British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1279: Nehru funeral

The latest website: It is not surprising that the army generals are currently the chief of the British defense general staff, taking into account the balance of the services, and will take turns to sit in the village, and now it is the turn of the air force generals.

This will not change just because the prefix has Royal or not. Also, although the Army prefix does not have Royal, anyone who knows something about the British Army knows that many troops in the Army are prefixed with Royal.

Alan Wilson remembers the pitiful size of the British Army in the 21st century, and most of the remaining units were designated units with the Royal prefix.

"This Sir Hull, does he have any connections with us?" Alan Wilson leaned forward and asked his wife, obviously this matter was very important.

"In South Africa, De Beers is my representative." Pamela Mountbatten, in a tone I knew, introduced the connections in this regard.

"That's easy!" Alan Wilson said with a sigh of relief, "I believe that this marshal should have a harmonious relationship with Whitehall at that time, and I will naturally try to maintain it as much as possible."

There are two sources of influence on the British military. One is the influence exerted by the United States in the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. Of course, that is the original history, and it does not exist now. The other is Whitehall.

The reason is very simple. The huge overseas colonial administrators in Whitehall also need to be protected. Naturally, they will not trouble the army in this regard.

The existence of his cabinet secretary in the United Kingdom is equivalent to opening a panoramic map in 1945. Many mineral deposits discovered in later generations were held in their hands at the beginning, and Pamela Mountbatten's richest woman also became the richest woman because of this. Come on, there is no such great wealth accumulated by his wife, what is the tying of aristocratic class from one weak to another.

Of course, in this process, Alan Wilson did not deny that he betrayed several unrelated countries to divert the attention of the United States and the Soviet Union. But there is no way to do this. Sacrifice is unavoidable. It is better to sacrifice others than the British. It is like hearing that Nehru is critically ill. It seems that there is little hope of 1965.

There will be another battle in Indian politics. Telling this to his wife, Pamela Mountbatten looks weird, "Have you always looked down on him?"

"It's not that I don't like it. I don't like the person who killed 100 million enemies and turned in victory." Alan Wilson sighed. It is undeniable that Nehru really brought development to India. If you kill 3000 by mistake, you will never let one go. After a while, Richard will tell Chang Gong, and even this sentence is not qualified for Chang Gong.

All things are chaotic, many things need to be handled by Alan Wilson, Chang Gong has nothing to complain about, he is not only doing this in Malaya, turning left and turning right, he has done it many times.

The entire British colonies, without exception, treat Africa, Asia or the Middle East equally.

What are the standards for the worst country in the world? Some people say that all the diplomatic countries of a big country are poor buddies. This is not true. The real fact is that it depends on which country still interacts with the scam island. Check it out.

For example, the most incorrupt organization is the gang, the most distinctive food is the soil, and the democratic model Haiti.

I don’t know if Fortseva can still think of it now, did her man point to the suggestion of the cultural czar to build a smuggling network centered on Cuba. One of the core of the suggestion was to help Haiti get into the United States, and the United States put a ticking time bomb. Next to myself, I really don't know what to think.

Haiti around Cuba is just the worst example, such as Jamaica and Dominica, which can be moisturised, and nothing that cannot be moisturised.

Also nearby are the land countries of Honduras and Nicaragua. The potential is definitely enough, of course, the biggest potential is Mexico, which is developing very well now.

The life of the richest woman is very monotonous. With her husband by her side, Pamela Mountbatten clings to Ellen Wilson as in the past. She knows that her husband cannot stay for too long. "Life is so boring."

"Would you like to find a way to order a battleship, the blueprint of the Vanguard is still there? You can consider building a guided missile battleship." Alan Wilson smiled and suggested, "The military has a mentality called an arsenal ship, but it suffers from The cost is beyond the reach of most people. It might be interesting to build on the basis of the Vanguard's blueprints."

"The cost of 10 million pounds." Pamela Mountbatten was pitiful, "It's obviously that you want to see big toys, but what I like."

After being arrogant for a while, Pamela Mountbatten agreed to make a big toy for her husband in the name of a patriotic donation from British immigrants from Western Australia.

The words of the richest woman can't be wrong. Alan Wilson does have a soft spot for Su Kirov. At this age, he wants to satisfy his personal hobbies. Pamela Mountbatten has the financial resources, why not do it? The Soviet Union can hold back Kirov. What if the UK builds another Vanguard? No problem.

The Kirov-class battlecruiser is less than 30,000 tons, and it is not a problem for the Vanguard to enlarge. At this time, Alan Wilson's plagiarism is needed. Taking the Vanguard as the blueprint, but taking into account the aesthetics, the United Kingdom, as a former radar power, can also try passive phased array radar on this warship.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not a luxury to do technical verification with such a large hull. It can be used in the name of technical verification and judgment of the aircraft carrier battle group and the arsenal ship route.

There is no need to refit the Vanguard. There is no need to refit the previous battleships, so it is better to build another one with the blueprints.

As long as Pamela Mountbatten can create this demand, Alan Wilson will pass the proposal in Whitehall. As long as the donation reaches half of the construction cost, the cabinet has no reason to refuse the rest.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the rocket." In a good mood, Alan Wilson extended a sincere invitation to his wife.

"Ten million pounds for a rocket is very expensive." Although she said so, Pamela Mountbatten still followed, not only without any reluctance, but with great interest.

Before leaving, the sketches with the traces of Renhai and Kirov were left to Pamela Mountbatten. He wanted to wait until the US general election was back, but the plan did not change quickly.

Nehru, who had lived for half a year, passed away at this time, just like Alan Wilson said, either it was okay or everything was rushed. Before 1962, the leader of the Third World and the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, who was widely respected by all countries in the world, although his dreams were broken in the Himalayas, his popularity was still there.

Politicians from all over the world have expressed their condolences. Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and France have prepared to send heavyweights to India. They are preparing to return to China to see the progress of Richard's payment to the Communist Party of Malaysia. After weighing the time, he went directly with his wife. In New Delhi, the British delegation also included the last Governor of British India, Marshal Mountbatten.

British India was more than ten years ago, and when it appeared in New Delhi at the same time, Alan Wilson was full of emotion for a while, and the glorious days were finally gone.

Marshal Mountbatten obviously didn't think so, and went straight to his son-in-law, "What kind of ecstasy soup did you give my daughter? What kind of missile battleship did you want to make?"

Alan Wilson had a question mark in his head, but after listening to it, he said confidently, "She is my wife, and it is normal to listen to me."

The secretary of the cabinet said in his heart that although you are also one of the very important men in Pamela's life, you are only one of them, and you are the man who will spend her life with her. Is it not obvious to listen to whom?

"Marshal, technical verification is inevitable. In fact, the construction cost of 10 million pounds is not expensive compared to technical verification. Now is not the time for World War II. The cost of aircraft carriers is lower than that of battleships. Now the cost of heavy aircraft carriers has exceeded It has been several times since then. If we know the correct path, the verification fee of 10 million is only a small amount. And the appearance of missile battleships, even if it is verified that it is not worth developing, it may be able to bias competitors. "

In India, Alan Wilson also had to follow the local customs and learn from the Indians to start debating scriptures, "I even have a name, Mountbatten."

It was Whitehall who influenced the military, not the military, or else Britain would not be a junta? As Cabinet Secretary, Alan Wilson is perfectly righteous.

"You can't spend it like this if you have money." Marshal Mountbatten was heartbroken, and he was in pain for the waste of his daughter and son-in-law. How could he be like a young man when he was young? However, the first car I bought was a Rolls-Royce. I drove a destroyer and made some suggestions for an ice aircraft carrier. I have nothing to do to refresh the warship. What else?

" Marshal is right." Alan Wilson disagreed, thinking that you dare to do so many things with your five million property. What's wrong with his wife paying ten million pounds for the construction cost?

The dispute between the two had already been decided, because Pamela Mountbatten was on the side of her husband, and Marshal Mountbatten regarded this as an episode after starting from his position of strength.

Concentrating on preparing to attend the funeral of his old friend Nehru, the old man gradually adjusted his orders, like leaves in the wind, he will retire next year.

The funeral procession carrying Nehru's body ambled through the streets of New Delhi, where one and a half million citizens lined the streets to express their condolences to their beloved leader. In the funeral procession, Nehru's body was half-covered with the Indian flag, surrounded by flowers, and he wore a high-necked white tunic with a red rose logo in the buttonhole. The funeral procession passes buildings that symbolize past British rule, including the Governor's Palace.

"An era is over!" Looking at the endless funeral procession, Alan Wilson couldn't help but sigh, no matter what, the Nehru era was really the era of the most national pride in India.


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