British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1304: America 1 will win

"He's already retired, and he still cares so much about military matters." Earl Wheeler, the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, laughed.

Earl Wheeler served in the Allied Command in Southeast Asia when he was young, and Marshal Mountbatten was also an old acquaintance. At this time, he saw Mountbatten's son-in-law and joined the discussion, "But to be honest, we really can't recruit more The strength of the South Vietnamese army will not be able to be used for a short time, so it would be better to let the South Korean army participate in the war."

The South Korean army was also trained by the United States during the Korean War. Earl Wheeler also knew Ridgway. At least Ridgway recognized the combat effectiveness of the South Korean army.

Therefore, Earl Wheeler instinctively does not reject the participation of the Korean army in the war, because the US military does have a shortage of troops. Once a soldier is killed, the pension issue is very troublesome.

Alan Wilson understands the twists and turns. Although the pensions sent out cannot escape the tax payment, the rest will fall into the hands of the families of the fallen soldiers. There is no room to reach for the process, and the weapon order is completely different.

Arms is a huge profit business. How profitable is it? The "Spike" miniature missile and launcher system also uses a large number of modern commercial shelf-type components. The cost of each missile is only about five thousand US dollars, which is one of the cheapest missiles in the world. . In comparison, the US military's shoulder-fired "Javelin" anti-tank missile costs $70,000 per set, and the shoulder-fired "Stinger" anti-aircraft missile costs $120,000 per set. "

This is the ex-factory cost and not the military purchase price. It is reasonable that the US $800 billion military expenditure will not produce much finished products. If you really want to make money, you must start with weapons, not with manpower. The US military's harsh death standards have reached the limit, and there is no room for effort.

"As long as the combat effectiveness of the South Korean army is no problem and the gap is filled, I believe that the United States will win." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "Such a big victory will definitely prevent the adventure of the Soviet bloc countries, and I believe that all allies will win. It will also increase confidence.”

Earl Wheeler and Li May both nodded, and they fell in love with the Englishman who was listening. It seemed that Mountbatten's son-in-law was as competent in coordination as he was.

"At least the news from Seoul shows that the South Korean army is still very confident." Earl Wheeler is very relaxed, the Koreans are very active, so use it well.

"Yeah." Alan Wilson agreed with a smirk. When did one of the five YouTubers feel full of confidence.

Indians are so confident in the army that they dare not claim to be number one in the world. Those who really want to pay back are Ukraine and South Korea, a self-proclaimed second military power in the world and a self-confessed army that has no rivals in Eurasia.

Even the United States did not say that its army is the world's number one, and even saved some face to a certain big country. South Korea claimed that Eurasia has no rivals. Isn't that the world's number one?

This involves what is called an army power, a false army power, a typical example is the Indian Army, which has more tanks than armored vehicles and more armored vehicles than self-propelled artillery. This kind of army can only fight one wave.

Because tanks are the army equipment that guarantees the lower limit, for a very ordinary country, equipping hundreds of tanks can indeed improve the combat effectiveness a lot.

But this kind of army will be finished when the stockpiles are finished, but the army of a country with only this kind of capability often claims to be a strong army country.

If this is considered an army power, there are too many army powers in the world. From Poland to Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, India, and South Korea, it can be called an army power.

In the fifth Middle East war, the T72 in the hands of the Syrian army beat the Israeli Merkava to the death in the middle door, but the whole war was one-sided.

Although the Israeli army in the 21st century has also completed the transformation from being unable to defeat Hezbollah to even struggling to deal with Hamas, Israel was indeed quite capable of defeating anyone during the Cold War.

What kind of army power is simply stacking tanks? The strong combat effectiveness of the army is established through some details. Although China, the United States and Russia have carried out some division-to-brigade operations, a certain power is completely different from the United States and Russia, and a certain power’s serious combat The strength is based on the army, and the transformation of divisions into brigades is just a discussion among the people who eat melons. A certain big country is entirely for the decentralization of technical weapons, and the higher-level military-level combat units have been reserved.

Without the transformation of public security warfare in the United States and the transformation of battalion-level storm assault groups in Russia, the army system of a major country has not been dismantled. Once it is activated, it will be like the Soviet Red Army during the Cold War. It is by no means comparable to a first-class army.

At this time, on the India-Pakistan battlefield, two armies in one wave were starting a collective mid-door sniping around Chavinda. The first contact between the two sides caused the Pakistani tank troops to suffer a big loss.

Two Pakistani brigades were ambushed by the Indian army, losing 97 tanks including 65 M47/48s, one division commander and one brigade commander killed, and six regimental commanders killed or captured . The price paid by the Indian army was only the loss of twelve tanks.

The first battle was a success, and India wanted to continue to expand its results, concentrating 400 tanks of various types to attack Chavinda, and Pakistani tanks were also dispatched. Pakistan occupied the advantage of American fighter jets, while the Indian Army had the advantage of scale, and the fighting continued. By the time it got dark and disengaged, the battle site had become a tank graveyard, full of wrecked British and American tanks.

At this point, both India and Pakistan have suffered huge losses. Just waiting for Britain, which has been boring on both sides, to find an opportunity, the foreign minister immediately expressed his desire to mediate the India-Pakistan war, and then the Soviet foreign minister Gromyko also expressed the same. It means that after consultation between the two countries, it was decided to start mediation on the India-Pakistan war in the neutral location of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

General LeMay liked Alan Wilson's insights on bombing, because he is also retiring this year, so he met Alan Wilson when he had time, asked about Marshal Mountbatten's retirement life, and heard that the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union were preparing to mediate the India-Pakistan war in Stockholm , asked involuntarily, "The British government seems to be very polite to the Soviet Union."

"General LeMay!" Alan Wilson gave a wry smile and said embarrassedly, "The Soviet Union is in Europe, and it feels completely different in Europe when it comes to Soviet ground power and when Washington talks about Soviet ground power. It can be said that every European country is Full of courtesy to the Soviet Union. Washington should forgive this behavior."

Even if it is anti-Soviet, it cannot be shown. This is completely different from the 21st century. No idiot would think that the Soviet Union is the same as Russia. The two are completely different. At least the weapons of the Soviet Union are just out of the factory, and the Russian hands are full of used goods.

"Oh, understand, it is important to maintain peace in Europe, and we have no intention to intensify the situation in Europe." Li Mei nodded, adding in her heart, especially now that something has happened in Europe, the United States is even more stretched.

It's still the old rules, expressing Mountbatten's thoughts for American friends, maintaining the traditional friendship, and talking about the Vietnam War, Li Mei also shared the news she got, "The Korean government has already responded to our needs. We are open to the scale of our troop deployment. We also see this as an opportunity to gain practical experience.”

"That's great. The whole free world is looking forward to a firm response from the United States to the expansion of radical forces. Although the European side is reluctant to talk about it, I know that governments around the world are very concerned and want the United States to show strong leadership. "Alan Wilson's face was full of confidence in America's military might.

This kind of confidence is not a good thing. Anyone with a little knowledge of history knows that the United States was defeated and the whole country fell into chaos in the 1970s. But this moment is exactly that moment, after the United States in the 21st century performed trapeze from Afghanistan, it quickly ignited Ukraine and covered up its shameful act.

Even if the ignition is successful, the United States is not ready to end the game. The undefeated golden body has already been broken. If the end of the game does not take advantage of it, the situation of the United States will be even more ugly.

It cannot be said that the United States will be smart in a few decades. It can only be said that the United States has searched around and cannot find a place to set fire. It is too dangerous. European countries will not let the United States set fire in Europe. If you point to Iran, the Soviet Union will cut off the Eurasian continent from the middle. Point to East Asia? The strength of Japan and South Korea is not good, and a major country will not listen to the United States.

I don't know if Afghanistan is a successful ignition, but it seems that the Soviet Union itself jumped in more. For countries at the top of the world, defeat will bring a series of consequences. Now the UK just has to wait for the consequences to appear, and cheer for the US by the way.

This kind of thing cannot be told to Monroe. What can be known to her should be that the United Kingdom is working hard to stop the expansion of the India-Pakistan war, and has saved many ordinary people who have suffered from the war.

"When you and Vivienne were together, was this also the case?" Monroe, who didn't have any traces of it, felt the palm of her body. On and off.

"Of course it is, otherwise what will happen?" Alan Wilson, who was holding Monroe's delicate body, showed an honest side, "What is the difference? That is, my physical strength was much better then than now. Viviana I don't want to leave my arms for a moment."

"I think your physical strength is also very good now." Monroe rolled her eyes at the man and took the initiative to kiss, "I met a few friends recently, and they all asked me why I went to Europe to develop."

"Then what did you say?" Alan Wilson squeezed the cherry and said with a wicked smile, "I didn't say that I got the nourishment of love, and now I don't want to go back to the United States?"

"I met a bad guy, of course I had to keep it a secret, and I couldn't let my friends appear in the bad guy's sight." Monroe turned around and pushed the bad guy in his eyes. It's time to let the bad guy know how powerful he is.

When the weathered cabinet secretary returned to London, Karachi and New Delhi had already responded positively and were willing to accept mediation from Britain and the Soviet Union. Relevant negotiating delegations are being formed.

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