British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1273: Tokyo Olympics

The latest website: "As for things in the Americas, we still have to follow the advice of the Americans, mainly adopt a soft attitude to do things, and when necessary, we can send some positive signals."

In fact, what is the value of the Falkland Islands? It can't be said that it's completely non-existent, but it doesn't have much value.

Although later generations say that there is a certain natural resource reserve, it is not known that it has mining value. Just like the help of Russia's natural gas industry in Europe, American natural gas can only increase the cost of European industry. What if it is not cost-effective to extract it?

The Falklands War was just the product of the conflict between two leaders who were under pressure from public opinion at home. Don't look at Mrs Thatcher's re-election several times, but when the privatization was carried out, the wave of protests they faced was no different than that of the United States in the 1970s. Smaller, and until news of the death came, countless Britons celebrated.

From this point of view, the Falkland Islands should still be kept now, and the means of shelving disputes will be adopted, which may be used in the future.

The means of operation are not difficult for the United Kingdom. First of all, it is necessary to shape the ideological stencil that the United Kingdom will not use force because of the Falklands and Argentina, when the vast majority of Argentines know this. It is necessary for Argentine patriots to hold the flag to express their patriotism, and Alan Wilson will naturally lead the British local public opinion to continue to laissez-faire.

There are still many steps, but in fact it is not difficult. If there is no Argentine patriot, he can hire a passionate young man from his own pocket. As for the control of local public opinion at the beginning, it is also very simple.

While the two were discussing the cold handling of the Falklands issue, Frank, the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, pushed open the door, "Sir, are you calling me?"

"Oh, Frank, everyone is a colleague, don't call them so unfamiliar." Alan Wilson pointed to another chair with a smile, and when the other person sat down, he asked, "About Turing, president of the Royal Interstellar Society and president of the Semiconductor Association. Sir, the financial subsidy required. The Ministry of Finance needs to take an attitude and push forward in a professional spirit. Is there a problem?"

"In fact, the Ministry of Finance has not always appreciated this kind of subsidy. Of course, the Secretary-General is concerned about this issue, and we will implement it." Frank leaned back tactically, "I will convince my colleagues."

"The basic rule of the Treasury is to be honest if you are less capable, and smart if you want to play tricks." Alan Wilson smiled and said to himself, "Is that so?"

"Just like treating workers, you must not let them do whatever they want, otherwise it will not be a good thing for the country." Frank said, "But since it is Her Royal Highness's husband who is benefiting the society, we believe that the semiconductor's financial Subsidies and Galileo grants? No problem.”

"This attitude of the Ministry of Finance is reassuring." Alan Wilson scratched his scalp and seemed to put down the boulder in his heart, "This year the international situation is unstable, we must be careful. To protect our interests overseas, make The right decisions, no doubt about it, are tough."

"Japan's industrial competition? By the way, the Tokyo Olympics will start next month, and the secretary-general's wife should be quite busy now." Frank said this means, it is another good opportunity for Newfoundland to make a lot of money. Behind the carnival of Newfoundland residents, there are also other beneficiaries, "By the way, where has the lady been in the last few days? I didn't hear the Secretary-General mention it."

"Going to Lisbon, as for Japan? Humph!" Alan Wilson said disapprovingly, "except for the so-called demographic dividend of tens of millions, Japan has nothing to value. They think they can stand up through economic rise? Then let We'll see. But President Park Chung-hee of South Korea should be a tough character."

In Alan Wilson's past life, the process of growing up was the process of Japan's continuous decline. In fact, as long as the United States is a little stricter, Japan will not be able to reach the status of the previous life.

Geographically speaking, Japan in the Cold War lost its original market and source of raw materials, that is, a major country. The southward strategy adopted by Japan later was the so-called geese strategy.

Just look at how far Japan is from Southeast Asia to see if this strategy is reliable. The Far East, China and the Soviet Union are all hostile camps. South Korea, which is next to Japan, is not as basic as Japan.

If Japan's wild goose strategy hits the center of Malaya, Malaya will have advantages in most areas except for its demographic disadvantage. There was no Malaya in the original history, but now there is…

This colony is tailor-made for Japan and Korea, and it is also a rebalancing of the Asia-Pacific in a sense.

With his supreme authority, the climb of Japan and South Korea will be full of thorns, but Alan Wilson still thinks this is a good thing, isn't there a sentence? No pain No gain.

As long as Park Chung-hee dares to send troops and exchange Korean blood for support, the United States will definitely benefit South Korea.

The so-called overseas has a Japanese word, just listen to it. People who say this may not know that the overseas investment of a certain major country is estimated to be 8 trillion to 10 trillion US dollars, and it is not just a Japan.

The tricks of freezing foreign exchange and confiscation of assets originally used in Russia were not prepared for Russia at all. What problems can Russia's hundreds of billions of assets solve are simply not enough for the United States to fill the hole.

Who would count overseas investment on their own? After World War II, the UK has been the largest capital exporter for decades. In this way, isn’t the UK too strong to be immeasurable?

But the fact is that the British public opinion has completely followed the American public opinion recently. Although there is a reason for the female president to put pound sterling, the fact that people see is that the British public opinion dances with the United States, and the war in the United States is loud. One point, the British media is that the United States is invincible, the United States said to be calm, and the British media is full of Viet Cong.

At least in terms of public opinion, the United Kingdom has now been submissive to the United States, but has not forgotten to hurry up to develop semiconductors and the Galileo program, both of which are in cooperation with the French.

Taking advantage of Indonesia's discoloration, the opportunity to build an aircraft carrier for Australia, the launch of a new aircraft carrier, which is also to enhance its own united front value. Don't let the United States put its mind on the United Kingdom because of the Vietnam War. It's not that there is no one to be bullied. Isn't it true that Latin America and Japan are not the same.

After the departure of the two senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, Makins, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense, also came.

This time, Markins naturally showed that the first steel plate was cut for the new aircraft carrier customized for the Australian Navy, and the two chatted for a long time on this matter, "Alan, in fact, the Ministry of Defense has always been controversial. The aircraft is more worthy of reliance, or anti-ship missiles."

"Huh?" Alan Wilson opened his mouth. This is really a difficult question. After thinking about it, he said, "For the UK, it should be the aircraft carrier battle group that is more important."

The idea of ​​confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union at sea is also completely different. The Soviet Union's idea of ​​​​building an army is the idea of ​​​​an arsenal ship, and the United States is a traditional aircraft carrier battle group idea. When the Soviet Union did not disintegrate, just because the Soviet Union was the loser of the Cold War, the Soviet Union's arsenal ship idea should not be reversed.

This is the old warships in Russia to deny the new warships of the Soviet Red Navy at that time.

After the development of several generations of anti-ship missiles, the Soviet Union has increased the range of anti-ship missiles to 550 to 750 kilometers.

What is the combat radius of the American Super Hornet fighter? Seven hundred kilometers! The combat radius of carrier-based aircraft is far worse than that of land-based fighters. In the face of the Soviet Red Navy in the 1970s, the U.S. Navy simply couldn't do that if you couldn't hit me, I could hit you, and that's why Aegis developed.

With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the arsenal ship faction seems to have been completely defeated, and the advanced productive aircraft carrier battle group represented by the United States seems to have dominated the world.

However, several countries have been testing hypersonic missiles one after another. In particular, a large country has put anti-ship ballistic missiles on warships called destroyers but defined as cruisers by NATO, and suddenly increased the range of anti-ship missiles to more than 1,000 kilometers, proving that This debate is not over yet. The F35's carrier-based model has a combat radius of just over 1,000 kilometers.

So Markins asked such a question, how does Alan Wilson answer it? How does he know which of the two factions is more reasonable, it is much easier to increase the range of the missile, and the missile does not need to consider the return journey.

The difficulty of anti-ship missiles is not knowing where the enemy is. After all, more than 500 kilometers, it is more difficult to find the enemy's warships than to increase the range.

"For the UK, the aircraft carrier battle group is important." Alan Wilson waited until Markins left and recalled what he had just said. There was nothing wrong with it. How much did it cost to replace all the platforms that were built so hard? Not to mention that the UK can't change it, and the US can't either.

Pamela Mountbatten went to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, to attend the completion ceremony of the Land Rover production line. Together with Salazar, she delivered a speech on the new Portugal, praising the alliance between England and Portugal that was established as early as the Spanish Armada.

Portugal showed great enthusiasm for the completion of the Land Rover production line. The poorest country in Western Europe finally waited for the conscience of the British ally.

The Land Rover production line has settled in shows that the UK's ability to deal with the weak and the weak is still there. The Portuguese are rejoicing, but this is not a major event internationally. Entering October, the Tokyo Olympics have opened. , a day Newfoundland residents eagerly await.

On the same day, Emperor Showa attended the opening ceremony to announce the opening of the 18th Olympic Games. The National Gymnasium, which can hold 75,000 spectators, was packed, and the Self-Defense Forces flew jets to depict the Olympic rings in the sky.

When "Atomic Bomb Boy" Yoshino Sakai trotted into the venue with the Olympic torch in hand, the audience stood up to greet him quietly. The nineteen-year-old Japanese college student was born in the suburbs of Hiroshima, on the day the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It was the first time that an Asian country hosted the Olympic Games, and it was not only a major event in Asia, but also a major event in Japan.

"Maybe the Japanese are very proud?" Pamela Mountbatten, who was watching TV with her husband at home, teased her husband, "Can you use Malaya to contain Japan?"

"Who knows, just like I don't know if Japan will eat a nuclear bomb again in the future." Alan Wilson laughed out loud, "Let's see!"


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