British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1327: Unfortunate news

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Of course, it makes sense. The Germans are not stupid. In this round of confrontation between the United States and France, a simple comparison is that the national strength of the United States is far greater than that of France. If a run on gold can bring the United States down, then the United States, the world hegemon, is too fragile. .

The Bretton Woods system does have its weaknesses, but it is not a broken house. The French will collapse with a single kick. In the end of the Bretton Woods system, Britain, France and Germany all have a share, but it is important to know when to shoot. Eurodollars The sharp increase in offshore dollar funding in the market has added to the growing turmoil with the U.S. dollar.

The rapid expansion of the number of Eurodollars has greatly expanded the currency trading financial instruments of multinational companies and investment companies. Such offshore currency transactions are not regulated, which further exacerbates the vulnerability of U.S. finance and makes the U.S. more vulnerable to international financial shocks.

I understand the rationale, but things cannot be judged so simply. France's economic aggregate is only 17% of that of the United States. Who would believe that France can win? The size of the British economy is 26% of that of the United States. Now, isn't Britain honestly consolidating its imperial preferential system? The size of the UK economy is almost the ratio of the population of the UK to the US.

In the past 20 years, Alan Wilson has made a small contribution to the country. I can't say how much credit he has. Anyway, he is stronger than Churchill, the late former Prime Minister of the British Empire last year.

Holding the newspaper of Churchill's son, Conservative MP Randolph Churchill's unfortunate traffic accident, Alan Wilson walked to the window and looked at the busy traffic outside, "For the tragic death of Churchill MP, all my colleagues in the Cabinet and Whitehall are listening. Very sad."

"Yeah, it's unfortunate news." Grace took a cigar and said with a relaxed face, "We all understand that in fact, there is luck in misfortune. Driving under the influence is not a good idea."

"Yeah, so citizens still have to take precautions. The definition of drunk driving should be a serious issue." Alan Wilson nodded with a smile, "This way Congressman Churchill will not die in vain, he Dead is very valuable."

"But having said that, what is the penalty standard for drunk driving here in the UK? Don't make my people too uncomfortable." Grace still has to protect his subordinates.

This can be assured. Alan Wilson promised not to turn his back on his long-term partner. "The driver's license will be revoked for one year. After all, no one wants such an unfortunate incident. By the way, how is Rhodesia recently?"

"It's not very good. It's very chaotic in the south. The railway line that we transport out of the copper mine is always affected. Now we use Mozambique for export. We also want to build a wharf on the Zambezi River, which borders Mozambique, to go to sea." Sis said with a serious face, "As I said at the time, the black people will make trouble sooner or later, isn't that the case in Southern Rhodesia now? South Africa is also sooner or later, don't think that the more white people in South Africa are, the more black people there are. many."

"Well, you people from the Balkans understand." Alan Wilson admired the other's foresight, and then said, "Maybe in a few years, there will be a railway between you and Nyerere's territory."

"Do you have this plan in China?" Grace said in surprise, "I know Nyerere has this idea and has asked many countries for help, but they seem to have been rejected.",

"Someone will always take action, but in this case, it is inevitable that you will establish certain economic ties with the newly independent black country. I thought you would object." Alan Wilson laughed. What Grace said just now, Nan Rhodesia and South Africa will end sooner or later.

"There are no black people in our royal land. As long as they don't come over, it's not impossible to contact them. I remember you have a saying that distance produces beauty." Grace said nonchalantly, "After independence, stay in your own country, it's nothing. We can't get along. We're not trying to kill all black people in Africa. There's enough land to live on now."

Alan Wilson still inevitably reminded that it is not your land, but the British royal domain. It is best not to have an illusion.

In the end, Southern Rhodesia inevitably went the same way in history, and began the competition between whites and blacks for the dominance of Rhodesia, but for now, whites still have the upper hand, and there are many white Rhodesians in the armed forces. Like Yoon Smith, he served in the British Army and participated in World War II, most notably with the Rhodesian Special Air Service Squadron and the Seloussi Reconnaissance Unit.

Most of these troops have participated in many combat operations in World War II and after the war, and have extremely rich experience in special operations. They also have complete military training methods and can provide training for other troops without military experience. armed.

Moreover, South Rhodesia is bordered by South Africa to the south, Mozambique controlled by Portugal to the east, and the Rhodesian royal domain where Grace is located to the north. The black armed forces in South Rhodesia are isolated from all sides. How about white people in West Asia.

However, sporadic armed conflicts inevitably affected Grace and the others, because minerals exported from Northern Rhodesia were exported through South Africa and had to pass through Southern Rhodesia. The instability of Southern Rhodesia now will certainly affect the interests of these Balkan remnants.

"By the way, I didn't see my wife this time. Did I come back in Perth?" Grace asked, shouldn't Pamela Mountbatten be in London at this time? Why didn't he see it? It was too much for him to help kill Churchill's son.

"She has something to do recently. She's not in London." Alan Wilson hurriedly spoke to reassure her, "I've gone to the European continent to investigate, and I won't be back in a few days."

Regarding the reaction of the British-German financial summit a week ago, the French had already given, the Banque de France announced that it intends to convert all new inflows of US dollar reserves and some of its existing US dollar reserves into gold.

To reinforce his harsh criticism of the laissez-faire U.S. fiscal policy, President Charles de Gaulle proposed two global currency reforms, his ambitious goal of strengthening the role of gold in the global monetary system. Outlawing the international reserve currency status of the US dollar and the British pound - "Gold has no nationality and is perpetually and universally accepted."

Finance Minister Giscard d'Estaing reiterated France's claim. Destin denounced the U.S. as enjoying the super hegemony of the dollar: the U.S. has issued unlimited dollar bills that have been depreciating continuously, and this time, it has made huge investments overseas and has made huge profits from it.

The so-called Anglo-German financial summit has not frightened the French at all. The French still believe that in the choice between the US dollar and gold, France will never lose.

The financial center of continental Europe is in Switzerland. Pamela Mountbatten has gone to Zurich. She is going to get what she deserves under the cover of the French. Lao Viet Development Bank to operate.

It is better that Grace doesn't know about this matter. Alan Wilson is also doing good for this Rhodesian festival. Of course, this time Grace is not in vain. He and three people representing different forces are here to accept the award. , in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Rhodesian crown.

The standard of the award is quite high. It was held at Buckingham Palace, and Alan Wilson went over to make a splash, and his sister-in-law also came to add color to this award.

Everything seemed to be happy, except for the Churchill MP who unfortunately died of drunk driving, and of course the frightened perpetrator, who can't leave right now, and has to wait until the limelight has passed.

"What has Mr. Turing been up to lately?" Alan Wilson asked Her Royal Highness the Princess, our greatest modern scientist in the UK, about the recent schedule in a businesslike tone.

"Aren't you trapped by the work you arranged, what is the Royal Semiconductor Research Institute?" Princess Margaret glanced at the supreme authority when she heard the words. In the eyes of others, this may be to protect her husband.

But both parties understood that the princess was secretly poking the connotation of supreme authority and her conscience was greatly broken. She arranged so many jobs for the princess' husband, and she took the place of others' most important work.

"The semiconductor industry is extremely important to the involves economic development." Alan Wilson is righteous, he is all for the sake of the future of the UK.

Europe has recently revolved around a war of words between Britain and France, with Britain slamming France for undermining the financial order of the free world and saying it would not stand idly by.

France accused the United Kingdom of being a Trojan horse in Europe. France wooed Belgium, Italy, and the United Kingdom, wooed Germany and Sweden, and spat freely in Europe.

The United Kingdom patted its chest and assured the United States that it would never let the French jump too high when the United States was busy with the war, which made the United States feel relieved a little and began to concentrate on dealing with the Vietnam issue.

At the same time, new changes have also occurred in the Vietnam battlefield. The United States has retrained the South Vietnamese army and the South Korean army, and started a sweeping mode in areas close to North Vietnam. Strive to clean up the troops infiltrated from North Vietnam. Although the United Kingdom did not participate in the war, it secretly sent military advisers to observe and accumulate combat experience to see if it can be used in Indonesia one day.

In addition to the nominal military adviser, there are also British intelligence agencies stationed in South Vietnam. In addition to showing the special relationship between the United States and the United States, there are also individuals who are secretly investigating the issue of war crimes. The relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States is so good. Of course, it is not to investigate the atrocities of the US military, but to see if the two devils in South Korea are letting themselves go.

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