British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1332: Compete with each other

While the British Foreign Secretary was visiting Moscow, Alan Wilson, the representative of the pro-American faction in London, was explaining to the US Ambassador Donald why the UK did this.

"At a time when part of the U.S. military is currently being pinned down in South Vietnam, our de-escalation is also aimed at eliminating the Soviet Union's hostility in Europe." Alan Wilson justifiably explained the reason for doing so in front of Donald, "The Soviet Union is currently undergoing economic reforms. To some extent, we seem to see the hope of breaking away from the planned economy, and taking the initiative at this time may have unexpected gains.”

"Is that so?" Donald's expression softened a little, and he thought for a moment, "I must personally understand the political understanding of Britain, but it may not be so easy."

"Infiltrating Eastern Europe with Finland as an entry point. It is good to succeed, but even if it fails, the Soviet Union overthrew the governments of Eastern European countries that wanted to be close to us. Wouldn't it be more conducive to uniting our hearts?"

Alan Wilson waved his hand and said with a decisive victory thousands of miles away, "If you make trouble for the Soviet Union, maybe it will relieve our pressure. To be honest, compared with the massive military expenditure invested in Southeast Asia, the strength of the United States It is entirely possible to come up with a paltry amount of money and test the waters in Eastern Europe.”

This is not something Donald can decide, but it has to be said that he is really interested in the infiltration of Alan Wilson's mouth, "If you want to do this, choose Finland?"

Naturally, that is not possible. The UK has decided to use Finland to do business with the Soviet Union.

Alan Wilson shook his head solemnly, "Poland, with a population of 30 million, is the country with the largest population in Eastern Europe except for the Soviet Union itself, and from a strategic position, this is almost a warning line for the Soviet Union. When Poland is in turmoil, the Soviet Union will definitely try to save it. If economic means can be used, economic means will be used. If economic means do not work, the Soviet Union may send troops to suppress it. If such a thing happens, it will definitely be a good thing for us. "

"The United States has not made progress in South Vietnam for a long time. Even if the United Kingdom has been cooperating with the United States to block information, sooner or later there will be unfavorable news. How can we prove that the Soviet Union is darker than us? Lure Poland to stimulate anti-Soviet psychology in Poles. It's a good way."

"By the way, Poland and Hungary were unstable for a long time in 1956. We should have seized the opportunity at that time. Unfortunately, the test of the Soviet ICBM suppressed the resistance at that time, and we did not seize the opportunity. Opportunity, if it comes up again and we don't seize it, God will not forgive us."

Poland has two advantages. First, it has a real hatred with Russia. When Russia was not very strong in childhood, Poland was defeated by Moscow.

Poland has been Russia's nightmare for a long time. Of course, Poland is a Slav, and the Russians are also Slavs. Both countries have the characteristics of Slavs. When Russia is fully elevated to imperial Russia, the Poles begin to have bad luck.

While there is historical hatred, Poland is also the most populous country in Eastern Europe except the Soviet Union. When a country with a population of 30 million rises, it is enough for the Soviets to be in a hurry.

"Can you help?" Donald asked with a frown, wanting to know if there were some unknown secrets in the UK.

"The Polish government in exile was in London, and we sent them back. I don't know how many people are left. But I believe there will always be a little left. We will check through the Warsaw embassy." Asked this The problem, Alan Wilson does his part, the Polish government-in-exile was betrayed by Churchill.

Throughout World War II, although Poland had already perished, the government in exile was still there, and the Poles' heart to return to the country was still there. A large number of Poles were still fighting for the motherland on various battlefields. Polish soldiers had a high casualty rate on the battlefield because they wanted to prove their worth by fighting.

Since he sent the Polish government-in-exile back, he really didn't care about it for a long time, but this time it's different, maybe he can eat two?

"Will the UK provide government-level support?" Donald asked the most important question. It can stir up waves within the Soviet bloc and can divert Soviet support to Southeast Asia. He also agreed with Alan Wilson, regardless of the economic benefits of the Soviet Union. Whether it is to send troops to suppress it, the United States can blame it. The question now is whether the United Kingdom is willing to do it together.

"This, is it difficult? The Prime Minister is not disgusted with the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson was a little embarrassed. Don't Americans know that Harold Wilson respected the Soviet Union?

"At that time, you can ask General Franco for help. I heard that Spain has taken in a lot of people from the government in exile. Maybe they still have connections with Poland."

For the sake of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Alan Wilson still pointed out a clear path for the visit, and it can also reshape the relationship with Spain. Because of the hydrogen bomb, the relationship between the United States and Spain is somewhat delicate. Americans think that Franco Brother did not appease the dissatisfaction of the Spaniards.

It's no wonder Franco, why didn't the Spaniards protest when the hydrogen bomb dropped so much? Franco could never fool the Spaniards that the hydrogen bomb was not dangerous. This time just follows this opportunity to break the deadlock with diplomatic cooperation.

In this link, the UK can help. As for the Polish link, the UK will not be able to contribute, and the Prime Minister will not agree to provoke the Soviet Union.

"No Poland." After the other party left with a lot of thought, Alan Wilson opened his mouth and said a word in Chinese.

In order to explain that Britain was going to use economic means to see if it could disintegrate the isolated economic system of the Soviet bloc, he went so far as to talk so much, it was a headache to think about.

Doing business through Finland and the Soviet Union was interpreted as penetration into Eastern Europe, and I don't know if Americans would believe it.

But the biggest problem for the Americans right now is definitely the Vietnam War. What exactly is the concept of the enemy has become a problem that Americans must face.

This is a very vague question, and the focus of the controversy is on the definition of "enemy". The United States faced a complex set of enemies in Vietnam—regular North Vietnamese troops, North Vietnamese individuals who entered South Vietnam as soldiers, guerrillas recruited by the Viet Cong in the South, and paramilitaries of all kinds. Paramilitaries range from peasants with rifles to villagers who join informal military groups for sabotage and intelligence. The question is how to draw the boundaries of the "number of enemy troops".

Optimists excluded many irregulars, while US intelligence officers and CIA analysts counted some. The debate within the Military Assistance Command in Vietnam and Washington's intelligence community has grown fierce and protracted.

The President, CIA Director Richard Helms, and other high-ranking officials in the administration knew about it and had a strong emotional overtone during the war. Several people who disagreed with the other school of judgment at the time were interviewed by CBS.

They either explicitly or implied that the other party deliberately misled the President and the Department of Defense. These people stick to each other's judgments, blaming each other for being the culprit for the current lack of progress.

There was disagreement between the Vietnam Military Assistance Command and the CIA over the number of enemies; this disagreement also affected the effectiveness of sweep operations. Originally, the sweep operation was to send troops from South Korea and South Vietnam, and the United States avoided ground combat.

However, just as Alan Wilson first judged, the Koreans have a profound style of two devils, and indiscriminate killing of innocents is just the standard of the Korean army. Finally, during more than two months of sweeping operations, the South Vietnamese army and the South Korean army fought a firefight because of an indiscriminate killing of innocents.

This time the battle was reported to London by the British military adviser in Saigon, and it has been stated that the South Vietnamese government has suppressed the matter and focused on maintaining friendly relations with South Korea.

"The comprador government is in the same line on this point." Alan Wilson took the intelligence documents in Southeast Asia and read it with relish. Han and Yue had a blast to watch. He was more concerned about other aspects of intelligence and was judging society. In the document at the level, it expresses the pessimistic attitude of the United Kingdom about the direction of this The earmarked funds for many programs and projects have never been used on time, and many local officials regard the regular army as their sympathy. Threats to power positions. The war-torn villagers were indifferent or cautious about the training program. It has never been clear who or how the program will be administered, especially in the absence of an efficient and accountable South Vietnamese government. When the U.S. tried to speed up the training program, it seemed to fail even faster. "

After reading the news from Saigon, Alan Wilson told Dixon, "Don't publish the negative news of the local U.S. military. This is not our responsibility. We must know that Washington takes this battle very seriously. Once defeated, it will have far-reaching consequences for the international situation. Influence,"

If the world hegemon loses the war, the question of whether Big Brother is still good will come one after another. This world is very realistic, and the troubles of the United States are still to come.

The United Kingdom only needs to keep its one-third of an acre of land. There are many things on the European side. For example, Charles de Gaulle's visit to Moscow and Brezhnev announced the establishment of a special partnership between France and the Soviet Union.

Now the cabinet is paying close attention to the proximity of France and the Soviet Union. Of course, this is also a great example of Alan Wilson's efforts to promote economic and trade progress with the Soviet Union. If the United Kingdom is one step behind, the benefits will be swallowed up by France. France's success is Britain's setback, and the cabinet agrees.

To promote economic and trade relations with the Soviet Union, we must speed up rather than worry about it. Harold Wilson, who also wanted to improve relations with the Soviet Union, asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to speed up trade negotiations with the Soviet Union.

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