British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1402: Power obsession

Nelson Rockefeller nodded, and then asked his assistant to take Alan Wilson to visit the Rockefeller Center, not without the idea of ​​letting the guests experience Lao Tzu's country.

Rockefeller himself was the leader of the moderate Republican wing, and McCarthy has been the conservative leader since Taft's defeat under Eisenhower.

Of course, this does not mean that the Taft family has lost its influence. Alan Wilson, who visited the Rockefeller Center, remembers that the governor of Ohio in the 21st century is a descendant of the Taft family.

Don't look at the United States as an electoral country, while the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, but there are many political families in the United States with more than 100 years of age. Perhaps there are not many presidents of Bush and his son, but there are too many focusing on the level of governors and parliamentarians. .

Conservative leader McCarthy and moderate leader Rockefeller had a good conversation, and at the same time did not forget his friends who went out to visit, "Allen came to the United States this time for the situation in South Asia."

"I know!" Rockefeller had listened to Kissinger's words, and then got the same answer from McCarthy, saying that he already knew his intentions, "Britain actually has the foundation to intervene, and Malaya is not far from South Asia, but see From the standpoint of India and Pakistan, the UK still tries to stand on India's side, which is not the same as us."

The discussion of the situation in South Asia is not the focus of the two factions. Rockefeller is still more concerned about domestic cooperation. Nixon is strictly a banner of conservatives, but compared with McCarthy, it is nothing.

It was only because McCarthy's original remarks went abroad that the Election Commission supported Nixon. As for the moderate leader of Rockefeller, as he said, many people were still somewhat afraid of the Rockefeller surname.

In the 1970s, in the era of the Five Rockefeller brothers, the Rockefeller family's momentum was far more violent than its old rival, Morgan.

It can be said that the Rockefeller family has never had such a big advantage over the Morgan family, which is also related to the general ability of the leaders of the Morgan family of this generation, but no one can deny that the influence of the five Rockefeller brothers is indeed strong enough.

This is just the opposite of the situation in which Jr. Morgan led the Morgan family into its heyday during the Great Depression, but it is precisely because of this reputation that Rockefeller's road to the presidency has encountered many obstacles.

In fact, Rockefeller was even more surprised when he heard the suggestion to join if he couldn't fight. In his understanding, McCarthy was more difficult to speak than himself. Obviously, in the election with Lyndon Johnson, he had achieved results in southern states, but he could not change the Republican Party. The election committee's recommendation should be unwilling.

"Actually, after my conversation with Allen, it is not impossible to do this. He is the leader of Whitehall and has watched many elections from an objective point of view." McCarthy did not conceal Alan Wilson's suggestion. Although the British political system is It is different from the United States, but it can also be used for reference.

After listening quietly, Rockefeller also felt that it was justified. Nixon was already the current president. In the absence of any important changes, there is no possibility of someone challenging Nixon in the Republican Party.

McCarthy has comforted himself that he is not obsessed with the president, but he is not, and still wants to give it a try, even if it is the vice president.

In terms of wealth, as the contemporary leader of the Rockefeller family, he naturally possesses incalculable wealth, and his life lacks the authority standing at the top.

This is different from McCarthy, who came from an ordinary family and had to work hard at every step. Rockefeller was born with wealth, so he was particularly keen on political status.

Alan Wilson knew this kind of psychology. Historically, Rockefeller happily accepted Ford's appointment as vice president. It can be seen that being president has almost become Rockefeller's obsession.

Otherwise, with Rockefeller's status as governor of New York, there is absolutely no need to be a mascot in people's eyes.

How many real vice presidents are there in the United States? Anyway, Alan Wilson thought about it, only Cheney in the Bush period became the real vice president because of his harmonious relationship with Bush.

Under normal circumstances, the vice president is a mascot, and McCarthy directly refused to express no interest, which is logical.

After visiting the Rockefeller Center, Alan Wilson returned to Rockefeller's office and saw the smiles on their faces. It seemed that they had a good conversation. It further confirmed the previous judgment that Rockefeller was going crazy if he wanted to make achievements in politics.

In this way, if the Watergate scandal still exists, then Rockefeller will succeed Nixon. In fact, for Rockefeller, it is not necessarily a bad thing. The laws of history will not cause big twists and turns just because one person is replaced, and the over-issue of hundreds of billions of dollars will still be a big problem at that time.

Just as Alan Wilson asked himself about the comparison of his memories of later generations, he had to watch the independence of British India and package the colonies piece by piece to realize it. Doesn't he want to maintain the sphere of influence of the British Empire? Of course he wants to, but he can't do it. He can only scrape the land with ruthless hands to ensure the smooth transition of the mainland.

More than two billion dollars of debt is almost forcing the UK to hang, and Alan Wilson really forced the Indians to hang. What's more, the current dollar overissue is 400 to 500 billion.

"Alan, you have a good friend." Rockefeller was obviously in a good mood, expressing a good attitude towards cooperating with the Mountbatten Group for McCarthy's sake.

Rockefeller was an American, and everything he accepted was American. In his eyes, wealth was more important than power, but he was born with wealth and pursued power.

Although he is a special one himself, he thinks that Alan Wilson also accepted the instructions of the richest woman and came to discuss cooperation.

"I believe Pamela will be very happy." Although Alan Wilson is also a person who values ​​power over wealth, but people misunderstand, so be misunderstood.

He really wanted to know what would be different in the world when Rockefeller became president, but it was estimated that the impact would be limited. After all, he was a Republican candidate and would definitely adopt a contractionary policy.

In fact, it is very simple. Just look at the four wars that the United States participated in, the World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

They are Wilson, Roosevelt Jr., Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. What they all have in common is that they were all born in the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is far more radical than the Republican Party when it comes to wars with foreign countries, and they do not fight small battles, but specialize in big ones.

Until he left Rockefeller Center, Alan Wilson was still thinking about whether the world situation would change greatly if Rockefeller became president, and in the end he was still at a loss, "Forget it, the Watergate incident may not happen yet, it does happen and then continue on. think."

"Follow you out, but you don't see anyone." Opening the door, Monroe trotted and fell into the man's arms, full of complaints, and asked Alan Wilson where she went.

"I'm going to talk to American diplomats about returning to the United Nations." Alan Wilson lied seriously, he didn't talk a single word, because the other party was not Kissinger. After all, he is also the Secretary-General of the British Joint Intelligence Committee, and some sense of secrecy exists.

What's more, Monroe has an opinion about McCarthy. Although this is not a prejudice, the image of McCarthy is true, but Alan Wilson and McCarthy are friends, so the fact of meeting McCarthy must be concealed.

"To be honest, in a country of 800 million people, the United States always blocks it. It is really unreasonable. Sometimes I hate the US government." Monroe said with emotion.

Alan Wilson twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly, "You know, you are fortunately living in the UK, otherwise I really can't imagine what you will face."

"You said that you can protect me." Monroe raised her head slightly and leaned in front of Alan Wilson. Their cheeks were only a finger's distance away, and they could feel each other's breath.

"Of course!" Alan Wilson answered decisively, waking up to the power of the world and lying on the knees of beauties, he was just such a tacky pursuit.

The United Kingdom is now following up on the diplomatic work of the two Asian powers at the same time. After returning to London, Alan Wilson received information from the South Asian side about the reform of the Indian Army by the Indian Chief of General Staff. He was mainly concerned about the welfare improvement of the Indian Army. Isn't that the policy that Lao Xian worked so hard to abolish?"

He couldn't help but think that Modi abolished the long-term service reform of the Indian army. The long-term service of Indian soldiers has a long history, but many special welfare policies were formulated by Sam Manekshaw. Of course, judging from the results of the Indo-Pakistani war, the care for the army was effective and ensured the victory of this Indo-Pakistani war.

During a visit to the shipyard with Chief of Defence Staff Sir Charles, Alan Wilson also spoke about India's military readiness, asking what that would mean for the current full-time British commander-in-chief.

"India still has such financial resources?" Marshal Charles was very This does not match the India in his impression.

"What about such a big country? How can it be squeezed out? Just like the current shipbuilding industry, with the current shipyard facilities, we can also start eleven aircraft carriers at the same time. It's just not necessary!" Alan Wilson The pride on his face is stronger than that of the United States. The military shipbuilding of the United States is all of the American shipbuilding, and there are no civilian shipyards that can be used.

In today's world, another country that can use civilian shipyard facilities to build heavy aircraft carriers to share the cost is Japan, but Japan can't do this at all. No people.

Japan cannot convert civilians to the army, because there is no experience in military shipbuilding, only the United Kingdom can do this.

"Alan, don't worry, although I was born in the Air Force, I will not block the construction plan of the destroyer fleet, although I don't know what the shield ship you are talking about is." Marshal Charles heard the overtone and expressed himself. There is absolutely no problem here, it mainly depends on what the government says.


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