British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: The future is in hand

There is no formed army unit in the UK. Where will the troops be drawn from if additional troops are sent to Europe? Either the Far East or the Middle East, after the deployment of troops? Let America build the petrodollar!

If the Bretton Woods system existed, the United Kingdom would still be able to compete with the United States by relying on the earlier imperial preferential system, and it would really become petrodollars. It is nothing more than that the countries that have been cut leeks will also include the United Kingdom in the future.

The abacus is quite loud. In Alan Wilson's view, the United States may already be looking for what the dollar is tied to after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.

"Maria, does the Prime Minister have time? I have something to report!" Alan Wilson took the microphone and called the Prime Minister's political secretary, "Okay, thank you."

Putting down the microphone, Alan Wilson got up and went to No. 10 Downing Street to find out what the presidential envoy Kissinger said.

"Similar to what you said, I want the UK to stand with the US, and at the same time we want us to increase our troop presence in Germany, Kissinger said that Washington is also interested in a truce now and is happy to see the UK play a key role." Harold Wilson apparently I was quite satisfied with the truce, and I was a little overwhelmed by the high hat that Kissinger wore.

Alan Wilson frowned slightly, noncommittal about the Prime Minister's optimism, and asked directly, "Is the United States ready to lose South Vietnam? Is it ready to weaken its influence after the defeat? If the United States cannot keep South Vietnam's existence, Why do many neutral countries believe that the idea of ​​freedom they uphold is worth defending? Maybe the idea of ​​the Soviet Union is the future of mankind.”

The United States can choose when the war will start, and in theory, it can also choose when the war will end, but as a military power that has been shaped, it is still the world’s No. 1 military power. If it ends in a fiasco, it will not only be the first military power. On the issue of substitution, in fact, after the defeat in the Vietnam War, the international community did acquiesce that the Soviet Union was the world's number one military power.

With the Soviet Union's industrial indicators reaching the world's first in all aspects, the free world has experienced unprecedented frustration. This is a fact.

The United States has always insisted on Vietnam, and the reason why it hopes that South Vietnam will remain is also to avoid such a future. The United States not only lost a South Vietnam in the Vietnam War, but in fact bombed the North quite extensively, and also involved neighboring Cambodia and Laos. The United States lost control of three countries at one time.

The influence of the United States could only be stabilized when it retreated to the Thai border. The Soviet Union took the opportunity to launch a global offensive. For a long time, the United States adopted an evasive attitude and did not directly confront the Soviet Union.

In fact, the peg between oil and the U.S. dollar could not stabilize the value of the U.S. dollar at the beginning, which is also related to the loss of the United States' position as the world's No. 1 military power. You can't fight anymore, why can you protect me?

This is not the first time, nor is it the last time that this has happened. Not to mention the Soviet Union's global offensive, the United States performed a Kabul trapeze, and Russia would immediately do it. Russia was trapped by Hezbollah's tactics, and NATO did not send troops, because once the United States sent troops, it would be completely unable to hold down the princes in other regions.

"The Soviet Union also hopes that the Vietnam War will end soon." Harold Wilson said uncertainly, "Kosygin has expressed this idea many times."

"The political structure of the Soviet Union is determined not by Kosygin, the chairman of the Council of Ministers, but by Brezhnev."

Alan Wilson reminded earnestly, "Anything can be judged as pending as long as Brezhnev does not make visible efforts. If I were in Brezhnev's position, I would firmly support North Korea. Vietnam will unify the country and let the Americans get out in disgrace, not the so-called calm retreat."

"Of course, the Vietnam War has nothing to do with Britain, Malaya is still relatively stable, and under the condition of security in Thailand, there will be no threat to the West Malaysia Peninsula. And East Malaysia is an island, and the Royal Pacific Fleet is enough to repel any attack from the sea. Threat. But from the UK's point of view, we have to prepare for the next response. The Republic of Kalimantan was established two years ago, and the Netherlands left a military base while preserving its economic interests. The British army in Asia carried out joint defense. It was a contribution to maintaining the stability of the East Indies.”

"The situation in the Far East is indeed worrying, and the local British army really cannot be evacuated." Harold Wilson nodded, agreeing with this view.

"The Middle East is even more important. If we withdraw from the Middle East, the Arab countries will almost certainly fall to the Soviet Union. If it is accompanied by the defeat of the United States in Southeast Asia." Alan Wilson told the Prime Minister in a pessimistic tone, "And we will also Consider this possibility."

"What's the possibility?" Harold Wilson was startled and looked at the head of the civil service in front of him. Why is today's conversation full of riddles and speculation?

"Respected Prime Minister, of course I don't believe that you are a Soviet spy, as some Conservatives say. But can we keep the next conversation a secret?" Alan Wilson said solemnly.

"Of course!" Harold Wilson answered simply, and then asked rhetorically, "There are voices in Whitehall who think that I have an ambiguous relationship with the Soviet Union?"

"There are a lot of rumors, and there will always be discussions. Conservatives always say that, and there is nothing we can do about it. But I strictly curb the emergence of such discussions." Alan Wilson solemnly promised, never mentioning the source of the discussion in Whitehall Including his cabinet secretary.

"The collapse of the Bretton Woods system is imminent. The problem with the dollar in the currency is that if so many dollars are issued in excess, once it floods into the United States, it will directly cause the United States to enter inflation. Now the dollar in the international market has at least some With a scale of 400 to 500 billion, it is impossible to take over with the United States.”

Alan Wilson paused when he said this, "Washington must want to find something to bind the value of the dollar. What is most important to modern society, and what countries cannot do without? Oil!"

"Oil!" Harold Wilson muttered, "but there are only two countries where the United States has a foundation in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Iran."

"That's right, and Arab countries generally oppose Israel. The United Kingdom is inclined to Arab countries in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. In a sense, the United Kingdom is an obstacle for the United States. In fact, if the Iran crisis is not a US factor, we will not back down in the end. If the United States wants to bind oil, it will definitely find a way to swallow our interests in the Persian Gulf. The most intuitive and simple way is to drive away our troops in the Persian Gulf first. As long as our local military power disappears, many incidental will also disappear, which is something Whitehall has been avoiding."

Alan Wilson shrugged and said, "The military is also very willing to strengthen its forces in Germany. Although we are facing the Soviet armored forces, this cannot be premised on the withdrawal of troops from the Middle East and the Far East."

"It sounds like a very likely thing to happen." Harold Wilson fell into a long-term thinking, "This is not good for the interests of the United Kingdom."

"Well, Prime Minister's good opinion." Alan Wilson snorted lightly. It was obvious that the Bretton Woods system, including the UK, still had the ability to resist. Once it entered the rhythm of petrodollars, the UK was also in the category of being contained. There is no doubt that the UK cannot maintain its current interests.

Today's discussions, especially the currency and oil discussions, are limited to private discussions between the cabinet secretary and the prime minister. Harold Wilson also assured that only the two of them know about it and will not spread it.

The direction of the Vietnam War is actually not important to Britain. According to the Soviet camp, it is a struggle between progress and regression, truth and fallacy, light and darkness, and the struggle between proletarian giants and bourgeois monsters! Civil war broke out in Vietnam. There is organized excitement, leadership battles, and orderly chaos. The revolution of the proletariat is to constantly criticize itself.

Victory time after time; repetition time after time. Re-do things that seem to have been completed again and again, and do these things again, each time with new improvements. It searches its own weaknesses, shortcomings and mistakes without mercy.

Britain is a bourgeois country full of copper smell, so don't care about great ideals, just be pragmatic and think about not falling into the trap of the United States. The request is also very simple. If the Bretton Woods system is a system in which the US dollar is the main pound and the pound is, then at least the next system, the pound can not become that and so on.

Harold Wilson has at least made one thing clear. The United States is almost certain to default in this dollar crisis. Once it defaults, it will mark the end of the Bretton Woods system, not to mention that the United Kingdom is also a member of the run on gold, even if not , the United Kingdom can not save it.

"Then what do we do now?" Harold Wilson whispered, as if in a dilemma.

"Buy time for the run on Europe. There is no other way." Alan Wilson said without thinking, "It's okay to make an appropriate appearance to interfere, as long as you don't really interfere. After all, we can't stop it. European bankers, I believe Nixon will be ready to talk after this dollar crisis. At least give other countries an explanation."

Even if the Bretton Woods system holds a funeral, the sense of ritual is still necessary. As for the United Kingdom, it is time to think about the next round of American guns and arrows.

After Kissinger was promised to leave, Harold Wilson kept his word and delivered a monetary speech in the House of Commons, saying that the financial chaos had caught the attention of the government.

"The prime minister is just joking, your friend will act as he should." Alan Wilson turned off the TV directly and explained with his arms around Pamela Mountbatten.

Trust the Prime Minister or the Cabinet Secretary, what a simple multiple-choice question, of course the latter, at least the latter will not lie to the House of Commons.

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