British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: France withdraws from NATO

"Put your trousers on, it will be more convincing." Princess Margaret's eyes flashed, reminding the supreme authority to pay attention to her image. It is still early. Considering that there may be a follow-up, Her Royal Highness did not send anyone away. Inquired about the recent work of my brother-in-law.

"That's really busy. The military exercises between the United Kingdom and the Arab countries, the diplomacy has allocated some grain reserves to the Far East, of course, it is actually going to Malaya to transport industrial products, and by the way, a shipment of grain is sold to India, and the grain can not be put away. If the time is too long, it will expire if it has been stored for a long time. Isn’t this the promotion of nationalization in China? In short, there are still many things.”

While Alan Wilson was lifting his pants, he complained about the busyness of work. It was not easy to come to my sister-in-law. He only came here once a week, so he really didn't have time. Of course, there is no need for Her Royal Highness to know that there are other ladies in the UK who have the same status as their wives, and there are occasional international exchanges.

"A military exercise with an Arab country? Why?" Princess Margaret was a little stunned. The relationship between the UK and Arab countries is not bad, but it is not so good?

"That's not to prove that the British army in the Middle East is very busy and cannot help the United States in the Far East." Alan Wilson replied indifferently, "The United States in the province always pulls our soldiers to death."

This is the purpose of this Middle East exercise. Of course, the UK is quite sincere in this exercise. It has attracted almost all the current pro-British countries, not even Saudi Arabia, a pro-American country. If nothing else, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will soon receive a protest from Israel.

The decline of the United Kingdom from a hegemony to a loyal follower of the United States is a gradual process, which is also closely related to the growing strength of the United States and the steadfastness of the United Kingdom.

Britain shouted loudly about the special relationship between Britain and the United States, and put it into action, precisely after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

During the Vietnam War, the United States approached the United Kingdom several times, and the United Kingdom firmly refused to participate in the war. In the Korean War, Attlee was also deceived by the situation that the Americans pushed to the Yalu River before he ended, not to mention this time and space did not end.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, probably during the Gulf War, the United Kingdom began to participate in every U.S. war, and completed the turn from the Big Three in World War II to the loyal lackeys of the U.S. imperialists.

When the Soviet Union was at its strongest, when the global offensive was launched, Britain was in power with the Labour Party, and Harold Wilson was almost suspected of being a Soviet spy.

The reason is very simple. If a strong enemy appears, the United States can still be a person. If the world is peaceful, the United States will treat you as a dog, and you have no ability to resist.

The Cold War is also the most conservative choice for victory. After all, the land advantage of the Soviet bloc is too obvious. If you really find a place to compete, there is no army power in the free world that can take the lead. Unless the Koreans are really like what they say, the army is the first in Europe and Asia.

After chatting for a while, my sister-in-law still wanted a second bone setting. As a social tool that supports the royal family, Alan Wilson naturally couldn't refuse. Before leaving, he said that he would come to find Turing in a few days.

Not surprisingly, two days later, Dixon gave a briefing on Israel's protest against the joint military exercise between the United Kingdom and the Arab countries.

"It's not surprising at all." Alan Wilson nodded at Dixon after reading Israel's wording, "Then just reply according to the normal formula."

This time, the exercise is simply to pile up the number. The gold content of the exercise is not necessarily high, but the shooting level must be very high. Not to mention that it is as deterrent as Western Bayi, but it must be deterrent in the lens.

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, and even pro-Soviet Syria and pro-American Saudi Arabia also accepted the invitation, and piled up more than 4,000 tanks. Hundreds of armed helicopters hovered in the sky, and British fighter jets fired rockets. The scene was quite lively. The role of the British army is that of the Arab countries' imaginary enemy Israel. Of course, this is only what the Arab countries think so, and the British Foreign Office will not admit it.

"Israel is very dissatisfied this time." Dixon said cautiously, "I have questioned the anti-Israel sentiment in Britain."

"Britain has no anti-Israel sentiment, even if we know that the Israelis treat Pakistanis the same as the Germans treated Israel at the time, don't we pretend not to see it? This time the military exercise is completely based on interests, and tell the Israelis that they can rest assured, as long as America is not in decline, Israel is security.”

Alan Wilson answered lightly that whether Israel is safe or not has nothing to do with him, but to see the United States.

The reason is as simple as that. The Soviets regard the great Arab countries as allies, and the United States regards Israel as their biological father.

Deeply caught in the Vietnam War, they ordered all the things that the United States could fly to Israel, and the fighter pilots changed their clothes and became Israeli pilots to participate in the war before they rescued Israel.

Can America stay strong forever, and can Israel stay strong forever? There is no such thing as a strong country in this world. Decades later, after Israel loses to Hezbollah and Hamas, who knows what the real fight will be like?

Anyway, from Alan Wilson’s point of view, it doesn’t matter how many times Israel wins. After Arabs and Iran, there are many peaceful countries in the world. The United States will not always stand up to Israel. The relationship between the United States and Israel was very cold during the black president.

The most important thing is that in Israel, Jews do not have an advantage. In the Palestinian settlements established by Israel, there are a total of 13 million Arabs. Israel's own population is only nine million. Arabs are also growing faster than Israelis.

Can Israel kill all these tens of millions of Palestinians like in ancient times? Israel dares to kill Israel through hatred, and Israel will never dare to do so through ethnic cleansing. Therefore, Israel's life is not easy.

Americans are willing to provide Israel, and that is the matter of the United States. As long as there is a choice, Alan Wilson must not let the United Kingdom be the same as the United States.

The British Foreign Office firmly denied the existence of any anti-Israel stance in the UK, saying that all this was to resist the Soviet infiltration into the Middle East. What, what Syria is also participating in the exercise? That's because it would be too obvious to exclude Syria, and the UK still can't provoke the Soviet Union too much.

But having said that, the United States was free to help Pakistan fight against India in the Vietnam War. When the Soviet Union was assisting Vietnam, it did not delay in expanding its influence in Yemen. When the United Kingdom faced off against Indonesia in Southeast Asia, why did it organize a military exercise in the Middle East? already? Isn't that normal?

Now the United Kingdom is desalinating seawater in the Middle East a year, and it can still extract 30 million pounds of funds. This does not count the import and export of oil and food.

In this way, Alan Wilson and the American ambassador met again and explained the British position. This time Donald also informed the United States that the strategy in the Vietnam War was actually pursuing a strategy of attrition. The purpose was to cause great casualties to the Viet Cong and North Vietnam. make it too late to add.

"Secretary-General, we have used a defoliant in Vietnam, and the effect is very good." When Donald talked about this, he was very contented, and Vietnam's hated forests were finally no longer an obstacle.

"Oh, that's great." Alan Wilson congratulated calmly, Agent Orange, the ambassador may not know, this is the advice given by the cabinet secretary in front of him, "Oh yes, fall into the sea Has the hydrogen bomb been found, or is it assessed that the danger has been lifted?"

Just before and after the British election, an American strategic bomber had an accident. The bomber had four hydrogen bombs hanging on it. Not long after kissing the tanker, there was a "boom", and the two overly enthusiastic planes collided. .

The violent impact directly destroyed one of the bomber's engines, and the wings were also set on fire. In order to prevent the spread of the fire, the pilot decisively threw away the spare fuel tank and tried to find a place to make an emergency landing, but the "delaying tactics" did not play a big role. In a short time, the fire spread all over the plane.

A plane crash is a trivial matter. If a hydrogen bomb is detonated, the consequences will be disastrous. Before he could think about it, the pilot had no choice but to drop all four hydrogen bombs over the fishing village. Then, he pressed the button to eject the cabin. Almost at the moment of exiting the cabin, the fuel tank exploded, and the more than 200-ton bomber turned into a fireball and hit the ground.

Three of the four hydrogen bombs fell on land and all were found. The remaining one was searched on land for a long time and was not found. Recently, the United States is looking for the lost hydrogen bomb in the nearby waters.

Because this was a public and was seen by many witnesses, the United States had no way to hide it. Donald was a little embarrassed to face Alan Wilson's inquiry, and he faltered and answered, "I have eyes."

This is a major event in the UK. Although the US almost nuclear explosion in Spain has nothing to do with the UK, but driven by unknown forces, it has caused a wave of discussion in the UK. The result of the discussion is naturally the Americans, especially the American soldiers. The countries that set up military bases are too rambunctious. Fortunately, the United Kingdom does not have American military bases.

"I hope our allies find the missing hydrogen bomb sooner. I heard that Moscow is sneering at it again." Alan Wilson spread his hands in relief. "Paris is also very concerned about this matter."

Facts have proved that some things can't be resisted. A few days after Alan Wilson took a look at the Americans, on the day when he was receiving his wife at the airport, Charles de Gaulle, who had been preparing for several years, delivered a televised speech and announced it in front of all French citizens. One thing, "France will withdraw from the NATO military integration system before October, the French army staff will be withdrawn from the NATO command after three months, and the US troops and military equipment stationed in France will leave France for a period of one year. "

De Gaulle firmly gave a timetable for NATO to leave France, which caused an uproar in France and even the free world, and the impact was no less than the Vietnam War.

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