the South China Sea. The British Royal Navy is currently exercising. The other one is much more low-key. It is even suspected of using the British Royal Navy to hide its secrets. It belongs to the US Navy. Mountbatten also knows this. Du Ming said, "Alan, how long do you think the peace in the Indo-China Peninsula will last."

"Marshal, how would I know this? But it's true that the United States won't win." At this point, there is no need for Alan Wilson to deceive his father-in-law.

It's not that the United States is weak, but that the United States has chosen a model that cannot be won. Or like a big country, fight a fast-in and fast-out battle, achieve the goal through a short but high-intensity exchange of fire, and then unilaterally declare victory, and don't pull out the troop withdrawal.

Either it's like the Korean War, or it's gotten to the point where it directly treats the country behind North Vietnam as a fart.

However, the United States did not choose, and chose the most difficult path. It increased its weight layer by layer but gave North Vietnam time to adapt, and finally lost all its shorts.

Alan Wilson remembered that after the Vietnam War, the generals in the Pentagon were quite dissatisfied with the U.S. government.

The U.S. government is also not satisfied with the Pentagon. Except for the 17-degree line, which did not agree to the Pentagon, which one did not follow the Pentagon’s intentions, and it would be embarrassing to blame the government if it didn’t win?

"I understand the rationale, but even France this time has expressed its desire to resolve the Vietnam issue at a political level. De Gaulle's attitude is similar to that of the Soviet bloc. All parties intend to reopen the Geneva Conference." Mountbatten sighed, Vietnam Just a dozen years ago, it was still a French colony, and even the suzerain was on the side of the hostile camp.

As Mountbatten said, he was stunned again. He saw his son-in-law take out a small notebook and record, "Alan, what are you doing?"

"To prevent the Geneva Conference from being held, Switzerland is not a neutral country at all." Alan Wilson replied without thinking. Without tossing those Swiss bankers, they always feel that they can deal with the pound.

The cabinet secretary remembered that the United States created the Gulf of Tonkin incident when even France was inclined to the opinion of the Soviet bloc and restarted the Geneva Conference. This is enough to show that the United States is unwilling to solve the problem through political consultation. Nonsense, the Pentagon has already selected the battlefield. If you talk about negotiation, then negotiate. How to solve the problem of food and clothing for millions of workers?

Starting a war from Vietnam next to a big country has certain risks, but it always has to pass Iran next to the Soviet Union. The former can still be compared. Although the US military thinks that a big country is not easy to mess with, it will be fine if you are careful. But the latter is not a threat at all.

"Diplomacy is really a headache, and our prime minister is still rushing to it." Alan Wilson sighed, why does Aiden like diplomatic work the most? In almost everything involved, there will be different positions. In order to better cooperate with the United States on the Iranian issue, the United Kingdom has just repaired the mutual accusation caused by the establishment of diplomatic relations with France.

Now, in order to attack Switzerland through the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, the United Kingdom must also bring down the Geneva Conference and create an opportunity for the United States to do it.

The British ambassador to France, George Blake, has been affected by this British tradition of adaptability to foreign affairs. In the past six months, he has gone through the transition from anti-French to pro-French and then to anti-French.

Although diplomatic work is like this, isn't it too chameleon? He repaired diplomatic relations with France, less than a month, to be precise, only two weeks.

Ambassador Diamond couldn't help complaining in his reply, "France has used Britain as a punching bag for the Americans in the diplomatic magazine, which is embarrassing."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's a fact." This is what Alan Wilson, who is also the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, replied, "Britain has been pro-Russian and anti-Russian, pro-France and anti-French, pro-Germany and anti-German. Germany, this is diplomatic work. Now we must take care of the will of the United States and stand by the United States on the issue of the Indochina Peninsula.”

"The UK and France don't agree on everything. For example, on the Iran issue, don't you have a good talk with the French? They also think that the withdrawal of countries from Iran will reduce friction. Therefore, a Code to code."

"The way the French have high self-esteem and look down on others is really disgusting." Although Alan Wilson was in London, he sneered at France in front of Ingrid Bergman. "At the beginning of the year, the Japanese business community Visiting France and discussing the development of semiconductors, the whole French public opinion is sneering, doesn't it just look down on the Japanese?"

"Don't say a few words, and it seems that Japanese semiconductors are indeed not strong." Ingrid Bergman also knows this, "The most powerful semiconductor industry is the Americans."

"Always treat the moment as permanent, this problem is not good." Alan Wilson shook his head, "France is not without decline, but it still can't change this problem."

"You are more and more pretentious now, and you like to give orders." Ingrid Bergman whispered, "Don't forget the hard times we spent together." Gu Scoop

The age gap exists objectively after all, even if Ingrid Bergman is doing her best to make herself younger, if this man hadn't resolutely reflected, she would have tried to see if she could return to her youth.

"Always talk about this kind of unreasonable worry." Alan Wilson couldn't help but re-assured that he would never like the new and hate the old, and he must be fond of the new.

Recently, Alan Wilson is really doing his best to unite with allies to support the United States and maintain Iran's sovereign independence. Diligence, even by Washington's harshest standards, can't fault it.

The layout of the United Kingdom is still a little worse. Although the layout of several key areas is almost complete, if nothing else, it will take a few more years to establish an economic circle that can advance, attack, retreat and defend. The Middle East provides energy, Malaya provides production bases, Hong Kong and London are financial centers, and then wait for a series of events such as the over-issue of the US dollar and the backstab of France.

In the dark before dawn, it is best for the UK to cooperate with the needs of the United States, including Iran and Vietnam, which is a good thing in his opinion.

Don't think that countries will withdraw from Iran in name, and the United States will rely on funds to support pro-American Iran. This is impossible. The United States will not support late-developing countries without military bases.

What's more, in supporting Iran's ability to surpass the United States, Iran has been positioned as a resource country by the United States in terms of positioning. Iran's population also makes the United States unaffordable.

Without the support of the United States for military bases, Iran has a large population, and there is no decisive development in selling resources. This is the dilemma of the Pahlavi era. Once Iran chooses to industrialize, it will be a country that destroys the balance in the Middle East, and the United States will not agree.

Therefore, Iran will not stabilize because it is really neutral in name, and the financial support of the United States cannot prevent Iran from becoming more and more unstable due to the increase in population.

After two months of diplomatic efforts, through the special channel of the Five Eyes alliance, Alan Wilson informed Washington that Britain had successfully persuaded Germany and France. At the same time, it provides an excellent reason to use Indonesia's discoloration as a reason to reasonably prevent Iran from becoming a major power arena. Even the Soviet Union has few ways to counter it, because Indonesia is indeed rapidly turning red.

If the Soviet Union is dead, the problem is not just Iran's, but one that the entire Middle East is watching.

After getting rid of Mosaddegh, Pahlavi did make an appearance of doing his best. Although anti-Pahlavi people dismissed it, people were forgetful. This time, the statement of safeguarding Iran’s sovereignty was also valued by the Shah of Iran. After receiving the arrangement from the United States, Pahlavi officially informed the ambassadors of the five countries of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France and Germany, “The number of diplomats in Iran must be reduced, Iran cannot let what happened to Indonesia repeat itself to Iran."

After personally informing the ambassadors of the five countries of Iran's attitude, the public opinion in Iran began to build momentum, praising His Majesty's brave actions, and the slogan that "Love the King is to love Iran" is heard endlessly.

Tehran launched a grand parade in support of the I don't know if the people who participated in the parade have forgotten that they also supported Mosadegh in the past.

In this kind of public opinion, the ambassadors of the United States, Britain, France and Germany have expressed their opinions one after another, understanding Iran’s concerns and supporting Iran’s claim to sovereignty and independence. Commitment to give Iran safe status and reassure the Iranian people.

"Iran's worries are rooted in the changes in Indonesia. In fact, many Middle Eastern countries have this kind of worry." The Daily Times started this public opinion orientation, and soon the Times and other major British newspapers followed suit. Says Iran's concerns are justified.

Agence France-Presse, the Associated Press, and also danced with the call of King Pahlavi, the issue of sovereignty is the biggest issue, to put pressure on the Soviet Union.

Compared with the American public opinion, the British public opinion is more subtle. The New York Times directly pointed the finger at the Soviet Union, believing that the coup in Indonesia shook the whole world of peace religion.

"It's up to the Americans to talk about the fire. It's tough to speak across the Atlantic." Alan Wilson teased when he was with the Prime Minister's private secretary Brest.

"Secretary-General, in what way?" Brest frowned, not quite understanding the specific point of Alan Wilson's words.

"The United States stands on the moral high ground and kills without blood. The most irrefutable example is that when Germany still had considerable resistance, it called for unconditional surrender early. Forcing Germany to fight to the death in Europe, you must know the Germans. The memory of surrender is the Treaty of Versailles. Surrender is so tragic, isn't unconditional surrender even worse?"

"Earlier, was there such a thing as unconditional surrender in Europe? Think about it carefully!" Alan Wilson spread his hands and sighed at the unfathomable depth of the city on the hill.


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