British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: AIA AMAZING

Latest website: The Meridian satellite positioning system has just been deployed. If the Galileo system wants to catch up, it must open up the civilian market as soon as possible. As for profit, it will be something to be considered in the future. Otherwise, the system of the same name in the European Union is dragging its feet, and sooner or later it will catch up.

Alan Wilson didn't want to do something to a big country. In fact, because the UK briefly occupied the second space power, the UK really grabbed a lot of good orbits. The tracks were originally supposed to be American and Soviet.

In the 21st century, the United States reserves more than one space orbit as a backup, and there is no need to compete for orbits like China and Europe.

If the UK can occupy the European market in the satellite positioning system, it will be a good employment industry for the UK. Originally, this industry should be owned by France. Now the French must work harder to find sustainable industries for France.

It is known that in the European aerospace industry, France should have the largest voice, but now it cannot be divided into at least half of the UK. This loss must be done by Africans who suffer.

The Galileo positioning system is essentially what the UK and France say. France needs to be positioned in Africa, and the UK’s positioning is more extensive. After all, Asia is farther away. The demand exists objectively, and because of the relationship between the Malayan colony, the United Kingdom still maintains a large ocean-going fleet. It must be known that the original intention of the development of the positioning system is to provide navigation for the navy.

Turing, a person who is not close to women, is obviously more interested in scientific research. After talking about this question, he asked Alan Wilson what he was doing in Whitehall recently.

"Let's run for peace." Alan Wilson's face was distressed, and he looked exhausted for peace. Waiting is always hard, can't the United States move faster?

"Are you worried that with the support of North Vietnam's allies, the war may expand?" Turing was also deceived by false faces and expressed the same concern.

"That won't happen!" Alan Wilson forced a laugh. The United States played a good exchange ratio from beginning to end, but it did not prevent the United States from being in a position of defeat.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The international status of the United States is in a position where no one will be surprised if it wins, and allies are shocked when it loses. It's normal for you to win, but it's okay to lose as Big Brother?

As for North Vietnam and a certain big country behind it, the tolerance level is far higher than that of the United States. Anyway, the worst is not much worse. There is no war with coarse grains and pickles.

Then what are you afraid of, just hit! This is not the case in the United States. The over-issued currency and increased spending in the United States can be borne by American citizens.

Without enough materials to support it, the consequences of over-issue of currency are obvious. The United States invested 250 billion in military expenditures in the Vietnam War, and the cumulative related expenditures are said to exceed 600 billion. It is no wonder that there is no problem with the economy.

This can be regarded as the strong national strength of the United States in this era. In the 21st century, the financial nation of the United States is actually more fragile, and it has to slaughter Europe to make up for the deficit.

As long as the bottom line is low enough, those who have no money or materials will be more able to resist. In the Slavic civil war decades later, the countries involved will have the basis to resist. The question is whether the EU can resist.

Even if the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia, it still occupies half of Europe, the half that has resources, and the half that belongs to other countries. The distribution of resources is at the level of India. If the EU's economy can't handle it, it really has a bright future like Russia.

At the moment when the United States is about to show its virtuousness, Alan Wilson must carefully adjust the British response. At this point in time, he also has to deal with the independence of Yemen, and continue to throw out the worthless colony and let it live on its own. Self-destruction, to preserve the sphere of influence related to national security and economic interests.

If Yemen isn't enough, Nyerere now says he wants independence, and he says yes right away, leaving Kenya to watch.

Saigon port, at four o'clock in the morning, there was a loud bang, and two magnetic mines detonated at the same time. A huge hole nine meters long and three meters wide was blown out of the power compartment of the aircraft carrier "Cade". A large amount of seawater rushed in instantly. Suddenly, the U.S. aircraft carrier damage control program did not have time to start. Within ten minutes, the aircraft carrier tilted violently to the right and sank to the bottom of the sea at a depth of 16 meters. Twenty-five US troops were killed on the spot, 39 were seriously injured, and 16 carrier-based aircraft sank to the bottom of the sea. .

The news spread all over the world like a storm, and British public opinion began to scream in amazement from allies, marveled at the elusiveness of the North Vietnamese frogmen, and even shouted to the United States to stop, the Viet Cong was outside.

In this general election, McCarthy, who has suddenly emerged and penetrated deep into the southern base of the Democratic Party, has just defeated the candidate in the party and won the nomination of the Republican candidate. At this time, McCarthy was so complacent that he even received congratulations from London on the other side of the Atlantic. From the beginning of the election, the two maintained a dialogue. McCarthy also heard Alan Wilson's complaints and was talking with local representatives of Yemen about independence.

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McCarthy, who comforted his friends and shared his joy on the Telegram, now had only one obstacle in front of him, the seemingly popular successor Lyndon Johnson.

People's efforts must rely on self-struggle, but the process of history must also be taken into account. McCarthy's move to go deep into the South Base has made the gloomy Republican Party seem to have more theoretical hope of victory.

But Alan Wilson knew in his heart that McCarthy might be doomed to miss the presidency, because McCarthy also firmly supported being tough on North Vietnam.

This trick is working now, but because of Kennedy's assassination, the Democratic Party is widely sympathized by American voters, unless McCarthy takes down Lyndon Johnson this time, or four years later, the United States has endured four years of war and casualties , McCarthy's toughness at this time may be a burden at that time.

The Republican Party may choose a candidate who has little presence in this general election. As a candidate for the next time, it will not choose a few candidates who have a strong presence.

Recently, McCarthy has played a tough role in the southern states, which has really attracted the support of the local Dixie people. Maybe it can really allow the Republicans to conquer the southern bases that have not been won for decades. But there is little hope of shaking the Democratic Party's dominance nationally.

When McCarthy learned that the USS Card was attacked, he once again expressed his desire for immediate revenge at the rally and his speech that the current administration was too weak, aroused a voice of approval.

McCarthy's move put a lot of pressure on Lyndon Johnson. He originally wanted to adopt a conservative attitude and made a big move after the election, but when McCarthy said this, as the incumbent president, Lyndon Johnson also had to respond. At the same time, he said that the United States will take time to prepare for a tough counterattack, and he will never let go of countries that hurt American soldiers.

The military represented by the Pentagon is naturally the toughest group.

When Lyndon Johnson heard this voice, he asked angrily, "This is what the Pentagon thinks, even if it's a nuclear war?"

Maxwell Taylor replied: "I doubt that Hanoi will fight back."

"Isn't that what MacArthur said before the Chinese flooded into North Korea?" Lyndon Johnson said angrily. "MacArthur was more confident than you at the time. In any case, you must wait after the election before you can consider sending ground troops. Reinforce South Vietnam, now there is only one option for massive bombing."

Whether it is to expand the war or retreat, it is not an easy decision. He is the president, not as optimistic as the Pentagon. When did the soldiers lose their optimism?

"The news of French Guiana's independence finally made the Dutch make up their minds." In the Cabinet Office at 70 Whitehall, Alan Wilson, holding the document transferred by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, uttered an inexplicable sigh, which made Dixon They are very puzzled. Colonial independence is no longer news. Even the UK has recently had several rounds of talks with local forces in Yemen.

Why is the supreme authority, especially concerned about that place in Guyana? How did Dixon know, Alan Wilson just sighed that the colonies that were plucking wool from the European imperialist powers even became independent.

French Guiana is the launch site of the European Space Agency. Although the French are very dissatisfied with the behavior of Guyana's wool, they have never been able to make up their minds.

Paris has been debating whether to move the launch site to Guyana or keep the facility in Algeria, and now with the launch of the Galileo program, that seems to have come to an end.

The result is naturally to keep the launch site in Then French Guia is no longer important, and Paris naturally finds a way to make Guyana independent. The behavior of France naturally made the Netherlands unable to sit still. Britain and France evacuated from the local area, and the Dutch were unwilling to continue to maintain their local rule. They tried to get rid of psoriasis quickly.

For the Netherlands, the existence of Guyana is not much good, and the Dutch attention is still on the island of Kalimantan in Southeast Asia, and half the island of New Guinea.

These two islands made the Netherlands hesitant. Should they give up or keep them? Maintenance costs are indeed high, but not without benefits.

"If nothing else, both French and Dutch Guiana will become independent this year." Dixon didn't think much about it. "There are not many territories in Latin America and the United Kingdom. The largest is the Falklands."

"The Falkland Islands can have a peaceful talk with Argentina, and some promises are actually not difficult." Alan Wilson said with a relaxed smile, "We can even promise that we will not solve the problem through military means. Times have changed, and countries should not always agree with each other. It's about solving problems with military means. Talk, you can talk, there's nothing you can't talk about."


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