British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1278: Chaos is the ladder

The latest website: "I am afraid that many of your friends may criticize this. Many people who come to Malaya are very wealthy." Richard's words are also obvious, for fear of causing panic among the comprador group.

"How dare they rebel? Colonists can really kill people." Alan Wilson said nonchalantly, "Compradors dare not fight against us. To say that they take advantage of the pretense of supporting us and gnawing at some interests, they not only Have the guts, and it's very big. But when it really comes to death, I scare them to death."

Don't think that five people and six people seem to be like people now. Alan Wilson has saved nearly one million Indonesian lives in Indonesia at least with his actions. He doesn't mind changing the place to make up for the loss to God.

"How is the economy this year? In the past few months, Americans have been sending troops to South Vietnam one by one. South Vietnam itself is not enough to make these American soldiers feel at home." After the comprador topic, Alan Wilson asked Malay Asia's economic development.

"Because of the influx of U.S. troops from South Vietnam, our exports have experienced an explosive increase, such as automobiles, oil, manufacturing, rubber, etc." Richard made no secret, and he was excited when he talked about this topic.

"You're in Malaya and you can get to know the upper echelons of the U.S. military. Build the right connections. The benefits of that will turn a blind eye to Whitehall," Allen Wilson hinted to Richard. " Of course you have to be careful, don't go too far. I hope the colonial government still maintains a clean image, understand? But if it comes to power and sex, you can't use colonial women, you can play freely, in this world Everything has a price, enough money is given, and no coercion is required.”

Once the Vietnam War, which is so expensive as water, starts, it is not necessary to say much about the promotion effect on Malaya. At this time, if Richard wants to sacrifice his personal reputation and devote himself to benefiting Malayan society, some mistakes can be made. Forgivable, Alan Wilson will naturally wipe the **** of this subordinate in London.

Of course, the bulk of the money must be reserved for London, and the United Kingdom needs the dollar cash and government bonds in its hands to do something. The French are about to do something with the US dollar, and the UK has to accumulate some bullets. Let's wait and see how the US-French currency war goes.

Richard immediately returned to the Administrative Office to prepare a strong response to a major country's nuclear test. His immediate superiors and supreme authority said that the secret agents of Chang Gong had all defected to the Communist Party of Malaysia, and they should immediately, immediately, and resolutely take decisive action. The measures cannot be delayed for a moment.

Alan Wilson went to Penang to inspect the shipbuilding base. The British mainland is transforming in the field of container ships and oil tankers, and the construction of some other ship types will be transferred to Malaya.

The fundamental reason is still from the Japanese competition. It is really difficult to completely press down this East Asian competitor, relying on the ability of the British mainland, and the labor cost is too far away.

Penang is the shipbuilding base in Malaya planned by Allen Wilson before. It is still the old way. Malaya and Japan compete in a price war, and the British mainland seizes the high-end to block the development of Japan.

The location of Penang faces the Bay of Bengal and is far from Indonesia. The Bay of Bengal is very calm at present. The security of Penang is not a problem, and as for the supporting facilities, it is not a problem with the current Malayan industry.

When I learned that Lord Zhongtang came to Malaya, justices of the peace appeared one after another to show their friendship with Alan Wilson, and they also asked questions about the Vietnam War during the period.

"Chaos is not an abyss, chaos is a ladder. Japan's profit from the Korean War and Malaya's last profit in the French-Vietnamese War, you won't forget so soon, will you?" Alan Wilson smiled and comforted , "War is a good thing, for you, and for the inhabitants of Malaya. The bombs won't fall on you, stand up and prepare for the next round of prosperity."

"Lord Zhongtang, great view!" Su Yang said flatteringly, "We are relieved to hear Lord Zhongtang say that. Many people in Indonesia have escaped, which has caused a certain amount of chaos. We people have lingering fears about this, so I was pessimistic about war. Now I don't have that concern at all."

"In fact, aren't most of the people who fled the same race of yours? The influx of refugees is also beneficial. With an increase in the labor force in Malaya, we can shoulder greater responsibilities. Considering your good performance in the food crisis last year, I am at present for you. Still believable.”

It should be beaten. Last year's food crisis actually only had a certain impact on Japan. It was South Korea and the Fraud Island that were really badly beaten. After all, Japan has developed to a certain extent. The latter two are Really still at the bottom of the pyramid.

As a result, Japan just spent more foreign exchange, and those two really tightened their belts.

However, it is essentially a military government. How many people have starved to death? Alan Wilson does not have the ability to verify. He only knows that there were a lot of fraudulent people in Xiangjiang last year.

The reason for knowing is that the border management personnel in Xiangjiang have gained a lot of benefits, and several Chinese detectives seem to have made a lot of money from this.

Regarding the four detectives, Alan Wilson doesn't care, but he wants to send Xia Meng's son back to Xiangjiang to live, and he doesn't want chaos in Xiangjiang. He wanted to take care of him through his colleagues on the other side of Xiangjiang. When the JPs left, Xia Meng came out of the back room, and the two talked about it again.

"Actually, as long as you want to, those little characters don't dare to do anything, right?" Xia Meng asked obediently, snuggling in Alan Wilson's arms.

"Even if they go to Canada, I can ask them to come back and explain their mistakes. But like you said, why would I do this?" Alan Wilson put his arms around Xia Meng's delicate body and said leisurely, " It's easy to replace them, but the new ones are still the same? They're so low-level, they're not likely to offend my son. After Luo Er returns to Hong Kong, I'll greet the Legislative Council. You'd better find two A trustworthy person who takes care of the children's diet and daily life."

Although Xia Meng didn't want to be separated from her child, she had no say in this matter. She could make a fuss, but in the end it wouldn't change anything. This son should not stay in Europe, or the Chinese world is more suitable for him to develop his grand plans.

This past October was the opening of the Tokyo Olympics, the resignation of Khrushchev, and the nuclear test of a major country, so it was very lively. I Dae-young, who was left out in the cold, finally showed a sense of presence at the end of the month, a few days after arriving in Australia.

A three-megaton hydrogen bomb was successfully detonated in central Australia, and when Alan Wilson confronted Australian journalists in Canberra, he made it the toughest stance to respond to the enemy's threat.

To conduct a nuclear test in Australia in response to a threat from a major power, that's what he said, and Australians really believe it.

At this level, it is no wonder that even the rabbits in the country cannot be eliminated. In order to eliminate rabbits, Australia recruited the virus experts from the United States, and officially started the virus war ten years ago. , the extinction of hares in Australia is just around the corner, and a "rabbit-free country" is about to be realized.

The Australians were so excited that even the Australian media published the title of the article: The ghost that predates the founding of Australia will be completely wiped out on this continent.

Alan Wilson knew that within 20 years the rabbit would make a comeback, and the Australians were too happy to be happy.

Allen Wilson said casually what a tough response to governance, but there are uncrowned kings who hold stinky feet, which requires analysis from multiple levels and angles. As a result, Britain's remarks showed its determination to fight a nuclear war for Australia at all costs.

This determination may really exist, but not for Australians, but for the Australian mineral resources that fall into the hands of British high society.

Thanks to the news network that Pamela Mountbatten has run for so many years, Alan Wilson went directly to Perth to rest without explaining too much how to defend Australia.

"Dear, look at the US election this time. What will be the result." Pamela Mountbatten was content, apparently already adjusted to life in Perth now.

"Lyndon Johnson wins, it depends on how much the Republican Party can steal." On the surface, Alan Wilson actually didn't care about the US election this time. Choosing to eliminate the United States is about the same difficulty.

Compared with the US election which is not too Alan Wilson is more concerned about another thing. After this year, Mountbatten will be 65 years old. According to the normal process, the British Chief of Defense Staff , the highest full-time commander-in-chief of the British Army, will retire this year.

"The marshal has no idea, is he going to continue to serve the UK for a few years? I believe that if the marshal himself is willing, there must be a way." Alan Wilson looked at his wife and wondered if he could take the line of father-daughter love. Do some persuasion work on Mountbatten.

"The problem is that my father also wants to retire." Pamela Mountbatten shook his head. "Now I have no intention of continuing to work in the military. I talked to my father about this last time."

This is not good news. Kinship may not solve everything, but it can always solve some problems. With my father-in-law, communication with the military is always much easier.

"Who is the successor, has the marshal mentioned it?" At this point, Alan Wilson began to inquire that Mountbatten had no plans for his successor.

"Sir Richard Anyat Hull. Father hopes to be promoted to field marshal when he formally takes over," Pamela Mountbatten replied. "He is a general of the army."

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