British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1407: call for peace

After being silent for a while into the microphone, Alan Wilson said again, "We must let Washington know about this suspicion, which is linked to the Soviet raid on Warsaw, isn't it very similar? Then discuss it with the United States through intelligence exchanges, remember , firmly stating our position that Britain will not interfere in the colonies that are already independent."

At least now is not the time, now the war has just begun, why not wait and see for two days? Can the Indian army successfully break through the border, or will it swallow thousands of miles at the beginning?

When is it now? It is not enough to make a true judgment, otherwise, there is a possibility of embarrassment of Shoigu being named a **** in the first battle.

Of course, this does not mean that Alan Wilson believes that India cannot win, and India will achieve its goal sooner or later in the face of 60 million people who want to be independent of the Pakistani government army.

"I see, Secretary-General," Wick replied, holding the microphone. "We will communicate with Washington now and hope to know exactly what the United States thinks about this war."

"Okay, sorry to bother you. I'll talk about it when I go to work tomorrow." Alan Wilson put down the microphone and raised his eyebrows as he stared at the eldest son in front of him, "Charlotte, do you have any thoughts after reading about the modern history of China?"

Charlotte, who was motionless, had a bitter face, and he didn't dare to run, otherwise he would be caught in the waistband of his pants. "Father, the knowledge you made me understand is obviously not at my age and should be mastered."

"Don't talk nonsense, you still don't know the seriousness of the matter." Alan Wilson said as if I was very optimistic about you, "Others can't master it, but you have to master it, your stage is in East Asia. Have you heard? I can wipe your **** for the rest of your life? You still have to make your own judgment when encountering things in the future."

The more Charlotte listened, the more she didn't understand. She thought that I was only old, how could it involve wiping my **** for a lifetime? His head was blank, but he nodded indifferently to show he understood.

"Listen to your father's words." Xia Meng's face was stern, she could understand better than her man, the usual subtle expressions of her son when he wanted to get away with it.

"Son, think about it, if you have the other half of your life, shouldn't you have some foundation to resist risks? Either you have money or power, preferably both." Alan Wilson instilled while thinking. Said, "Take the little girl you have fun playing with, you should at least have my strength, right? Right?"

Regarding the fact that he is very optimistic about the number one beauty in Hong Kong, Alan Wilson can only comfort himself, at least the gender is male and female, a very normal boy should think, if he is like Musk's son, then he will die Yes, but it is optimistic, and the challenge is still very big.

You don't want to look forward to a future where Aiden controls Nasser, right?

Since you don’t want to, then you must have overwhelming strength to maintain it. At least you can’t become a wealthy family, and it can’t be a wealthy family in the general sense. Many wealthy families in Xiangjiang have almost no gold content, which is similar to the proper term for a thousand-foot mansion in Xiangjiang. How big is that, 100 square meters.

The real giants of Xiangjiang are either related to London or the Emperor. If there is no relationship between the two, this giant will also be happy.

The prosperity of Xiangjiang is a specific product of a special period in history. The local area is incomparable to Singapore, which is guarding the Strait of Malacca. It is not good, and the population does not meet the minimum standards for industrial upgrading.

And everything is in harmony, if one day a big country appears on the hostile list of the free world again, just like it has just disappeared from the hostile list now, Xiangjiang will not even be able to keep the current prosperity.

Can Hong Kong maintain its status as an international financial center? Failing that, Anglo-American Capital will naturally transfer the location of the international financial center to Singapore. Can a major country help Hong Kong seize the position of an international financial center? The capital market is still what Britain and the United States say.

The free world says that Hong Kong is the financial center of Asia, but it is not. Any country that says it is and it is not.

A day later, Alan Wilson went to work in Whitehall, and at the same time asked about the latest situation of the India-Pakistan war, and Wick also conveyed the attitude of the United States, "Dr. Kissinger firmly believes that India's ambitions have caused the international situation. Harm, ready to put pressure on India from a diplomatic level, and said that a repeat of 1962 is not ruled out?"

"Ah?" Alan Wilson chuckled, "This can only prove that the president of the American-India Association will still explain the problem from the perspective of his own country at a critical moment."

Kissinger is the chairman of the US-India Association. This may be a position that most people don't know, but Kissinger's attitude in the third India-Pakistan war was to firmly support Pakistan, and he also expressed that he would join forces with a major power to send troops to intervene. Of course this threat was ignored by India, already allied with the Soviet Union.

"The key is, does Washington believe that the Soviet Union planned this war, or at least provided India with a battle plan?" Alan Wilson is still more concerned about this issue. India's airborne action on the outskirts of Dhaka is too much like this world. The drop in Czechoslovakia, which never happened, has become a military operation in Warsaw.

"Dr. Kissinger said that this possibility cannot be ruled out. He will continue to pay attention to the situation in India and Pakistan." Wake replied immediately without thinking.

Alan Wilson nodded. It seems that the United States is also at a loss. It is in the fog of war and can't make up its mind for a while. This is also normal. As long as a country's energy is limited.

As arrogant as the Bush period, the United States claimed to have won two wars at the same time, referring to opponents like Afghanistan and Iraq. It can’t be China and Russia, right?

But what is certain is that East Pakistan has no depth and is surrounded by three sides of the Indian territory. According to the German standards of World War II, once India is surrounded by iron walls, the situation of the Pakistani defenders is really difficult. East Pakistan The area is only one-fourth the size of France, and there is no basis for resisting the wave of India.

"Indira Gandhi visited the United States once, and I heard that the talks were very stiff. Kissinger said that it was the most embarrassing dialogue with foreign leaders during Nixon's term. It is certain that the attitude of the United States will not change, we can Confirm this." After listening to the international situation, Alan Wilson picked up the phone and said, "Go to the Ministry of Defense, is Marshal Charles here, and ask the Ministry of Defense's attitude towards the situation in India and Pakistan. I believe the Prime Minister is also extremely concerned."

Alan Wilson even wanted to ask at this time, Alekseev, who seems to be the most talented eldest child, whether India's offensive plan was formulated by the Soviet Union, especially the part of airborne operations, but after thinking about it, it still counts. Well, he is busy now.

At this time, the news that the Indo-Pakistani war had started again has made headlines in major British newspapers. Since India's independence, it has been very present in British public opinion.

This has not changed because of independence. Britain is no longer the suzerain of India, but it still has the power of Bibi, not to mention the international hotspot such as the outbreak of war.

In this case, Alan Wilson arrived at the Department of Defense and asked Marshal Charles what the intervention plan had done before, which could be adopted in due course.

There is still a lot of content, such as an iron wall in another sense, mobilizing the four heavy aircraft carriers of the Mediterranean Fleet and the Pacific Fleet, causing faint threats from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, of course, accompanied by the activation of the Andaman Islands. The military base acts as a fulcrum.

"Eh? It's too early?" Alan Wilson opened his mouth after hearing this. If he did this, wouldn't Britain be stealing the show? He has only just gotten the Foreign Office to show non-intervention.

At this time, he is also preparing to leave the main stage to the Soviet Union and the United States. It is well known that the United States is a supporter of Pakistan, and Washington has also expressed its position. As for India, the Soviet Union and India have just signed a treaty of friendship, and the end of the US and the Soviet Union can be met. In this situation, the United Kingdom should not steal the show, even if there is a basis for it.

"There is also a strategic air force operation, preparing to airborne Sikkim. There are still some of our facilities in Sikkim, and we have a good relationship with Sikkim." Sir Charles took out the record when he heard it. "The strategic airborne airborne Sikkim is not very dangerous. Although Sikkim is small in size, the current situation is stable. And it is not far from the battlefield. Once airborne operations are taken, it will be effective quickly. However, it may not be possible to bypass India's airspace."

"This is a problem. Entering Bhutan's airspace from Burma and airborne in Sikkim can't bypass India's airspace. But northeastern India is not dangerous." Alan Wilson pondered for a while and said, "Actually, the scale of the airborne does not need to be used. How big, even if only one transport aircraft is used, as long as it successfully landed, it shows that the British military force has successfully intervened, and it is a successful operation."

In all fairness, Alan Wilson is very interested in this filing or the abolition of the case, and he still has friendship with the current King of Sikkim.

In fact, there is another route. The United Kingdom also has a military base in Nepal. Although the role of this military base, UU Kanshu is also the recruitment office of a Nepalese mercenary. But there are, and the facilities still exist. It is much easier to sneak into Nepal and airborne Sikkim.

"Not bad!" Marshal Charles also agreed, of course he was a little surprised, because this was a waste case, but he didn't expect the cabinet secretary to be so interested.

"We have not expressed support for India." Alan Wilson said, "What happened to sending a strategic transport plane to Nepal? This is also to protect other countries in South Asia from being affected by the India-Pakistan war."

While the Ministry of Defense was discussing the action plan, Prime Minister Harold Wilson issued his first appeal for peace after the official outbreak of the Indo-Pakistani war, hoping that the two sides would sit down and talk.

This is very normal. The UK is a responsible big country and should do this. Is it useful? The great sage of Liantuo also often said that harmony is the most precious thing.


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