British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1366: 10 word intersection

"Actually now you should also understand that the Bretton Woods system cannot be sustainable." Alan Wilson said while thinking, "The world's gold cannot match the current currency. Of course, everyone knows that this system gives the United States a certain amount of money. degree of convenience.”

"Is it just to facilitate the United States? There is nothing to do with the United Kingdom?" Anna thought, the biggest beneficiary of this system is the United States, but if there is a second beneficiary, it is the United Kingdom.

Just like in the NATO system, the United States is the main and the United Kingdom is supplemented by this configuration. This man is too dishonest, just talking about the United States and not the United Kingdom.

"Even if you are right, although this system is unfair, other countries have the ability to resist. If it really collapses, it will face a worse situation." Alan Wilson asked rhetorically, "If the When the monetary theory proposed by Keynes replaced the Bretton Woods system, what do you think will happen?”

"The United States will go back to the grass? Obviously, the United States was firmly opposed to Keynes's theory at that time." Anna was very surprised. In 1944, the United States defeated the United Kingdom and promoted the establishment of the Bretton Woods system. The United States will destroy itself. system? It's impossible, right?

"When the Americans defeated Keynes, it was not because of the advanced ideas of the United States, but because the United States' national strength was superior to that of the United Kingdom, the gold in its hands accounted for most of the world, and the vast colonies of the United Kingdom were the backing of resource linkages. Of course, the Americans I won't agree. It's different now!" Alan Wilson shook his head, "The Americans really broke the agreement, what can you do? Don't say that it is impossible for Germany to object, and it is not easy for Britain to object."

In the original negotiation, the British view was that Keynes proposed the "International Settlement Union Plan". This plan seemed to protect Britain's own economy and the depletion of gold, but it also served as a wedding dress for other economically weak countries. There is no influence that has always hit the United States to dominate the international economy and currency. The former bilateral settlement has been replaced by a multilateral settlement that seems to benefit more countries.

The British plan for this international system proposes not only to weaken the influence of the US dollar, but also to stabilize the UK's position in the international financial economy. Keynes proposed that the impact of World War II caused many countries to have no real actual capabilities. It should be pushed before World War II. The first three years to measure and calculate the average value of import and export trade to do the currency allocation share.

In this way, everyone's progress is very stable and it can reflect the true capabilities of each country. And this period is also the heyday of the colonies of the British Empire, which can account for 16% of the world currency, including the colonies, and the proportion of the entire British Commonwealth is as high as 35%. This seems to be very beneficial to the problem of insufficient gold reserves in Britain after World War II.

"The French want to redefine the Bretton Woods system and change the current $35 an ounce to $70 an ounce." Anna thought for a while and muttered, "The French see that the United States may destroy the gold system, so Did you propose this method to keep the system going?"

"The French are very smart, but sometimes national power can limit their role." Alan Wilson commented this with an attitude of appreciation, which is also a recognition of his opponents from the colonial era to the present.

The only thing that is not appreciated is that France is always revolutionary. Although even revolutionary France is not ambiguous in major matters, repeated revolutions are still harmful to national strength.

France is gradually falling behind Britain, which is the price of the general revolution. Every time there is a revolution, the stable Britain will open some gaps.

So of course de Gaulle made a huge contribution to France. At least after his reforms, the situation in France will not fall into chaos from time to time.

It's a bit too late. In fact, judging from the situation after World War II, if France wants to work hard, the situation will be easier than that of the United Kingdom.

"France has the CFA franc zone, and the UK also has the pound zone. Self-protection is enough. If the Americans are shameless, other national teams will be in a worse situation than you." Anna's face was gloomy and uncertain, "Actually, France has a good idea. It can depreciate the dollar against gold.”

"If you have the ability to convince the German banking industry that the French are right, you can try. But if you can't convince the German banking industry, there is a last resort, eat the last supper with us." Alan Wilson stated his purpose, "With the huge amount of dollars in your hands now, if you join forces with the United Kingdom, the United States will definitely be caught off guard. The Bretton Woods system is one thing for the United States to figure out a way back and default, we take it Attacking to default is another thing. Do you understand?"

In the case of the former, the United States can still return the breach of contract, which is equivalent to playing a white bar in the casino. What if the latter situation? The latter is equivalent to everyone going to the gambling table, and the United States loses the bet and defaults on the spot. This situation will make a lot of international hot money face a dilemma. There is also a difference between sneaking a pot and hitting a pot on the spot.

Anna fell into thinking, as the man said, France has half of Africa, the UK has a sterling area to maintain it, and Germany has nothing. Once the Bretton Woods system disintegrates, Germany will face a severe impact. What can we do about it?

Alan Wilson knew this question, and he would not talk about it in the face of other Germans, but since the woman in front of him has a special status, today he will be a German for a day, "reconciling with Eastern European countries."

In fact this was Germany's approach after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, and Brandt knelt down in Warsaw, opening the prelude to the re-establishment of influence in Eastern Europe by the Federal Republic of Germany. Even without Alan Wilson's idea, Brandt would have to kneel immediately.

Just then, the phone on Anna's bedside rang, and the little dragoon turned around and picked up the phone, "Koch, what's the matter? Did you miss your mother?"

Anna gave a proud glance, and the supreme authority made her heart beat faster, "Mother, can I care about you? There will be a party of bank representatives in Bonn next month. Do you want to come back?"

"My good son, I'm about to go back." Anna tilted her head and held the microphone. "Tell me and say that I will attend this party at that time."

Putting down the phone, Anna muttered, "It's a coincidence that you came here, it seems that the German banking industry is also feeling the risk of system collapse, whether to support the devaluation of the French dollar or enjoy the last supper, it seems that there will be soon A result."

"That's right. I believe that the German banking industry is now evaluating which method is better to support. But I'll be honest, France has never been able to return to its short-lived financial center after the May storm." Alan Wilson said quickly Bu Xu said, "If you join forces with the British, you have a better chance of winning than joining forces with the French."

Anna nodded, then walked over to the cabinet and took a set of pajamas, Alan Wilson's mouth twitched, "What is it doing in the middle of the day?"

"Sit on the rocket." Anna kept her pajamas on the bed and whispered dissatisfiedly, "What else are you doing here? Discuss the British-German friendship with me? Take off your clothes and take a bath first."

"I'm all for the prosperity of Britain and Germany." Alan Wilson could only unbutton his clothes and put on a layer of protection for the country and the people for his actions.

France, which is fighting alone, will not be an opponent of the United States. Although France's crazy run is very dangerous, it is not enough to defeat the United States. The United States has successfully weathered the run.

But the French run on gold in the past few years was by no means ineffective. First of all, he let people know the weakness of the dollar.

But it is different now. The pound is a stronger currency. Although the days when the pound is rampant in the world are over, it still accounts for 30% of the settlement share so far.

As for Germany, Hesse was a sad nightmare, and the loss of East Prussia made Junkers beat their chests. However, it doesn't matter. The Junkers consortium, which has lost more than 90% of its members, has finally become an absolute oligarchic group just like its fateful rival.

The current German bankers are no longer a group with the theme of rural Junkers. The reduction of members has actually increased the voice of some people in some aspects, and they have greater fighting power than the hundreds of aristocratic families at the time.

The financial scuffle in recent years has allowed German banks to accumulate massive amounts of dollars. If they join forces with the United Kingdom to attack the United States, it will definitely be a financial Verdun.

For Germany, the war has ended for 25 years, and Germany has come to the crossroads of destiny again. How can it be the same for the United Kingdom? Pamela Mountbatten attaches great importance to the participation of people from a certain country in this air show, and regards it as the United Kingdom. When returning to a big country, it is rare to see the richest woman receive such a hands-on reception, just to facilitate this order.

"Three batches in five years, a total of 24 aircraft. To be honest, it's a little less than I expected." Pamela Mountbatten was a little disappointed. Although this is a good thing, it seems that this result has made her so interested. Some are not worth it.

"That's not bad, £3.5 million apiece, £890 million. It's five years apart, but it's reassuring to a lot of people. I think it's a win, an unprecedented market rebalancing. The UK has opened its doors. It means a lot." Alan Wilson comforted.

Is this order small? In fact, it's not too small, and it's not realistic for a big country in 1970 to directly place an order for 100 aircraft. If someone wants to tell him this, he will immediately have this person arrested, especially a swindler.

"Yeah, it's like a Nigerian scam." Pamela Mountbatten quickly adjusted his mentality and gave an example to reflect on his greed.

But Alan Wilson didn't like this example very much, because one of the teams behind the Nigerian scam was actually Grace, and the strategist behind the scenes was the supreme authority in front of the female president.

------off topic-----

I will adjust normally first. If I really can't make it right, I will tell you in advance before asking for leave.


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