British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1308: 0 billion subsidy

A win-win means that the United States wins twice, or if the heroes see the same thing, Alan Wilson also thinks so, but the United Kingdom wins twice.

Considering that the semiconductor industry is now the strongest in the United States, and the strong industrial capabilities of the United States in this era, even if the United Kingdom is a former radar power, it should maintain technical communication with the United States if it has a choice.

But licking his face and begging for help is not something Alan Wilson can do. He also knows that the United States still has a grudge against the United Kingdom. If the Cuban missile crisis was not too obvious, the Soviet Union's threat would have been too obvious, and the United States would secretly weaken the United Kingdom. idea.

Even now, the United States wants to use some out-of-the-box tricks to deviate from the British military line, which cannot be blamed on Alan Wilson.

In short, when the news of the technical support for the missile battleship came, Alan Wilson was overjoyed, and Pamela Mountbatten was the first to feel it, "So happy to get help from the United States?"

"I'm happy that the United States does not cause trouble." Alan Wilson corrected his wife's statement, as if many countries really think that the United States can bring their own countries rich? What they are afraid of is that the United States will smash their rice bowls, and the ability to smash the pot is the root of their fear.

It's like a big country is now taking the blame in Vietnam, but the United States is thinking that it has the ability to make up for it.

Not to mention anything else, Russia will be in trouble after decades, and the United States is unwilling to make up for it by itself, so it counts on the Ukrainians to create miracles.

Sure enough, Pamela Mountbatten extracted something useful from the metaphor of smashing the pot and asked, "What do you mean, the current Vietnam War is smashing the pot. So the United States can't win?"

"Now is not the Korean War in the 1950s, the industry on the European side has recovered, and the United States is not at the peak of its national strength and has no competitors. Otherwise, the United States will not face France's provocations in recent years, and it also counts on us to help suppress France. ." Alan Wilson couldn't help laughing when he said this, "By the way, has Switzerland arranged it?"

"I'm just waiting for the French to do it now and eat some leftovers behind me." Pamela Mountbatten said aggrievedly, "I don't know when the French will do it."

"Don't worry, the French can't hide the dollar, it's more obvious than when we assess the Soviet Union's movements and read Pravda." Alan Wilson smiled and relieved, "Be patient, the future is bright."

What happened to Pravda? That is the most reliable channel for evaluating the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union does not elect elections, and it is impossible for national leaders to be like the free world. There are various grand blueprints during elections. When they come to power, they will be farts. All have to be implemented in accordance with the five-year plan, so what can you read if you don't read Pravda?

Therefore, those China experts in the United States do not know the meaning of existence. Every so-called think tank is a wine bag and a rice bag, and the conclusions drawn from the analysis are not as good as buying a copy of the People's Daily.

The Stockholm meeting has already begun. This time the meeting is very high-level. At this stage, it will be promoted by the British Foreign Secretary Rabo Butler and the Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko. The last host will be the Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers Kosygin and the British Prime Minister Aiden , signed on behalf of Britain and the Soviet Union after successful mediation.

This is the current situation that the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union have communicated to each other, the request of Pakistan, and the other is that the local people in Kashmir decide their own future destiny. India will definitely not agree. The vast majority of the so-called locals in Kashmir are pacifists.

This kind of stuff has always been good for me, it's part of the international order, and it's bad for me, it's all bullshit. Attacking Ukraine is aggression, Solomon Islands and Australia will draw a red line.

This kind of thing about international order simply means that I am the international order. If Alan Wilson is the President of the United States in a few decades, he will not only subvert the Solomon Islands, but also have Prime Minister Solomon subvert after asking for help from a major country, and then hang Prime Minister Solomon on a live broadcast all over the world, so that all countries know what happens when they vote for the Communist Party .

At the opening of the Stockholm Conference, small-scale mutual shelling still occurred, but it has not attracted reports from countries other than India and Pakistan. After all, the lives of local people are worthless, not as good as a dog in the UK. value.

In Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gromyko has just received the Indian ambassador to the Soviet Union, expounding on the attitude that the Soviet Union will definitely support India in its struggle. Before he could catch a breath, the phone on the table rang, "I am Gromyko, let him come up directly."

After a while, a young boy with a hint of childishness knocked on the door, waiting for Gromyko to say come in, and a soldier with a blue brim and a blue epaulet with the KGB initials pushed in. All stripes on the KGB uniform are blue, which is also a tradition. "Comrade Foreign Minister, Captain Alexeyev of the General Directorate of Foreign Intelligence is reporting to you."

"Oh, sit down, Alexeyev. I already know about you and your exploits in Southeast Asia. Feliubin has a good boy." Of course, Lubyanka has fully explained your application to work in Hanoi. I will not repeat this point. It is obvious that the situation in Hanoi is more dangerous, but what is the importance? Understand that Europe is the direction that really matters.”

He is already a captain at such a young age, and the KGB is quite special, and can be on an equal footing with the higher-level ordinary officers he has seen, that is, the captain of the KGB is equal to the major of the Red Army.

But taking a closer look at Alexeyev's exploits, it seems like it should have been the case, taking down two big spies and risking a victory in Jakarta. If age doesn't matter, so what?

It is precisely because of this that Gromyko understood that Fortseva and Feliubin wanted to bring him back. This young man may have been extremely daring because of his parents' status in Moscow. The military group was wiped out, and this was a success. If he fails, not only himself, but also Fortseva and Feliubin will be implicated.

When he was transferred back to Europe, Gromyko believed that this child should settle down a bit. After all, the situation in Europe did not allow him to smash the pot. First of all, Gromyko released the first mission, "Alekseye. Husband, under the leadership of Comrade Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, we will mediate the Indo-Pakistani war together with the British in Stockholm. This is a good opportunity and you should seize it."

Of course, this was a good opportunity to try, so it fell to Alexeyev. After all, Alexeyev's father was the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the son of the Czar of Culture. Although Furtseva only managed a Ministry of Culture, her important role after Khrushchev stepped down made her a member of the Central Presidium.

"Is the chairman of the Council of Ministers presiding over himself? He is so busy!" Alexeyev was very surprised, but he did not expect such a high-level meeting this time.

At the top of the Soviet Union, Kosygin was a truly brilliant economic builder. Although he was once at odds with Khrushchev and his position changed frequently, he has always occupied an important position in the direction of the country's economic development and in charge of the central economic plan. To a certain extent, no matter who is the leader, he cannot do without him. However, due to some very absurd reform measures in the later period of Khrushchev's reform, Kosygin became increasingly dissatisfied with the leadership, which directly prompted him to join Brezhnev's side.

With Kosygin as the chairman of the Council of Ministers, the Soviet Union was immediately freed from the chaos of the Khrushchev period.

Now that the work on the economic level is so heavy, it is unexpected for Kosygin to preside over a foreign conference, which Alexeyev cannot understand.

"Of course the chairman of the Council of Ministers can't follow up at any time. I will control the direction of the meeting. In this way, you and I will go to Stockholm in a few days." , you cannot always rely on Indonesia's experience to solve problems, diplomatic work is a very deep knowledge."

"I understand, Comrade Minister." Alekseev stood at attention, one hand had been raised, but immediately put it down again, with a look of embarrassment on his face. It is not appropriate to salute the foreign minister.

At the same time, Brezhnev's office in the Kremlin, now the No. 1 figure in the Soviet Union, was discussing the situation in Southeast Asia with Defense Minister Marshal Malinovsky. The fundamental purpose of the discussion is whether to increase aid to Vietnam.

Brezhnev already had an idea, but he still needed Malinovsky's professional opinion. After he came to power, Brezhnev showed his style of listening to professional opinions, so as to show his and his predecessor Khrushchev's relationship. The difference is that everyone can see the current situation. The Americans are dispatching troops, and the first ground battle has already started.

As a competitor of the United States, UU reading www.uukanshu. There is no reason for the Soviet Union to watch, it should create a little difficulty for the old opponent, "Comrade Malinovsky, how long do you think it will take the United States to win?"

"Comrade Brezhnev, I don't know what kind of victory you are referring to. If you mean the victory of the war. With the arrangement of the local US military, they cannot win." Marshal Malinovsky smiled contemptuously. , "The deployment of the US military is not for victory at all, it is just passively waiting for North Vietnam to attack. I can't understand..."

Just as Alan Wilson said, the existence of the US military in South Vietnam can be seen at a glance by a real army power.

Sure enough, the Soviet Union at this time has army generals left over from the Soviet-German war, and it has been seen that the United States cannot win by doing this.

This unreserved argument made Brezhnev stand up directly, took two steps excitedly and said, "The Soviet can't refuse the Vietnamese comrade's request for help, in a comrade-like revolutionary friendship."


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