British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: dollar crisis

"The US dollar is still quite strong, but in the case of over-issued currency, a monetary policy based on the gold standard is enough to make the US fail. In fact, we all know that the US dollar will fail sooner or later, and now we are targeting the US, not what we want to do with the US. Like this, it’s nothing more than making the last buck.”

While the Bretton Woods system allowed the United States to take advantage, it also restricted the United States. In fact, compared with petrodollars, this is quite conscientious. There is no reason why Yingde and Germany act together not to win.

Pamela Mountbatten nodded, this time the United Kingdom prepared a large amount of US Treasury bonds and Fed bills to block the financing channels of the United States. As for Germany, the economic strength of Germany is far stronger than that of France. When the two countries join forces, the dollar bonds will be under unprecedented pressure to realize liquidity.

"It has nothing to do with me, you are the professional." Alan Wilson yawned, "I still care about how to serve the public. I wish you and Germany what you want."

The foreign debt of the United States has already far exceeded the value of the gold reserves of the United States. This is the result of the Vietnam War. In fact, such an unbalanced ratio only lacks the first person to shoot.

It's just that France was a little too hasty and underestimated the fragility of the dollar, but after more than two years, everything has changed.

When a billion-dollar sell order appeared in the market, it marked the official start of the dollar crisis this time, and after France was pressed down, a challenger appeared in the financial market again. The European market suddenly became dark and turbulent, and the signs of running on gold have already appeared.

The U.S. dollar reserves held by various governments can replace the U.S. gold reserves. Therefore, when the U.S. economy is in trouble, countries will sell the U.S. dollar to obtain gold, which will not only lead to a significant decrease in the U.S. gold reserves, but also promote the high inflation of the U.S. economy. Coming, this is a double or even multiple blow to the US economy.

After many efforts, the Ministry of Defense finally came up with a report on the evaluation of the Typhoon fighter jets. The report believes that the order of 4.5 million pounds for one fighter is within the acceptable range.

As cabinet secretary, Alan Wilson naturally wanted to avoid suspicion. He could not directly ask the Air Force for orders. After all, the manufacturer belongs to Pamela Mountbatten's industry.

The supreme authority can't do this kind of thing, so Markins told the news to the richest woman, so it has nothing to do with him.

This kind of behavior is useless, but it must be done. The purchase price is quite high. One of the tenders for new tanks by the Army is that the unit price cannot exceed one million pounds, although it is no longer World War II. In the period when tanks were more expensive than fighter jets, it can also be seen from the purchasing power of the pound now.

This unit price is still three times that of the Soviet MiG 23. After all, the British pound is a strong currency. The cost of manufacturing in the UK is here, and it cannot be achieved at the level of the Soviet Union. The unit price of 4.5 million pounds also exceeds Alan Wilson. In memory, the cost of the f16 that just came out.

"This unit price is actually okay. In the eyes of countries with manufacturing capabilities, things like arms are far less valuable than people think." Alan Wilson persuaded his wife not to take too much of the British government if everything went well. Inexpensive, you have to know how to take it when you see it.

The fundamental reason why the arms industry is considered a hugely profitable industry is that arms are actually worthless at all, but are just expensive to sell. It is purely an industry for cutting leeks.

"If this is in the United States, I think 20 million US dollars is not too much?" Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband angrily. "Don't you know how poor you are? You have to support so many employees."

"The positioning of your military industry is to protect other industries." Alan Wilson replied with a calm expression, "It's okay to mention other countries, not to mention the United States, how many dollars has the United States overissued? This time the run Although gold has just begun, won't the United States find opportunities to retaliate in the future? The country is the power to protect you, don't think about competing with the country for profit."

Pamela Mountbatten's eyes widened and she stared at her husband for a long time before muttering in disbelief, "You are so lofty, it's amazing, and it gave me a new understanding of you."

"I'm doing it for your own good." Alan Wilson changed the subject, "Your military industry has been restructured and all employees hold shares, and you won't get much if you sell it expensively. It's better to be a trusted weapons supplier. The Air Force has a large amount of equipment, and logistics support still depends on you? Don’t always consider the unit price.”

Maybe the next 40 years, the United Kingdom will rely on this fighter to support the scene. Isn't this much better than a one-shot deal? Alan Wilson also wants to drive down purchase prices if possible.

"Go to work quickly!" Pamela Mountbatten pushed Ellen Wilson. In recent years, she has found that her husband has become more and more interested in letting her subsidize the country. What is this? Anti-Keynesian? The Keynesian economy is not good for the country, and when she is in this country, she is in difficulty? "I've gone to Hoxon Manor, and I have some bankers to meet."

"Isn't it being renovated? Why do you think of going there? I hope the bankers are not too old, otherwise there will be no accident." Alan Wilson rambled, like a long-tongued woman, until he was pushed out of the door.

The Hoxon Manor is being renovated, and the door panels have been painted recently. The pattern of the paint is completely imitated according to the grain and unevenness of the wood. The imitation is so similar that it is almost impossible to distinguish. Judging from the sound of the knock on the door just now, there is no doubt that there is indeed a wooden door beneath this confusing display of paint. A place as high as a person, painted side by side with two circular knots,

Much like two big eyes—more precisely, like a pair of glasses. These two circular tree knots are very finely drawn, which is usually not so finely drawn in this type of filling art; however, the painting technique is realistic.

These two circular tree knots, however, have too perfect lines, which are almost impossible to exist in objective reality; and because the images of these two circular knots are too coordinated, as if accidental phenomena must obey the law, it is obvious that It's man-made.

However, it is also quite difficult to extract individual details from the entire drawing to prove that such an image is obviously impossible to exist in nature.

"What some British bankers are doing now is subverting the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States." Before leaving office, Donald decided to stand on the last post, expressing protest to the move of a small group of British bankers to run on gold, arguing that the British government should think To find ways to.

"Of course, we resolutely defend the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States." Alan Wilson assured with a blank face, "Personally, I will do everything possible to maintain the unity between the United Kingdom and the United States."

Naturally, things cannot be done, but the promise must be given. Alan Wilson suddenly asked in a low voice, "I heard that some veterans affected by Agent Orange want to receive compensation from the government? Is there such a thing?"

"Sir Wilson." Donald was like knocking on the table. He came to protest, not to explain the difficulties facing the United States. "The president will take care of this."

"That's good, if you're making a fuss over a tank? Don't be polite if you want to suppress it." Alan Wilson said solemnly, "You haven't done it before, isn't MacArthur an expert?"

The Agent Orange report really made India a big show during this time. The more limelight India shows, the more disgraced the United States will be. Nixon is a very good person, otherwise he would not have debated with Khrushchev. Now the United States uses chemical orange The drug produced a large number of deformed children, and many soldiers were also affected. It can be said to be quite disgraced, which must have made Nixon very uncomfortable.

After Donald left, Alan Wilson picked up the microphone and asked the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury to come over. Frank came to the cabinet secretary's office and heard a complaint from the supreme authority, "Let me think of a way? I think of a way, maybe Americans think my head is worth 10 billion, and even if I cut it off, it won't stop the dollar crisis from happening."

"Americans may also feel the signs of the dollar crisis, so they hope we can find a way." Frank smiled bitterly, "but this is really beyond our ability."

"Even if we can control the UK, can we control other European countries?" Alan Wilson pouted, "As for the result, I believe everyone can see it for at most two months."

The first U.S. bond to sell is like a ripple in a pond. Its appearance makes the pond no longer calm. Sometimes facing the majestic snow-capped mountains, just shouting can cause the effect of shattering the earth~www.wuxiaspot. com~ America's hopes of avoiding a dollar crisis were finally dashed by harsh reality.

After a lapse of two years, the gold trading market has once again become the most lively place. As the largest gold trading market in Europe, there is no doubt about the financial status of London. In fact, the United States also has gold in the United Kingdom to support gold trading. In the year of the run on gold, it also hit the London gold exchange market.

This time, the trading volume of the London gold trading market quickly exceeded the usual trading volume. The next day, the gold trading doubled again. At the same time, the bonds of various countries also flew like snowflakes.

Unlike two years ago, this time the United Kingdom itself was the main force in the run on gold. The gold stored in London in the United States had been exchanged for a few days, and then this wave of US dollars crossed the Atlantic Ocean and rushed towards the core countries of the Bretton Woods system. go.

There are already tens of billions of dollar bonds sold, which has made the entire Federal Reserve stunned. This time the dollar crisis is more like a tsunami than the run initiated by France two years ago. No one knows this massive amount of dollar bonds. Behind the scenes, how many countries' banks are involved.


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