British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: ambassadorial diplomacy

The most suitable person to be promoted to ambassador to China is the supreme authority himself. However, he has other things to do. Richard, who is in charge of Socra's affairs, is also a suitable candidate.

However, it is not a good thing for someone who is too professional to be responsible for things that they understand too well. It is more appropriate to find someone who does not understand but to be the ambassador to China. In this way, we can avoid being too self-aware and arbitrary, and we will ask Whitehall's opinion on many things.

John Mansfield was one of Prime Minister Attlee's private secretaries when Aaron Wilson was permanent secretary of foreign affairs, and is now recalled as ambassador to the Philippines. Perfectly meets the standard of understanding but not too understanding, and is a good candidate for ambassador to China.

In the British civil service system, the rank of ambassadors abroad is very high. John Mansfield, who received this kind of commitment, can be said to be glad to accept it, and he is looking forward to his next job.

"Judging from the data they have released, you can't treat your new job as a job in the Philippines. In many industrial indicators, they are already on a par with the UK. Although this is not expressed in currency." Alan Wilson said. reminded.

There is a saying called super-British to catch up with the United States. In this world, although it has become super-French to catch up with the United States, the meaning is the same. In heavy industry, a certain big country is already on an equal footing with the British mainland. This is absolutely irrelevant data, because a major country is not integrated into the international economic system.

As for some comparisons in the energy category, the UK is far behind. The UK is so big that it is impossible to compare it with some countries with vast land and rich resources.

What they rely on is nothing more than the old capital of the empire on which the sun never sets, and the Daqing Oilfield can offset the North Sea oil. In fact, there was a period of time when a big country positioned itself as a resource country, and the slogan for becoming rich was ten Daqing.

"The world is so unequal, except in extreme areas, such as the Sahara Desert, where drinking water is a problem, a country with a large area really works. The reason why the Soviet Union is difficult to deal with is that it is the largest territory in the world. There are all the resources that exist, inexhaustible."

John Mansfield nodded. This is also recognized by many countries in the free world. The Soviet Union is the most difficult place to deal with. What the Soviet Union may lack the most is tropical products. It can also solve some of these problems.

"We respect their size, so you can treat them like another UK. Be respectful when you communicate. Tell Whitehall something."

Alan Wilson smiled and said, "Moderation is the mainstream of the times, don't you think Brandt also went to Warsaw to kneel last year? Although I don't understand how the Poles are so embarrassed to accept it in place of the Jews, they never mention themselves. He helped the Germans capture the Jews in the country."

If you look at the statistics, it seems that Poland lost a lot of money in World War II, but if you break down the data, you will know the doorway. There are 3.5 million Jews in Poland after the war, and there are tens of thousands of Jews left in Poland. The death toll exceeds the death toll in Poland.

Of course, Brandt's kneeling is not very influential. Showing also requires changes in the international environment. Now the United States has just started to sweat, and the mainstream opinion is still my advantage. The free world does not need to ease with the opponent's camp. Brandt Kneeling in particular is not a mainstream opinion, but the two camps have not seen it, and will take it out when it needs publicity.

To put it simply, as long as the Federal Republic of Germany still regards the GDR as a part of the complete Germany, it will not be time for propaganda, and only when it really recognizes the GDR as another country will it be necessary for propaganda.

Bibi talked for a while that the general environment was relaxed, indicating that it was correct for me to promote Chargé d'affaires as an ambassador, John Mansfield understood in seconds, and at the same time felt that the task was arduous.

"It's dinner time, let's go have a meal together." Alan Wilson felt an empty stomach, so he called John Mansfield to the cafeteria together.

"The prime minister is not as good as us at this point," joked John Mansfield as he went out to lunch with Alan Wilson.

"The prime minister has the money to hire a cook, so that's not a big problem." Alan Wilson replied with a smile. Harold Wilson's Labour government book made a lot of money. Of course, it was Alan Wilson who asked Hong Kong and Malaya to split it. Going out, but it cannot be denied that the Prime Minister has made a lot of money and can maintain his expenses.

There are already many Whitehall pillars enjoying lunch in the restaurant. When they see the supreme authority, they all nod their heads. Alan Wilson responded with a smile, and John Mansfield found a room with a TV to enter. At this time, on the TV, News footage of Vivien Leigh calling for donations for Bangladeshi children in the civil war.

"Our British national treasure will also grow old." John Mansfield listened for a while and gave his own evaluation. He and Vivien Leigh are the same age. It can be said that Vivien Leigh was the dream of all British men in John Mansfield's era. lover.

John Mansfield's job-destroying speech made Alan Wilson's face change, and it was full of nonsense about you. I didn't think he was old, and he said, "Natural law, this is nothing. It can be said that we are not young anymore.”

"That's right, Secretary-General." Although John Mansfield didn't perceive the seriousness of the matter, he could also feel that the supreme authority was very reluctant to talk about age, and changed the subject, "But the smaller stars, who cares? Can you get the support of the public like her, Hepburn or Taylor?"

"It's all right." Alan Wilson didn't expect that John Mansfield was a gossip civil servant, so why did he always mention a woman of the same status as his wife? Did you find something?

Unbeknownst to John Mansfield, he almost missed out on the position of ambassador to China, and in a little while, Alan Wilson will put into action my idea of ​​​​mind your business.

After lunch, he went to No. 10 Downing Street with John Mansfield's information. Although he has the power to make appointments, he still needs the Prime Minister's approval to act as an ambassador for promotion.

"In principle, we'd better not put things in next year. It's just an escalation that doesn't take much time to think about. Colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believe that it's best to complete it before New Year's Day." Alan Wilson explained that since he wants to jump ship , then don't be sloppy, the UK has no friendship with the scam island, and the stake is the US, not the UK.

"Once the diplomatic relations are comprehensively upgraded, the economic and trade relations between the two countries will definitely experience explosive growth. Colleagues from the Ministry of Finance believe that it will be increased to 300 million pounds within three years. The data is still quite optimistic." Alan Wilson said eloquently , which shows the complementarity between China and the UK in traders.

In fact, Japan and South Korea are lucky to some extent. When the industries of the two countries were upgraded, a large country next to them just opened up and became a depression of labor costs, sharing a lot of social pressure between Japan and South Korea. Relying on their own can not complete the industrial upgrading, but also need a good international environment.

Take Japan as an example. Japan's investment in Asian countries is settled in yen, which relieves Japan's financial pressure after the Plaza Accord. After the Plaza Accord, a major country happened to be at the peak of Japanese goods.

In terms of distance, it is unlikely that the United Kingdom will receive dividends in a major country. Hong Kong is indeed too small, but now that Malaya is in the hands, the basic market of the United Kingdom in Asia is at least not much worse than that of Japan and South Korea.

How can you say that the UK is no better than Japan? Isn't the pound more liquid than the yen? Accepting the yen won't buy you anything but Japanese goods, and accepting the pound, at least for now, can stand up in quite a few places.

"Patrick, do you think it makes sense?" Harold Wilson asked the Foreign Secretary for his opinion in order to show his democratic side.

Foreign Secretary Patrick said who are you asking? Didn't the Orientalist authority just finish talking? I have to say that Alan Wilson's people are very Although Patrick's brain is empty, he answered with a mature chest, "Indeed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has almost unanimous opinions on this issue. ."

"The Foreign Secretary's views have always been so precise." Alan Wilson nodded with a smile and continued, "We can conclude that the expansion of economic and trade relations will inject vitality into the British economy."

Expanding economic and trade relations is definitely beneficial. When it first entered international trade, it was a pure deficit country that lasted for more than ten years. The biggest beneficiary is Japan, which is the closest to the country. The ambition of the little Japanese wolf is still opposed to returning to the United Nations. My Great Britain is thousands of miles away, and it is more suitable for distance to produce beauty.

In terms of competition in the industrial chain, future threats will come later. Japan has now formed a competition with the United Kingdom, and making a layout ahead of Japan can drive the change.

Turning around, Alan Wilson took the appointment letter and handed it to John Mansfield, "Go ahead and take office. Within a week, the government will issue a statement to upgrade diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level."

On November 1, the United Kingdom issued a diplomatic communiqué to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with a major country.

At this time in the UK, the next hot topic of major newspapers was the increasingly fierce Pakistani civil war and its influence. In a sense, the return to the United Nations was regarded as a timeline by Alan Wilson. He remembered that the official outbreak of the India-Pakistan war was a major event. Shortly after returning to the United Nations, after the votes were cast, the actual shaping of public opinion began.

Images of widespread human rights abuses in the Pakistani civil war have appeared in British reports, and a documentary by Vivien Leigh has also begun to enter major British cinemas. Maybe James Bond, there will be a movie with this India-Pakistan war as the background.

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