British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1363: Go to London

, the fastest update of British civil servants! "Americans won't be so stubborn, aren't Americans very satisfied with Japan's economic miracle now?" Harold Wilson opened his mouth, thinking that the head of the civil service was too absolute.

"If I remember correctly, the trade war between the United States and Japan seems to be very long. Satisfied with Japan's economic miracle, just talk about it. Japan has really reached that point, and I don't doubt that Japan will eat a nuclear bomb again." Allen Wilson chuckled, Japan's economic miracle, of course, many people have said similar things.

For example, many observers in the United States say that, in many ways, the world of the future will not be much different from the world of the past, conflicts within and between countries will not disappear, but relations between countries will undergo dramatic changes.

In the postwar years, America had authority and, to a considerable extent, used that authority to shape the world with our choices.

In the next century, this will never be possible. Japan is destined to play an increasingly important role in world affairs, playing a larger political and economic role. It is hoped that it will also take on greater economic and political responsibility.

But Alan Wilson remembers that Japan has no political status other than a little economic status in later generations? Even the economic status is constantly declining, and the source of the decline is not from the United States? Who killed Japan's semiconductor industry?

Who called for multipolarity? Isn't America just starting to draw cakes? But if other countries really believe in multipolarity, the United States will immediately let you know what multipolarity is.

Although the United States is also an English-speaking country, it has inherited many British policies such as offshore balancing, but it is still different after all. In some things, the United Kingdom will compromise because of its lack of local strength, but the United States will not. The United States is just a Schrodinger's sea power country , even if the strategy of offshore balance is adopted, the initiative is far stronger than that of the United Kingdom.

At present, the anti-war wave in the United States is also very strong. The fundamental reason is that the number of Americans killed in Southeast Asia has approached 10,000. Although the South Korean army carried the main attack for the Americans in this spring offensive, the behavior of using the South Korean army to attract firepower also Very dissatisfied with the Koreans, although South Korea dare not express this dissatisfaction.

"We found a lot of babies born locally with terrible symptoms." Richard communicated with Whitehall, revealing about the large number of deformed babies born locally.

"It's very similar to the seal incident. If we recall the cause and effect of the seal incident, it is easy to find that it has something to do with the chemical sequelae. Did the weapons used by the United States have such sequelae? If so, it would be bad." Alan Wilson pretended to be ignorant and directly characterized the incident as the Americans.

He just asked Richard to investigate the matter before he left office, and it was considered to be the last post, and it seemed that it was nothing.

But in fact, the supreme authority is already thinking about how to link deformed children with chemical weapons and expose the filter that the United States is stronger than Britain and France.

Obviously everyone is doing shameless things, you are just to maintain world peace, I am a colonizer, is this too shameless?

After thinking about it for a long time, Alan Wilson felt that he should be patient first, because this is just the beginning, and it is not too shocking. When the wave of resistance in the United States can no longer be suppressed, it must be exposed through a suitable country. .

The United Kingdom must not do this, it will cause dissatisfaction in the United States, and the Soviet Union can't do it like this. In many things, it only takes a stand and does not tell the facts. The founding of a country is more tenable than that of the hostile camp to expose the truth.

"It's still a powerful country, and other countries are not suitable." Alan Wilson took out his diary again, and wrote it down to prevent him from forgetting when he was busy.

A certain big country will not work. In the final analysis, a certain big country is also a part of the Soviet Union. Of course, a certain big country can refuse to admit it, but this kind of truth is exposed, and you are the son of the Soviet Union.

Your state model cannot be changed, but India is different, at least in name it is a state.

Thinking of this, Alan Wilson wrote the number two in his diary, which meant that the Indians would reveal the truth two years later, and then went off work as usual.

Alan Wilson with warmth

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