British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: Trends in Korea

Latest website: The assessment of the new Soviet leadership, as most of the intelligence systems know, think that the combination of Brezhnev and Kosygin should be a moderate leadership. To make a cautiously optimistic assessment, of course Alan Wilson knew in his heart that Brezhnev was only a mild-mannered man on the surface.

The so-called Soviet offensive and defensive period is what happened in the Brezhnev era.

Compared with Brezhnev, although Khrushchev was tougher on the surface, he usually carried out a series of blackmails. This may be due to the fact that the Soviet Union's national strength was much worse than that of the United States in his era. Khrushchev's work is very high-profile, but in fact it is only limited to blackmail, but finally he did not blackmail the Americans in the Cuban missile crisis.

Compared with Khrushchev, Brezhnev looked like a good gentleman, but he was more ruthless. Of course, this was also related to the big problems in the United States during the Carter period.

In the 1970s, it ranked first in the world in more than 20 industrial data such as steel, coal, oil, and natural gas. Of course, there is no such a big country as a few decades later, which will occupy half of the world at every turn. But to do this with the power of a country is already quite scary.

In terms of industrial scale, this is the first time the United States has lost to another country. Of course, the United States will not think of it now. There will be a second time after the first time, and there will be a backup player waiting behind.

Whether a country is strong or not is of course a competition of industry. Anyway, it is not a competition of the City of London. The financial game is superb, and you also need people to recognize your rules, otherwise it will be a pile of waste paper.

During the Soviet Union's attack on the United States, although many people said that Carter's words were useless, in all fairness, it was all guilt.

According to popular opinion, Alan Wilson went with the flow, evaluated Brezhnev as a moderate leader, and made optimistic predictions about East-West relations. I will definitely be slapped in the face in the future, but what does it matter? Everyone thinks it positively, and mistakes are collective, so there is nothing wrong with the collective.

After finishing the report assessing the form of the Soviet Union, the next report is to deal with the matter of adding a new member to the nuclear club. The main evaluation is still optimistic. The atomic bomb is only the first generation of nuclear weapons. And it is far away from the British mainland, and there is no transport vehicle to throw over.

Who can be threatened? Except for India, no one can threaten. Until the 1980s, the nuclear weapons of a major country did not have the real nuclear war capability.

"In this way, the situation is not that serious." Aiden was satisfied with the two optimistic reports. Of course, the prime minister was still concerned about the Soviet Union. "Khrushchev's resignation was very sudden, and I don't know what happened. ."

"We can only guess the reason." Alan Wilson is not embarrassed. The changes in the top management of the Soviet Union can only be guessed at this time.

It's not decades later when everything is clear. But one thing is certain, Khrushchev's resignation and the rebellion of the defense forces in his hands are the fundamental reasons. Shelepin's State Supervisory Committee, Semichasny's National Security Committee, kept Khrushchev in the dark from beginning to end.

Khrushchev has been the first secretary for so many years. Once he knows that someone is going to hurt him in advance, the number one person for more than ten years has sufficient means to defeat the opponents. At the level of Khrushchev's Central Committee, supporters and opponents are 70 to 100. This is not a disadvantage that cannot be reversed. And this result is the result of the vote when Khrushchev has been controlled.

If Khrushchev attacked first, who said the voting result would not be reversed? Something similar happened to Molotov. When Khrushchev faced Molotov and the others, the Central Presidium voted 2 to 7, and Mikoyan was the only one who supported him. .

Aiden accepted this explanation. It was indeed difficult for Britain to fully understand the situation in the Soviet Union. "What about the nuclear test in East Asia?"

"I suggest starting a nuclear test immediately to respond." Alan Wilson said without thinking, implementing the core idea of ​​slaving to the Soviets and striking a big country.

After all, the Soviet Union is too strong. This is a choice from the heart. As for the location of the response, it is of course in Australia. Although the distance is a little far, the United Kingdom said that the nuclear test in Australia is a response to a certain power, that is, a response to a certain power. , no one can refute.

After the response, it is not contradictory at all whether to participate in the Vietnam War or not. It is a joke that participating in the war will kill people. The nuclear test has no consequences other than affecting some Australian aborigines.

"Huh?" Aiden wondered if the reaction was a little more intense, but there are so many international hotspots recently, and the UK doesn't seem to have any sense of presence. It is better to respond to a certain power than to the Soviet Union. "You can arrange it."

Alan Wilson said that everything was left to him, but first of all, he wanted to eat two fish and two, and returned to Kuala Lumpur with Xia Meng. The future of the two children was not in London, and they could not let the children grow up in the UK for a long time.

"Children should learn to live independently when they grow up. Xiangjiang's education is obviously more suitable than the London environment." Alan Wilson kept pulling the leeks into his mouth, and there were oyster shells on the side of the plate. Obviously, this meal gave him a big appetite. Ignore Xia Meng's rosy cheeks.

Knowing that after the meal, the man will do bad things, but Xia Meng first cared about his son, "I'm still younger, I need to take care of me, so I might not be busy."

"You look after him? Who looks after me?" Alan Wilson hiccupped and retorted with dissatisfaction, can this kind of thing be allowed? Xia Meng is gone, isn't the logistical support weakened, how can he still benefit the society with peace of mind? "His stage is not in the UK. In order to prevent discomfort in the future, he should still grow up in Chinese society."

"Xiangjiang's level is incomparable to London." Xia Meng whispered, not understanding the hard work of a man of the same status as her husband.

"Xiangjiang and London are incomparable, but your motherland is very big. British capital will go back sooner or later! We hope that a reliable person will play this role. I am a person who does not shy away from relatives and has not found anyone else. More reliable than my own children." Alan Wilson did not hide it, explaining to Xia Meng.

"It's very big, where are you going to let your son go in the future?" Xia Meng was puzzled. In the current situation, can the British capital go back?

"Just the Magic City? Although there are better options, they are too dangerous, and there is only such an unsatisfactory option left." Alan Wilson hesitated for a moment, and could only settle for the next best thing.

Of course, there are better options, such as the imperial capital. For a big country, the capital is everything. This is an unavoidable fact. If you can choose Alan Wilson, you must choose the imperial capital, but as he said, it is dangerous. Political centers have unspeakable risks. So you can only choose secondary goals.

But it can be accepted. He thought of a sentence for no reason. As long as two whites and one black are under control, the Demon Capital can be put to death.

Xia Meng felt that this man was outrageous. The magic capital is a place where you can go back when you go back. Obviously, she wanted to throw her son away, so she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, "You are not good to our mothers."

"One day you will realize that what I said is right." Alan Wilson replied slowly, "The British capital that was confiscated in the past must be returned as much as it is confiscated. If you don't believe it, wait and see. "

Watching Xia Meng clean up the tableware, the cabinet secretary said that there is no need to worry, the manned spaceflight project can be carried out first, and the pots and pans will be cleaned up later.

In Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Foreign Minister Lee Dong-won is in the process of persuading, hoping to reflect the United Front value of the U.S.-South Korea alliance, "Mr. President, sending troops to South Vietnam is beneficial to South Korea. You can also use this to raise funds for industrialization to reverse the disadvantage compared with the North. Diplomatically, it has strengthened South Korea-U.S. relations by supporting the U.S. Vietnam War policy; in terms of economics and defense, it is intended to exchange U.S. economic aid for solving the dilemma of foreign exchange shortages and promote the improvement of South Korea’s economy and the modernization of the military.”

South Korea is currently attached to Japan, but this attachment has caused the Park Chung-hee government to bear a lot of criticism. Seeing that Japan has already hosted the Olympic Games, South Korea is still in abject poverty. Engaging in economic construction is not something that can be done with enthusiasm and fantasies alone. Economic interests are the most direct driving force for South Korea to send troops to Vietnam.

Japan used the Korean War to revitalize its economy. Why can't South Korea copy it and borrow the blood of other countries to complete its own accumulation? Japan did it too!

Although the government has also implemented the "Five-Year Plan" to vigorously develop export-oriented light industry, but without economic support, it has never been able to develop in practice.

"You and President Johnson expounded our There is no problem in dispatching troops, but South Korea also needs economic support for national construction." Park Chung-hee recalled the history of Japan's rise with the help of the Korean War, and finally made a decision under the persuasion of Lee Dong-won. determination.

At this time, Alan Wilson's special plane just landed in Kuala Lumpur. He doesn't have to kneel down like a Korean to beg for food. Given the location of Malaya and the current foundation, as long as Americans have a little idea of ​​cost saving, they can't ignore the food here. exist.

"The immigration wave is over." Richard explained the situation of the Malayan immigration wave in detail when confronted by his boss.

"There must be a lot of people coming in that we don't want to see." Alan Wilson raised his wrist and said, "It's almost time, we can't let the lonely ghosts on these islands disturb the good situation here."

"Then let's arrest the people who serve Chang Gong now?" Richard asked if he would end his peaceful relationship with Fraud Island now.

"Those Malaysian Communists should be caught." Alan Wilson slanted Richard, "This is all for the prosperity and stability of Malaya."


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