British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1271: Galileo system

The latest website: US President Lyndon Johnson made a public televised speech, ordering retaliatory strikes against the North Vietnamese regime. Immediately, 64 US bombers entered the North Vietnamese airspace and carried out indiscriminate bombings on Ngee Ann, Hong Gai and Thanh Hoa.

The day after the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, U.S. President Johnson delivered a message to the U.S. Congress, asking Congress to allow him to use U.S. armed forces to counter North Vietnam’s attacks, protect “freedom and peace” in Southeast Asia, and protect South Vietnam and Laos.

Three days after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Agreement, which authorized Lyndon Johnson to command U.S. troops and take all necessary measures to crush the North Vietnamese armed attack.

In Monroe's home, Alan Wilson was acting like a successful person, hugging Marilyn Monroe's delicate body, watching US President Lyndon Johnson on TV, defending the United States and the free world's speech. The cabinet secretary smiled and listened with gusto.

This is a restrained smile. Monroe is an American. He should not be too happy to write on his face, so as not to be seen by the beautiful woman in his arms.

"It's another war." Monroe muttered unhappily. Marilyn Monroe once went to the Korean labor force, and at this time she hated the outbreak of another war.

"This is what the world is like." Alan Wilson stretched his hand along Monroe's neck, grabbed the haunting peak, and said with a sense of accomplishment, "This reminds me of it. The Boer War, oh, I'm not saying America will lose, it's just a boring metaphor. Maybe that's life, and it happens sometimes."

If faced with Aiden, Alan Wilson would never answer like this, but now he has to take care of the emotions of the American guests, and he must not take it for granted that Monroe can do whatever she wants in her own shape.

Each one is an individual, with women of equal status with their wives, and if truth be told, it was Alan Wilson who changed, not them.

"You are an official, and you seem to understand what you are saying." Marilyn Monroe, who was being kneaded, glanced at the man angrily, "It seems that Vivian was overwhelmed by your desires."

"Is this a compliment? I don't deny it, I think I know the world." Alan Wilson pun his self-praise and answered Monroe's two questions at the same time, "If it weren't for you, my life might not be the same. It won't be so tired, but I'd rather be a little tired. As long as you bloom more perfectly, everything is worth it."

Faced with the same thing, we will express different opinions on different occasions. Things have two sides. At No. 10 Downing Street, we are facing Prime Minister Aiden, and Foreign Secretary Rabo Butler, who is closely related to the international situation. Minister Profumo, Alan Wilson's answer is completely different.

"We have expressed concern about the current situation through the ambassador to the United States, but obviously the Americans have not recognized it. London did not succeed in stopping the Korean War more than a decade ago. There is no way to stop the Americans from participating in the next war now." Allen Wilson looked solemn and reported the latest situation.

"Washington's thinking is very hasty." Aiden directly asserted, "We can't understand why the United States has such a violent reaction."

"The United States is different from the United Kingdom. When we lead the world, we use checks and balances. Like the Soviet Union, the United States wants to lead the world by itself. Whether it is the United States or the Soviet Union, both of them believe that they have this ability and do not need the cooperation of allies. Of course If the war goes on for years, I'm sure at some point the United States will express the desire to have Britain in the war."

Alan Wilson dare not say that no one in the whole of the United Kingdom participated in the Vietnam War, and may have provided help in some small operations, but absolutely did not send an organized armed force to participate in the war. There is no doubt that the British did not find any value in going directly to the war from South Vietnam.

"Alan, do you think the United States will be in trouble this time?" Profumo asked with a serious face, "You know the East very well, do you think the Chinese will support North Vietnam to resist to the end."

"Respected Minister, this is obvious. This was proved in the Korean War." Alan Wilson shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Although they are currently encountering some problems, they are definitely not affected to the extent that they cannot provide support for North Vietnam. Of course, we hope that the Americans can successfully contain the severe situation in Southeast Asia and all goes well.”

At present, Lyndon Johnson has not dared to directly send troops to South Vietnam to fight. This is not because he is afraid of North Vietnam, but because the US election has not yet been concluded. Once Lyndon Johnson officially confirms his re-election, it is believed that the American soldiers will set off with high spirits. The U.S. still has at least a few months to prepare.

If nothing else, the United States will test the United Kingdom once and persuade the United Kingdom to send troops, but the United Kingdom will definitely not agree, and the United Kingdom will also cooperate with Australia to adopt a quarantine policy against Indonesia.

If it wants to get some other assistance, the UK can open up Singapore to do some logistical support work. The U.S. Navy can make a short stop, but not a military base.

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These suggestions were also endorsed by Aiden and two cabinet ministers. After all, the Conservative Party's position is not stable. Once it takes an ambiguous attitude towards this war, the Labour Party will not be watching from the sidelines.

The Labour Party leader should have completed the transition from the opposition party to the ruling party in the original history. Because Alan Wilson is here, another Wilson has not yet taken the position of Prime Minister. Thinking about it, the Secretary General of the Cabinet feels ashamed.

Before the American soldiers officially arrived in South Vietnam, South Vietnam still did not change much. The generals of South Vietnam continued to fight infighting and persecute Buddhists; politicians still had no real power; Christians insisted on demonstrating and protesting in the streets. If there was no North Vietnam, all parts of South Vietnam would The phantom towns themselves may fight first.

On the UK side, a model project of European solidarity is being carried out with France. The relationship between the United Kingdom and France is like this. They are stumbling each other, but due to the general environment, cooperation is still necessary.

The project was proposed to France through the diamond ambassador, George Blake. It can be described as George Black's greatest achievement so far in the position of ambassador to France.

The main purpose of the project is to imitate the United States and establish Europe's own GPS. For Britain and France, which have not declined to the end, the role of the GPS is still very important.

France's traditional sphere of influence in Africa and Britain's focus on Asia all require such a system, and the two countries have a foundation for cooperation.

The global positioning system currently running in space is not the famous GPS of later generations, but the American Meridian satellite positioning system.

Meridian satellite positioning system, namely "Meridian" satellite, is the space part of the Doppler frequency measurement system satellite navigation system developed by the US Navy, also known as the Navy Satellite Navigation System, is the world's first satellite navigation system. It provides discontinuous two-dimensional navigation and positioning services for various types of submarines and surface ships in the United States, and is used for offshore oil exploration and marine survey positioning, land user positioning and geodetic surveying.

At present, this system serves the US Navy and is used on the UK. Mountbatten cannot see that his beloved navy has nothing. If he borrows the US system, there may be hidden dangers. This matter was naturally handed over to the Cabinet Secretary in Whitehall to evaluate and use this to propose cooperation with France.

In terms of independence, Alan Wilson believes that France is more than the United Kingdom. After six months of negotiations, including a series of disputes and naming rights, the United Kingdom and France each took a step back. Alan Wilson suggested that the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei should take a step back. to name the system, the French agreed.

In July, with the US election in full swing and concerns over the situation in South Vietnam reaching a climax, British Foreign Secretary Rabeau Butler signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of the UK in Paris. The UK and France have carried out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation on the global positioning system to strive for space sovereignty for Europe.

The name of the Galileo system is the same as the ill-fated system of the later European Union, but there are also advantages. Not counting the Soviet Union, the only countries in Europe with satellite launch capabilities are Britain and France. In fact, this system relies on the United Kingdom and France to launch.

The European Community at this time, unlike the European Union of later generations, requires dozens of countries to quarrel first to do anything. It is more efficient for two countries to negotiate than for 27 countries to negotiate.

The United Kingdom entered the space club a few years earlier than France. Naturally, it has a few more years of reserves and holds some well-positioned orbits. The value of such orbits is part of the reason why Britain and France have been arguing over the past few months.

Britain hopes that France will recognize the value of these In short, it is Hui Yihui Britain. The French are obviously reluctant to Huiying.

But as the Meridian satellite positioning system was gradually completed, the French eventually made concessions to show Anglo-French solidarity, buying the orbit that Britain occupied during the brief period of the second space power.

"My friend, there is no one more suitable for leading European space affairs except you, the president of the Royal Interstellar Society." Alan Wilson has not seen Turing for a long time. This time, he reappeared, and immediately reunited with his old friend. "We hope that this system can achieve two things: civilian use and free, mainly for the benefit of society. Bring the achievements of scientific and technological progress to thousands of households, rather than being limited to the military field."

A longtime **** party, Alan Wilson has a penchant for free gimmicks, and he's pretty sure most people do. And only free can promote faster.

"I will definitely do my best." Turing had nothing to say, and he agreed with the idea. "Seeing technology enter thousands of households will make my work more motivated."


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