British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1388: flip the table

69 Net 69, the fastest update of British civil servants!    "The result of this election depends on whether West Pakistan accepts it or not. I think it is very difficult. Pakistan is essentially controlled by forces from the west." Hand over the latest election results to the Prime Minister and let Harold Wilson The latest situation in South Asia has some understanding.

Even if there is a re-election, there will be no change in the results. West Pakistan is divided into Punjab and Sindh, and all East Pakistan is Bangladeshi. On the whole, the population of West Pakistan is at a disadvantage, not to mention that West Pakistan is not one. Overall, Mountbatten had said to Ali Jinnah at the outset that Pakistan would be divided sooner or later.

   But if British India was preserved as a whole, would it avoid today's result? In addition, there are more than 110 million Pakistanis in the two parts of Pakistan. Today's South Asia is expected to be very lively. It is estimated that it is similar to the state of the Republic of China. The prime minister is almost the same as Chang Gong.

  So the problem of British India is there. There is only a downward trajectory, and there is no good future. This has nothing to do with the United Kingdom. In fact, if it were not for the United Kingdom, the Church of Peace would only be stronger than it is today.

   "Alan, as soon as the election is over, we will send a diplomat to congratulate Pakistan on the result of Pakistan's first general election since independence." Harold Wilson said after thinking for a long time.

This is to hope that a diplomatic congratulation can let West Pakistan, especially Yahya Khan know that the international community has noticed Pakistan's election, and hope that Yahya Khan can recognize the result and not push the country into conflict. Also pressure.

   "I will call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately and ask them to send congratulations." Alan Wilson agreed very happily, he knew that the Prime Minister wanted to avoid an armed conflict in Pakistan, or a civil war.

   The only way to avoid a civil war is for West Pakistan to accept reality and recognize that East Pakistan's party is in power, at least in theory this will not escalate the situation.

But this is only in theory. East Pakistan is a jute exporter and has always been responsible for exporting. The foreign exchange earned has become the basis for West Pakistan's imports. Some people say that this money is left 20% for East Pakistan, some people say that If one does not keep even rupees, no one will be satisfied with it. This contradiction is too great.

   Even Yahya Khan did not dare to give in. On the contrary, as the leader of the military government, his choice of armed suppression was almost a certainty.

   The congratulatory letter from the British Foreign Office was immediately sent to the capital of Pakistan, and the London side has officially issued a public announcement, acknowledging the legitimacy of the Pakistani general election.

As the de facto No. 1 figure in Pakistan, Yahya Khan, the Army Chief of Staff, threw the congratulatory letter aside with a sullen face, and went straight to the army to Dhaka, the heart of East Pakistan. It is already obvious that Yahya Khan will never accept the result of this election.

   At this point, he is ready to give Rahman one last meeting, either obediently maintaining the status quo as before, or accepting the suppression of the Pakistani army. This is Yahya Khan's last mercy.

At this time, in the whole East Pakistan, countless Bangladeshis flooded the streets, ecstatic about the result of the general election. They have won the parliamentary majority. They will no longer have to endure the exploitation of West Pakistan in the future. The hard-earned foreign exchange of East Pakistan will also be used. to be built locally.

The local Bihari military and police stood on the sidelines, watching the celebration of the Bangladeshis singing and dancing. Although the Bihars had the same belief as the Bangladeshis, they escaped from neighboring India during the partition of India and Pakistan. , In the case that Pakistan is far apart, these refugees who escaped from India are more controlled and entrusted with heavy responsibilities, so the Bihar people are more inclined to the government of West Pakistan.

It was in this situation that Yahya Khan's army landed from Dhaka, and Yahya Khan in military uniform did not stop, and went directly to the local government station, and let Rahman, the leader of the ruling Awami League, come and talk to himself. Let's talk.

   After some help's advice, Rahman still decided to come by invitation, wanting to see what the military leaders mean, accept the election results or not? After all, the UK has issued a diplomat congratulating the general election, and Rahman's Awami League has also received it.

Yahya Khan did not hide his thoughts, and when he saw Rahman, he said directly, "Sheikh, regarding the general election, now that the country is facing a threat from India, it is unrealistic to use democratic elections. Especially, it is not conducive to the construction of the Pakistani army. , I hope you can understand."

   "General, this is a fraud, and we have already received a letter of congratulations from London." Rahman said angrily, "Can't you afford to lose?"

"The British don't understand the situation, they don't know the national conditions of Pakistan." Yahya Khan said unmoved, "I might as well make it clearer. From a national point of view, the conditions advocated by the Awami League cannot be Accept that if you do, it may cause unnecessary bloodshed."

   Yahya Khan thinks that he has made his words very clear. As the leader of a large party, Rahman must understand its meaning, "I will leave Dhaka tomorrow."

The powerful chief of staff of the army thinks that he has given Rahman face this time. If the other party does not cooperate, he will be a little ignorant. Yahya Khan thinks he controls Rahman just as Aiden controls Nasser.

   A day later, Yahya Khan returned to West Pakistan, entered the Congress and declared this election illegal, the Congress was dissolved, and the first general election after independence came to an abrupt end.

  London, Ministry of Defence Building, Permanent Under Secretary of Defense Markins, is vowing to introduce the change plan for the Royal Navy destroyer formation, Defense Secretary Dennis Healey

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 2 and Sir Charles, Chief of Defence Staff, and Alan Wilson on the sidelines.

"After the successful launch of the last satellite of the Galileo system, the United Kingdom has the ability to maintain real-time monitoring of the world. The problem encountered by the Royal Navy at this stage is that the **** fleet has become increasingly unable to adapt to the times, and the old guard The ship must be updated, and how to face the saturation attack of the Soviet Red Navy is a big problem for the Royal Navy."

  Saturation attack refers to the principle of anti-ship warfare proposed by the Soviet navy, which is to launch a salvo from the enemy, and to attack with dense missiles.

Therefore, when conducting anti-aircraft carrier operations, the Soviet Red Navy will mobilize cruise missile submarines, conventional or nuclear-powered torpedo submarines and other underwater forces in the predetermined sea area as the first echelon, with the cooperation of multiple surface anti-ship assault groups on Moscow-class aircraft carriers. Ambush to the preset battlefield waters ahead of time. The second echelon and the main force will cooperate with the submarine to launch a multi-channel, multi-domain, multi-batch and all-round intensive missile attack.

Radar systems in the 1950s or even earlier were no longer sufficient to deal with such an attack. They were able to parry against a few anti-ship missiles attacking from a single direction. However, the number and direction of incoming missiles were slightly larger, and the limited number of illuminating radars would cause problems. Taking care of this and losing the other, it is impossible to guard against it.

"Of course, this problem is not impossible to solve now. The application of the Galileo system can be combined with some new applications of the guided missile battleship Marshal Mountbatten built a year ago. The radar arrangement and the application of subsystems on the Mountbatten, It can be used in the upgrade and construction of destroyers."

   "And it is reported that the US Navy is also trying this application. We don't know the specific situation, but we believe the path is similar."

   Defense Secretary Dennis Healey said in a tone of not disapproval but not in favor, "This is a huge expense, especially under the current situation."

   "My Honourable Minister, it is precisely because of this that, according to Keynesian theory, Britain should be at the top of creating jobs."

Alan Wilson explained, "Britain is capable of this, and I have no doubt that the United States has a stronger national power, but specifically in the shipbuilding industry, the American shipbuilding industry has not been very good, and the cost problems brought about are not as good as those of the United Kingdom. Shipbuilding contributes to the Royal Navy differently."

  The American shipbuilding industry only broke out once during the World War. What is the scale of American civil shipbuilding now? Last year, the scale of shipbuilding was 150,000 tons. The American civil shipbuilding industry is not a thing of the 21st century. The fleet of the Greek ship kings is enough for the American shipbuilding industry for ten years. This is only a Greece. Is to rely on military orders to survive.

  The United Kingdom is not like Japan is restricted by the United States, and it is not like the poor production capacity of American civilian Why not show it?

“Although we have moved to part of the civil shipbuilding in Penang, we are facing competition from the Japanese shipbuilding industry. At this time, the scale of the shipbuilding industry is maintained through orders from the navy. It is not a bad thing for the UK. Otherwise, the shipbuilding workers will become the country. burden."

   "Not to mention, there is still pressure on the pound to appreciate. We need to resolve the pressure on the appreciation of the pound, and the upgrade and construction of the fleet will surely satisfy the shipbuilders."

   Cash-for-work, Keynesianism, Alan Wilson felt that after this village, there would be no such shop, and while the British shipbuilding industry was still good, get on the horse as soon as possible.

   "Sir, of course we pay attention to the shipbuilding industry, and we also pay attention to the employment of shipbuilders." Dennis Healey, just then the phone of the Ministry of Defense rang.

  Markins went to answer the phone, "Is the Secretary-General there? There is something. The Pakistani side declared the election illegal. The diplomat in the consulate in Dhaka said that the Bangladeshis protesting in the streets had already broken out **** clashes with the military."

   "And the financial summit in Washington, where Japan responded with a bow and apology for our disregard for supporting property rights and manipulating the exchange rate."

   "Bow and apologize, and resolutely don't change." Alan Wilson got up and walked straight out. When he reached the door, he turned around and said, "Markins, make the construction plan of the exorcism fleet."

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