British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: Only India was injured

The latest website: "Huh? What exactly?" John raised his eyebrows. He still didn't understand what he meant, but he came back to his senses immediately, "Oil embargo?"

"Hmm! It's aimed at India alone." Alan Wilson said to his old friend, "Oil is a weapon, especially for India. Does India have a large oil-producing area in the country? No. If there is, we won't know. ? Oil is a big weakness of India, so once the India-Pakistan war starts, let the Middle East countries use it as a weapon to help Pakistan."

"Oil, that's what the Germans lost at the beginning." John hummed, comparing the Germans to India, "Do you think oil is enough to beat India?"

"We won't do this if we can beat us, but it can make India quite uncomfortable. But then again, this is not a weakness of Europe. Compared with the United States and the Soviet Union, Europe has too many resources here."

Alan Wilson sighed faintly. Europe, or Western Europe to be precise, has the same level of natural resources as India. The place where it is stronger than India is that the agricultural conditions in Europe are good. At least the rain and heat are in the same season, not like India. Focus on two months.

To say that there are not many places in the world with good natural conditions, the good places for industry and agriculture are the European part of the Soviet Union, a certain major country and the United States.

When comparing the conditions of the agricultural era alone, the United States cannot rank. North America has a cold snap that regularly harvests every few years, and the farming community is untenable. Otherwise, Spain will choose North America instead of Central America. Of course, who is in the industrial age? They all recognize that the United States is blessed with unique conditions.

Of course, a big country in the industrial age is not bad, and the reserves of various minerals are also large, but the quality is not very good. This also points how to compare, not every country is Australia.

As for Western Europe, the agricultural conditions in Western Europe are good, but because of the ownership of coal and iron on the German-French border, the two countries are almost out of their minds. Only the low-quality coal and iron in the UK are suppressing Western Europe. Mountains are by no means a false name.

"You know this, why do you still do this?" John was surprised. Europe also lacks oil. Of course, the UK does not lack oil. The UK has North Sea oil, but North Sea oil cannot fill the oil gap in Europe. If India does this, if the Arab countries taste the sweetness, will it be used in Europe in the future.

"Actually, for us, the harm is not that big. After the development of the Gulf of Guinea in Africa, the harm of the oil embargo to Europe is controllable. But India has the conditions that we do not have. Besides, if this kind of thing happens, it will give European countries a chance. Wake up, it’s also a good thing to realize that oil is safe.” Alan Wilson told his friends that the reason for doing this was to use India as a touchstone for Europe.

Alan Wilson is a hard-hitting pro-European cabinet secretary, and now the situation is much bigger than before. At least from the time when the blood of the Indians dried up, Britain would never surrender to Europe.

"Furthermore, the United Kingdom has not withdrawn from the Persian Gulf, which can be used to get European countries to support the United Kingdom's permanent presence in the Persian Gulf, at least for understanding." Alan Wilson continued to persuade him, "Let them know that Europe cannot be self-sufficient in energy, and energy security is a serious problem. In this case, they are at least tacitly supporting the British presence in the Persian Gulf."

When playing cards, the timing of playing cards is different, which will bring different results. The oil crisis was originally the result of the fourth Middle East war, because the West supported Israel. That time, the United States was hit hard, not to mention Europe. At that time, the British military presence had already withdrawn from the Persian Gulf, and naturally it was unable to exert influence.

It is very easy to withdraw something like a colony, but it is even more difficult to go back. If there is an oil crisis while the United Kingdom is still there, and the tragedy is known to European countries. Not only Europe has no objection to the British presence in the Persian Gulf, but the British mainland can also recognize this risk, not the naive so-called decolonization.

As long as the United Kingdom stays in the Persian Gulf, it will naturally have a solution to many Middle East issues. If the United States wants to do anything, it must have the cooperation of the United Kingdom. As long as the UK doesn't cooperate, it can't be done.

John was silent for a long time, nodded and said, "Will the cabinet agree?"

"Does the Cabinet dare to joke about its own approval rating? They dare not!" Alan Wilson said in a tone of "Don't joke," "The spontaneous actions of Arab countries have nothing to do with the UK. Since it has nothing to do with the UK, it matters whether the Cabinet agrees or not. Is it?"

Anyway, Alan Wilson felt that a targeted oil crisis would be beneficial when Britain still has a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Take advantage of India's plight to serve Britain.

It can also show the unity between the peace religions, and it can also make Europe aware of the energy problem.

Now that the United States is busy marching north, it is unlikely to intervene in the war between India and Pakistan. At this time, when will the United Kingdom not take the initiative to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the special relationship between Britain and the United States?

The importance of the Persian Gulf has been raised, whether it is necessary to reserve the huge ocean-going fleet of the United Kingdom, and whether the reservation is necessary to maintain the shipbuilding industry, which is also good for the Royal Navy.

It must be emphasized here that the United States has never been a shipbuilding power. The vigorous development of shipbuilding in the United States has a great relationship with the world war. Once the war is over, the shipbuilding of the United States will return to its original shape. At present, the largest fleet in the world is still owned by the United Kingdom, and even the Japanese fleet is much larger than that of the United States.

The US shipbuilding industry only serves the military field, and it is not a problem that only appeared in the 21st century, but there are still some civilian shipbuilding that are better than nothing.

Even if the merchant fleet between North America and Europe is mostly British, the American merchant fleet is very small.

Of course, it is still much stronger than later generations. In the 21st century, among the more than 40,000 ocean-going merchant ships in the world, the number of merchant ships registered in the United States is less than 200. While more than $1 trillion in trade flows in and out of the United States each year, the vast majority of which is also shipped by sea, U.S.-registered ships account for only about one percent.

The powerful U.S. Navy is protecting the route from a major country to the U.S. to prevent this lifeline, which is extremely important to the U.S., from being threatened by a major country.

In the just past 1964, the US civil shipbuilding industry only fluctuated at 200,000 tons a year, which is only a fraction of the current British shipbuilding industry. With Alan Wilson targeting Japan, the civil shipbuilding competition between Britain and Japan will only have a negative impact on the shipbuilding industry in the United States, which is better than nothing.

Of course, it is always a bit unsafe to only make moves in Arab countries. Alan Wilson pondered hard, or took into account the interests of Portugal, a loyal ally for hundreds of years. Decided to conduct some exchanges in the field of intelligence cooperation, hoping that the Salazar government can exert influence and play a positive role in this conflict between India and Pakistan.

Although Portugal has made mines around Goa, backtracked on New Delhi and no longer negotiated the Goa issue, objectively Goa is still in Portuguese hands. The Salazar government cannot deny this fact and should make due contributions to regional peace.

If the Indo-Pakistani war breaks out and affects the stability of South Asia, Portugal's interests will also be damaged. This is a bad thing for everyone, and the UK does not want to see such a situation.

The Colonial Commissioner's meeting ended in victory, and the profit would give Britain the motivation to maintain the colony's existence. The colony's major commissioners still knew the general picture and understood what it meant.

A total of 3,500 Marines landed in South Vietnam from the mainland of the United States. At this time, it was March. In the past period of time, the United States dispatched an average of 3,600 aircraft per month. sorties, carpet bombing of North Vietnam.

"In intelligence support, we still have to work closely with Washington, which is what the Prime Minister means." General Intelligence 6 Richard White called, and Alan Wilson solemnly ordered, "It is not in the interests of the United Kingdom to join the war. , and we are in a confrontation with Indonesia and can’t get away. But outside the military field, we still firmly support all actions of the United States.”

Richard White nodded in understanding, "We have been in close contact with the United States, and there is absolutely no problem with that."

"And what else? Pay attention to the mutilation of civilians by American Now that the little things are over, Alan Wilson also starts to talk about the real business, "Don't get me wrong, the Americans always say that Britain is a colonizer and is taking During the Sao meeting, we brought out some evidence of the mishandling of US soldiers in Japan and South Korea. Well, to keep pace with the times. You and I know well that everyone in war wants to not disturb the civilian population, but that's not possible. The war itself is life-threatening, and the soldiers who participate in the war are expected to be like angels? "

"The brutality against civilians is bound to occur, and we have some evidence in our hands, which will have a positive effect on the exchanges between the UK and the US."

"Uh, I see." Richard White accepted this explanation, and then heard the Secretary-General continue, "Secretary work is extremely important, we don't want to delay the actions of the US military, and we can even help cover up some incidents, but like As I just said, the evidence must be in hand. Also, be careful, the United Kingdom will not be involved in any part of the war in name. Agents working abroad, don’t make trouble for the United Kingdom.”

The nine missing agents in Indonesia should have unfortunately died for the country at present, because the Soviets did not make a fuss about this matter, which also made Alan Wilson relieved, and he could only say that he died well.


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