British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: UK and US are different

It will be a matter of time before the Suez Canal will be returned to Egypt. The successive governments all know that such a day will come, but they do not want to appear in their term of office, but the Aswan Dam was completed during Harold Wilson's term. No one can do this.

"Stir up public opinion and pay attention to a few aspects." At the critical moment, Alan Wilson still trusts his family, pays when it's time to pay, and asks his wife to pay attention to some issues.

This can also be considered as a warm-up for the arrival of Prince Munam of Egypt. There is no need for warm-up on the Egyptian side, it is almost hot.

This warm-up and a number of acute issues that have emerged have aroused widespread concern among British citizens. After all, the general election has just ended, and the political heat is still there.

In the general election, the Conservative Party expressed a tough stance on the Suez Canal issue. Judging from the results of the general election, the gap narrowed from nearly 100 seats to more than 30 seats. It should be useful, right? No one can tell.

The so-called sharp questions are nothing more than the ownership of the Suez Canal to whether the prime minister is a Soviet spy? The suspicion of such a few specific groups.

A few days later, Alan Wilson entered the BBC studio and was interviewed by the media that few later generations could make a big country and a powerful country hostile to each other.

"We all know that the UK is now looking for its place in today's world, and today we have invited Sir Wilson, Permanent Secretary of the Foreign Office, to talk about major issues of concern to honourable British citizens." Host Ludwig reached out Gestures of invitation to the camera, "Speaking of Sir Wilson, people may have the impression of a stern old man, but the actual image may be beyond everyone's expectations."

"Sometimes I wonder if you, the media, can experience the love the rest of us have for Britain. We love him and are proud of it." Alan Wilson replied calmly.

"There have been a lot of problems lately that have left citizens in a state of confusion and seeming unable to see where the future is headed. Sir!"

Ludwig smiled and said, "I believe that Sir must understand these issues. There are many very sharp issues, such as some that can be classified as rumors. For example, some remarks about the Prime Minister. And whether the UK should Fight for the rights and interests of the Suez Canal."

"The latter issue may be my responsibility, and I can't elaborate too much, because now Prince Munum is in close consultation with the government." Alan Wilson said cautiously, "Of course I will use the greatest sincerity to use The language that the general public understands really answers all the questions.”

"That's very grateful. As an authoritative media, the BBC will not bow to the government, and the problem may be very acute." Ludwig took out a stack of papers, obviously coming prepared.

Alan Wilson is not very nervous. He believes that his wife has stuffed the trouser pockets of BBC executives with pounds. Even if there are some sharp problems, he will not be able to deal with them.

Citizens always need a vent at a certain time, so as to release the pressure in their hearts. Even if it is Hui, citizens want to know why Hui is needed.

In fact, most British citizens understand that this time Egypt will most likely get what it wants and take back the Suez Canal.

Undoubtedly, the BBC ratings on this day will definitely be guaranteed, because they are all heavyweight questions, such as asking Alan Wilson what he thinks of the rumor that the Prime Minister is a Soviet spy.

"The British democratic system ensures that any group can say what they think, and I believe that even more outrageous remarks do not exist." Alan Wilson first defined such remarks as gossip by some small groups. Then he said, "But this is also the value of the democratic system. Of course, we admit that the democratic system is not without flaws, and many areas need to be improved. Of course, this kind of remark can be said..."

Singing a hymn for my British system, Alan Wilson returned to the essence of the problem, not ruling out an attack on the Prime Minister by some foreign forces. As for who the so-called foreign powers are referring to, Alan Wilson did not answer.

As for the more important issue of the Suez Canal, Alan Wilson shook his head slightly after hearing the host's talk about some citizens wanting the UK to take a tougher approach, "There is an example to learn from, the Panama Canal, which is still under the control of the United States, we Isolate the Canal Zone and make it a state within a state. But I’ll be honest, the Suez Canal has complexity that the Panama Canal doesn’t have, although the Panama Canal is important.”

"There is no country that can reach out to the Americas and support Panama to take back its sovereignty over the canal, and the Soviet Union can't do it. But there are many countries involved in the Suez Canal, the Arab world, Europe and Asia, from Ireland to the Far East, along the way. The eyes of all nations are on this golden waterway."

"It's not that we delay the return of the canal to Egypt, but the security situation around Egypt is not clear. You must know that Egypt and Israel have disputes. Once a war begins. Once the canal is affected, this is definitely not a country affected by the United Kingdom. As the leader of Europe, the United Kingdom may be blamed by other countries, so one of the factors in our negotiations with Egypt is whether Egypt can guarantee that the Suez Canal can remain in a safe state, even if Egypt is already at war. That's a focal point of the negotiations."

"Of course we all know that Egypt is the leader of the Arab world. This worry is not to question Egypt's ability, but a very reasonable worry. After all, anything can happen when a war breaks out."

First, he stepped on the United States with the Panama Canal without hesitation, indicating that the United Kingdom is very conscientious and willing to discuss this issue, and then reasonably expressed the importance of the Suez Canal to Europe and even the entire Eurasian continent, Alan Wilson's sincere remarks , unlike many Whitehall officials who received interviews, which made people feel good.

In the Soviet embassy in London, Alekseev stared blankly at the TV. Ambassador Viktor pushed in the door and saw this scene. He chuckled lightly, "The British obviously don't want to leave, but they say what is for the sake of it. Europe, in the diplomatic field anyway, this time we must do justice to Egypt."

"Well, yes." Alekseev nodded vaguely when he heard the gloomy expression on his face, "For moral reasons, it is naturally no problem for us to support sovereign countries to take back their own things."

Although the interview was very uncomfortable, it was difficult for Alexeyev to criticize. There was always a reason.

At the roundtable held by Egypt, Prince Munam of Egypt is arguing for reasons to refute Foreign Secretary Patrick Gordon Walker's doubts about whether the security of the Suez Canal can be guaranteed.

In fact, the main focus is that the United Kingdom wants to clarify in the handover treaty that once Egypt is attacked, the United Kingdom is obliged to protect the smooth flow of the Suez Canal with Egypt's help.

At the same time, Egypt also promised to not allow any country to enter the Suez Canal after the British army left. The latter is of course no problem, the former is a big problem.

Now is the time to see how much strength the UK still retains. If its own strength is not enough, there are still many French shares in the Suez Canal, and the Suez Canal is very important to the whole of Europe.

The United Kingdom can of course express its concern for the Suez Canal on behalf of the whole of Europe. After all, Europe is not a place that can live well by relying on resources. The lack of resources is common in Europe, except for the Soviet Union.

The United Kingdom used its concerns about energy security as an entry point, and soon attracted a lot of support from other countries. It hoped that Egypt would make a commitment. At this time, it was time to flatter. Some newspapers hoped that Egypt would make a solemn statement on behalf of the Arab world. promise.

"What's the use of the Soviets' whining at this time? It's not like we won't give back the sovereignty of the Egyptian canal." Holding the English version of Pravda, Alan Wilson did not have the rigor he had used in the interview, and his tone was much more frivolous. Put on the BBC's report to wash the eyes.

"To be honest, everyone understands the truth, but giving such an important canal to Egypt has really become a reality, which is really sad." Pamela Mountbatten sighed, "British influence will be reduced again."

"In fact, it's a matter of time. Isn't the Strait of Malacca still very stable?" Alan Wilson pondered, "The three major golden waterways in the world, the least important is the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal can only affect the Americas. Now the Suez Canal is given to Egypt, But it will not be encroached on by other We are dedicated to operating the Strait of Malacca, which is still the framework of a global power. Of course, it may need to be sacrificed when tied to some friendly forces."

"Sacrifice?" Pamela Mountbatten slanted her husband when she heard this. According to her understanding of this supreme authority, the first thing to sacrifice was to sacrifice her to serve the country.

"Darling, don't look like this, tying up some forces will only make you stronger. In fact, in normal years, how can grain merchants have higher profits than your other industries. But grain is a lifesaver for some countries."

Alan Wilson comforted, "For the sake of Britain's influence in the Middle East, I think you should take out some shares and share with the grain company. First of all, talk to Grace and the others calmly. The emirates in the Middle East will be for a long time. , are important customers that cannot be offended, and the relevant forces will jointly safeguard the grain company in proportion to everyone's interests, and your status will be higher."

"It is not to give shares to countries like Iraq and Kuwait, but to the royal families of these countries, so that once the royal family is overthrown, you will not lose anything. I believe that once they do, they will also find ways to compensate in some areas. These countries are not places with a good agricultural foundation.”

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